近年来,该合作团队针对传统疾病检测手段技术繁、耗时长、成本高等缺陷,发展了一系列新型疾病标志物蛋白的检测方法,通过小分子探针与材料基底的超分子自组装策略,构建了具备荧光“点亮”性能和电化学活性的生物传感材料,并在此基础上进一步发展了可用于靶向检测细胞内容物的糖荧光分子探针,形成了以医学为导向的化学生物学研究特色。其中发表于《美国化学会-应用材料与界面》(ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 5379)被认证为ESI高被引论文。
基于上述系统性研究成果,合作科研团队受邀为国际知名传感科学家Christopher Chang, Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson与Tony D. James共同客座编辑的Sensor Targets专栏撰写应用荧光复合材料检测疾病关联蛋白的指南综述。文中系统性总结了近年来基于二维石墨烯、单维碳纳米管以及零维金纳米颗粒的荧光生物传感材料构建策略,并结合自身工作就此类材料的疾病检测应用进行了综述与展望。基于前期研究成果,李佳、臧奕团队将进一步与陈国荣、贺晓鹏团队合作,共同优化此类探针体系,并开拓其对临床样品的诊断学应用。

1. He XP*,Zhu BW,Zang Y,Li J*, Chen GR, Tian H, Long YT* , Dynamic tracking of pathogenic receptor expression of live cells using pyrenyl glycoanthraquinone-decorated grapheme electrodes. Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 1996
2.Shi DT, Zhou D, Zang Y, Li J*, Chen GR, James TD, He XP*, Tian H. Selective fluorogenic imaging of hepatocellular H2S by a galactosyl azidonaphthalimide probe. Chem Commun (Camb). 2015 Feb 12;51 (17):3653-5.
3.Li K, Wang H, Zang Y, He XP, Li J*, Chen GR*, Tian H. One-step 'click engineering' considerably ameliorates the practicality of an unqualified rhodamine probe. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2014, 6:19600-5.
4.Li KB#, Zang Y#, Wang H, Li J*, Chen GR, James TD, He XP*, Tian H.Hepatoma-selective imaging of heavy metal ions using a 'clicked' galactosyl rhodamine probe. Chem Commun (Camb). 2014, 50:11735-7
5.Zhang HL, Zang Y, Xie J, Li J*, Chen GR, He XP*, Tian H A "clicked" tetrameric hydroxamic acid glycopeptidomimetic antagonizes sugar-lectin interactions on the cellular level. Sci Rep.2014, 4:5513.
6.Ma W, Liu HT, He XP*, Zang Y, Li J*, Chen GR, Tian H, Long YT*. Target-Specific Imaging of Transmembrane Receptors Using Quinonyl Glycosides Functionalized Quantum Dots. Anal Chem. 2014, 86:5502-7.
7.He XP, Deng Q, Cai L, Wang CZ, Zang Y*, Li J*, Chen GR*, Tian H. Fluorogenic resveratrol-confined graphene oxide for economic and rapid detection of Alzheimer's disease. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2014, 6:5379-82.
8.Shi DT, Wei XL, Sheng Y, Zang Y, He XP*, Xie J, Liu G, Tang Y, Li J*, Chen GR*. Substitution pattern reverses the fluorescence response of coumarin glycoligands upon coordination with silver (I). Sci Rep. 2014, 4:4252.
9.Li Z, Deng SS, Zang Y, Gu Z, He XP*, Chen GR, Chen KX, James TD, Li J*, Long YT*.Capturing intercellular sugar-mediated ligand-receptor recognitions via a simple yet highly biospecific interfacial system. Sci Rep 2013, 3:2293.
10.Zhang HL, Wei XL, Zang Y, Cao JY, Liu S, He XP*, Chen Q, Long YT, Li J*, Chen GR*, Chen K. Fluorogenic Probing of Specific Recognitions between Sugar Ligands and Glycoprotein Receptors on Cancer Cells by an Economic Graphene Nanocomposite. Adv Mater. 2013, 25:4097-101.