
关键词: 二氧化碳, 不对称催化, 对映选择性, 羧基化, 环化反应
Industrial processes of fixing carbon dioxide (CO2) lag far behind the carbon emission generated by human activity. Since CO2 is an abundant, non-toxic, and cost-effective one carbon source, it is highly desirable to develop methodologies on converting CO2 into valuable products for sustainable purpose. Based on the mechanistic insight of CO2 activation by transition-metal catalyst and organocatalyst, a variety of efficient asymmetric CO2 chemical fixation processes have been developed in recent years. This review discusses the advances of enantioselective synthesis of small molecules by asymmetric catalytic reactions with CO2. The interaction between catalyst, CO2 and substrate has been elaborated aiming to inspire the design of new catalytic systems for asymmetric CO2 transformation.
Key words: carbon dioxide, asymmetric catalysis, enantioselectivity, carboxylation, cyclization