
细菌耐药问题已经成为了中国乃至全球的重大公共健康威胁,设计合成新型抗菌材料以减少抗生素依赖成为当前化学化工、材料和生物医学领域中的重要研究课题.金属有机框架(Metal-organic frameworks,MOFs)材料是由有机配体和金属离子或团簇通过配位键自组装形成的多孔晶态材料,在气体吸附与分离、传感和催化等领域都扮演着重要角色.为了寻求更好应对细菌威胁的方式方法,国内外研究者们纷纷构建出不同结构的MOFs材料,并将其应用于抗菌领域.本综述从细菌耐药性的产生和MOFs抗菌机理等方面出发,分类概述了不同金属中心和配体MOFs材料、MOFs包覆金属纳米粒子材料和药物缓释MOFs材料等在抗菌、促进伤口愈合等方面的应用,归纳概括了MOFs材料在抗菌领域应用中仍需解决的科学问题,并对该领域的发展趋势进行了展望.
关键词: 金属有机框架, 抗菌, 机理, 活性氧自由基, 药物输送
With the accelerating process of industrialization and urbanization, as well as the increasing proportion of the elderly in the world's population, we are facing more complex health threats related to bacterial infection. While the vast majority of the bacteria in the body are rendered harmless by the protective effects of the immune system, the continued abuse and misuse of antibiotics has accelerated the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains and has resulted in substantial new challenges with respect to modern-day antibiotic-based treatments. Therefore, intelligent design of new antibacterial modalities to be used for treating human and livestock diseases is an extremely urgent priority for researchers in the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, materials and biomedical sciences. Toward this end, the most intriguing of the new developments are metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). MOFs are versatile crystalline porous lattices of organic ligands and metal ion/clusters that formed by self-assembly via coordination bonds. Due to their unique characteristics, including relatively straight forward and simple methods for synthesis, large surface areas, novel and diverse structures, and adjustable porosity, MOFs not only play strong roles with respect to novel methods for gas storage and separation, they may also be utilized in unique applications associated with sensors mechanisms and catalysis. These features contribute to our current understanding of MOFs as promising candidates for the development of pharmaceutical and specifically antibacterial applications. In this review, antibacterial mechanisms, and the development of resistance to current antibiotic strategies are summarized and discussed. The main mechanisms by which bacteria show resistance to antibiotics include altered metabolic pathways, regulation of target sites, and inactivation, modification, and/or reduction in the capacity to accumulate antibacterial drugs. We consider recent progress on the development of MOFs, including the use of specific metal centers and ligands, metal nanoparticles, and drug-encapsulation, all of which have important applications with respect to antibacterial activities, and wound healing. Finally, the challenges and prospects of MOF-based antibacterial materials are discussed, including critical findings, which will help toward the development of the next generation antibacterial MOFs for human use.
Key words: metal-organic framework, antibacterial, mechanism, reactive oxygen species, drug delivery