
以钯为催化剂,通过C-C和C-N偶联反应分别合成了两种咔唑并噻唑类蓝色荧光材料:TCz-PCz和TCz-TPA,并采用质谱、1H NMR、13C NMR和元素分析等对其结构进行了鉴定.系统地研究了这些材料的热稳定性、光物理性质和电化学行为,结果表明这些化合物具有良好的热稳定性和形态稳定性,热分解温度高达400℃,玻璃化转变温度为119℃.在溶液中,这两种材料均发射出强的蓝光,荧光量子效率分别为71%和73%;这些分子的HOMO能级分别为-5.41和-5.21 eV,较高的HOMO能级有利于器件中空穴从空穴传输层向发光层的注入和传输.以TCz-PCz为发光材料,通过真空蒸镀技术制备了非掺杂型有机电致发光器件,研究了其电致发光性能.结果显示该器件具有稳定的蓝光发射,启亮电压仅为3.1 V,最大发光亮度和电流效率分别为2190 cd·m-2和2.88 cd·A-1.
关键词: 有机电致发光器件, 蓝光材料, 咔唑并噻唑, 非掺杂, 钯催化反应
Two thiazolo[5,4-b]carbazole based blue fluorescent materials, namely TCz-PCz and TCz-TPA, were synthesized by palladium catalyzed C-C and C-N coupling reactions, and their structures were confirmed by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. The thermal, photophysical, and electrochemical properties of these materials were fully investigated. The results indicate that these compounds possess thermal and amorphous stabilities with decomposition temperature up to 400℃ and glass transition temperatures of 119℃. Both TCz-PCz and TCz-TPA show strong blue emission in solution with high fluorescent quantum yields of 71% and 73%, respectively. These molecules show high HOMO energy levels of -5.41 and -5.21 eV that are favorable for hole injection and transportation from hole-transporting layer to the emitting layer in devices. The non-doped blue OLED using TCz-PCz as emitter through vacuum evaporation was fabricated for purpose of investigating its electroluminescence properties. The device exhibited stable blue electroluminescence, a low turn-on voltage of 3.1 V, a maximum luminance of 2190 cd·m-2, and a maximum current efficiency of 2.88 cd·A-1 were achieved, respectively.
Key words: organic light-emitting diodes, blue fluorescent materials, thiazolo[5,4-b]carbazole, non-doped, palladium catalyzed reaction