关键词: 对映选择性分析, 构象控制, 理性设计, 手性配体, 二乙基锌
A detailed logic-guided approach towards chiral ligands design is described via the enantioselective analysis of the dynamic conformational behaviors of catalyst, which is based on a mathematical relationship between conformations and enantioselectivity, for asymmetric addition of diethylzinc to benzaldehyde. Following this logic thought, 94 examples, almost all highly enantioselective β-aminoalcohol ligands reported, can be rationally devised by the logic control of the dynamic conformational behaviors of the catalyst from the simplest β-aminoalcohol with one single chiral center as starting point.
Key words: enantioselective analysis, conformational control, rational design, chiral ligand, diethylzinc