
以7-羟基四氢喹喔啉-6-甲醛为基础,设计合成了一种新型酰腙类荧光探针L,探针在DMSO/Tris(V:V=7:3)溶液中能够高选择性识别Al3+.向该探针中加入Al3+后由无荧光变为紫红色荧光,最大发射波长为640 nm,达到近红外范围,并且具有较大的斯托克斯位移(170 nm),检测限为0.521 μmol/L,pH适用范围为5~9.此外,探针L可在实际水样中对Al3+进行检测,还可在MCF-7细胞中对Al3+进行荧光成像.
关键词: 7-羟基四氢喹喔啉-6-甲醛, 荧光探针, Al3+, 识别, 细胞成像
A novel acylhydrazone derivative (i.e. fluorescence probe L) was designed and synthesized based on 7-hydroxy- tetrahydroquinoxaline-6-formaldehyde. Probe L can recognize for Al3+ with highly selectivity in DMSO/Tris (V:V=7:3) solution. When Al3+ is added into the solution of L, the fluorescence color of solution changes from non-fluorescence to purple red fluorescence, and the maximum emission wavelength of L is 640 nm within range of the near-infrared. Probe L possesses a large Stokes shift (170 nm) and the detection limit of L is 0.521 μmol/L. In addition, L can detect Al3+ in the real water samples and imaging for Al3+ in MCF-7 cells.
Key words: 7-hydroxytetrahydroquinoxaline-6-formaldehyde, fluorescent probe, Al3+, recognition, cell imaging