
关键词: 荧光探针, 半胱氨酸, 近红外, 罗丹明类似物, ICT
A near-infrared fluorescence probe CS-Cys was synthesized using rhodamine analoguse as near-infrared fluorescent group. The probe can specifically response to Cys, not to other sulfhydryl amino acids. The response mechanism is that Cys reacts with the acrylic ester of CS-Cys and the conjugated addition-cyclization reaction occurs, then the hydroxyl groups are exposed and fluorescence is released. Through studying the fluorescence changes of CS-Cys and Cys in different pH environments, it was found that the donor ability of the electron-donor group and the process of the ICT could be monitored by changing the pH of probe solution, and the fluorescence excitation wavelength and the emission wavelength could be adjusted to the near infrared region.
Key words: fluorescent probe, cysteine, near-infrared, rhodamine analogues, ICT