

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

一 、课题组长:

罗泽伟,教授,专长理论群体与数量遗传学。1997年起主持由国家自然科学基金委资助的杰出青年基金、国家自然科学基金委重大以及面上项目等资助的5项科学研究。并主持有国 家 "863"、上海市科委等国内以及英国BBSRC、NERC 等国外基金会资助的研究项目。在复杂性状多基因定位、数量性状的遗传标记辅助选择、自然群体中连锁不平衡分析、同源多倍体遗传连锁图构建的理论与方法研究; 人类雄性不育、遗传性甲状腺以及非小细胞肺癌等分子遗传病因学的实验研究领域获得了国际学术界公认的研究工作。在国际遗传学核心刊物 Genetics、Heredity、TAG、JCEM 等刊物发表科学论文30余篇。这些研究论文已被发表于Nature Genetics、Science、P.N.A.S.、Nature Review Genetics、Annual Review of Genetics 等刊物的160余篇论文引用近200 余次。1998年荣获香港" 求是"基金会杰出青年学者奖(生物医学类), 1999年荣获上海市自然科学牡丹奖, 同年受聘教育部首批"长江"学者奖励计划特聘教授。

二 、课题组成员名单:
· 罗泽伟,男,1957年10月生。英国伯明翰大学遗传学博士。现任复旦大学遗传所教授,博士生导师。电子邮件: zwluo@fudan.edu.cn ;
· 王久存,女,1966年10月生。日本国立福井大学生物应用化学专业博士。现任复旦大学遗传所副教授。电子邮件: jcwang@fudan.edu.cn ;
· 实验室现有在读博士生7人,硕士生6人,分别从事肺癌、遗传性甲状腺疾病以及雄性激素不敏感综合征等的分子病因学研究及多基因性状复杂遗传结构的定位分离与克隆的理论及实验研究。
三 、课题组研究方向:
· 多基因遗传变异的遗传标记辅助定位的理论与方法学研究;
· 数量性状的遗传标记辅助选择的理论研究;
· 高强度选择群体自交率的预测与控制研究;
· 异源多倍体物种遗传连锁图构建的理论与方法学研究;
· 家族性甲状腺疾病易感基因的定位分离和相关基因的群体遗传多态性研究;
· 雄性激素不敏感综合征与非小细胞肺癌分子遗传病因学的实验研究。


Luo ZW, R Thompson and JA Woolliams (1997). A population genetics model of marker assisted selection. Genetics, 146: 1173-1183.

Luo ZW. (1998), Detecting linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural populations. Heredity, 80: 198-208.

Grundy B, ZW Luo, B Villanueva and JA Woolliams (1998). The use of Mendelian indices to reduce the rate of inbreeding in selection programmes. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 115: 39-51.

Luo ZW and S. Suhai (1999). Estimating linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural populations. Genetics, 151: 359-371.

Luo ZW and RM Zhang (1999). Theoretical strategies for high-resolution mapping of complex genetic disorders in humans. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44: 193-198.

Zhang PW, ZW Luo, L Chen, KK Hou and YY Li (1999) Analysis of phylogenetic relationships among twelve yeast species. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica, 31: 477-487.

Luo, Z. W., S. H. Tao and Z. B. Zeng (2000). Inferring linkage disequilibrtium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural populations. Genetics 156: 457-467.

Luo, Z. W., Hackett C. A., Bradshaw J. E. and McNicol J. (2000). Predicting parental genotypes and gene segregations for tetrasomic inheritance. Theor. Appl. Genet. 100: 1067-1073 .

Tao, S. H., R. M. Zhang, J. H. Chu, Q. Y. Qi, L. P. Du and Z. W. Luo (2000). A population genetics model of linkage disequilibrium in admixed populations. Chinese Science Bulletin 45 (19): 2041-2047.

Tao, S. H., X. M. Liu, J. H. Chu, R. M. Zhang, L. P. Du and Z. W. Luo (2000). Rate of decay in admixture linkage disequilibrium and its implication in gene mapping. Chinese Science Bulletin 45 (21): 2274-2280.

Luo, Z. W., C. A. Hackett, J. E. Bradshaw, J. W. McNicol and D. Milbourne (2001) Construction of a genetic linkage map in tetraploid species using molecular markers. Genetics, 157: 1369-1385.

Luo, Z. W. and C. I. Wu (2001) Modeling linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a locus affecting complex dichotomous traits in natural populations. Genetics 158: 1785-1800.

Chu, J. H., R. M. Zhang, Z. M. Zhao, W. Zou, Y. F. Han, Q. Q. Qi, H. T. Zhang, J. C. Wang, S. H. Tao, X. M. Liu and Z. W. Luo (2002) Male fertility is compatible with an Arg840Cys substitution in the AR in a large Chinese family affected with divergent phenotypes of AR insensitivity syndrome. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 87(1): 347-351.

Luo, Z. W., C. I. Wu and M. J. Kearsey (2002). Precision and high-resolution mapping of quantitative trait loci by using recurrent selection backcross, intercross breeding schemes. Genetics, 161: 915-929.

Fei, Q. Y., H. T. Zhang, X. F. Chen, J. C. Wang, R. M. Zhang, W. Q. Xu, Z. Zhang, W. Zou, K. Y. Zhang, Q. Q. Qi, M. H. Wang, S. H. Tao and Z. W. Luo (2002) Defected expression of E-cadherin in non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 37: 147-152.

Tao, S. H., J. H. Chu, X. M. Liu, R. M. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. W. Luo. (2002) High-resolution gene mapping using admixture linkage disequilibrium. Chinese Science Bulletin. 47: 1717-1719.

Zhang, H. T., Q. Y. Fei, F. Chen, Q. Y. Qi, W. Zou, J. C. Wang, R. M. Zhang, S. H. Tao, X. F. Chen and Z. W. Luo (2003) Mutation analysis of the transforming growth factor b receptor type I gene in primary non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 40: 281-287.

Hackett, C. A. and Z. W. Luo (2003) TetraploidMap: construction of a linkage map in tetraploid species. J. Heredity. (in press)

Luo, Z. W. and L. Ma (2003) Improved formulation for marker heterozygosity in recurrent selection and backcross schemes Genetical Research (in press).

刘晓明,张荣梅,罗泽伟. 生物信息学及其在基因组研究中的应用. 见:贺林,解码生命--人类基因组计划和后基因组计划. 北京: 科学出版社,2000. 333-351.

罗泽伟.群体遗传学.见:陈竺,<<医学遗传学>>. 北京:人民卫生出版社,2001. 100-122.

罗泽伟,张荣梅,陶士珩,刘晓明. (2002). 复杂性遗传病基因定位与分离的理论和方法. 见:陈竺,强伯勤,方福德,<<基因组科学与人类疾病>>. 北京:科学出版社,137-165.

Kearsey, M. J. and Z. W. Luo (2002) Mapping, characterization and deployment of quantitative trait loci. In Plant Molecular Breeding edited by J. Newbury. Sheffield Academic Press.