
关键词: C-H键断裂, 杂环芳烃, 自由基, 烷基化
Heteroarenes are widely found in synthetic drugs and natural products and exhibit various biological activities. Among them, alkylated heteroarenes play a crucial role in the pharmaceutical industry, and have attracted great attention of synthetic chemists. C(sp3)-H bond cleavage strategy was widely used in radical alkylation of heteroarenes in organic synthesis and has been successfully applied in the total synthesis of natural products and pharmaceuticals due to its excellent atom economy. Based on the different precursor compounds (ethers, alcohols, amines, esters, amides and common alkanes), the research progress of radical alkylation of heteroarenes in a decade is summarized, and the related mechanism is also discussed.
Key words: C-H cleavage, heteroarene, radical, alkylation