

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

刘华Liu Hua
职称 副教授

研究方向 审计理论与实务、内部控制建设与证券市场治理(案例及法规研究)

教授课程 研究生《审计研究》、《高级审计理论与实务》、《审计学专题》及本科生CPA《审计》、《审计案例》、CPA《会计》、《基础会计》等

办公电话 **

E-mail liuhua@mail.shufe.edu.cn

刘华系上海财经大学会计学院博士、副教授,会计学院及商学院MBA(兼)硕士生导师,中国注册会计师,《上海会计管理》责任编辑,研究领域为审计理论与实务、内部控制建设和证券市场治理,研究特点为案例与法规研究。 负责上海财经大学研究生《审计研究》及MPAcc《高级审计理论与实务》课程,学术型研究生及MPAcc《审计研究》案例教学分获上海财经大学校级教学成果二等奖。本课生审计课程建设与案例教学,及成本会计精品课程建设(合作)获上海财经大学校级教学成果一等奖,负责完成审计实验室和《审计学》精品课程建设,开设本科生《审计案例》和商学院MBA《审计学专题》选修课。 完成“证券市场内部控制系统研究”及参与“注册会计师制度与社会经济、环境发展之间的关系”科研课题。出版《审计理论与实务研究——案例结合法》、 《审计案例研究》、《审计理论与案例》、《审计治理规范与案例》、《内部控制案例研究》、《证券市场制度建设与案例研究》和《证券公司内部控制系统研究》等学术专著。编写《中国大百科全书》审计词条和《大辞海》经济卷会计学科框架、财务会计、审计和会计史词条。参编研究生教材《审计研究前沿》和MPAcc核心课程《高级审计理论与实务》。发表在《审计研究》、《财经研究》和《财务与会计》等期刊的专业论文上百篇,发表在《解放日报》、《纳税人报》的理论成果40余篇,为《新闻晨报》公司版(每周三)的专栏撰稿人,呈送中央政策内参4份。 长期为上市公司、企业集团和会计师事务所提供审计理论与实务、内部控制和审计领域的专业培训和设计咨询,从事CPA《审计》的考前辅导和培训。




所获荣誉本科生《审计》课程建设与案例教学,及成本会计精品课程建设(合作)获上海财经大学校级教学成果一等奖,学术型研究生及MPAcc《审计研究》案例教学分获上海财经大学校级教学成果二等奖。 指导王洁同学(学号)撰写的毕业论文《宏观调控对上市房地产企业财务影响的实证分析》被评为2012年上海财经大学本科优秀毕业论文。

完成“证券市场内部控制系统研究”及参与“注册会计师制度与社会经济、环境发展之间的关系”科研课题。出版《审计理论与实务研究——案例结合法》、 《审计案例研究》、《审计理论与案例》、《审计治理规范与案例》、《内部控制案例研究》、《证券市场制度建设与案例研究》和《证券公司内部控制系统研究》等学术专著。编写《中国大百科全书》审计词条和《大辞海》经济卷财务会计、审计和会计史词条。参编研究生教材《审计研究前沿》和MPAcc核心课程《高级审计理论与实务》。发表在《审计研究》、《财经研究》和《财务与会计》等期刊的专业论文上百篇,发表在《解放日报》、《纳税人报》的理论成果40余篇,为《新闻晨报》公司版(每周三)的专栏撰稿人,呈送中央政策内参4份。

English Resume
Liu Hua is the doctor, associate professor and tutor for graduates of the School of Accountancy at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics as well as the Chinese Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and the responsible editor of Shanghai Accounting Management, who focuses on the research of auditing theory and practice, internal control construction and securities market government, and bases his research on cases and regulations. Liu is responsible for teaching Auditing Research and MPAcc Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice to graduate students at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. His case method in teaching Auditing Research has been awarded the Teaching Achievement Prize by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. His auditing course construction and case teaching for undergraduate students as well as fine course construction of cost accounting has been awarded the first prize of teaching achievement by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Additionally, he is responsible for completing the construction of auditing laboratory and Auditing fine courses, and offering selective course of Auditing Cases for undergraduate students and elective course of Auditing Topics for MBA of Business School. He has done “Study on Internal Control System of Securities Market” and participated in scientific research of “The Relationship between CPA system, Social Economy and Environmental Development”. In addition, he has published many academic monographs including Research of Auditing Theory and Practice – Case Analysis Method, Case Study on Auditing, Auditing Theory and Cases, Auditing Government Standards and Cases, Case Analysis on Internal Control, Study on System Construction and Cases of Securities Market, Study on Internal Control System of Securities Company, and has written auditing entries for Encyclopedia of China as well as financial accounting, auditing and the history of accountancy entities for Grand Dictionary – Economics Volume. Moreover, he has published hundreds of professional papers on Auditing Research, Finance Research, Finance and Accounting and other journals, as well as more than 40 theory achievements on Jiefang Daily and The Taxpayer. Besides, he has submitted 4 policy references to central government. Liu offers professional training and design consultancy in auditing theory and practice, internal control and auditing for listed companies, business groups and accounting firms.

相关话题/会计学院 上海财经