

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-02

谢峰Feng Xie

6 号楼 635
办公接待时间??Office Hour:

办公室电话??Office Phone:
tzxief at sjtu.edu.cn
Ph.D., 2006, Chinese University of Hong Kong

研究兴趣??Research Interests:
Partial Differential Equations in Fluid Dynamics

教育背景/经历 Education
2002/08-2006/05 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ph.D in Mathematics;
1999/09-2002/06 Wuhan University, M.S. in Mathematics;
1995/09-1999/06 Wuhan University, B.S.in Mathematics;

工作经历 Work Experience
2017/01-Now Professor at SJTU, Shanghai;
2017/09-2018/08 Visiting Scholar at Brown University, USA;
2015/06-2015/08 Humboldt Research Fellow at Wuerzburg University, Germany;
2011/01-2012/02 Humboldt Research Fellow at Sttutgart University, Germany;
2010/01-2016/12 AssociatedProfessor at SJTU, Shanghai;
2008/07-2009/12 Assistant Professor at SJTU, Shanghai;
2006/08-2008/07 Postdoctoral at IAPCM, Beijing;

Research Interests
Feng Xie currently works on the mathematical theory of partial differential equations from fluid dynamics. The related research topics include the stability of MHD boundary layer, vanishing viscosity of MHD equations, and so on. He also does some research on radiation hydrodynamics models, including well-posedness theory, stability analysis of elementary waves, and hydrodynamic limit between several hierarchical radiation hydrodynamics mathematical models.

(1) Liu Chengjie, Wang Dehua,Xie Feng, Yang Tong,Magnetic effects on the solvability of 2D MHD boundary layer equations without resistivity in Sobolev spaces. Jour. Funct. Anal.279 (7) 108637 45pp (2020)
(2)Guo Liang,Li Fucai,Xie Feng,Asymptotic limits of the isentropic compressible viscous magnetohydrodynamic equations with Navier-slip boundary conditions.Jour. Diff. Equ. **-6957 (2019)
(3)Liu Chengjie,Xie Feng, Yang Tong,Justification of Prandtl Ansatz for MHD boundary layer.SIAM Jour. Math. Anal.51(3) 2748-2791 (2019)
(4)Liu Chengjie,Xie Feng, Yang Tong, MHD Boundary Layers in Sobolev Spaces without monotocity. I. Well-posedness Theory. Comm Pure Appl. Math.72(1) 63-121(2019)
(5)Xie Feng,Yang Tong,Lifespan of Solution to MHD Boundary Layer Equations with Analytic Perturbation of General Shear Flow,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica35(1)1-21(2019)
(6) Xie Feng, Yang Tong,Global-in-time Stability of 2D MHD boundary Layer in the Prandtl-Hartmann Regime.SIAM Jour. Math. Anal. 50(6) 5749--5760 (2018)

(7)Liu Chengjie,Xie Feng, Yang Tong,A note on the ill-posedness of shear flow for the MHD boundary layer equations,Science China Mathematics 61(11), 2065-2078(2018)
(8) Wang Wenjun,Xie Feng, Yang Xiongfeng,Decay Rates of Solutions to a P1-Approximation Model Arising from Radiation Hydrodynamics.Jour. Diff. Equ. 264 2936-2969(2018)
(9) Xie Feng, Klingenberg Christian, A limit problem for three-dimensional ideal compressible radiation magneto-hydrodynamics.Anal. Appl.16(1) 85-102 (2018)
(10)Wang Jing,Xie Feng,On the Rayleigh-Taylor instability for the compressible non-isentropic inviscid fluids with a free interface.Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B21(8) 2767–2784 (2016)
(11) Jiang Song, Li Fu-Cai,Xie Feng,Nonrelativistic limit of the compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier-P1 approximation model arising in radiation hydrodynamicsSIAM Jour. Math. Anal.47(5)3726–3746 (2015)
(12) Wang Jing,Xie Feng,Zero dissipation limit and stability of boundary layers for the heat conductive Boussinesq equations in a bounded domain.Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A145(3) 611–637(2015)
(13) Wang Ya-Guang,Xie Feng, Yang Tong,Local well-posedness of Prandtl equations for compressible flow in two space variables.SIAM Jour. Math. Anal.47(1)321–346 (2015)
(14) Rohde Christian, Wang Wenjun,Xie Feng, Hyperbolic-Hyperbolic Relaxation Limit for a 1D Compressible Radiation Hydrodynamics Model: Superposition of Rarefaction and Contact Waves,Comm. Pure Appl. Anal.12(5) 2145-2171(2013)
(15) Rohde Christian,Xie Feng, Decay Rates to Viscous Contact Waves for a 1D Compressible Radiation Hydrodynamics Model.Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci.23(03) 441-469 (2013)
(16) Xie Feng,Nonlinear Stability of Combination of Viscous Contact Wave with Rarefaction Waves for a 1D Radiation Hydrodynamics Model.Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser.B17(3)1075-1100(2012)
(17) Rohde Christian,Xie Feng,Global Existence and Blowup Phenomenon for a 1D Radiation Hydrodynamics Model Problem.Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.35(5)564-573 (2012)
(18) Wang Jing,Xie Feng, Asymptotic Stability of Viscous Contact Wave for the 1D Radiation Hydrodynamics System.Jour. Diff. Equ.251(4/5) 1030-1055 (2011)
(19) Wang Jing,Xie Feng, Singular Limit to Strong Contact Discontinuity for a 1D Compressible Radiation Hydrodynamics Model.SIAM Jour. Math. Anal.43(3) 1189-1204 (2011)
(20) Wang Jing,Xie Feng, Asymptotic Stability of Viscous Contact Wave for the One Dimensional Compressible Viscous Gas with Radiation.Non. Anal.74(12) 4138-4151 (2011)
(21) Wang Wenjun,Xie Feng,The Initial Value Problem for a Multi-dimensional Radiation Hydrodynamics Model with Viscosity.Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.34(7) 776-791 (2011)
(22) Wang Jing,Xie Feng, Characteristic boundary Layers for parabolic perturbations of quasi-linear hyperbolic problems.Non. Anal.73 2504-2523 (2010)
(23) Zhang Jianwen, Jiang Song,Xie Feng, Global weak solutions of an initial boundary value problem for screw pinch in plasms physics.Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci.19(6) 833-875 (2009)
(24) Jiang Song,Xie Feng, Zhang Jianwen, A global existence result in radiation hydrodynamics, Industrial and Applied Mathematics in China,Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics. High Edu. Press and World Scientific. Beijing, Singapore (2009)
(25) Guo Zhenhua, Jiang Song,Xie Feng, Global weak solutions and asymptotic behavior to 1D compressible Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate viscosity coefficient and discontinuities initial density.Asym. Anal.60 101-123 (2008)
(26) Zhang Jianwen,Xie Feng, Global solution for a one-dimensional model problem in thermally radiation magneto-hydrodynamics.Jour. Diff. Equ.245(7) 1853-1882 (2008)
(27) Wang Jing,Xie Feng, Global existence of strong solution to Cauchy problem for 1D radiative gases.Jour. Math. Anal. Appl.346(1) 314-326 (2008)
(28) Xie Feng, Wang Chunpeng, Transonic shock wave in an infinite nozzle asymptotically converging to a cylinder.Jour. Diff. Equ.242(1) 86-120 (2007)
(29) Xie Feng,Transonic shock waves in unbounded domain.Thesis (Ph.D.)–The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong). 2006. 80 pp. ISBN: 978-0542-96710-8(2006)
(30) Xie Feng,L^p estimates of solutions of Cauchy problem for viscous shallow water equations,Jour. Math.22(1) 21-26 (2002)
Papers published in refereed proceedings:
(31)Wang Jing, Xie Feng,Asymptotic Stability of Viscous Contact Wave for the 1D Radiation Hydrodynamics System. Proceedings ofthe 13th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Theory, Numerics and Application June 15-19, 2010.

Research Grants and Others
NSFC (2009/01-2011/12;2012/01-2015/12;2016/01-2019/12 ),
NSFC (重点项目)(2019/01-2023/12 参加),
德国洪堡****(Humboldt Research Fellow 2011-2012; 2015),
Plenary Speaker at ICCM (2019),
Editor of CPAA since 2019

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800 Dongchuan RD Shanghai, Minhang District
Shanghai 200240,China
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相关话题/上海交通大学 数学