本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
吕兴才 教授
教育背景 2002.04-2005.02上海交通大学 动力机械与工程专业博士
1999.09-2002.01天津大学 动力机械与工程专业硕士
1988.09-1992.07哈尔滨工业大学 内燃机专业学士
工作经历 2015.01—至 今:上海交通大学 ****
2012.12-至 今:上海交通大学/内燃机研究所 教授
2007.12-2012.12:上海交通大学/内燃机研究所 副教授
2005.03-2007.12:上海交通大学/内燃机研究所 讲师
1992.07-1999.08:东风汽车公司南充内燃机厂 研发工程师
出访及挂职经历 2020.01-2020.02:瑞典隆德大学 访问教授
2014.01-2014.02:澳大利亚悉尼科技大学 访问教授
2011.07-2012.07:美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 访问****
研究方向 1. 真实燃料高压燃烧反应动力学(真实燃料/大分子单体高压下的验研究、模型构建、量化计算、碳烟生成等)
2. 燃料设计理论与方法(可再生燃料,储能燃料,燃料设计理论与方法,燃料与发动机的相互作用)
3. 高压临界喷雾与射流燃烧(液滴碰撞动力学、亚/跨/超临界喷雾射流、激光测量等)
4. 燃烧与流动的高精度数值模拟(高精度计算方法、模型开发、应用研究等)
5. 先进内燃机燃烧理论(均质压燃,低温燃烧,双燃料顺序燃烧,智能充量压缩着火燃烧,光学可视化)
6. 航空发动机燃烧不稳定性(发生机制、光学诊断、主动控制等)
科研项目 2019—2021:国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:丁醇-生物柴油二元燃料着火与燃烧机理及其实现高效超低排放的研究;负责人
代表性论文专著 In-pressed Papers
(8)Zilong Li, Jing Li, Guan Huang, Yaoyuan Zhang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. A methodology for stratified-charge preparation via low-reactivity fuel multi-injection strategy in intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mode. Fuel 2020; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119751
(7)Jizhen Zhu , Mohsin Raza, Jing Li , Sixu Wang, Yebing Mao, Yuan Feng, Yong Qian*, Liang Yu , Xingcai Lu. Impact of small-amount diesel addition on methane ignition behind reflected shock waves: Experiments and modeling. Fuel 2020; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119672
(6)Wenbin Zhao, Yaoyuan Zhang, Guan Huang, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Zhuoyao He, Xingcai Lu. An experimental study of the injection strategies on engine performance of the butanol/biodiesel dual-fuel Intelligent Charge Compression Ignition mode. International Journal of Engine Research 2020; doi.org/10.1177/**63994
(5)Yebing Mao, Jin Xia, Can Ruan, Zhyong Wu, Yuan Feng, Jizhen Zhu, Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and kinetic modeling study of a four-component surrogate fuel for RP-3 kerosene. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2020; doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.036
(4)RUAN Can, CHEN Feier, YU Tao, CAI Weiwei, HE Zhuoyao, MAO Yebing, LI Xinling,LU Xingcai. Experimental study on impacts of fuel type on thermo-acoustic instability in a gas turbine model combustor. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 2020; 10.1007/s11431-020-1725-1
(3)LI Zilong, QIAN Yong, HUANG Guan, ZHAO Wenbin, ZHANG Yaoyuan, LU Xingcai. Gasoline-diesel dual fuel intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) combustion: Conceptual model and comparison with other advanced combustion modes. Science Chinal Technological Science 2020; doi.org/10.1007/s11431-020-1598-1
(2)Qiyan Zhou, Tommaso Luchini, Gianluca D’Errico, Gilles Hardy, Xingcai Lu. Modeling heavy-duty diesel engines using tabulated kinetics in a wide range of operating conditions. International J of Engine Research 2019; doi.org/10.1177/**96165
(1)Yong Qian, Feng Yuan, Chenxu Jiang, Zilong Li, Qiyan Zhou, Xingcai Lu. Co-effects of fuel research octane number and ethanol injection ratio on dual-fuel spark-ignition engine. International J of Engine Research 2019; doi.org/10.1177/**66589
(161)Lei Zhu, Ang Li, Zhenyingnan Zhang, Bolun Li, Chao Ma, Xiaogang Cheng, Xinyao Zou, Zhuoyao He, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Effects of alcohol enrichment on thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR): Insights from chemical kinetics. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2021; 46: 1197-1209
(160)Wenbin Zhao, Yaoyuan Zhang, Guan Huang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study of butanol/biodiesel dual-fuel combustion in intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mode: A systematic analysis at low load. Fuel 2021; 287:119523
(159)Mohsin Raza, JIzhen Zhu, Wenjun Zhong, Yuan Feng, Yebing Mao, Sixu Wang, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and kinetic modeling study of gas-phase autoignition of n-Pentadecane at low-to-high temperatures and elevated pressures. Fuel 2021; 287:119558
(158)Qiankun Zhang, Jin Xia, Zhuoyao He, Jianping Wang, Rui Liu, Liang Zheng, Yong Qian, Dehao Ju, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on spray characteristics of six-component diesel surrogate fuel under sub/trans/supercritical conditions with different injection pressures. Energy 2021; 218:119474
(157)Lei Zhu,Bolun Li, Ang Li, Wenxia Ji, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Effects of fuel reforming on large-bore low-speed two-stroke dual fuel marine engine combined with EGR and injection strategy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45: 29505-29517
(156)Leilei Xu, Xue-Song Bai, Yaopeng Li, Mark Treacy, Changle Li, Per Tunest?l, Martin Tunér, Xingcai Lu. Effect of piston bowl geometry and compression ratio on in-cylinder combustion and engine performance in a gasoline direct-injection compression ignition engine under different injection conditions. Applied Energy 2020; 280: 115920
(155)Mohsin Raza,Jizhen Zhu,Yebing Mao,Sixu Wang,Xingcai Lu. The autoignition of Heptamethylnonane at moderate-to-high temperatures and elevated pressures: Shock tube study and improved chemical kinetic model. Fuel 2020; 281: 118787
(154)Yuan Feng,Jizhen Zhu,Yebing Mao,Mohsin Raza,Yong Qian,Liang Yu,Xingcai Lu. Low-temperature auto-ignition characteristics of NH3/diesel binary fuel: Ignition delay time measurement and kinetic analysis. Fuel 2020; 281: 18761
(153)Zilong Li,Guan Huang,Yaoyuan Zhang,Wenbin Zhao,Jing Li,Zhuoyao He,Yong Qian,Xingcai Lu. Dual fuel intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) combustion: Efficient and clean combustion technology for compression ignition engines. Fuel 2020; 279: 118565
(152)Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Qing Liu, Zilong Li,Yianzhi Zhang, Zhixia He, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study the effect of injection strategies on combustion and emission characteristics in gasoline compression ignition engines using gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Fuel 2020; 278: 118156
(151)Zilong Li, Yaoyuan Zhang, Guan Huang, Wenbin Zhao, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Control of intake boundary conditions for enabling clean combustion in variable engine conditions under intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mode. Applied Energy 2020; 274: 115297
(150)Zilong Li, Jin Xia, Chenxu Jiang, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on wide load operation of gasoline compression ignition engine: Real distillate gasoline versus primary reference fuel. Fuel 277(2020)118211
(149)Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Tao Yu, Weiwei Cai, Xinling Li, Xingcai Lu. Experimental characterization of flame/flow dynamics during transition between stable and thermo-acoustically unstable conditions in a gas turbine model combustor. Aerospace Science and Technology 2020; 102: 105858
(148)Jin Xia, Qiankun Zhang, Zhong Huang, Dehao Ju, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study of injection characteristics under diesel’s sub/trans/supercritical conditions with various nozzle diameters and injection pressures. Energy Conversion and Management 215 (2020) 112949
(147)YU Liang, WANG WenYu, WANG SiXu, FENG Yuan, QIAN Yong, LU XingCai. An experimental and modeling study of n-hexadecane autoignition under low-to-intermediate temperatures. Science Chinal Technological Science 2020; 63(5):719-730
(146)Chenxu Jiang, Zilong Li, Guibin Liu, Yong Qia, Xingcai Lu. Coordination of fuel reactivity and injection timing to achieve highly efficient and stable gasoline compression ignition combustion in a wide load range. Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 2020; 234:1840-1853
(145)Yue Qiu, Wei Zhou, Yuan Feng, Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and modeling study of autoignition characteristics of butanol/diesel blends over wide temperature ranges. Combustion and Flame 217 (2020) 175–187
(144)Guibin Liu, Can Ruan, Zilong Li, Guan Huang, Qiyan Zhou, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Investigation of engine performance for alcohol/kerosene blends as in spark-ignition aviation piston engine. Applied Energy 268 (2020) 114959
(143)Guan Huang, Zilong Li, Wenbin Zhao, Yaoyuan Zhang, Jing Li, Zhuoyao He, Yong Qian, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Effects of fuel injection strategies on combustion and emissions of intelligent charge compression ignition (ICCI) mode fueled with methanol and biodiesel. Fuel 274 (2020) 117851
(142)Zilong Li,Guan Huang,Chenxu Jiang,Yong Qian,Zhuoyao He,Xingcai Lu. Experimental Study of Premixed-Charge Compression Ignition Mode in Low Load Fueled With Butanol Isomers and Diesel Binary Fuels in a Common-Rail Diesel Engine. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology 2020; 142: 092303-1-8
(141)Liang Yu, Wei Zhou, Yuan Feng, Wenyu Wang, Jizhen Zhu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. The effect of ammonia addition on the low-temperature autoignition of n-heptane: An experimental and modeling study. Combustion and Flame 217 (2020) 4–11
(140)Yebing Mao, Mohsin Raza, Zhiyong Wu, Jizhen Zhu, Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. An experimental study of n-dodecane and the development of an improved kinetic model. Combustion and Flame 212 (2020) 388–402
(139)Sixu Wang, Yuan Feng, Yong Qian, Yebing Mao, Mohsin Raza, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and kinetic study of diesel/gasoline surrogate blends over wide temperature and pressure. Combustion and Flame 213 (2020) 369–381
(138)Wenbin Zhao, Zilong Li, Guan Huang, Yaoyuan Zhang, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental investigation of direct injection dual fuel of n-butanol and biodiesel on Intelligent Charge Compression Ignition (ICCI) Combustion mode. Applied Energy 266 (2020) 114884
(137)Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Tao Yu, Weiwei Cai, Xinling Li, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on flame/flow dynamics in a multi-nozzle gas turbine model combustor under thermo-acoustically unstable condition with different swirler configurations. Aerospace Science and Technology 98 (2020) 105692
(136)Jin Xia, Zhong Huang, Lijun Zhang, Qiankun Zhang, Liang Zheng, Rui Liub, Dehao Ju, Xingcai Lu. Experimental comparisons on injection and atomization characteristics of diesel and its six-component surrogate under different critical conditions of marine engine. Energy Conversion and Management 205 (2020) 112397
(135)Qian Sun, Bolun Li, Ang Li, Yu Shao, Zhuoyao He, Xingcai Lu, Lei Zhu, Zhen Huang. Insight into fuel reactivity effects on thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45: 9010-9024
(134)Bolun Li, Qian Sun, Ang Li, Yu Shao, Zhuoyao He, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang, Lei Zhu. Effects of propanol isomers enrichment on in-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) in spark ignition natural gas engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45:10932-10950
(133)Tao Yu, Qian Wang, Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Weiwei Cai, Xingcai Lu, Markus Klein. A quantitative evaluation method of 3D flame curvature from reconstructed flame structure. Experiments in Fluids (2020) 61:66
(132)Dezhi Zhou, Wenming Yang, Liming Yang, Xingcai Lu. Modelling internal combustion engines with dynamic staggered mesh refinement, Combustion Theory and Modelling 2020, 24:1, 142-175
(131)Mohsin Raza, Yong Qian, Sixu Wang, Yebing Mao, Jizhen Zhu, Xingcai Lu. The experimental study of autoignition of tetralin at intermediate-to-high Temperatures. Fuel 266 (2020) 117081
(130)Wenyu Wang, Liang Yu, Yuan Feng, Yong Qian, Dehao Ju, Xingcai Lu. Autoignition study of methyl decanoate using a rapid compression machine. Fuel 266 (2020) 117060
(129)Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Tao Yu, Weiwei Cai, Yebing Mao, Yong Qian, Xinling Li, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on combustion stability characteristics in liquid-fueled gas turbine model combustor: Fuel sensitivities and flame/flow dynamics. Fuel 265 (2020) 116973
(128)Yong Qian, Jianping Wang, Zilong Li, Chenxu Jiang, Zhuoyao He, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Improvement of combustion performance and emissions in a gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine by modulation of fuel volatility. Fuel 268 (2020) 117369
(127)Zhuoyao He, Jianping Wang, Bolun Li, Lei Zhu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Effects of n-heptane enrichment on in-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) characteristics and performances of spark ignition natural gas engine: A comparison with natural gas and methanol enrichment. Fuel 271 (2020) 117531
(126)Ang Li, Zhenyingnan Zhang, Xiaogang Cheng, Xingcai Lu, Lei Zhu, Zhen Huang. Development and validation of surrogates for RP-3 jet fuel based on chemical deconstruction methodology. Fuel 2020; 267: 116975
(125)JIANG ChenXu, LI ZiLong, QIAN Yong, LU XingCai. Towards low emissions and high thermal efficiency of gasoline compression ignition engine under high loads by modulating the fuel reactivity and injection strategy. Science China Technological Science, 2020, 63: 96–104
(124)Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Hua Li, Yong Qian, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Gas-phase autoignition of diesel/gasoline blends over wide temperature and pressure in heated shock tube and rapid compression machine. Combustion and Flame 201 (2019) 264–275
(123)Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Zhiyong Wu, Wencao Tao, Sixu Wang, Can Ruan, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of ignition characteristics of RP-3 kerosene over low-to-high temperature ranges in a heated rapid compression machine and a heated shock tube. Combustion and Flame 203 (2019) 157–169
(122)Liang Yu, Yebing Mao, Ang Li, Sixu Wang, Yue Qiu, Yong Qian, Dong Han, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and modeling validation of a large diesel surrogate: Autoignition in heated rapid compression machine and oxidation in flow reactor. Combustion and Flame 202 (2019) 195–207
(121)Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Wenyu Wang, Yue Qiu, Yong Qian, Yebing Mao, Xingcai Lu. Exploration of chemical composition effects on the autoignition of two commercial diesels: Rapid compression machine experiments and model simulation. Combustion and Flame 204 (2019) 204–219
(120)Yebing Mao, Sixu Wang, Zhiyong Wu, Yue Qiu, Liang Yu, Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. An experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-butylcyclohexane over low-to-high temperature ranges. Combustion and Flame 206 (2019) 83–97
(119)Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Mohsin Raza, Jizhen Zhu, Yuan Feng, Sixu Wang, Yong Qian, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Surrogate fuels for RP-3 kerosene formulated by emulating molecular structures, functional groups, physical and chemical properties. Combustion and Flame 208 (2019) 388–401
(118)Yebing Mao, Ang Li, Lei Zhu ?, Zhiyong Wu, Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Mohsin Raza, Xingcai Lu. A detailed chemical mechanism for low to high temperature oxidation of n-butylcyclohexane and its validation. Combustion and Flame 210 (2019) 360–373
(117)Yebing Mao, Yuan Feng, Zhiyong Wu, Sixu Wang, Liang Yu, Mohsin Raza, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. The autoignition of iso-dodecane in low to high temperature range: An experimental and modeling study. Combustion and Flame 210 (2019) 222–235
(116)Yong Qian, Zilong Li, Liang Yu, Xiaole Wang, Xingcai Lu. Review of the state-of-the-art of particulate matter emissions from modern gasoline fueled engines. Applied Energy 238 (2019) 1269–1298
(115)Yong Qian, Zhiyong Wu, Jinjing Guo, Zilong Li, Chenxu Jiang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental studies on the key parameters controlling the combustion and emission in premixed charge compression ignition concept based on diesel surrogates. Applied Energy 235 (2019) 233–246
(114)Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Yanzhi Zhang, Qian Wang, Zhixia He, Xingcai Lu. Combustion and emission characteristics of gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends in gasoline compression ignition engines under different loads of double injection strategies. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113296
(113)Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Weiwei Cai, Yong Qian, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Principles of non-intrusive diagnostic techniques and their applications for fundamental studies of combustion instabilities in gas turbine combustors: A brief review. Aerospace Science and Technology 84 (2019) 585–603
(112)Feier Chen, Can Ruan, Tao Yu, Weiwei Cai, Yebing Mao, Xingcai Lu. Effects of fuel variation and inlet air temperature on combustion stability in a gas turbine model combustor. Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 126–138
(111)Chenxu Jiang, Guan Huang, Guibin Liu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Optimizing gasoline compression ignition engine performance and emissions: Combined effects of exhaust gas recirculation and fuel octane number. Applied Thermal Engineering 153 (2019) 669–677
(110)Yanzhi Zhang, Liangliang Zhan, Zhixia He, Ming Jia, Xianyin Leng, Wenjun Zhong, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. An investigation on gasoline compression ignition (GCI) combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine using gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Applied Thermal Engineering 160 (2019) 113952
(109)Yong Qian, Guibin Liu, Jinjing Guo, Yahui Zhang, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Engine performance and octane on demand studies of a dual fuel spark ignition engine with ethanol/gasoline surrogates as fuel. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 296–306
(108)Jin Xia, Zhong Huang, Leilei Xu, Dehao Ju?, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on spray and atomization characteristics under subcritical, transcritical and supercritical conditions of marine diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management 195 (2019) 958–971
(107)Yong Qian, Feier Chen, Yahui Zhang, Wencao Tao, Dong Han, Xingcai Lu. Combustion and regulated/unregulated emissions of a direct injection spark ignition engine fueled with C3-C5 alcohol/gasoline surrogate blends. Energy 174 (2019) 779-791
(106)Can Ruan, Tao Yu, Feier Chen, Sixu Wang, Weiwei Cai, Xingcai Lu. Experimental characterization of the spatiotemporal dynamics of a turbulent flame in a gas turbine model combustor using computed tomography of chemiluminescence. Energy 170 (2019) 744-751
(105)Leilei Xu, Xue-Song Bai, Changle Li, Per Tunest?l, Martin Tuner, Xingcai Lu. Combustion characteristics of gasoline DICI engine in the transition from HCCI to PPC: Experiment and numerical analysis. Energy 185 (2019) 922-937
(104)Yanzhi Zhang, Zilong Li, Pachiannan Tamilselvan, Chenxu Jiang, Zhixia He, Wenjun Zhong, Yong Qian, Qian Wang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study of combustion and emission characteristics of gasoline compression ignition (GCI) engines fueled by gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Energy 187 (2019) 115931
(103)Zhiyong Wu, Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Jin Xia, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Surrogate Formulation for Marine Diesel Considering Some Important Fuel Physical?Chemical Properties. Energy Fuels 2019, 33, 3539?3550
(102)Mohsin Raza, Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Insights into the Effects of Mechanism Reduction on the Performance of n?Decane and Its Ability to Act as a Single-Component Surrogate for Jet Fuels. Energy Fuels 2019, 33, 7778?7790
(101)Tao Yu, Ziming Li, Can Ruan, Feier Chen, Xingcai Lu and Weiwei Cai. Development of an absorption-corrected method for 3D computed tomography of chemiluminescence. Meas. Sci. Technol. 30 (2019) 045403
(100)TaoYu, CanRuan, FeierChen, QianWang, WeiweiCai?, XingcaiLu. Measurement of the 3D Rayleigh index field viatime-resolved CH* computed tomography. Aerospace Science and Technology 95 (2019) 105487
(99)Zhong Huang, Wenzheng Zhang, Jin Xia, Dehao Ju, Xingcai Lu. A multi-component surrogate of commercial diesel for trans-critical and supercritical injections study. Fuel 243 (2019) 590–602
(98)Xiang Li, Wenzheng Zhang, Zhong Huang, Dehao Ju, Li Huang, Mingzhi Feng, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Pre-chamber turbulent jet ignition of methane/air mixtures with multiple orifices in a large bore constant volume chamber: effect of air-fuel equivalence ratio and pre-mixed pressure. Front. Energy 2019, 13(3): 483–493
(97)Ang Li, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang, Lei Zhu. Experimental and Modeling Study on Autoignition of a Biodiesel/n?Heptane Mixture and Related Surrogate in a Heated Rapid Compression Machine. Energy Fuels 2019, 33:4552-4563
(96)Wenxia Ji, Ang Li, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang, Lei Zhu. Numerical study on NOx and ISFC co-optimization for a low-speed two stroke engine via Miller cycle, EGR, intake air humidification, and injection strategy implementation. Applied Thermal Engineering 153 (2019) 398–408
(95)Ang Li, Lei Zhu, Yebing Mao, Jiaqi Zhai, Dong Han, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Surrogate formulation methodology for biodiesel based on chemical deconstruction in consideration of molecular structure and engine combustion factors. Combustion and Flame 199 (2019) 152–167
(94)Zhouyao He, Guibin Liu, Zilong Li, Chenxu Jiang, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Comparison of four butanol isomers blended with diesel on particulate matter emissions in a common rail diesel engine. Journal of Aerosol Science 137 (2019) 105434
(93)Hua Li, Yue Qiu, Zhiyong Wu, Sixu Wang, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Ignition delay of diisobutylene-containing multicomponent gasoline surrogates: Shock tube measurements and modeling study. Fuel 235 (2019) 1387–1399
(92)Chenxu Jiang, Zilong Li, Guibin Liu, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Achieving high efficient gasoline compression ignition (GCI) combustion through the cooperative-control of fuel octane number and air intake conditions. Fuel 242 (2019) 23–34
(91)Zhong Huang, Wenzheng Zhang, Jin Xia, Dehao Ju, Xingcai Lu. A multi-component surrogate of commercial diesel for trans-critical and supercritical injections study. Fuel 243 (2019) 590–602
(90)Zhuoyao He, Jing Li, Yebing Mao, Liang Yu, Qiyan Zhou, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. A comprehensive study of fuel reactivity on reactivity controlled compression ignition engine: Based on gasoline and diesel surrogates. Fuel 255 (2019) 115822
(89)Leilei Xu, Xue-Song Bai, Changle Li, Per Tunest?l, Martin Tunér, Xingcai Lu. Emission characteristics and engine performance of gasoline DICI engine in the transition from HCCI to PPC. Fuel 254 (2019) 115619
(88)Sixu Wang, Yebing Mao, Mohsin Raza, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu. Autoignition of diesel/oxygen/nitrogen mixture under elevated temperature in a heated shock tube. Fuel 254 (2019) 115635
(87)Liang Yu, Yebing Mao, Yue Qiu, Sixu Wang, Hua Li, Wencao Tao, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and modeling study of the autoignition characteristics of commercial diesel under engine-relevant conditions. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2019) 4805–4812
(86)Liang Yu, Yue Qiu, Yebing Mao, Sixu Wang, Can Ruan, Wencao Tao, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. A study on the low-to-intermediate temperature ignition delays of long chain branched paraffin: Iso-cetane. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2019) 631–638
(85)Leilei Xu, Xue-Song Bai, Ming Jia, Yong Qian, Xinqi Qiao, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and modeling study of liquid fuel injection and combustion in diesel engines with a common rail injection system. Applied Energy 230 (2018) 287–304
(84)Yahui Zhang, Wencao Tao, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Xingcai Lu. Experimental studies on the combustion and particulate matter emission characteristics of biodiesel surrogate component/diesel. Applied Thermal Engineering 131 (2018) 565–575
(83)Chenxu Jiang, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Xiaole Wang, Yahui Zhang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental studies on the co-effects of engine operating parameters and fuel functional groups on the performance and emissions of a GDI engine. Applied Thermal Engineering 140 (2018) 707–715
(82)Yong Qian, Jinjing Guo, Yahui Zhang, Wencao Tao, Xingcai Lu. Combustion and emission behavior of N-propanol as partially alternative fuel in a direct injection spark ignition engine. Applied Thermal Engineering 144 (2018) 126–136
(81)Liang Yu, Zhiyong Wu, Yue Qiu, Yong Qian, Yebing Mao, Xingcai Lu. Ignition delay times of decalin over low-to-intermediate temperature ranges: Rapid compression machine measurement and modeling study. Combustion and Flame 196 (2018) 160–173
(80)Yong Qian, Liang Yu, Zilong Li, Yahui Zhang, Leilei Xu, Qiyan Zhou, Dong Han, Xingcai Lu. A new methodology for diesel surrogate fuel formulation: Bridging fuel fundamental properties and real engine combustion characteristics. Energy 148 (2018) 424-447
(79)Chenxu Jiang, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Xiaole Wang, Yahui Zhang, Xingcai Lu. Influences of fuel injection strategies on combustion performance and regular/irregular emissions in a turbocharged gasoline direct injection engine: Commercial gasoline versus multi-components gasoline surrogates. Energy 157 (2018) 173-187
(78)Hua Li, Liang Yu, Shuzhou Sun, Sixu Wang, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. A Shock Tube Experimental and Modeling Study of Multicomponent Gasoline Surrogates Diluted with Exhaust Gas Recirculation. Energy Fuels 2018, 32, 3800?3813
(77)Yue Qiu, Liang Yu, Leilei Xu, Yebing Mao, Xingcai Lu. Workbench for the Reduction of Detailed Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms Based on Directed Relation Graph and Its Deduced Methods: Methodology and n?Cetane as an Example. Energy Fuels 2018, 32, 7169?7178
(76)Zhong Huang, Jin Xia, Dehao Ju?, Xingcai Lu, Dong Han, Xinqi Qiao, Zhen Huang. A six-component surrogate of diesel from direct coal liquefaction for spray Analysis. Fuel 234 (2018) 1259–1268
(75)Tao Yu, Can Ruan, Hecong Liu, Weiwei Cai, Xingcai Lu. Time-resolved measurements of a swirl flame at 4 kHz via computed tomography of chemiluminescence. Applied Optics 2018; 57: 5962-5969
(74)Zhen Xu, Ming Jia, Yaopeng Li, Yachao Chang, Guangfu Xu, Leilei Xu, Xingcai Lu. Computational optimization of fuel supply, syngas composition, and intake conditions for a syngas/diesel RCCI engine. Fuel 234 (2018) 120–134
(73)Zhen Xu, Ming Jia, Guangfu Xu,Yaopeng Li, Liang Zhao, Leilei Xu, Xingcai Lu. Potential for Reducing Emissions in Reactivity-Controlled Compression Ignition Engines by Fueling Syngas and Diesel. Energy and Fuels 2018; 32: 3869-3882
(72)Zilong Li, Guibin Liu, Xianfeng Cui1, Xingyu Sun1, Shuai Li1, Yong Qian, Chenxu Jiang, Xingcai Lu. Effects of the variation in diesel fuel components on the particulate matter and unregulated gaseous emissions from a common rail diesel engine. Fuel 232 (2018) 279–289
(71)Can Ruan, Fei Xing, Yue Huang, Leilei Xu, & Xingcai Lu. A parametrical study of the breakup and Atomization process of two impinging Liquid jets. Atomization and Sprays, 27(12):1025–1040 (2017)
(70)Yong Qian, Yue Qiu, Yahui Zhang, Xingcai Lu. Effects of different aromatics blended with diesel on combustion and emission characteristics with a common rail diesel engine. Applied Thermal Engineering 125 (2017) 1530–1538
(69)Shuzhou Sun, Liang Yu, Sixu Wang, Yebing Mao, and Xingcai Lu. Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study on Self-Ignition of α?Methylnaphthalene in a Heated Rapid Compression Machine. Energy Fuels 2017, 31, 11304-11314
(68)Yong Qian, Yahui Zhang, Xiaole Wang, Xingcai Lu. Particulate matter emission characteristics of a reactivity controlled compression ignition engine fueled with biogas/diesel dual fuel. Journal of Aerosol Science 113 (2017) 166–177
(67)Yong Qian, Yahui Zhang, XiaoleWang and Xingcai Lu. Experimental investigation of the combustion characteristics and the emission characteristics of biogas–diesel dual fuel in a common-rail diesel engine. Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 2017, Vol. 231(14) 1900–1912
(66)Yong Qian, Shuzhou Sun, Dehao Ju, Xinxing Shan, Xingcai Lu. Review of the state-of-the-art of biogas combustion mechanisms and applications in internal combustion engines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 69 (2017) 50–58
(65)Lei Zhu, Zhuoyao He, Zhen Xu, Xingcai Lu, Junhua Fang, Whgao Zhang, Zhen Huang. In-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) in a spark-ignition natural gas engine. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2017; 36: 3487-3497
(64)Zhen Huang, Zhongzhao Li, Jianyong Zhang, Xingcai Lu, Junhua Fang, Dong Han. Active fuel design—A way to manage the right fuel for HCCI engines. Front. Energy 2016, 10(1): 14–28
(63)Yong Qian, Qiyan Zhou, Xiaole Wang, Lifeng Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Enabling dual fuel sequential combustion using port fuel injection of high reactivity fuel combined with direct injection of low reactivity fuels. Applied Thermal Engineering 103 (2016) 399–410
(62)Xiaole Wang, Yong Qian, Qiyan Zhou, Xingcai Lu. Modulated diesel fuel injection strategy for efficient-clean utilization of low-grade biogas. Applied Thermal Engineering 107 (2016) 844–852
(61)Yong Qian, Hua Li, Dong Han, Libin Ji, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu. Octane rating effects of direct injection fuels on dual fuel HCCI-DI stratified combustion mode with port injection of n-heptane. Energy 111 (2016) 1003-1016
(60)Guidong Ju, Lijun Wu, Xia Zhang, Hongzhuang Wang,Xingcai Lu. Study of the Ignition Characteristics of Light Fractions of Crude Oil and Their Surrogate Fuels under a Range of Low-to-Medium Temperatures. Energy Fuels 2016, 30, 1462?1469
(59)Yong Qian, XiaoleWang, Libin Ji, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on partially premixed compression ignition combustion fueled with a low octane number primary reference fuel using two-stage fuel supplying. International J of Engine Research 2016, Vol. 17(6) 677–689
(58)Hua Li, Liang Yu, Xingcai Lu, Linqi Ouyang, Shuzhou Sun, Zhen Huang. Autoignition of ternary blends for gasoline surrogate at wide temperature ranges and at elevated pressure: Shock tube measurements and detailed kinetic modeling. Fuel 181 (2016) 916–925
(57)Xinxing Shan, Yong Qian, Lifeng Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Effects of EGR rate and hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio on combustion and emission characteristics of biogas/diesel dual fuel combustion engine. Fuel 181 (2016) 1050–1057
(56)YANG Zheng, WANG Yue, YANG Xin, QIAN Yong, LU XingCai, HUANG Zhen. Autoignition of butanol isomers/n-heptane blend fuels on a rapid compression machine in N2/O2/Ar mixtures. Science China Technological Science, 2014, 57: 461-470
(55)Linqi Ouyang, Hua Li, Shuzhou Sun, Xiaole Wang, Xingcai Lu. Auto-ignition of biomass synthesis gas in shock tube at elevated temperature and pressure. Science Bulletin (2015) 60(22):1935–1946
(54)Yong Qian, Xiaole Wang, Lifeng Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental studies on combustion and emissions of RCCI (reactivity controlled compression ignition) with gasoline/n-heptane and ethanol/n-heptane as fuels. Energy 88 (2015) 584e594
(53)Lifeng Zhu, Yong Qian, Xiaole Wang, Xingcai Lu. Effects of direct injection timing and premixed ratio on combustion and emissions characteristics of RCCI (Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition) with N-heptane/gasoline-like fuels. Energy 93 (2015) 383-392
(52)Yong Qian, Linqi Ouyang, Xiaole Wang, Lifeng Zhu, Xingcai Lu. Experimental studies on combustion and emissions of RCCI fueled with n-heptane/alcohols fuels. Fuel 162 (2015) 239–250
(51)Yong Qian, Lifeng Zhu, Yue Wang, Xingcai Lu. ecent progress in the development of biofuel 2,5-dimethylfuran. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41(2015)633–646
(50)Lili Xu, Linqi Ouyang, Zhuang Geng, Hua Li, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and Kinetic Study on Ignition Delay Times of Liqui?ed Petroleum Gas/Dimethyl Ether Blends in a Shock Tube. Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 7168?7177
(49)YANG Zheng, WANG Yue, YANG Xin, QIAN Yong, LU XingCai, HUANG Zhen. Autoignition of butanol isomers/n-heptane blend fuels on a rapid compression machine in N2/O2/Ar mixtures. Science China Technological Science 2014; 57: 461-470
(48)Xingcai Lu, Yong Qian, Zheng Yang, Dong Han, Jibin Ji, Xiaoxin Zhou, Zhen Huang. Experimental study on compound HCCI (homogenous charge compression ignition) combustion fueled with gasoline and diesel blends. Energy 64 (2014) 707-718
(47)Zhuang Geng, Lili Xu, Hua Li, Jiaxing Wang, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu. Shock Tube Measurements and Modeling Study on the Ignition Delay Times of n?Butanol/Dimethyl Ether Mixtures. Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 4206?4215
(46)Yue Wang, Zheng Yang, Xin Yang, Dong Han, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and Modeling Studies on Ignition Delay Times of Methyl Hexanoate/n?Butanol Blend Fuels at Elevated Pressures Energy Fuels 2014, 28, 5515?5522
(45)Zhongzhao Li, Jianyong Zhang, Kaiqiang Zhang, Lei Zhu, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. An experimental study of the high-load extension of a homogeneous charge compression ignition engine with gasoline and n-heptane. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2014; 228: 1105-1115
(44)Xingcai Lu*, Xiaoxin Zhou, Libin Ji, Zheng Yang, Dong Han, Chen Huang, Zhen Huang. Experimental studies on the dual-fuel sequential combustion and emission Simulation. Energy 51 (2013) 358-373
(43)Zheng Yang, Yong Qian, Xin Yang, Yue Wang, Ya Wang, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu. Autoignition of n?Butanol/n?Heptane Blend Fuels in a Rapid Compression Machine under Low-to-Medium Temperature Ranges. Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 7800?7808
(42)Dong Han, Huanyu Guang, Zheng Yang, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Effects of equivalence ratio and carbon dioxide concentration on premixed charge compression ignition of gasoline and diesel-like fuel blends. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 27 (8) (2013) 2507-2512
(41)Dong Han, Huanyu Guang, Zheng Yang, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Premixed ignition characteristics of blends of gasoline and diesel-like fuels on a rapid compression machine. Thermal Science 2013; 17: 1-10
(40)Zhen Huang, Libin Ji, Dong Han, Zheng Yang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on dual-fuel compound homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion. International Journal of Engine Research 2013; 14: 23-33
(39)Xingcai Lu, Zheng Yang, Xiaoxin Zhou, Zhen Huang. Auto-ignition and combustion characteristics of n-butanol triggered by low- and high-temperature reactions of premixed n-heptane. Fuel 112 (2013) 1–7
(38)GUANG HuanYu, YANG Zheng, HUANG Zhen, LU XingCai. Experimental study of n-heptane ignition delay with carbon dioxide addition in a rapid compression machine under low-temperature conditions. Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57: 3953-3960
(37)Xingcai Lu, Libin Ji, Junjun Ma, Xiaoxin Zhou, Zhen Huang. Combustion characteristics and influential factors of isooctane active-thermal atmosphere combustion assisted by two-stage reaction of n-heptane. Combustion and Flame 158 (2011) 203–216
(36)Xingcai Lu, Yitao Shen, Yinbao Zhang, Xiaoxin Zhou, Libin Ji, Zheng Yang, Zhen Huang. Controlled three-stage heat release of stratified charge compression ignition (SCCI) combustion with a two-stage primary reference fuel supply. Fuel 90 (2011) 2026–2038
(35)Xingcai Lu*, Dong Han, Zhen Huang. Fuel design and management for the control of advanced compression-ignition combustion modes. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 37 (2011) 741-783
(34)Xingcai Lu, Tao Wu, Libin Ji, Junjun Ma, Zhen Huang. Effect of Port Fuel Injection of Methanol on the Combustion Characteristics and Emissions of Gas-to-Liquid-Fueled Engines. Energy Fuels, 2009, 23 (2), 719-724
(33)Dong Han, Xingcai Lü, Junjun Ma, Libin Ji, Chen Huang, Zhen Huang. Influence of Fuel Supply Timing and Mixture Preparation on the Characteristics of Stratified Charge Compression Ignition Combustion with N-Heptane Fuel. Combustion Science and Technology, 181: 11, 1327-1344
(32)Chen Huang, Mingfa Yao, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Study of dimethyl ether homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion process using a multi-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 48 (2009) 1814–1822
(31)Libin Ji, Xingcai Lu, Junjun Ma, Chen Huang, Dong Han, Zhen Huang. Experimental Study on Influencing Factors of iso-Octane Thermo-atmosphere Combustion in a Dual-Fuel Stratified Charge Compression Ignition (SCCI) Engine. Energy & Fuels 2009, 23, 2405–2412
(30)Xingcai Lu, Libin Ji, Junjun Ma, Zhen Huang. Improved NOx and Smoke Emission Characteristics of a Biodiesel-Fueled Engine with the Port Fuel Injection of Various Premixed Fuels. Energy Fuels, 2008, 22 (6), 3798-3805
(29)Xingcai Lu, Libin Ji, Junjun Ma, Chen Huang, Zhen Huang. Effects of an In-Cylinder Active Thermo-Atmosphere Environment on Diesel Engine Combustion Characteristics and Emissions. Energy & Fuels 2008, 22, 2991–2996
(28)Xingcai Lu, Libin Ji, Yuchun Hou, Linlin Zu, Zhen Huang. Inhibition effect of doping methyl tert-butyl ether compounds to n-heptane on homogenous charge compression ignition combustion. Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 1705–1714
(27)Junjun Ma, Xingcai Lü, Libin Ji, Zhen Huang. An experimental study of HCCI-DI combustion and emissions in a diesel engine with dual fuel. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 47 (2008) 1235–1242
(26)Junjun Ma, Xingcai Lü, Libin Ji, Zhen Huang. Evaluation of SCCI Potentials in Comparison to HCCI and Conventional DICI Combustion Using n-Heptane. Energy & Fuels 2008, 22, 954–960
(25)Chen Huang, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. New Reduced Chemical Mechanism for Homogeneous Charge Combustion Ignition Combustion Investigation of Primary Reference Fuels. Energy & Fuels 2008, 22, 935–944
(24)X-C Lu, L-B Ji, J-J Ma, C Huang, Z Huang. Experimental study on the effects of mixture homogeneity on stratified-charge compression ignition combustion. Proc. IMechE Part D: J. Automobile Engineering 2008; 222: 2457-2467
(23)Xingcai Lu, Junjun Ma, Libin Ji, Zhen Huang. Simultaneous reduction of NOx emission and smoke opacity of biodiesel-fueled engines by port injection of ethanol. Fuel 87 (2008) 1289–1296
(22)X-C Lu, J-J Ma, L-B Ji, Z Huang. Effects of premixed n-heptane from the intake port on the combustion characteristics and emissions of biodiesel-fuelled engines. Proc. IMechE Part D: J. Automobile Engineering 2008; 222: 1001-1009
(21)Xingcai Lü, Libin Ji, Linlin Zu, Yuchun Hou, Cheng Huang, Zhen Huang. Experimental study and chemical analysis of n-heptane homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion with port injection of reaction inhibitors. Combustion and Flame 149 (2007) 261–270
(20)Xingcai Lu, Libin Ji, Junjun Ma, Zhen Huang. Combustion Stabilities and Cycle-by-Cycle Variations of n-Heptane Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion. Energy & Fuels 2007, 21, 1468-1473
(19)Xingcai Lu, Junjun Ma, Libin Ji, Zhen Huang. Experimental Study on the Combustion Characteristics and Emissions of Biodiesel Fueled Compression Ignition Engines with Premixed Dimethoxymethane. Energy & Fuels 2007, 21, 3144–3150
(18)X.-C. Lu, L.-B. Ji, W. Chen, Z. Huang. Effect of additive on the heat release rate and emissions of hcci combustion engines fueled with ron90 fuels. International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1?7 (2007)
(17)Shu, GQ, Liang, XY, Lu, XC. Axial vibration of high-speed automotive engine crankshaft. Int. J. Vehicle Design, 2007; 45, No. 4, pp.542–554.
(16)Lu Xingcai, Ji Libin, Ma Junjun, Huang Zhen. Experimental study on the cycle-by-cycle variations of homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion using primary reference fuels and their mixtures. Proc. IMechE Part D: J. Automobile Engineering 2007; 221: 859-866
(15)Xingcai, Lü, Wei, Chen, Libin, Ji and Zhen, Huang. The effects of external exhaust gas recirculation and cetane number improver on the gasoline homogenous charge compression ignition engines. Combustion Science and Technology 2006; 178: 1237-1249
(14)Lu Xingcai, Hou Yuchun, Ji Libin, Zu Linlin, Huang Zhen. Heat Release Analysis on Combustion and Parametric Study on Emissions of HCCI Engines Fueled with 2-Propanol/n-Heptane Blend Fuels. Energy & Fuels 2006, 20, 1870-1878
(13)HOU Yuchun, HUANG Zhen, LU Xingcai, FANG Junhuan, ZU Linlin. Fuel design real-time to control HCCI combustion. Chinese Science Bulletin 2006; Vol. 51 No. 21: 2673-2680
(12)Yuchun Hou, Xingcai Lu, Linlin Zu, Libin Ji, Zhen Huang. Effect of High-Octane Oxygenated Fuels on n-Heptane-Fueled HCCI Combustion. Energy & Fuels 2006, 20, 1425-1433
(11)Lu Xingcai, Hou Yuchun, Zu Linlin, Huang Zhen. Experimental study on the auto-ignition and combustion characteristics in the homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion operation with ethanol/n-heptane blend fuels by port injection. Fuel 85 (2006) 2622–2631
(10)Lu Xingcai, Hou Yuchun, Zu Linlin, Huang Zhen. Inhibition of autoignition and combustion rate for n-heptane homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion by methanol additive. Proc. IMechE Part D: J. Automobile Engineering 2006; 220: 1629-1639
(9)Xing-cai Lu, Jian-guang Yang, Wu-gao Zhang, Zhen Huang. Improving the Combustion and Emissions of Direct Injection Compression Ignition Engines Using Oxygenated Fuel Additives Combined with a Cetane Number Improver. Energy & Fuels 2005, 19, 1879-1888
(8)Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang, Wugao Zhang, Degang Li. Combustion visualization and emissions of a direct injection compression ignition engine fueled with bio-diesohol. International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 15-21 (2005)
(7)De-gang Li, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu, Wu-gao Zhang, Jian-guang Yang. Physico-chemical properties of ethanol–diesel blend fuel and its effect on performance and emissions of diesel engines. Renewable Energy 30 (2005) 967–976
(6)Xing-Cai Lu, Wei Chen, Zhen Huang. A fundamental study on the control of the HCCI combustion and emissions by fuel design concept combined with controllable EGR. Part 2. Effect of operating conditions and EGR on HCCI combustion. Fuel 84 (2005) 1084–1092
(5)Xing-Cai Lu, Wei Chen, Zhen Huang. A fundamental study on the control of the HCCI combustion and emissions by fuel design concept combined with controllable EGR. Part 1. The basic characteristics of HCCI combustion. Fuel 84 (2005) 1074–1083
(4)Xing-Cai Lu, Wu-Gao Zhang, Xin-Qi Qiao, Zhen Huang. Fuel design concept for improving the spray characteristics and emissions of diesel engines. Proc. IMechE. Part D: J. Automobile Engineering 2005; 219: 547-557
(3)Lu Xingcai, Huang Zhen, Zhang Wugao, Li Degang. The influence of ethanol additives on the performance and combustion characteristics of diesel engines. Combustion Science and Technology,176: 1309-1329, 2004
(2)Xing-cai Lu, Zhen Huang, Ge-qun Shu. Modelling and experimental study on bending vibration of a diesel engine crankshaft. Proc. IMechE. Part D: J. Automobile Engineering 2004; 218: 385-394
(1)Lu Xing-cai, Yang Jian-guang, Zhang Wu-gao, Huang Zhen. Effect of cetane number improver on heat release rate and emissions of high speed diesel engine fueled with ethanol–diesel blend fuel. Fuel 83 (2004) 2013–2020
教学工作 课程名称:车用发动机构造; 授课对象:本科生;学时数:45学时
课程名称:专业英语; 授课对象:硕士生;学时数:36学时
课程名称:内燃机原理 授课对象:本科生;学时数:48学时
课程名称:燃烧化学动力学理 授课对象:研究生;学时数:48学时
课程名称:工程学导论 授课对象:本科生;学时数:48学时
软件版权登记及专利 1:发明专利:基于活化热氛围的双燃料复合均质压燃燃烧系统 (吕兴才;黄震;马骏骏;吉丽斌,公开号:CNA )
2:发明专利:柴油-汽油双燃料顺序燃烧直喷式发动机 (吕兴才;黄震,公开号:CNA)
3:发明专利:控制汽油机缸内残余废气量的装置 (吕兴才;黄震,公开号:CNA )
4:发明专利:多模式多燃料燃烧系统(吕兴才;黄震;吉丽斌;马骏骏;侯玉春,公开号:CNA )
5:发明专利:基于燃料实时设计与喷射管理的复合均质压燃发动机(黄震;吕兴才;马骏骏;吉丽斌,公开号:CNA )
学术兼职 动力机械与工程教育部重点实验室副主任
荣誉奖励 2019年:上海市优秀学术带头人
相关话题/机械 上海交通大学
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乔信起教授所在系所新能源动力研究所办公电话通讯地址上海交大机械与动力工程学院A楼508室电子邮件qiaoxinqi@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页暂无教育背景1993-1997大连理工大学,动力机械及工程,博士1987-1990山东大学,动力机械及工程,硕士1981-1985山东大学,动力机械及工程 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-夏溪
夏溪副教授所在系所新能源动力研究所办公电话通讯地址上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院A楼618电子邮件xiaxiss@sjtu.edu.cn个人主页http://combustion.sjtu.edu.cn/people教育背景2011-2016佛罗里达大学机械与航空工程系博士2008-2010科罗拉多 ...上海交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-01上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-石磊
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