

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

戴欣苗Dai Xin Miao
职称 副教授

研究方向 财务报表分析,财务会计

教授课程 财务报表分析,会计学,会计职业道德

办公电话 **

E-mail dxm@mail.shufe.edu.cn

现为会计学院副教授、硕士生导师、美国纽约佩斯大学访问****。主要研究领域为财务会计、财务报表分析和会计职业道德。编写的《会计学》、《财务报表分析(技巧。策略)》等教材获得诸多奖项,并在核心期刊上发表过有关财务报表分析、财务会计等学术论文。 为外系本科生开设《会计学》获得国家级精品课程荣誉;为本院中外合作本科生开设的《Accounting》获上海市高校示范性全英语课程荣誉;为MBA研究生开设《财务报表分析》课程,颇受学生欢迎;为MPACC研究生开设《会计职业道德》课程。 戴欣苗于1984年本科毕业留校任教至今,2000年起任副教授。1999年取得管理学硕士学位。

English Resume
Associate Professor and Master Supervisor of School of Accountancy, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Visiting Scholar of Pace University, US
Published articles regarding financial accounting and financial statement analysis in core journals
Accounting Course offered to undergraduate students was awarded as National Quality Course; Accounting Course offered to foreign students was awarded as Shanghai Model English Course.
Research Interest: Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, Professional Ethics of Accounting
Courses and Lectures: Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, Professional Ethics of Accounting
Phone: E-Mail:xinmiaodai@hotmail.com

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