

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

姓名:徐承龙(Chenglong Xu)
Email: xu.chenglong@shufe.edu.cn
1981.9-- 1985.7东南大学(原南京工学院)数学力学系,本科
1985.9-- 1988.2 东南大学数学力学系,硕士
1996.9-- 2000.1 上海大学数学系,博士(在职)
1988.3 --2001.6 上海大学(原上海科技大学)数学系助教、讲师、副教授
2001.6 --2004.5 同济大学数学科学学院副教授
2004.6 --2017.7 同济大学数学科学学院教授、博士生导师
2017.7 -- 现在上海财经大学数学学院教授、博士生导师
2003.2 -- 2003.5 香港科技大学 访问****
2009.7 -- 2009.10 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 访问****
2012.8 -- 2012.9 香港城市大学 访问****
2013.1 -- 2013.2 香港城市大学 访问****
?金融衍生物的偏微分方程定价及计算 (上海上海市教委),2003.1-2008.6
?不同企业柴油质量指标相关性的研究 (中国石化股份有限公司),2006.1-2016-6
?金融衍生物定价问题中的偏微分方程粘性解理论与计算(国家自然科学基金), 2003.7-2006.6
?数学物理中的新谱方法(国家重大基础研究项目(973)子课题),2000.1- 2004.12
1.Yongchao Sun and Chenglong Xu, A Hybrid Monte Carlo Acceleration Method of Pricing Basket Options Based on Splitting, Journal of computational and applied mathematics,published online,2018.
2.Chenglong Xu, Junmei ma, Yiming tian, Least square based control variate method for pricing options under general factor models, International journal of computer mathematics,published online,2018.
3.Guanxin Jiang, Chenglong Xu and Michael C.Fu, On sample average approximation algorithms for determining the optimal importance sampling parameters in pricing financial derivatives on Lévy processes, Operations research letters, 2016,44:44-49.
4.GuangXin Jiang, Michael C. Fu, Chenglong Xu, Optimal importance sampling for simulation of levy processes,2015 Winter Simulation Conference(WSC2015), 3813-3824.
5.Guangxin Jiang、Michael C. Fu、Chenglong Xu, Bias reduction in estimating Quantile sensitivities, 19th World Congress on the International Federation of Automatic Control(2014), 10463-10468.
6.Chenglong Xu, Wei Guan, Yijuan Liang,An comparison of control variate methods for pricing Interest rate derivatives in the LIBOR market model. Journal of System Science and Information. 2015 3(1),48-58.
7.Junmei Ma, Chenglong Xu, Monte Carlo acceleration method for pricing variance derivatives under stochastic volatility models with jump diffusion, International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2014,91(9),2039-2059.
8.LiangJiang, Chenglong Xu,The regularized parameter estimation of the non-Gauss single factor short-term interest rate model, Chinese journal of computational physics, 2012, 29(6),837-844.
9.Xiao-song Qian, Li-shang Jiang, Cheng-long Xu, Sen Wu, Explicit formulas for pricing of callable mortgage-backed securities in a case of prepayment rate negatively correlated with interest rates, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 393 (2012) 421-433.
10.Junmei Ma,Chenglong Xu, An efficient control variate method for pricing variance derivatives, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,235 (2010),No.1, 108-119.
11.Junmei Ma, Chenglong Xu, Modeling of variance swap and improved control variate for Monte Carlo method.2009 International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, Beijing, 2009, 735-740.
12.Chenglong Xu and Yue Kuen Kwok, Integral price formulas for lookback options, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.2005, No. 2,117-125
13.Qian Xiao-song, Xu Cheng-long, Jiang Li-shang and Bian Bao-jun, Convergence of Binomial tree method for American options in a jump-diffusion model, SIAM J. of Numerical Analysis, Vol.42(2005), No.5, 1899-1913.
14.Xu Cheng-long, Qian Xiao-song and Jiang Li-shang, Numerical analysis onBinomial tree method for a Jump-diffusion model, Journal of Computational and Applied mathematics,156 (2003), 23-45.
15.Xu Cheng-long and Guo Ben-yu, Modified Laguerre spectral and pseudo-spectral methods for nonlinear partial differential equations in multiple dimensions, Appl. Math.Mech., 2008,29(3),311-331.
16.Cheng-long Xu, Spectral-domain decomposition method and its applications in finance, Recent progress in scientific computing,367-381,Science press, Beijing,2007.
17.Guo Ben-yu, Shen Jie and Xu Cheng-long, Generalized Laguerre approximationand its applicatios to exterior problems, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.23(2005),No.2,113-130.
18.Guo Ben-yu and Xu Cheng-long, Mixed Laguerre-Legend pseudo-spectral method for incompressible fluid flow in an infinite strip, Mathematics of Computation, vol.73(2005), No.245, 95-125.
19.Xu Cheng-long and Guo Ben-yu, Hermite spectral and pseudo-spectral methods for nonlinear partial differential equations in multiple dimensions, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 22(2003),No.2, 1-27.
20.Guo Ben-yu, Jie Shen and Xu Cheng-long, A modified Hermite approximation to nonlinear partial differential equations on the whole line, Advances in Comp. Math.,19(2003),35-55.
21.Xu Cheng-long and Guo Ben-yu, Mixed Laguerre-Legend spectral method for the stream function forms of Navier-Stokes equation, Advances in Comp. Math., 16(2002), No 1, 77-96.
22.Xu Cheng-long and Guo Ben-yu, Laguerre pseudo-spectral method for nonlinearpartial differential equation inunbounded domains, J. Comp. Math. (20)2002, 413-428.
23.Guo Ben-yu and Xu cheng-long, On two-dimensional incompressible fluid flowin an infinity strip, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 23(2000),1617-1636.
24.Guo Ben-yu and Xu cheng-long, Hermite pseudo-spectral method for nonlinear partial differential equation in unbounded domains, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis,34(2000), No 4.859-972.
26.徐承龙等,政府隐形担保下的可违约债券的结构化定价模型与实证分析, 将发表.
32.Xu Chenglong, Spectral methods in unbounded domains, 上海:上海大学出版社,2001.5.
42.徐承龙,边保军,金融数学专业建设的一些体会,大学数学,vol.30, No.1(2014):153-156.

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