本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-01
苑文浩 助理教授
个人主页https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wenhao_Yuan3; https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EBwlOKUAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
教育背景 2010.09-2016.06 中国科学技术大学 博士
2013.10-2014.09 法国国家科学研究中心 联合培养博士生
2006.09-2010.06 河南师范大学 学士
工作经历 2019.07-至今 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 助理教授
2017.09-2018.10 斯坦福大学 博士后
2016.07-2019.07 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 博士后
研究方向 发动机燃烧、污染物生成与脱除以及能源清洁高效转化相关之复杂反应体系反应动力学研究,具体包括:
1. 燃料燃烧反应动力学,多环芳烃、碳烟以及NOx生成动力学;
2. 气-固两相微观催化反应动力学;
3. 固体燃料热解与氧化反应动力学;
科研项目 I. 主持项目:
1) 2018/01-2020/12, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金:柴油替代燃料典型芳香烃组分低温氧化反应动力学研究,**,26万元。
2) 2017/01-2019/07, 中国博士后面上基金一等资助:长支链烷基苯燃料低温燃烧的实验与动力学模型研究,2016M600312,8万元,已结题。
3) 2016/07-2018/07, 博士后创新人才支持计划:国产RP-3航空煤油替代燃料动力学模型的发展,BX,20万元,已结题。
II. 目前主要参与项目:
1)2018-2020, 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目:内燃机尾气后处理关键气相反应过程研究,,180 万元。
2)2017-2020 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目(研究骨干):极端条件下的航空发动机点火机理及不同产地RP-3 航空煤油影响规律的研究,**,300 万元
代表性论文专著 1.W.H. Yuan, T.Y. Li, Y.Y. Li*, M.R. Zeng, Y. Zhang, J.B. Zou, C.C. Cao, W. Li, J.Z. Yang, F. Qi,Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on anisole pyrolysis: Implications on phenoxy and cyclopentadienyl chemistry,Combustion and Flame 201, 187-199 (2019)
2.W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li*, P. Dagaut*, Y.Z. Wang, Z.D. Wang, F. Qi. A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-propylbenzene combustion. Combustion and Flame 186, 178-192 (2017).
3.W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li, F. Qi*. Challenges and perspectives of combustion chemistry research. Science China Chemistry 60 (11), 1391-1401 (2017).
4.W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li*, Z.H. Wang, Y.Z. Wang, L. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhou, F. Qi. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of premixed n-butylbenzene flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 815-823 (2017).
5.W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li*, G. Pengloan, C. Togbé, P. Dagaut*, F. Qi. A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of ethylbenzene combustion. Combustion and Flame 166, 255-265 (2016).
6.W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li*, P. Dagaut*, J.Z. Yang, F. Qi. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of styrene combustion. Combustion and Flame 162, 1868-1883 (2015).
7.W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li*, P. Dagaut*, J.Z. Yang, F. Qi. Investigation on the pyrolysis and oxidation of toluene over a wide range conditions. I. Flow reactor pyrolysis and jet stirred reactor oxidation. Combustion and Flame 162, 3-21 (2015)(ESI高被引论文).
8.W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li*, P. Dagaut*, J.Z. Yang, F. Qi. Investigation on the pyrolysis and oxidation of toluene over a wide range conditions. II. A comprehensive kinetic modeling study. Combustion and Flame 162, 22-40 (2015).
9.P. Zhao1, W.H. Yuan1, H.Y. Sun, Y.Y. Li*, A.P. Kelley, X.L. Zheng, C.K. Law*. Laminar flame speeds, counterflow ignition, and kinetic modeling of the butene isomers. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35, 309-316 (2015) (共同一作).
10.M.R. Zeng, W.H. Yuan*, W. Li, Y. Zhang, Y.Z. Wang. Investigation of n-dodecane pyrolysis at various pressures and the development of a comprehensive combustion model. Energy 155, 152-161 (2018)(通讯作者).
11.M.R. Zeng, W.H. Yuan*, W. Li, Y. Zhang, C.C. Cao, T.Y. Li, J.B. Zou. Comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-tetradecane combustion. Energy & Fuels 31 (11), 12712-12720 (2017)(通讯作者).
12.T.Y. Li, J.B. Zou, Y. Zhang, C.C. Cao, W. Li, W.H. Yuan*. Numerical investigation on 1, 3-butadiene/propyne co-pyrolysis and insight into synergistic effect on aromatic hydrocarbon formation. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 30 (3), 287-294 (2017)(通讯作者).
13.Y.Y. Li*, W.H. Yuan, T.Y. Li, W. Li, J.Z. Yang, F. Qi*. Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation of rich premixed toluene flames doped with n-butanol. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 10628-10636 (2018).
14.M.R. Zeng, Y.Y. Li*, W.H. Yuan, Y. Zhang, J.Z. Yang, F. Qi. Exploration of the pyrolysis chemistry of 1, 1-diethoxybutane: A flow reactor and kinetic modeling study. Fuel 236, 437-444 (2019).
15.C.J. Liu, L.L. Ye, W.H. Yuan, Y. Zhang, J.B. Zou, J.Z. Yang, Y.Z. Wang, F. Qi, Z.Y. Zhou*. Investigation on pyrolysis mechanism of guaiacol as lignin model compound at atmospheric pressure. Fuel 232, 632-638 (2018).
16.G.Q. Wang, Y.Y. Li*, W.H. Yuan, Y. Wang, Z.Y Zhou, Y.Z. Liu, J.H Cai. Investigation on laminar flame propagation of n-butanol/air and n-butanol/O2/He mixtures at pressures up to 20 atm. Combustion and Flame 191, 368-380 (2018).
17.G.Q. Wang, Y.Y. Li, W.H. Yuan, Z.Y. Zhou, Y.Z. Wang, Z.D. Wang. Investigation on laminar burning velocities of benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene up to 20 atm. Combustion and Flame 184, 312-323 (2018).
18.Y.T. Zhai, B.B. Feng, W.H. Yuan, C.C. Ao, L.D. Zhang*. Experimental and modeling studies of small typical methyl esters pyrolysis: Methyl butanoate and methyl crotonate. Combustion and Flame 191, 160-174 (2018).
19.Y. Zhang, C.C. Cao, Y.Y. Li*, W.H. Yuan, X.Y Yang, J.Z. Yang, F. Qi, T-P Huang, Y-Y Lee. Pyrolysis of n-butylbenzene at various pressures: influence of long side-chain structure on alkylbenzene pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels 31 (12), 14270-14279 (2018).
20.H.F. Jin, W.H. Yuan, Y.Z. Wang, Y.Y. Li, F. Qi*, A. Cuoci, A. Frassoldati, T. Faravelli*. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of laminar coflow diffusion methane flames doped with 2-butanol. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35, 863-871 (2015).
21.G. Wang, W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li*, L. Zhao, F. Qi. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-pentanol pyrolysis and combustion. Combustion and Flame 162, 3277-3287 (2015).
22.M.R. Zeng, W.H. Yuan, Y.Z. Wang, W.X. Zhou, L.D. Zhang, F. Qi, Y.Y. Li*. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of pyrolysis and oxidation of n-decane. Combustion and Flame 161, 1701-1715 (2014).
23.J.H. Cai, W.H. Yuan, L.L. Ye, Z.J. Cheng, Y.Z. Wang, W.L. Dong, L.D. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, F. Zhang, F. Qi*. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of i-butanol pyrolysis and combustion. Combustion and Flame 161, 1955-1971 (2014).
24.J.H. Cai, W.H. Yuan, L.L. Ye, Z.J. Cheng, Y.Z. Wang, L.D. Zhang, F. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, F. Qi*. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of 2-butanol pyrolysis and combustion. Combustion and Flame 160, 1939-1957 (2013).
25.Y.J. Zhang, W.H. Yuan, J.H. Cai, L.D. Zhang, F. Qi*, Y.Y. Li. Product identication and mass spectrometric analysis of n-butane and i-butane pyrolysis at low pressure. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 26, 151-156 (2013).
26.L.L. Ye*, L.L. Xing, W.H. Yuan, Y.Y. Li, L.D. Zhang, F. Qi. Predictive kinetics on the formation and decomposition of ethylbenzene. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 533-542 (2017)
27.M.R. Zeng, Y.Y. Li, W.H. Yuan, T.Y. Li*, Y.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Zhou, L.D. Zhang, F. Qi. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of laminar premixed decalin flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 1193-1202 (2017)
28.M.R. Zeng, Y.Y. Li*, W.H. Yuan, Z.Y. Zhou, Y.Z. Wang, L.D. Zhang, F. Qi. Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on decalin pyrolysis at low to atmospheric pressures. Combustion and Flame 167, 228-237 (2016).
29.J.Z. Yang, L. Zhao, W.H. Yuan, F. Qi, Y.Y. Li*. Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on laminar premixed benzene flames with various equivalence ratios. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35, 855-862 (2015).
30.X.Y. Zhang, B. Yang, W.H. Yuan, Z.J. Cheng, L.D. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, F. Qi*. Pyrolysis of 2-methyl-1-butanol at low and atmospheric pressures: Mass spectrometry and modeling studies. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35, 409-417 (2015).
31.Z.D. Wang, L.L. Ye, W.H. Yuan, L.D. Zhang, Y.Z. Wang, Z.J. Cheng, F. Zhang, F. Qi*. Experimental and kinetic modeling study on methylcyclohexane pyrolysis and combustion. Combustion and Flame 161, 84-100 (2014).
32.X.Y. Fan, G.Q. Wang, Y.Y. Li*, Z.D. Wang, W.H. Yuan, L. Zhao. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of 1-hexene combustion at various pressures. Combustion and Flame 173, 151-160 (2016).
33.Z.D. Wang, Y.Y. Li, F. Zhang, L.D. Zhang, W.H. Yuan, Y.Z. Wang, F. Qi*. An experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on a rich premixed n-propylbenzene flame at low pressure. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34, 1785-1793 (2013).
34.Z.D. Wang, Z.J. Cheng, W.H. Yuan, J.H. Cai, F. Zhang, F. Qi*, J. Wang. An experimental and kinetic modeling study of cyclohexane pyrolysis at low pressure. Combustion and Flame 159, 2243-2253 (2012).
35.A. Lucassen, Z.D. Wang, L.D. Zhang, F. Zhang, W.H. Yuan, Y.Z. Wang, F. Qi*, K. Kohse-H?inghaus*. An experimental and theoretical study of pyrrolidine pyrolysis at low pressure. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34, 641-648 (2013).
36.H.F. Jin, J.H. Cai, G.Q. Wang, Y.Z. Wang, Y.Y. Li, J.Z. Yang, Z.J. Cheng, W.H. Yuan, F. Qi*. A comprehensive experimental and kinetic modeling study of tert-butanol combustion. Combustion and Flame 169, 154-170 (2016).
37.J.H. Cai, L.D. Zhang, F. Zhang, Z.D. Wang, Z.J. Cheng, W.H. Yuan, F. Qi*. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-butanol pyrolysis and combustion. Energy & Fuels. 26, 5550-5568 (2012)
学术兼职 1. 国际燃烧学会会员(2012年至今)
2. 担任Proceedings of the Combustion Institute、Fuel、Energy & Fuels、Combustion Science and Technology、Energy、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Bioresource Technology、Chemical Engineering Science、Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry等SCI期刊审稿人
荣誉奖励 2018 博士后考核优秀
2016/08 博士后创新人才支持计划
2016/09 中国工程热物理学会吴仲华优秀研究生奖
2015/10 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议优秀论文奖
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