
上海海事大学 上海海事大学/2006-09-17

[A] about                                          [B] during

[C] since                                          [D] for


The best choice is “C”, so your answer should be: [A] [B] [C] [D]


1. ________ Eric started a job, he would not stop ________ it was finished.

  [A] Once, till                                [B] Each time, once

  [C] Since, when                           [D] The moment, as

2. The proposed law, while brilliantly ________, has been poorly devised to do the

job at hand.

  [A] confirmed                              [B] promoted

  [C] deceived                                [D] conceived


Key:   1. A    2. D


Part II.  Reading Comprehension (40 points, 65 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.




If you’ve been married to the world’s loudest snorer for nearly four decades, you’re either a saint or you’re deaf.

Julie Switzer is a little of both.

On July 4, the 61-year-old British homemaker will celebrate her 40th anniversary with her husband Mel, a cab driver whose snoring has been measured at 92.5 decibels—louder than a police siren.

Until he found a treatment, flight attendants would ask him not to sleep on planes. Eight of his neighbors sold their homes in one 10-year period. Only his wife stood by his side.

“My wife and I love ach other,” he says. “And she is deaf in one ear.”

Julie’s condition had no connection to her husband’s strident snoozing (打盹儿). But even with diminished hearing, she found it hard to sleep—and though to get up each day to get their two boys off to school. “I just thought most men sound like a electric saw in the bedroom,” she says.

After two decades of sleeplessness, Julie entered Mel in a local contest, sponsored by a British newspaper in 1984, to find the loudest snoring husband in the United Kingdom. Until then, Mel had not realized the scope of his snore.

The contest turned out to be the best thing she ever did. In one brave stroke, Julie turned her husband into an international celebrity of sorts. Suddenly, she and Mel were flying to Japan, so that doctors could measure his snoring on national TV.

“I guess there are better reasons to be famous,” Mel says. “But if people are sending you to Tokyo, why fight it?”

The folks at Guinness were quick to certify him, and all the attention brought hundreds of would-be remedies—including one that finally worked.

About four years ago, New York entrepreneur Robert Ross gave Mel a Chinese herbal concoction that he now markets throughout North America as Y-snore.

Y-snore changed the Switzers’ life. Just a few drops in the nose and Mel is silent as a lamb. Finally, a peaceful night for his wife.


1. Julie Switzer is considered somewhat a saint because ________.

  [A] she has been an excellent homemaker all the time

  [B] she has been married to Mel for 40 years

  [C] she turned a deaf ear to her husband’s snoring

  [D] she tolerated the loudest snoring in the world for more than 40 years

2. What did Julie think of her husband’s snoring before she entered him in a local contest?

  [A] She thought it was as loud as a police siren.

  [B] She felt bored.

  [C] She thought it was just a normal phenomenon.

  [D] She was anxious to find a cure for her husband’s snoring.

3. Entering her husband in the snoring contest was the best thing Julie ever did

because ________.

  [A] Mel became a famous person as a result of the contest

  [B] Mel became rich after winning the first prize

  [C] then she began to know how loud her husband’s snoring was

  [D] she managed to prove to the world that her husband was a very brave man

4. What does Mel think of his own success in the contest?

  [A] He believes that it is a great victory.

  [B] He is glad to take the opportunity to travel.

  [C] He feels embarrassed to be known as “the world’s loudest snorer.”

  [D] He feels proud of himself and his wife.

5. According to what is said in the passage, Y-snore is ________.

  [A] an interesting question Robert Ross asked Mel

  [B] a Japanese medical instrument that Mel bought in Japan

  [C] the name of a Chinese drug store that can be found in North America

  [D] a kind of medicine that stops snoring effectively


Key: 1. D    2. C     3. A     4. B     5. D


Part III.  Cloze (20 points, 35 minutes)

Directions: In this part there is a passage with 20 blanks. For each blank there are four choices of words (phrases) marked A), B), C), and D). You are asked to choose the ONE word (phrase) that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


At the moment some 170,000 young people throughout Britain are suffering what is potentially the most tense and anxious time of their lives. That is the ___1___ of students currently preparing to ___2___ their A-levels–examinations which will decide ___3___ a student proceeds smoothly on to the next step of the academic ___4___ or whether six years of work at secondary –school will be spent in the bitter disappointment of failure. ___5___ the medical “stress-charts” examinations ___6___ somewhere behind a death ___7___, a divorce or even the loss of a job; ___8___ the symptoms of anxiety are all the more weakening  ___9___ they are before the event ___10___ after it, and may ___11___ themselves be enough to ___12___ the student’s worst fears failing.



1.    A) amount              B) number                C) account                D) members

2.    A) sit upon             B) sit down              C) sit for                   D) sit over

3.    A) how                   B) what                    C) why                      D) whether

4.    A) career               B) purpose               C) project                 D) ladder

5.    A) At                      B) Above                  C) Within                  D) In

6.    A) success             B) rank                     C) line up                 D) link

7.    A) in the house       B) at home                C) in the family         D) in homes

