

上海立信会计金融学院 免费考研网/2018-05-06


Enrolment Scheme for 2018 CFLP Summer Program in Financial Law

by theCFLP atShanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance,

taught by Dr. John H. Walsh, former SEC General Counsel

项目主办(Organizer):上海立信会计金融学院法学院、上海立信会计金融学院金融法律与政策研究中心(The Center for Financial Law and Policy, CFLP)

学术支持(Supporter):The Center for International Legal Studies, Salzburg, Austria (CILS), and the U.S.-China Legal Exchange Foundationof Princeton, New Jersey, United States (UCLEF)






本暑期项目同时是欧洲跨国商事法律硕士项目的一个组成部分,该跨国商事法律硕士项目学员参加本暑期项目学习,考试合格,获得3个学分。The CFLPSummer Program will be a part of the LL.M. in Transnational Commercial Practice, and the participants in the LL.M. program will earn three credits after completing this summer program.

本项目向上海立信会计金融学院相关专业的青年教师、在校学生和欧洲跨国商事法律硕士项目学员,免费开放,优先录取。The Programis free and open to young teachers and students from Shanghai Lixin University, and students from the program of LL.M in Transnational Commercial Practice.




Duration of the Program,and language of instruction

Period:Monday 9 July – Friday 20 July 2018 (exam in the afternoon of Friday,20 July).

Language of instruction:The morning lectures are in English, and the afternoon activities in Chinese.


每天上午将由曾在美国证监会(SEC)工作23年,担任SEC总法律顾问、法律合规监督检查办公室总裁,现为全球最大经济律师事务所之一的安睿国际律师事务所(Eversheds Sutherland LLP)合伙人的John H. Walsh博士主持系列化的课堂讲授。




The course is taught in the morning hours by Dr. John H. Walsh, who is Partner of Eversheds Sutherland LLP which is an international top 40 law practice, and formerGeneral Counsel and Director of the Office for Compliance Inspection and Examination at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).The afternoon workshops and activities will be chaired by financial law experts fromthe Center for Financial Law and Policy at Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance.

Three scholarships are available for theL.LM.in Transnational Commercial Practice program conducted in cooperation with Lazarski University, Warsaw, and E?tv?s Lorand University, Budapest. The scholarships are available to the three students with the best results in the summer course examination. Students wishing to compete for the scholarships are strongly advised to participate in the course’s afternoon workshops.The knowledge and insight tested by the course examination will cover the issues that are explained in some details in the workshops. Only full-time students may compete for the L.LM. scholarships.













Course subjects

This course will provide an overview of the rule of law in the U.S. regulatory regime for securities. In Part 1 the students will be introduced to the fundamentals of U.S. securities regulation.In Part 2 they will learn about the laws and regulations governing the issuance and trading of securities.In Part 3 they will learn about the overall regulatory regime, including the regulation of institutional investors and how the SEC enforces the securities laws and regulations. By the end of the course students should have a basic understanding of how the rule of law operates throughout the regulatory regime.

Part I:Introduction.

Unit 1: Fundamental Concepts in U.S. Securities Regulation

Unit 2: Analysis of the Development of the U.S. Securities Markets

Part II: Issuing and Trading Securities

Unit 3: Primary Issues of Securities in the U.S.

Unit 4: Secondary Market Trading of Securities in the U.S.

Unit 5: Case Study on Entering the U.S. Market

Part III: The Regulatory Regime

Unit 6: SEC Regulation of Institutional Investors

Unit 7: SEC Enforcement

Unit 8: SEC Examinations

Unit 9: International Developments

Unit 10: Case Study on Avoiding Trouble in the U.S. Market






Time table

-Arrival registration (and distribution of course materials): Sunday 8 July 2018 between 10a.m.to 6 p.m.(i.e., the daybefore the course begins)

-Opening Ceremony: Monday 9 July 2018, 8:30 a.m.

-Classes:Monday 9 July – Friday 13 July 2018; Monday 16 July – Friday 20 July 2018

-Timetable:8:30 a.m. – 11:30a.m. (lecture)&13:00 – 16:00 p.m. (activities)

-Breaks: Weekend, 14– 15 July 2018

-Exam:Friday,20 July 2018, 14:00 - 16.00.



A –金融法、经济法或金融保险、财务会计等专业的本科生;金融法、经济法、民商法或金融专业的硕士或者博士研究生

B –金融法、经济法、民商法和金融保险、财务会计等专业的大学教师

C –律师、会计师、投资银行家等专业服务人员

D –政府金融部门专业人员

E –金融企业法律合规部门从业人员



Requirements for enrollment as a participant

Admission to the 2018 CFLP Summer Program in Financial Law is open to the following categories of persons:A.university students who are pursuing (i) an undergraduate degree with a specialization in financial law (or finance), economic law or financial accounting or (ii) a master or doctoral degree in financial law, or in finance;B.university teachers of financial law, economic law,orfinance, accounting;C.lawyers, investment bankers and other professionals in the field of financial services, and government officials for financial regulation, andD.law practitioners in private practice or working in a corporate law or compliance department, who meet the following requirements:(1)proven English proficiency: pass the National College English Test level six (CET6); or scores ofIELTS or TOEFL,and(2)adequate finance and law knowledge based on either courses taken at colleges or financial law practice experience.

Enrollment in the 2018 CFLP Summer Program in Financial Law is restricted to 100 participants. There is no number restriction for university teachers, government officials and practitioners.Students will be selected on the basis of academic merit.Students with better academic performance will be given priority.



Exams, certificates and Credits

Participants who attend all morning lectures &afternoon activities (attendance will be checked every morning and afternoon) and pass the exam will receive a Certificate of Completion issued jointly by CFLP, CILS and UCLE.If a participant obtains an exam grade of at least 6.0 (on a scale 0 -10) s/he will be given aCertificate of Completion with Honors.







Summer Course fee

Participation in the Summer Program (including course materials) is free for all students, and teachers from Linxin University. Other participants (university teachers, government officials and finance and law practitioners) will be properly charged a course fee.Student participants will receive each day a lunch coupon. All other expenses are to be borne by the participants themselves.


申请者需在2018年6月30日前以电子邮件方式向联系人提供以下材料:(1)简历;(2)数码照片(25×35 mm);(3)英语成绩证明(大学英语水平考试(CET)、雅思或托福成绩);(4)学术研究 (选择性提交):在金融、法律类刊物(中英文)发表的文章或书籍电子版。





Applicants must send (a) a resume, (b) a digital photo (25 × 35 mm), (c) proof of English proficiency (College English Test level six [CET6], IELTS or TOEFL score), and, optionally, (d) a digital version of articles (and/or books) they have been published in a (Chinese or English) finance or law periodical, before30 June 2018to the following persons by email:

A list of all persons accepted to participate in the course will be posted athttp://fxy.lixin.edu.cn/andhttp://www.lixin.edu.cn/before 5 July 2018.

Contact person: SHEN Jialin

Mobile: (+86) 18021098263; Tel: (+86-21) 50218592; Email:cflp2018@163.com

相关话题/法律 金融 上海 暑期 金融学院