
Multi-operation laser oscillator: an example of multi-operation laser_上海光学精密机械研究所

上海光学精密机械研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-06

外文题目: Multi-operation laser oscillator: an example of multi-operation laser
作者: Zhang Zongxin; Lu Xiaoming; Leng Yuxin
刊名: Frontiers of Optoelectronics
年: 2017 卷: 10 期: 1 页: 14--17
multi-operation laser; injection-seeding; cavity dumping; Q-switching
A multi-operation laser oscillator is developed and built with multiple operation modes (OMs): injectionseeding mode, cavity-dumping mode and Q-switching mode.With the same electrical energy pumping, the multioperation laser oscillator provides different output energies and pulse durations for different OMs. In the Q-switching mode, the output coupling is optimized for different electrical energy pumping. The laser oscillator operation can be switched between different modes conveniently. The multi-operation laser sources could be operated in multiple OMs for various research and application requirements.

文献类型: 期刊论文
正文语种: English
收录类别: CSCD
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