

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-26

姓名: 崔维成 导师类别: 博导

所在专业: 海洋科学 研究方向:
学院/单位: 海洋科学学院
专业所属学院: 海洋科学学院
专业技术职务: 教授 行政职务: 正高级
性别: 男 E-Mail: wccui@shou.edu.cn
最高学位: 博士

2013.4-2018.9 上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院 深渊中心 主任
2018.9-现在 西湖大学工学院 讲席教授,上海海洋大学-西湖大学深渊中心兼职主任


1981-1986 清华大学 工程力学系 本科
1987-1990 英国布里斯托大学 土木系 博士


1990 -1993 英国布里斯托大学 航空系 博士后
1993-1999 中国船舶科学研究中心,研究员
1999-2002 上海交通大学 船舶与海洋工程学院 长江**** 副院长
2002- 2013 中国船舶科学研究中心 副所长,研究员





1. “舰船用玻璃钢应用研究”、97年船舶总公司科技进步二等奖,排名第4;
2. “大型、高附加值船舶结构强度疲劳寿命及其可靠性计算方法”、99年船舶总公司科技进步二等奖,排名第一;
3. “舰艇复合材料结构特性研究”,99年江苏省科技进步三等奖;排名第一;
4. “´´结构性能研究”,2002年国防科工委科技进步二等奖;排名第三;
5. 《潜艇结构的可靠性评估与设计研究》2005年获国防科工委科技进步三等奖,排名第2;
6. ´´´´舰研制》2007年获国防科工委科技进步特等奖,排名第23
7. 《深海超高压潜器试验压力模拟装置》,2011年获国防科技进步三等奖,排名第5 (授奖编号:2011GFJBJ3138-R05);
8. 《深海超高压潜器试验压力模拟装置》,2011年获中船重工科技进步二等奖,排名第5 (授奖编号:2011JTJ2003-R-05);
9. 《舰船航行与结构性能多学科设计优化技术研究》,2012年获中船重工科技进步二等奖,排名第1 (授奖编号:2012JTJ2011-R-01)。
10. 《蛟龙号载人潜水器海上试验》,2013年获中国海洋工程咨询协会的海洋工程科学技术一等奖,排名第6 (证书编号:2013-01-02-G06)。
12. 7000米载人潜水器(蛟龙号)总体及集成》, 2014年度江苏省科学技术奖1等奖,证书号:2014-1-2-R2.
13. 《蛟龙号载人潜水器研制与应用》,2017年国家科学技术进步一等奖,排名第三,证书号:2017-J-223-1-01-R03. (全部获奖人员:徐芑南、刘峰、崔维成、胡震、朱敏、王晓辉、刘涛、吴崇建、李向阳、侯德永、叶聪、杨波、刘开周、余建勋、刘军)。


[1] Jae Wook Lee, Seung-Hee Lee, Yousheng Wu and Weicheng Cui (eds.), Yellow Sea Transportation System: needs and technology. Proceedings of the 1st China-Korea Joint Workshop on Yellow Sea Transportation Systems, Wuxi, China, 4-7 November 1998, Published by Center for Transportation System of Yellow Sea, Inha University, Korea, 1998.
[2] 吴有生,崔维成,陈燮麟(主编),首届船舶与海洋工程结构力学学术讨论会论文集,江西省九江市,1999年8月20日~25日,中国造船编辑部出版。
[3] 李润培,崔维成,曹荣瑞(主编),第一届全国船舶与海洋工程学术会议论文集,上海交通大学,2000年8月20日~24日,中国造船编辑部出版。
[4] Wu, Y.S., Cui, W.C. and Zhou, G.J. (eds), Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, VOLUME I&II, Proceedings of the eighth international symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, September 16-21, 2001, Shanghai, China, published by Elsevier Science Ltd, 2001.
[5] Cui,W.C., Uncertainty Analysis in Structural Safety Assessment, Ph.D thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, UK, 1990.
[6] 盛振邦,崔维成,吴有生,力学与船舶工程(一章),薛明德主编,《力学与工程》,高等教育出版社, 2001。
[7] Cui Weicheng, FRACTURE MECHANICS AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF CRACKED STRUCTURES (CHAPTER 10) in J.K. Paik and A.K. Thayamballi, Ultimate Limit State Design of Steel Plated Structures, published by John Wiley & Sons, London, August 2002.
[8] Cui Weicheng, Yang Jianmin, Wu Yousheng and Liu Yingzhong (2007). Theory of Hydroelasticity and Its Application to Very Large Floating Structures, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, ISBN 978-7-313-04626-0. (上海交通大学学术文库)。
[9] Wu, Y.S. and Cui, W.C. (eds), Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Proceedings of the fourth international conference on hydroelasticity in marine technology, Wuxi, China, 10-14 September 2006, National Defence Industry Press.
[10] 崔维成,刘应中,葛春花,孙辉(译)(2007),高速船水动力学,国防工业出版社出版, ISBN 978-7-118-05066-0。原著:Odd M. Faltinsen, Hydrodynamics of High Speed Marine Vessels,Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA, 2005, First Published, ISBN 0-521-84568-8 (hardback).
[11] 崔维成,戚心源编著(2007),走进深海大洋,上海科学普及出版社出版,ISBN 978-7-5427-3655-0。
[12] Cui,W.C., Dong,S.T., Kang,B.L. and Zhang,M. eds. (2007). Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST2007), September 23-27,2007, Shanghai, China.
[13] Cui Weicheng, Mechanisms, Mathematical Models and Preventive Measures of Fatigue Cracking (Chapter 5), Cui Weicheng, Wang Fang, Residual Strength of Cracked Structures (Chapter 8) in J.K. Paik and Robert E. Melchers (eds), Condition Assessment of Aged Structures, Woodhead Publishing Limited,Abington Hall, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AH, England, 2008. ISBN 978-1-84569-334-3.
[14] 崔维成,康伯霖,廖秋梅(主编),中国船舶科学研究中心恢复招收研究生30周年(1978-2008)纪念集,《船舶力学》编辑部编辑出版,2008年11月。
[15] Cui Weicheng, Zhang Ming and Kang Bolin eds. (2009). Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on underwater technology (UT2009), April 21-24, 2009, Wuxi, China, Journal of Ship Mechanics Press.
[16] 崔维成、徐芑南、叶聪 (2008)。7000米载人潜水器潜航员培训教材总体分册,船舶力学编辑部。
[17] Cui Weicheng, Huang Xiaoping, Wang Fang (2013). Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method for Marine Structures, Zhejiang University Press and Springer. ISBN 978-7-308-10450-0 Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou;ISBN 978-3-642-41830-3 e-ISBN 978-3-642-41831-0, Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London (Obtained a funding support of total 37,000 yuan RMB from The Committee of the National Fund for Academic Publication in Science and Technology, Project No. 2010-E-088).
[18] Cui, W.C., Wang, F. (2013). The unified fatigue crack growth rate model, in Fatigue Crack Growth: Mechanisms, Behavior and Analysis, Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
[19] Cui, W.C., Wang, F. (2013). Damage Accumulation (Essay 00273), Stress-life theories (Essay 00277), Strain-life theories (Essay 00276). Encyclopedia of Tribology, edited by Wang, Q.J. and Chung, Y.W., Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-92896-8, Due: Oct. 2012.
[20] Weicheng Cui, Fang Wang, Binbin Pan, Yong Hu and Qinghai Du (2015). Chapter 1 Issues to be Solved in the Design, Manufacture and Maintenance of a Full Ocean Depth Manned Cabin, in Advances in Engineering Research. Volume 11, Editors: Victoria M. Petrova, Pub. Date: 2015 - 3rd Quarter, ISBN: 978-1-63483-380-6, Nova Science Publishers.
[21] 潘彬彬,崔维成(2018). 多学科设计优化理论及其在大深度载人潜水器设计中的应用.浙江科学技术出版社。Pan, B.B., Cui, W.C. (2018). Theory of multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) and its application to the design of deep manned submersibles. Zhejiang Science and Technology Press (2018).
[22] 崔维成. 蛟龙号载人潜水器的故障及处理方法. 上海交通大学出版社,2016年12月。
[23] Wang Fang & Cui Weicheng (2015). Recent Development of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate models. Chapter 1 in the Book “Advances in Engineering Research. Pp. 127-160. Volume 11”, edited by Ricardo Branco, Nova Science Publishers. 2015-3rd Quarter.
[24] 崔维成,盛振邦,吴有生,力学与船舶工程(第5章),薛明德主编,《力学与工程》第二版,高等教育出版社, 2016年。
[25] 张同伟,杨波,崔维成 (2016). 浅海声学被动定位技术。北京:海洋出版社。
[26] 崔维成,郭威,王芳,姜哲,罗高生,潘彬彬(编著). 潜水器技术与应用,上海科学技术出版社,2018年9月第1版(“十三五”国家重点图书出版规划项目《深远海工程装备与高技术丛书》)。


[1] Zhe Jiang, Yong Hu, Weicheng Cui, Tianyu Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, A Study on the load-bearing Armored Cable Performance in the First Phase Sea Trial of an 11,000m ARV,OMAE 2016.
[2] Weicheng Cui, Yong Hu, Wei Guo, Binbin Pan, Xin Wu, Chinese Journey to the Challenger Deep: A new strategy and its current progress, 2016 ANNUAL MTS MUV Program Underwater Intervention Conference 2016, New Orleans, February 23-25th, 2016.
[3] 王芳, 王莹莹,崔维成, 高强度钛合金载人球疲劳寿命预报方法研究进展, 第十六届全国钛及钛合金学术交流会,2016.4.西安。
[4] Wang Ying-Ying, Wang Fang, Cui Wei-Cheng, (2016). Fatigue Reliability Analysis for the manned cabin of deep manned submersibles Based on the Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.20, No.3, pp.335-347. (王莹莹,王芳,崔维成 (2016). 基于统一的疲劳寿命预报方法(UFLP)的深潜器载人舱疲劳可靠性分析,船舶力学,第20卷第3期,335-347.)
[5] Yan Xiao-Shun, Huang, Xiao-Ping, Cui Wei-Cheng (2016). An Engineering method to predict fatigue crack propagation life for Marine Structures. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.20, No.3, pp.323-334. (闫小顺,[6] 黄小平,崔维成 (2016). 海洋结构物疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的一种工程预报方法,船舶力学,第20卷第3期,323-334.)
[7] Wang Ying-Ying, Wang Fang, Cui Weicheng, (2016). Fatigue Reliability Analyses considering short crack and dwell time effects, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.20, No.6, pp.710-721. (王莹莹,王芳,崔维成 (2016). 考虑小裂纹和保载时间效应的疲劳可靠性分析,船舶力学,第20卷第6期,710-721.)
[8] Wang Fang, Wang Yingying, Cui Weicheng, (2016). Prediction of crack growth rates of a high strength titanium alloy for deep sea pressure hull under three loading patterns, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.20, No.6, pp.699-709. (王芳,王莹莹,崔维成 (2016). 高强度钛合金深潜器载人舱在三种不同类型载荷下的裂纹扩展预报,船舶力学,第20卷第6期,669-709.)
[9] K. Wang, F. Wang & W.C. Cui (2016). Comments and replies on the paper ‘Prediction of short fatigue crack growth of Ti–6Al–4V’, FFEMS, 2014, 37, 1075–1086, by K. Wang, F. Wang, W. Cui, T. Hayat and B. Ahmad, Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 2016, 39, 1173–1176.
[10] Du Q.H., Cui W.C. (2016). On the design standard for the full ocean depth manned cabin fabricated in nickel maraging steel[C]// Oceans. IEEE, 2016:1-7.
[11] Qinghai Du, Yong Hu, Weicheng Cui (2016). Failure stress-analysis of acrylic conical frustum viewport for deep-sea manned submersible. International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures ICSOS 2016 31 August – 2 September 2016, Hamburg, Germany, Ships & Offshore Structures, 12 (sup1) :S221-S229.

[1] Qinghai Du*, Yong Hu & Weicheng Cui (2017). Safety assessment of the acrylic conical frustum viewport structure for a deep-sea manned submersible, SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES, VOL. 12, NO. S1, S221–S229.
[2] Chen Lu, Pan Bin-bin, Cao Zheng-Liang, Cui Weicheng* (2017). Research Status and Prospects of Automatic Profiling Floats. Journal of Ocean Technology, Vol.36, No.2, pp.1-9. (陈鹿,潘彬彬,曹正良,崔维成(2017)自动剖面浮标研究现状及展望,海洋技术学报,第36卷第2期,pp. 1-9)。
[3] Wang, Ke., Wang, Zhe, Wang, Fang, Cui, Weicheng (2017). Effect of overload and dwell time on fatigue crack growth of metal materials. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.21, No.7, pp.895-906. (王珂,王哲,王芳,崔维成(2017)过载保载对金属材料疲劳裂纹扩展速率影响研究,船舶力学,第21卷第7期,895-906).
[4] 崔维成(2017). 载人深渊探测器的研究进展. 科学,第69卷第4期,pp.4-8 (Cui, W.C.(2017). Progress in Human Occupied Vehicle Research. Science, Vol.69, No.4, pp.4-8.)
[5] Weicheng Cui, Yong Hu, Wei Guo (2017). Chinese Journey to the Challenger Deep: The Development and First Phase of Sea Trial of an 11,000-m Rainbowfish ARV, Marine Technology Society Journal, Volume 51,Number 3, May/June 2017, pp. 23-35.
[6] Li, Hao, Wang, Fang and Cui, Weicheng (2017). Structural design exploration on double intersecting spheres manned pressure hull of full ocean depth. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.21, No.9, 1160-1169. (李浩,王芳,崔维成(2017)全海深双球连接耐压舱的结构设计探索,船舶力学,第21卷第9期,1160-1169).
[7] Jian Zhang, Minglu Wang, Weicheng Cui, Fang Wang, Zhengdao Hua & Wenxian Tang (2017): Effect of thickness on the buckling strength of egg-shaped pressure hulls, Ships and Offshore Structures, DOI: 10.1080/**.2017.**.
[8] Meng Zhang, Wenxian Tang, Fang Wang, Jian Zhang, Weicheng Cui, Yun Chen (2017). Buckling of bi-segment spherical shells under hydrostatic external pressure. Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 120, November 2017, Pages 1-8.
[9] 崔维成 (2017). 从载人潜水器的研制看中国未来科技与教育发展. 科技导报/科技纵横, 2017年第15期, 92-93.
[10] 霍海波,郭明,崔维成,匡兴红,周悦 (2017). 深海潜水器电源系统的研究现状分析. 电源技术/综述, 2017年 第8期 1232-1235.
[11] 崔维成,王能洲 (2017). 探秘万米深渊. 十万个为什么(少年科学) 酷比科技 2017年 第8期 22-25.
[12] 陈鹿,崔维成,潘彬彬 (2017). 多种多学科设计优化方法的比较研究. 船舶力学 2017年 第A1期 573-585.
[13] Cui, Weicheng. (2017). On a systematic identification of key factors on safety of marine structures and their potential treatment methods. OMAE2017-62294. Proceedings of the ASME 2017 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2017, June 25-30, 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
[14] 崔维成(2017). 如何破解“钱学森之问”的一点思考. 科学,第69卷第6期,pp.28-32 (Cui, W.C.(2017). Some thoughts on how to answer Qian Xuesen’s famous question. Science, Vol.69, No.6, pp.28-32.)
[15] Chen Lu, Cui Weicheng, Pan Binbin (2017). Study on energy saving for deep-sea profiling float. Shipbuilding of China, 58(3): 128-135. (陈鹿,崔维成,潘彬彬(2017). 深海剖面测量浮标节能研究。中国造船,第58卷第3期,128-135).
[16] Zhang, M., Tang, W., Wang, F., Zhang, J., Cui, W.C., & Chen, Y. (2017). Buckling of bi-segment spherical shells under hydrostatic external pressure. Thin-Walled Structures, 120, 1-8.

[1] Jian Zhang, Meng Zhang, Weicheng Cui, Wenxian Tang, Fang Wang, Binbin Pan. (2018). Elastic-plastic buckling of deep sea spherical pressure hulls. Marine Structures, 57 (1): 38-51.
[2] J. Zhang, W.M. Wang, W.C. Cui, W.X. Tang, F. Wang, Y. Chen (2018). Buckling of longan-shaped shells under external pressure. Marine Structures, 60 (2): 218-225.
[2] Cui, W.C.*, Guo, J., Pan, B.B. [2018]. A preliminary study on the buoyancy materials for the use in full ocean depth manned submersibles. Journal of Ship Mechanics,Vol.22, No.6, pp.736-757 (崔维成,郭健,潘彬彬(2018),全海深载人潜水器用浮力材料的初步研究,船舶力学,第22卷第6期,736-757).
[3] Cui, W.C.*, Wu, X. [2018]. A Chinese strategy to construct a comprehensive investigation system for hadal trenches, Proceedings of TEAM2018,Oct.15-18, 2018, Wuhan, China, Paper No. DL01, pp.125-132. Informally published by Editorial Department of Chinese Journal of Ship Research.
[5]. Wang Fang, Zhang Sujie, Yu Shuang, Du Qinghai, Cui Weicheng (2018). Design and analysis on a model sphere of full-ocean-depth manned cabin made of maraging steel, SAOS, Published online.
[5] Fang Wang, Sujie Zhang, Shuang Yu, Qinghai Du, Jian Zhang, Zhe Jiang & Weicheng Cui (2018): Design and analysis on a model sphere made of maraging steel to verify the applicability of the current design code, Ships and Offshore Structures, DOI: 10.1080/**.2018.**.
[6]. Wang Fang, Yang Qingsong, Hu Yong, Cui Weicheng (2018). Study on Scaled Structure for Manned Cabin in Full Ocean Depth Submersible. Shipbuilding of China, Vol.59, No.2, 62-71. (王芳,杨青松,胡勇,崔维成 (2018),全海深载人潜水器载人舱缩比结构模型试验研究,中国造船,第59卷第2期,62-71)。
[7]. 王芳,崔维成(2),《理论力学》全英文课程建设和教学实践中的思考。教育教学论坛,录用。
[8]. Wang Fang, Jiang Zhe, Cui Weicheng (2018), Low-cycle dwell-fatigue life and failure mode of a candidate titanium alloy material TB19 for full-ocean-depth manned cabin, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.22, No.6, pp.727-735 (王芳、姜哲、崔维成(2018),全海深载人舱备选材料TB19的低周保载疲劳寿命和破坏模式的试验研究,船舶力学,第22卷第6期,727-735).
[9]. Zhang, J., Wang, W.M., Wang, F., Tang, W.X., Cui, W.C., Wang, W.B.(2018). Elastic buckling of externally pressurized Cassini oval shells with various shape indices. Accepted by Thin Walled Structures.
[10]. Zhang, J., Wang, M.L.,Cui, W.C., Wang, F., HUA, Z.D., Tang, W.X.(2018).Effect of thickness on the buckling strength of egg-shaped pressure hulls. Accepted by Ship and Offshore Structures.
[11]. Yingying Wang, Fang Wang, Weicheng Cui, Lei Zhang, Creep-fatigue Reliability Analyses of PMMA Viewport of Manned Submersibles, 2017, submitted to XXX.
[12]. Xiaoying Zhang, Zhe Hu, Fang Wang, Weicheng Cui, Guangnian Li , Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method on Elastic Solid Issues, 2017, submitted to XXX.
[13]. Zhang Sujie, Wang Fang, Cui Weicheng, Fatigue crack growth properties of 18Ni(250) and 18Ni(350) used for full-ocean-depth pressure hull, Journal of Ship Mechanics,Vol.22, No.12, 1540-1548 (张苏杰,王芳,崔维成(2018)全海深耐压备选材料---马氏体镍钢18Ni(250)和18Ni(350)的裂纹扩展率特性,船舶力学,第22卷第12期,1540-1548).
[14]. Zhang, J., Zhang, Y.W. ,Wang,F., Zhang, M., Cui, W.C., Zhu, Y.M. (2018).Strength Characteristics of maraging steel spherical pressure hulls for deep manned submersibles. Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.22, No.12, 1508-1526 (张建,张跃文,王芳,赵希禄,崔维成,朱永梅(2018)马氏体镍钢制大深度载人潜水器载人球壳的强度特征,船舶力学,第22卷第12期,1508-1526).
[15]. 于爽,胡勇,王芳,杨青松,崔维成(2017)。全海深载人潜水器超高强度钢制载人球壳的极限强度分析,船舶力学,录用。
[16]. Cui, W.C*. (2018). An Overview of Submersible Research and Development in China. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 17: 459-470 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11804-018-00062-6).
[17]. Wang Ke, Xie Xiaobo, Li Yongzheng, Wei Pengyu, Wang Zhe, Wang Fang, Cui Weicheng (2018). Prediction Method of the Dwell-Fatigue Life for Titanium Alloys Ti-6Al-4V at Room Temperature. Shipbuilding of China, Vol.59, No.2, 123-128. (王珂,谢晓波,李永正,韦朋余,王哲,王芳,崔维成 (2018),钛合金Ti-6Al-4V室温保载-疲劳寿命预报方法研究,中国造船,第59卷第2期,123-128)。
[18] Cui, W.C., Wu, X. [2018]. A Chinese strategy to construct a comprehensive investigation system for hadal trenches, Deep-Sea Research Part II 155 (special issue): 27–33.
[1] Cui, W.C. (2019a). A Simple Idea on the Unification of Einstein-Bohr Controversy. Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud. 2019; 2(5): 555597.
[2] Cui, W.C. (2019b). On a Karmic Management Approach to Push Forward a Large Project. Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud. 2019; 3(1): 555604.
[3] Cui, W.C. (2019c). On A Logically Consistent Cosmological Model Based on Buddhist Philosophy. Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud. 2019; 3(1): 555605.
[4] Fang Wang, Wuwu Wang, Yongkuang Zhang, Qinghai Du, Zhe Jiang, Weicheng Cui*. Effect of Temperature and Nonlinearity of PMMA Material in the Design of Observation Windows for a Full Ocean Depth Manned Submersible. Marine Technology Society Journal, January/February, 2019, Volume 53, Number 1, pp. 27–36.
[5] Cui, W.C. (2019d). A Comparison of BCM with BBCM. Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud. 2019; 3(3): 555612. DOI: 10.19080/ASM.2019.03.555612.
[6] Cui, WC; Zhou, Xin, Jiang, Z. (2019). Ultra-Short Baseline Positioning System for Full Ocean Depth. Eng Technol Open Acc. 2019; 3(1): 555601.
[7] Cui, W.C. (2019e). Some Discussions on the Establishment of a Scientific Cosmological Model, Ann Rev Resear. 5(1): 555653. DOI: 10.19080/ARR.2019.05.555653.
[8] Cui, W.C. (2019f). On Conservation Laws for an Open System Based on BCM. Ann Rev Resear. 5(1): 555654. DOI: 10.19080/ ARR.2019.05.555654.
[9] Cui, W.C. (2019). A Novel Approach for Pushing Forward a Large Project Based on General System Theory, Proceedings of TEAM2019,Oct.14-17, 2019, Tainan, Taiwan, China, Paper No. S35, pp.1-8.
[10] Cui, W.C. (2019g). On Faith or Belief. Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud. 2019; 4(3): 555638. DOI: 10.19080/ASM.2019.04.555638.
[11] Qiu Suming, Cui Weicheng*(2019). An Overview on Aquatic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Ann Rev Resear. 2019; 5(3): 555663. DOI: 10.19080/ARR.2019.05.555663
[12] Zhang J, Zhang Y, Wang F, Zhu Y, Cui W, Chen Y, Jiang Z, Experimental and numerical studies on the buckling of the hemispherical shells made of maraging steel subjected to extremely high external pressure, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpvp.2019.03.016.
[13] Fang Wang; Xuezhong Zhang; Zhe Jiang;Weicheng Cui (2019). On calculating the crack growth within a single load-dwell-unload cycle for metal structures, OMAE2019-95327, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2019 June 9-14, 2019, Glasgo, UK.
[14] Wang Fang, Wang Wuwu, Zhang Yongkuang, Du Qinghai, Jiang Zhe, Cui Weicheng* (2019). Effect of temperature and nonlinearity of PMMA material in the design of observation windows for a full ocean depth manned submersible, Marine Technology Society Journal, 53(1): 27-36.
[15] Fang Wang, Minqi Wang, Wuwu Wang, Zhe Jiang, Weicheng Cui (2019). Time-dependent deformation behavior of PMMA frustums designed for deep-sea manned cabin, Presented at the 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, held in Busan, 2019.
[16] Fang Wang, Mian Wu, Genqi Tian, Zhe Jiang, Shun Zhang, Jian Zhang and Weicheng Cui* (2019). Failure Analysis on a Collapsed Flat Cover of an Adjustable Ballast Tank Used in Deep-Sea Submersibles, Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 5258; doi:10.3390/app**.
[16] 于 爽, 胡 勇, 王 芳, 杨青松, 崔维成 (2019). 全海深载人潜水器超高强度钢制载人球壳的极限强度分析与模型试验, 船舶力学, 23(1), 51-57.
[17] Chen, Lu; Wang, Fang; Cui, Weicheng; Xie, Jing (2019). Effective elastic modulus characteristics of buoyancy materials of full-ocean-depth manned submersible, Journal of Ship Mechanics, Vol.23, No.12, 1486-1499. (陈鹿,王芳,崔维成,谢晶(2019). 全海深载人潜水器用浮力材料的有效弹性模量特性研究,船舶力学,第23卷第12期,1486-1499).
杜青海,高睿,崔维成 (2019).全海深载人潜水器厚观察窗结构的强度研究, 中国造船,

[1] 刘相知,崔维成. 水空两栖航行器的综述与分析.中国舰船研究。
[2] Zhu Yongmei, Chen Junjie, Tang Wenxian, Cui Weicheng, Wang Xiaorong and Wang Fang*,Yin Baojie. Effect of corrosion fatigue strength of 18Ni maraging steel. Journal of Ship Mechanics.
[3] Changhui Song, Weicheng Cui Review of Underwater Ship Hull Cleaning Technologies, Journal of Marine Science and Application.
[4] Jian Zhang, Shengqiu Li, Weicheng Cui*, Kai Xiang, Fang Wang, Wenxian Tang. Buckling of multiple intersecting spherical shells under uniform external pressure, Journal of Marine Science and Application.
[5] Mian Wu, Fang Wang, Weicheng Cui Crack evaluation of an ultra-high-pressure chamber used for deep-sea environment simulation. Journal of Ship Mechanics.
[6] Jian Zhang, Chen Huang, H. N. Ronald Wagner, Weicheng Cui*, Wenxian Tang Experimental and theoretical study on dented hemispheres under external hydrostatic pressure. Marine Structures.
[7] Zhenhua Wang, Weicheng Cui* An overview of underwater manipulators, Journal of Engineering for Maritime Environment.
[8] Wentao Song, Weicheng Cui*. Review of Deep-Ocean High-Pressure Simulation Systems, Marine Technology Society (MTS) Journal.
[9] Cui, W.C., Kang, L.L. (2020a). On the construction of a theory of everything based on Buddhist cosmological model. Trends in Technical & Scientific Research. 5(1): 555654. DOI: 10.19080/ ARR.2019.05.555654.

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