

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

联系地址: 复旦大学遗传所(邮编:200433)
联系电话: 0086-21-65642945
传 真: 0086-21-65643966
电子邮件: zwluo@fudan.edu.cn

罗泽伟,四川乐山市人,1957年10月生。英国伯明翰大学遗传学博士。现任复旦大学遗传所教授、博士生导师。并担任遗传学报常务编委、动物学研究编委、国家人类基因组南方研究中心学术委员会委员以及国家人类基因组1% 测序专家组成员等。先后主持由国家自然科学杰出青年基金、国家自然科学基金重大项目、国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划)、国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)以及国家教育部等资助的研究项目。汇集其主要研究进展的30余篇科学论文发表在Genetics、Heredity、Theor Appl Genet和J Clin Endocrinol Metab等国际遗传学及内分泌学核心刊物。这些论文已被SCI收录的包括Science、PNAS、Nat Rev Genet和Ann Rev Genet等在内的46种国际核心刊物上发表的100余篇科学论文引用共169次。

* 复杂遗传疾病与性状的遗传信息分析--多基因遗传变异的遗传标记辅助定位的理论与方法学研究;
* 数量性状的遗传标记辅助选择的理论研究;
* 异源多倍体物种遗传连锁图构建的理论与方法学研究;
* 遗传性甲状腺疾病、雄性激素不敏感综合征、非小细胞肺癌等疾病分子遗传病因学的实验研究。

* 1997年“多基因定位的理论与方法研究”获国家教委科技进步(甲类)二等奖(独立获奖人);
* 1996,1998连续两届获原国家教委优秀年轻教师资助;
* 1998年获国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金资助;
* 1998年获上海市组织部、人事局优秀回国人员基金资助(个人一等奖);
* 1998年获香港“求是”杰出青年学者奖(生物医学类);
* 1999年获上海市自然科学“牡丹奖”(等同于上海市科技进步一等奖);
* 1999年受聘首批教育部“****奖励计划”特聘教授。

1. Luo ZW, R Thompson and JA Woolliams. (1997). A population genetics model of assisted selection. Genetics, 146: 1173-1183.
2. Luo ZW. (1998). Detecting linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural population. Heredity, 80: 198-208.
3. Luo ZW and S Suhai. (1999). Estimating linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural populations. Genetics, 151:359-371.
4. Luo ZW, SH Tao and ZB Zeng (2000). Inferring linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural populations. Genetics, 156: 457-467.
5. Luo ZW, CA Hackett, et al. (2001). Construction of a genetic linkage map in tetaploid species using microsatellite makers. Genetics 157: 1369-1385.
6. Luo ZW and CI Wu (2001). Modeling linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a locus affecting dichotomous disease traits in natural populations. Genetics 158: 1785-1800.
7. Luo ZW, CI Wu and MJ Kearsey (2002) Precision and high-resolution mapping of quantitative trait loci by use of recurrent selection, backcross or intercross schemes. Genetics, 161: 915-929
8. Chu JH, RM Zhang, ZM Zhao, W Zou, YF Han, QY Qi, HT Zhang, JC Wang, SH Tao and ZW Luo (2002). Male fertility is compatible with an Arg(840)Cys substitution in the AR in a large Chinese family affected with divergent phenotypes of AR insensitivity syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 87(1): 347-351.

联系地址: 复旦大学遗传所(邮编:200433)
联系电话: 0086-21-65642945
传 真: 0086-21-65643966
电子邮件: zwluo@fudan.edu.cn


Surname Luo
Forename Zewei
Gender Male
D.O.B. 08/10/1957
P.O.B. Leshan City, Sichuan Province, China

Postage Institute of Genetics, Fudan University,
Shanghai, 200433, People’s Republic of China
Tel 0086-21-65642945
Fax 0086-21-65643966
E-mail zwlou@fudan.edu.cn


B.Sc. 1982 Agronomy, Southwest Agricultural University, Chongqing, China
M.Sc. 1985 Plant Genetics, Southwest Agriculture University, Chongqing, China
Ph.D. 1989 Genetics, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, UK
Supervisor: Professor M. J. Kearsey.

Professional Experience:

1989-1990 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, The Galton Laboratory, University College of London, UK
1990-1991 Postdoctoral Research Associate, ICAPB, University of Edinburgh, UK
1991-1995 Higher Scientific Officer, BBSRC’s Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, UK
1995-1998 Professor of Genetics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
1998-present The Changjiang Professor of Genetics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Professional Activities:
* Executive editor, ACTA GENETICA SINICA
* Member of the Academic Committee of Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai
* Member of the Experts of 1% Human Genome Project (HGP)

Research Projects:
* Theoretical and experimental strategies on the linkage disequilibrium between genetic markers and genes that underlie complex genetic disorders in natural population
* Theoretical strategies for QTL analysis and its marker-assisted selection
* Theory and methods on the construction of genetic linkage map of autotetraploid
* Experimental studies on molecular genetic aetiology of inherited thyroid diseases, partial androgen insensitive syndrome and non-small cell cancers in human.

Honours and Awards:
1996 The Excellent University Young Staff Award by The State Educational Ministry of China;
1997 The Science and Technology Advancement (Basic Research) Award by The State Educational Ministry of China;
1998 The Excellent University Young Staff Award by The State Educational Ministry of China;
1998 The Outstanding Young Natural Scientist by The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC);
1998 The 1st personal award for the outstanding foreign-returning scholars by Shanghai municipal government;
1998 The Outstanding Young Scholar (Biology and Biomedicine) Award by The Qiu-Shi Science and Technology Foundation (Hong Kong);
1999 The Natural Science Peony Award by the science & technology committee of Shanghai municipal government;
1999 The Changjiang Professorship Awarded by the State Educational Ministry of China;

Selected Publications
1. Luo ZW, R Thompson and JA Woolliams. (1997). A population genetics model of assisted selection. Genetics. 146: 1173-1183.
2. Luo ZW. (1998). Detecting linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural population. Heredity. 80: 198-208.
3. Luo ZW and S Suhai. (1999). Estimating linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural populations. Genetics. 151: 359-371.
4. Luo ZW, SH Tao and ZB Zeng (2000). Inferring linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a trait locus in natural populations. Genetics, 156: 457-467.
5. Luo ZW, CA Hackett, et al. (2001). Construction of a genetic linkage map in tetaploid species using microsatellite makers. Genetics 157: 1369-1385.
6. Luo ZW and CI Wu (2001). Modeling linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a locus affecting dichotomous disease traits in natural populations. Genetics 158: 1785-1800.
7. Luo ZW, CI Wu and MJ Kearsey (2002) Precision and high-resolution mapping of quantitative trait loci by use of recurrent selection, backcross or intercross schemes. Genetics. 161: 915-929.
8. Chu JH, RM Zhang, ZM Zhao, W Zou, YF Han, QY Qi, HT Zhang, JC Wang, SH Tao and ZW Luo (2002). Male fertility is compatible with an Arg(840)Cys substitution in the AR in a large Chinese family affected with divergent phenotypes of AR insensitivity syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 87(1): 347-351.