

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

景益鹏 院士






研究机构: 天文系
研究领域: 宇宙学、天体物理
办公地点: 理科楼5号楼529室
办公电话: 86-
电子邮箱: ypjing@sjtu.edu.cn
研究方向: 暗物质和暗能量、宇宙大尺度结构形成、星系形成和演化、大型星系调查统计分析、宇宙结构的数值模拟
个人主页: http://astro.sjtu.edu.cn/DaoLeft.aspx?navid=27&hassons=0&selfurl=0&fathernav=4

简历: 景益鹏,天体物理学家,上海交通大学讲席教授,中国科学院院士,天文与天体物理研究中心主任。现任教育部科技委数理学部副主任、国家基金委数理学部咨询专家等,曾任国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)“宇宙大尺度结构和星系形成与演化”项目首席科学家、国家自然科学基金委“星系形成和星系活动”创新团队负责人等。获国家自然科学二等奖、上海市自然科学一等奖等科技奖项和荣誉。

主要著作: (1) Jing, Y. P. and Y. Suto, The Density Profiles of the Dark Matter Halo Are Not Universal,The Astrophysical Journal,2000, Volume 529, Issue 2, pp.~L69-L72., 529, L69
(2) Jing, Y. P.; Jiang, C. Y.; Faltenbacher, A.; Lin, W. P.; Li, Cheng,Merger time scale of galaxies,RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS,Volume 966, pp. 69-70 (2008).
(3) Jing, Y. P., Y. Suto, and H. J. Mo, The Dependence of Dark Halo Clustering on Formation Epoch and Concentration Parameter,The Astrophysical Journal, 2007, Volume 657, Issue 2, pp.~664-668.
(4) Li, C., G. Kauffmann, Y. P. Jing, S. D. M. White, G. Börner, and F. Z. Cheng, The dependence of clustering on galaxy properties, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,2006, Volume 368, Issue 1, pp.~21-36., 368, 21
(5) Lee, J., Y. P. Jing, and Y. Suto, An Analytic Model for the Axis Ratio Distribution of Dark Matter Halos from thePrimordial Gaussian Density Field,The Astrophysical Journal, 2005, Volume 632, Issue2,pp.~706-712., 632, 706
(6) Kang, X., Y. P. Jing, H. J. Mo, and G. Börner, Semianalytical Model of Galaxy Formation with High-Resolution N-Body Simulations, The Astrophysical Journal, 2005, Volume 631, Issue 1, pp.~21-40., 631, 21
(7) Zhao, D. H., H. J. Mo, Y. P. Jing, and G. Börner, The growth and structure of dark matter haloes,Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2003, Volume 339, Issue 1, pp.~12-24., 339, 12
(8) Jing, Y. P. and Y. Suto, Triaxial Modeling of HaloDensity Profiles with High-Resolution N-Body Simulations,The Astrophysical Journal,2002, Volume 574, Issue 2, pp.~538-553., 574, 538
(9) Jing, Y. P. and Y. Suto, The Density Profiles of the Dark Matter Halo Are Not Universal,The Astrophysical Journal,2000, Volume 529, Issue 2, pp.~L69-L72., 529, L69
(10) Jing, Y. P., The Density Profile of Equilibrium and None-quilibrium Dark Matter Halos, The Astrophysical Journal,2000, Volume 535, Issue 1, pp.~30-36., 535, 30
(11) Jing, Y. P., Accurate Fitting Formula for the Two-Point Correlation Function of Dark Matter Halos, The Astrophysical Journal,1998, Volume 503, Issue 1, pp.~L9-L13., 503, L9
(12) Jing, Y. P., H. J. Mo, and G. Börner, Spatial Correlation Function and Pairwise Velocity Dispersion of Galaxies: Cold Dark Matter Models versus the Las Campanas Survey, The Astrophysical Journal,1998, Volume 494, Issue 1, pp.~1-12., 494, 1
(13) Mo, H. J., Y. P. Jing, and S. D. M. White, High-order correlations of peaks and haloes: a step towards understanding galaxy biasing,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,1997, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp.~189-201., 284, 189

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