

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

董毅Dong Yi
职称 副教授

研究方向 行为金融学 市场有效性

E-mail dong.yi@mail.shufe.edu.cn

教育经历2003-2007|北京大学 理论与应用力学 学士
2007-2012|新加坡南洋理工大学 金融学 博士

工作经历2012/08-2014/12|对外经济贸易大学 金融学院 讲师
2015/01-2016/03|对外经济贸易大学 金融学院 副教授
2016/04-今|上海财经大学 会计学院 副教授

[1] Financial report readability and stock return synchronicity, with X. Bai and N. Hu, Applied Economics51(4), 346-363, 2019.
[2]Analyst Firm Coverage and Forecast Accuracy: The Effect of Regulation Fair Disclosure, with N. Hu, X. Li, and L. Liu, ABACUS53 (4). 450-484, 2017
[3] The Impact of NASD Rule 2711 and NYSE Rule 472 on Analyst Behavior: The Strategic Timing of Recommendations Issued on Weekends, with N. Hu, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting43(7-8):950-975 2016
[4] Does Information Processing Cost Affect Firm-Specific Information Acquisition: Evidence from the XBRL Adoption, with O. Li, Y. Lin, and C. Ni, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis51(2).435-462, 2016
[5] Determinants and Economic Consequences of Non-financial Disclosure Quality, with Gao F., C. Ni and R. Fu, European Accounting Review25(2).287-317, 2016
[6] Does Limited Attention Constrain Investors’ Acquisition of Firm-Specific Information?, with C. Ni, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 41 (9) & (10), 1361-92, 2014
[7] Not All That Glitters Is Gold: The Effect of Attention and Blogs on Investors’ Investing Behaviors, with Hu. N, L. Liu, and L. Yao, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 28 (1), 4-19, 2013.

相关话题/会计学院 上海财经