
关键词: 凝聚体, 人造细胞, 液液相分离, 静电相互作用, 人造细胞器, 群体行为
The origin of life attracts more and more attentions of researchers. Synthetic biologists are devoting to construct a simple and rational system which can exist in primitive earth. Coacervate is a phase separation system which is formed by the interactions of polyelectrolyte. It's a rational protocell model. So far, coacervate has been found to present as membraneless organelles in natural cells. Therefore, the construction of coacervate as artificial organelles is emerging. The formation mechanism, characteristics and categories of coacervate are reviewed in this paper. Additionally, the applications of coacervate as protocell and artificial organelles are summarized. The existing scientific problems and the future development directions are provided at the end of this paper.
Key words: coacervate, artificial cells, liquid/liquid phase separation, electrostatic interaction, artificial organelle, collective behavior