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职 称:副研究员

简军波,湖南益阳人,本科毕业于南开大学政治学系,2000-2006年就读于复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院,获博士学位。曾于英国杜伦大学政府与国际事务学院、香港大学亚洲研究中心、比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学欧洲研究所、丹麦奥尔堡大学、伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)等做访问****。接受过国内外媒体如VOA、美国LinkAsia电视台、丹麦广播公司、香港凤凰卫视资讯台、《21世纪经济报道》、《香港商报》等的专访,也曾长期为Asia Times Online撰写国际时评。现在复旦大学中欧关系研究中心从事研究工作。
1. 著作
Dai Bingran, Jian Junbo (eds.)The Enlarged European Union: Prospects and ImplicationsNomos, Germany, 2008
2. 学术论文
“非洲问题”下的中美欧三边关系,载《全球大变革与中国对外大战略》,世界知识出版社,2009年 非洲问题与中美欧关系,载《高端讲坛:大国外交》,华文出版社,2009年
China and the Indo-Pacific in Beijing’s Strategic Calculus, Laying the BRICS of a New Global Order: From Yekaterinburg 2009 to eThekwini 2013,Africa Institute of South Africa, 2013, (ISBN: 30)
Normalization and Anti-normalization: Value Differences in Sino-EU Relations, Journal of US-China Public Administration, Vol. 10, No. 6, June 2013, pp.564-576(第一作者)(ISSN: 1548-6591)
China in the International Conflict-management: Darfur as a Case,Global Review, Vol.6, 2012, (ISSN: 1006-1568)
Pluralism: the Philosophic Base of China’s Diplomacy, European Union and Asia: A Dialogue on Regionalism and Interregional Cooperation,Nomos, Germany, 2009, (ISBN: 63)
Incomplete East-Asia Nation-state System?Asia and Europe: Dynamics of Inter- and Intra-Regional Dialogues, Nomos, Germany, 2009, (ISBN: 01)
Enlargements and the EU’s Legitimacy, The Enlarged European Union: Prospects and Implications, Nomos, Germany, 2008, (ISBN: 58)
Chinese Provinces as Foreign Policy Actors in Africa, SAIIA Occasional Paper, January, 2009 (第二作者)
The provinces and China's multi-layered diplomacy: the cases of GMS and Africa, Hague Journal Of Diplomacy,5(4) 2010(第二作者)(ISSN: 1871-1901)
US pivots toward trouble in West Pacific, Asia Times Online, Sep 26, 2012
US eyes spoiler role in Japan-China dispute, Asia Times Online, Sep 5, 2012
China won't be frozen out of the Arctic, Asia Times Online, May 3, 2012
Beijing's new overseas imperative, Asia Times Online, Feb 17, 2012
Beijing finds vulnerable ally in Berlin, Asia Times Online, Feb 8, 2012
Rivals under the same heaven, Asia Times Online, Dec 1, 2011
The dragon is no white knight, Asia Times Online, Nov 3, 2011
Blind hatred lurks in Western views, Asia Times Online, Oct 21, 2011
US F-16s hone in on cross-strait links, Asia Times Online, Sep 28, 2011
The myth of the 'China model' in Africa, Asia Times Online, Sep 14, 2011
China's second coming in Libya, Asia Times Online, Aug 31, 2011
China losing Asian popularity contest, Asia Times Online, Aug 17, 2011
China averts collision in South China Sea, Asia Times Online, Jul 29, 2011
Self-interest in China's helping hand, Asia Times Online, Jul 1, 2011
China runs gauntlet in South China Seas, Asia Times Online, Jun 24, 2011
China treads new path in Libya, Asia Times Online, Jun 17, 2011
China's scruples cost it Libyan advantage, Asia Times Online, Apr 6, 2011
Wen's European jaunt was just business, Asia Times Online, Oct 15, 2010
'The beautiful coat' wears a bit thin. Asia Times Online, Aug 11, 2010
China finds a friend in Germany, Asia Times Online, Jul 31, 2010
China takes new tack in maritime diplomacy, Asia Times Online, Jul 14, 2010
Iran vote shows China's Western drift, Asia Times Online, Jun 25, 2010
Internet claims too testy for China, Asia Times Online, May 27, 2010
China leery of Sarkozy's outstretched hand, Asia Times Online, May 5, 2010
China's footloose climb to the top, Asia Times Online, Apr 14, 2010
West provokes China's 'hardened' stance, Asia Times Online, Apr 1, 2010
Wen pursues the right to dignity, Asia Times Online, 16 Mar 2010
US and China pick their fights, Asia Times Online, Jan 26, 2010
Copenhagen changed the political climate, Asia Times Online, Jan 13, 2010
China sizes up EU's new face, Asia Times Online, Dec 3, 2009
Subtle changes in US's China policy, Asia Times Online, Nov 20, 2009
Why an East Asian Community matters, Asia Times Online, Oct 22, 2009
Confucianism a vital string in China's bow, Asia Times Online, Oct 9, 2009
Cautious welcome for Japan's Asia drive, Asia Times Online, Sep 24, 2009
China sees chance of Japanese remorse, Asia Times Online, Sep 1, 2009
China-EU ties caught in vicious cycle, Asia Times Online, Aug 20, 2009
Taiwan's 'opportunist' president alters tack, Asia Times Online, Aug 11, 2009
Stars align for a Hu-Ma meet, Asia Times Online, Jul 25, 2009
Ghost of Marx haunts China's riots, Asia Times Online, Jul 8, 2009
China doesn't want Iran unstable, Asia Times Online, Jul 1, 2009
Doubts over US-China-Japan talks, Asia Times Online, Jun 16, 2009
China says 'no thanks' to G-2, Asia Times Online, May 29, 2009
A healthy turn for Taiwan-China ties, Asia Times Online, May 18, 2009
China-India equation still uncracked, Asia Times Online, May 6, 2009
China at a crossroad: Right or left? Asia Times Online, Apr 24, 2009
China wary of US-Myanmar 'détente, Asia Times Online, Apr 17, 2009
US sees devil in cross-strait détente, Asia Times Online, Apr 2, 2009
Sino-EU ties hijacked by Tibet issue, Asia Times Online, Mar 27, 2009
China-US spat a drop in the ocean, Asia Times Online, Mar 14, 2009
Time for Japan to Rejoin Asia, Asia Times Online, 11 Jan., 2007
China in Africa: from Capitalism to Colonialism? Asia Times Online, 4 Jan., 2007
Why History Matters? Asia Times Online, 29 Dec., 2006
China’s Role In Africa, Beijing Review, February 8, 2007
China and EU split on global governance, Public Service Europe, 03 May 2011
4. 翻译文章(英译汉)
非洲问题与中欧关系,教育部青年基金项目 ,立项时间:2011年7月

Biography of Jian Junbo

Research fields: China-EU relations, China’s Foreign Affairs, IR theory, etc.
Position:Dr., Assistant Professor
Email address:jianjunbo@fudan.edu.cn

The Limitation of Power: On the Legitimacy of the US’s Hegemony, Shanghai Cishu Press, 2011
International Relations: The European Perspective, Shanghai People Press, 2011
The Enlarged EU: Prospects and Implications, NOMOS, Baden-Baden, Germany, Nov., 2008

Articlesin Chinese
1. Journal articles
The EU’s Engagement in the UN’s Globalization European Studies,Vol. 4, 2013
Socializing Nation-state: Impacts of Regional integration on national system EuropeanStudies,Vol.1, 2010
China-centric Tributary System: Ideological Structure and Function InternationalPolitics Quarterly,Vol.1, 2009
Liberal Legitimacy and Criticismon It Forum of Social Science,Vol.5,2009
On Present International System AcademicExploration,Vol.5, 2008
Enlargements and the EU’sLegitimacy European Studies, Vo.3 2008
Global Governance and Regional Integration: Analysis on the EU’s CAP under WTO Framework European Integration Studies,Vol.4, 2007
Modern International Legitimacy and US Dilemma World Economics and Politics,Vol.3, 2007
How to ensure our rights: on the legitimacy and construction of global democracy European Studies,Vol.3, 2004
On the crisis of modern democracy Academic Exploration,Vol.3, 2004
On the Maintenance and Change of East Asia’s Order Forum of Asia, Vol.2, 2004
Unilateralism and the end of US hegemonic legitimacy World Economics and Politics, Vol.8, 2003
Globalization and the failure of nation-states’ program World Economics and Politics, Vol.11, 2002
Irregular society and the construction of public spheres Forum of Social Science,Vol.7, 2002
The functions and legitimacy of international regime World Economics and Politics,Vol.3, 2002
Backward countries and dependent development Strategies and Management, Vol.3, 2002
2. book chapters
African Issues and Triangular China-US-Europe Relations Diplomacy of Powers, Hua Wen Press, 2009
Norms and Sino-EU Relations Contemporary China: Road, Experience and prospect,Shanghai People’s Press, 2008
Identity and East Asia’s Integration Identity and International Relations, Current Affairs Press, 2006
Westphalia system and the popularization of democracy in the world Beyond Westphalia System?, Current Affairs Press, 2004
National Structure, Post-National Structure and the Crisis of Human Rights Fudan Human Rights Studies, Fudan University Press, 2004
South-North issues and international relations Global issues and international relations, Tianjin People’s Press, 2002
Articlesin English
1. Journal articles
Junbo Jian and Donata Frasheri, Neo-colonialism or De-colonialism---Chinaeconomic engagement in Africa and the implications for world order African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, Vol.8(7), October 2014
Junbo Jian and Donata Frasheri, Normalization and Anti-Normalization: Value Clashes in Sino-EU Relations Journal of China-US Public Administration, Vol.6,2013
Jian Junbo, China in the International Conflict-management: Darfur as a Case Global Review, Vol.6,2012
Zhimin Chen, Junbo Jian and YudiChen, The provinces and China's multi-layered diplomacy: the cases of GMS and Africa Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 5(4) 2010
Chen Zhimin and Jian Junbo, Chinese Provinces as Foreign Policy Actors in Africa SAIIA Occasional Paper, January, 2009
2. Book chapters
China and the Indo-Pacific in Beijing’s Strategic Calculus Layingthe BRICS of a New Global Order: From Yekaterinburg 2009 to eThekwini 2013, Africa Institute of South Africa, 2013
Pluralism: the Philosophic Base of China’s Diplomacy EU-NESCA Giessen book III, NOMOS, Germany, 2009
Incomplete East-Asia Nation-stateSystem? Asiaand Europe: Dynamics of Inter- and Intra-Regional Dialogues, NOMOS, Germany, 2009
Enlargements and the EU’s Legitimacy The Enlarged EU: Prospects and Implications,NOMOS, Germany, 2008
3. Media articles
BRICS and China's InternationalStrategy Diplomatist August 2014
US pivots toward trouble in WestPacific Asia Times Online Sep 26, 2012
US eyes spoiler role in Japan-China dispute Asia Times Online Sep 5, 2012
China won't be frozen out of the Arctic Asia Times Online May 3,2012
Beijing's new overse as imperative Asia Times Online Feb 17, 2012
Beijing finds vulnerable ally in Berlin Asia Times Online Feb 8,2012
Rivals under the same heaven Asia Times Online Dec 1,2011
The dragon is no white knight Asia Times Online Nov 3,2011
Blind hatred lurks in Western views Asia Times Online Oct21, 2011
US F-16s hone in on cross-strait links Asia Times Online Sep28, 2011
The myth of the 'China model' in Africa Asia Times Online Sep 14, 2011
China's second coming in Libya Asia Times Online Aug 31, 2011
China losing Asian popularity contest Asia Times Online Aug17, 2011
China averts collision in South China Sea Asia Times Online Jul 29, 2011
Self-interest in China's helping hand Asia Times Online Jul 1,2011
China runs gauntlet in South China Seas Asia Times Online Jun 24, 2011
China treads new path in Libya Asia Times Online Jun17, 2011
China's scruples cost it Libyanadvantage Asia Times Online Apr 6, 2011
Wen's European jaunt was justbusiness Asia Times Online Oct15, 2010
'The beautiful coat' wears a bitthin. Asia Times Online Aug11, 2010
China finds a friend in Germany Asia Times Online Jul 31, 2010
China takes new tack in maritime diplomacy Asia Times Online Jul 14, 2010
Iran vote shows China's Western drift Asia Times Online Jun25, 2010
Internet claims too testy for China Asia Times Online May27, 2010
China leery of Sarkozy's outstretched hand Asia Times Online May 5, 2010
China's footloose climb to thetop Asia Times Online Apr14, 2010
West provokes China's 'hardened' stance Asia Times Online Apr 1, 2010
Wen pursues the right to dignity Asia Times Online Mar 16, 2010
US and China pick their fights Asia Times Online Jan 26, 2010
Copenhagen changed the political climate Asia Times Online Jan 13, 2010
China sizes up EU’s new face Asia Times Online Dec 3, 2009
Subtle changes in US’s Chinapolicy Asia Times Online Nov 20, 2009
Why an East Asian Community matters Asia Times Online Oct 22, 2009
Confucianism a vital string in China's bow Asia Times Online Oct 9, 2009
Cautious welcome for Japan's Asiadrive Asia Times Online Sep 24, 2009
China sees chance of Japanese remorse Asia Times Online Sep 1, 2009
China-EU ties caught in vicious cycle Asia Times Online Aug20, 2009
Taiwan's 'opportunist' president alters tack Asia Times Online Aug 11, 2009
Stars align for a Hu-Ma meet Asia Times Online Jul 25, 2009
Ghost of Marx haunts China's riots Asia Times Online Jul 8, 2009
China doesn't want Iran unstable Asia Times Online Jul 1, 2009
Doubts over US-China-Japan talks Asia Times Online Jun 16, 2009
China says 'no thanks' to G-2 Asia Times Online May 29, 2009
A healthy turn for Taiwan-Chinaties Asia Times Online May18, 2009
China-India equation stillun cracked Asia Times Online May 6, 2009
China wary of US-Myanmar 'detente' Asia Times Online Apr17, 200
US sees devil in cross-straitd étente Asia Times Online Apr 2, 2009
Sino-EU ties hijacked by Tibet issue Asia Times Online Mar27, 2009
China-US spat a drop in the ocean Asia Times Online Mar 14, 2009
China in Africa: from Capitalism to Colonialism? Asia Times Online Jan 4,2007
Time for Japan to Rejoin Asia Asia Times Online Jan 11, 2007
Why History Matters? Asia Times Online Dec 29, 2006
China’s Role In Africa Beijing Review Feb8, 2007

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