

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

上海市杨浦区国定路777号 红瓦楼914室(邮编:200433)
ADD: Room 914, Red Tile Building, School of Mathematics,
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,
777 GuoDing Road, Shanghai 200433, P. R. China
TEL: +86-21-6590-3843
EMAIL: jiang.yu@mail.shufe.edu.cn
? 2017/10-2018/9,徐汇区审计局副局长(挂职)
? 2011/4-至今,上海财经大学,数学学院
? 2010/4-2011/3,日本北海道大学,日本科学技术振兴机构,项目博士后
? 2009/7-2010/3,日本北海道大学,日本学术振兴会,博士后研究员
? 2008/4-2009/6,日本北海道大学,日本学术振兴会,博士研究员
? 2005/7-2005/9,日本东京大学,研究员
? 2005/10–2009/6,日本北海道大学,数理科学,博士
● 论文:

1. Yu Jiang, Gen Nakamura, Haibing Wang, Locating small inclusions in diffuse optical tomography by a direct imaging method, IMA J APPL MATH, 2020.
2. 颜彦文, 刘婵, 江渝, 徐文洁, 基于城市轨道交通大数据的大事件影响分析模型, 城市轨道交通研究, 2020.
3. Yu Jiang, Jishan Fan, Sei Nagayasu, Gen Nakamura, Local solvability of an inverse problem to the Navier-Stokes equation with memory term, INVERSE PROBLEMS, 36(6), 2020.
4. 黄翰诚, 江渝, 一类改进DBSCAN算法及在金融中的应用, 高校应用数学学报, 35(2), 2020.
5. Yu Chen, Jin Cheng, Yu Jiang, Keji Liu, A time delay dynamical model for outbreak of 2019-nCoV and the parameter identification , JOURNAL OF INVERSE AND ILL-POSED PROBLEMS, 28(2), 2020.
6. 刘可伋, 江渝, 严阅, 陈文斌, 局部新冠肺炎时滞模型及基本再生数的计算, 控制理论与应用, 37(3), 2020.
7. Yu Chen, Jin Cheng, Yu Jiang, Keji Liu, A time delay dynamic system with external source for the local outbreak of 2019-nCoV, APPLICABLE ANALYSIS, 2020.
8. 严阅, 陈瑜, 刘可伋, 罗心悦, 许伯熹, 江渝, 程晋, 基于一类时滞动力学系统对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的建模和预测, 中国科学, 3, 2020.
9. Chunlong Sun, Gen Nakamura, Jijun Liu, Yu Jiang, Goro Nishimura, Manabu Machida, Fast and robust reconstruction algorithm forfluorescence diffuse optical tomography assuming acuboid target, JOSA A, 37(2), 2020.
10. Yu Jiang,Shihui Qian, Bayesian Approach for Recovering Piecewise Constant Viscoelasticity from MRE Data, ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLICATAE SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES, 36, 2020.
11. Yasushi Ota, Yu Jiang, Gen Nakamura, Masaaki Uesaka, Bayesian inference approach to inverse problems in a financial mathematical model, INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS, 2019.
12. Yu Jiang, Yoko Hoshi, Manabu Machida, Gen Nakamura, A Hybrid Inversion Scheme Combining Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Iterative Methods for Determining Optical Properties of Random Media, APPLIED SCIENCES, 9(17), 2019.
13. Yu Jiang, Gen Nakamura, Convergence of Levenberg–Marquardt method for the inverse problem with an interior measurement, JOURNAL OF INVERSE AND ILL-POSED PROBLEMS, 27, 2020.
14. Sunao Tomita, Hayato Suzuki, Itsuro Kajiwara, Gen Nakamura, Yu Jiang, Mikio Suga, Takayuki Obata, Shigeru Tadano, Numerical simulations of magnetic resonance elastography using finite element analysis with a linear heterogeneous viscoelastic model, JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION, 21, 2018.
15. Shigeru Tadano, Yu Jiang, Hayato Suzuki, Seishin Takao, Mikio Suga,Itsuro Kajiwara, Toru Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Fujisaki, Gen Nakamura, Excitation System for Magnetic Resonance Elastography Using Micro MRI, JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 7, 2012.
16. Yu Jiang, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Gen Nakamura, Approximate Steady State Models for Magnetic Resonance Elastography,SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 71, 2011.
17. Yu Jiang, Gen Nakamura, Viscoelastic properties of soft tissues in a living body measured by MR elastography, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, 290, 2010.
18. Jishan Fan, Michele Di Cristo, Yu Jiang, Gen Nakamura, Inverse viscosity problem for the Navier–Stokes equation, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 365, 2010.
19. Fan Jishan, Yu Jiang, Gen Nakamura, Inverse problems for the Boussinesq system, INVERSE PROBLEMS, 25, 2009.
20. Gen Nakamura, Yu Jiang, Sei Nagayasu, Jin Cheng, Inversion analysis for magnetic resonance elastography, APPLICABLE ANALYSIS,87, 2008.
21. Yu Jiang, Gufan Yang, Sixun Huang, Uniqueness for the inverse problem of determining the piecewise continuous coefficients in a wave equation from the interior measurements, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, 12, 2005.
22. 邵新慧, 江渝, 沈海龙, 李长军, Chebyshev加速法在斜对称化情况下迭代参数ρn的确定, 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2004.
● 专利
但野茂,梶原逸朗,藤崎和弘,高尾聖心,中村玄,江渝,菅幹生2015 MRE用加振装置、加振系统和加振方法日本专利号:JP**,国际专利号:W02012/026543.
● 课题
1. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,**,基于微分方程模型的信息重构的理论与算法,2020/01-2023/12,53万元,在研,参加.
2. 国家自然科学基金,天元数学交流项目,**,光声与超声联合成像中的相关反演理论及其算法的研究,2018/01-2018/12,29万元,已结题,参加.
3. 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,**,带磁薛定谔算子的非线性方程零点集的定量研究及其应用,2016/01-2018/12,18万元,已结题,参加.
4. 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,**,核磁共振弹性成像法反演人体组织粘弹性的算法研究,2013/01-2015/12,22万元,已结题,主持.

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