

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-09


职 称:教授、研究员

刘永涛:“90年代美国国会与总统关系的变化及对美国对华政策的影响”,《太平洋学报》, 2001年第3期。
刘永涛:“后现代主义与西方国际关系理论”,《欧洲》,1998年第5期 。
刘永涛:“当前美国政府的对外政策走向 ”,《探索与争鸣》,1995年第8期。(中国人民大学书报资料中心《国际政治》1995年第9期全文转载)
Liu Yongtao: “Security Theorizing in China: culture, evolution and social practice", in Arlene B. Tickner and David L. Blaney (eds.): Thinking International Relations Differently (London: Routledge, 2012), pp. 72-91.
Liu Yongtao: “Sino-US relations: possible trends and implications for the East Asia Community”, in Jehoon Park, T. J. Tempel and Gen Xiao (eds.): Asian Responses to the Global Financial Crisis (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012), pp. 231-256.
Liu Yongtao: “Promoting China-Latin American Relations in the 21st Century”, Journal of Globalization, Competitiveness & Governability, Vol.6, No.1, 2012, pp. 107-114.
Liu Yongtao: “Material and Identity: Imagining the 21st Century Sino-U.S. Relations”, Journal of Northeast Asia Development, Vol. 12, 2012, pp. 1-20.
Liu Yongtao: “Discourse, Meanings and IR Studies: Taking the Rhetoric of ‘Axis of Evil’As A Case”, Confines de Relacions Internacionalesy Ciencia Politca, No.11, 2010, pp. 85-107.
Liu Yongtao: “Openness and inclusiveness: unfolding regionalism in Northeast Asia”, in Nam-kook Kim (ed.): Globalization and Regional Integration in Europe and Asia (Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2009), pp. 143-160.
Liu Yongtao: “Constructing an Open and Inclusive Regional Order in Northeast Asia”, Japan Studies Association Journal, Vol. 7, 2009, pp. 97-114.
Liu Yongtao: “Northeast Asian Security Regionalism: A Chinese Perspective”, in Jehoon Park and T. J. Tempel (eds.): Political Economy of Northeast Asian Regionalism (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008), pp. 30-43.
Liu Yongtao: “Language and International Relations Studies”, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences,Vol. 2, No.1, 2005, pp.134-145.
Liu Yongtao: “Identity, Interest and Post Cold War US-Japan Alliance”, Journal of Japan Studies Association, Vol. 4, 2003, pp. 22-39.
Liu Yongtao: “Norms, Identity and Prospects of Sino-American Security Cooperation”, in Peter Koehn and Joseph Y.S. Cheng (eds.): The Outlook for U.S.-China Security, Trade and Cultural Exchange Relations Following the 1997-1998 Summits(Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1999), pp.127-138.
刘永涛:“美国难提新减排指标” 《文汇报》,2009年12月7日。

Biography of Liu Yongtao

Professor, Ph. D., Fudan University
Research Interests: American Government and Politics; American Foreign Policy; International Relations Theory
Email: liuyt@fudan.edu.cn

Sept. 1999-July 1993 Fudan University, China Ph.D.
Sept. 1987-July 1990 Fudna University, China M.Litt.
Sept. 1978-July 1982 Nankai University, China B.Litt.
Employment and Affiliations
Aug. 2002-Aug. 2003 University of Minnesota, USA Visiting Scholar
July 2001 East-West Center, Honolulu, USA Research fellow
Sept. 1999- Feb. 2000 University of Hong Kong, HK, China Visiting Fellow
Sept. 1996-Sept. 1997 University of Minnesota, USA Visiting Scholar
Sept. 1993-now Fudan University, China Research Fellow
Professional Membership
Member of Sino-American Relations Studies Association of China
Member of Shanghai International Strategic Studies Association
Member of Shanghai Society of American Studies
New Approaches to Politics of Security, (Beijing: Changzheng Press, 2002)
American Studies, Vol. II(co-eds.) (Beijing: Shishi Publishing House, 2002), 350 pp.
American Studies, Vol. I(co-eds.) (Beijing: Shishi Publishing House, 2001), 498 pp.
An Introduction: American Society Today (Beijing: Social Sciences and Data Publishing House, 2001), 332 pp.
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker: Pattern in the Dust: Chinese-American Relations and the Recognition Controversy (co-trans.) (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2000).
Articles and Book Chapters
Critique and Reconstruction: Rethinking Politics of Security, Contemporary International Relations, No. 8, 2002.
A Tug-of-War Among American Political Powers Prior to Iraqi War, Global Times, December 19, 2002, page 11.
American Values Are Unsettling Now, Global Times, December 19 2002, page 11.
“Identity, Interests and Post-Cold War U.S.-Japan Alliance”, ( forth coming, Journal of Japan Studies Association )
“US and NATO Relations: An Analysis before the Prague Summit”, Global Times, November 14, 2002, A4
“US President, Congress, Mid-Term Election, and Iraq”, Global Times, October 31, 2002, A4.
“Politics of Security: Critiqueand Reconstruction”, Contemporary International Relations, No. 8, 2002.
“After ‘September 11’: A survey of U.S. Legislative-Presidential Relationship”, in Ni Shixiong and Liu Yongtao(eds.): American Studies, Vol. II (Beijing: Shishi Publishing House, 2002).
“Discourse, Power and Social Construction of ‘China Threat’”, in Ni Shixiong and Liu Yongtao (eds.): American Studies, Vol. II (Beijing: Shishi Publishing House, 2002).
“Identity Politics and U.S. China Policy: A Case Study,” International Survey, No. 1, 2002, pp. 11-14.
“Analysis of Post-Cold War U.S. Foreign Cultural Strategy,” Contemporary International Relations, No. 5, 2001,12-15.
“Culture and Diplomacy: Postwar U.S. Cultural Strategy,” Fudan Journal, No. 62-67.
“Changes of Legislative-Presidential Relationship in the 1990s and Their Impacts on U.S.China Policy,” Pacific Journal, No. 3, 2001, pp. 61-69.
“U.S. Presidency, the Congress, and Missile Defense Systems,” International Survey, No. 3, 2001, pp. 25-29.
“Criticism and Reconstruction: Critical Theory and the Study of International Relations,” International Survey, No. 6, 2000, pp. 43-48.
“Constructivism in IR Theory: AReprisal,”Contemporar International Relations, No. 9, 1999, pp.37-40.
“Norms, Identity and Prospects of Sino-American Security Cooperation,” in Peter Koehn and Joseph Y.S. Cheng(eds.): The Outlook for U.S.-China Relations Following the 1997-1998 Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade and Cultural Exchange (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1999), pp.127-138.
“Foreign Policy Analysis: Some Changes in America,” International Survey, No. 1, 1999, pp. 16-19.
“Prospects of China-American Security Cooperation: An Alternative Perspective,” World Economy and Politics, No. 1, 1999, pp. 33-35, 47.
“Congress, the Presidency and U.S. China Policy making,” in Xie Xide and Ni Shixiong (eds.): From Normalization to Re-normalization-----20 Years of Sino-US Relations (Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 1999), pp. 117-141.
“Neorealist Theory and Constructivist Critique,”World Economy and Politics, No. 11, 1998, pp. 26-30.
“Postmodernism and Theory of International Relations,” Europe, No. 5, 1998, pp. 4- 12.
“On-going Debates Between Realists and Liberalists in Post-Cold War Era,” International Survey, No. 2,1998, pp. 12-16.
“Congress and the Presidency in U.S. China Policy,”International Survey, No. 4, 1997, pp. 31-34.
“Strategic Culture Studies in the West: An Overview,” International Survey, No. 6, 1996, pp. 51-53.
“Cultural Power and International Relations,” International Survey, No. 4, 1996, pp. 9 -13.
“Rethinking Alfred Mahan and His ‘Sea Power’ Doctrine,” Fudan Journal (Social Science Edition), No., 1996, pp. 69-73,61.
“U.S. Congress Reforms Its Lobby System,”World Outlook, No. 2, 1996, pp. 17-18.
“Several View on the Issue of Economic Sanctions by American Scholars,” International Survey,No. 4, 1995,pp. 36-39.
“The Development of Current U.S. Foreign Policy: An Analysis,” Exploration and Contention, No. 8, 1995, pp.27-30.
“Global Security: Human Society Faces Wars Without Fires,” Exploration and Contention, No. 8, 1994, pp. 29-32.
“New Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy, ” World Outlook, No. 2, 1995, pp. 8-9.
“U.S. Government Reforms Social Security System,” World Outlook, No. 18, 1994, pp. 9-10.
“Clinton Administration’s Domestic Cultural Policy Since 1993,” International Survey, No. 2, 1994, pp.49-51, 64.
Paper Presented
Presentation of a paper titled “Discourse, Power and Construction of the ‘China Threat” at the workshop of “International Relations Theory: A Sino-British Dialogue”, Shanghai, April 25-26, 2002.
Presentation of a paper titled “Congress, Presidency and U.S. China Policy (1989- 1998)” at International Conference on Hong Kong, China and Asia in 50 Years, Hong Kong, January 25-27, 2000.
Commentator of a paper titled “Determinants of Trade in Financial Services and China’s Export Potentials” by Fariborz Moshirian, professor of the University of New South Wales inA ustralia, at International Workshop on Trade in Services: China and the World, Beijing, December 8-9, 1998.
Presentation of a paper titled “Norms, Identity and Prospects of Sino-U.S. Security Cooperation” at International Symposium on the Outlook for China-USA Relations Following the Summits: Chineseand U.S. Perspectives, Hong Kong, May 28-29, 1998.
Presentation of a paper titled “Cultural Factors in Post-Cold War China-U.S. Relations” at Seminar on Cultural Power and World Politics Today, Shanghai, May, 24, 1996.
Presentation of a paper titled “Ideology in Post-Cold War U.S. China Policymaking” at Seminar on Current U.S. Socialand Cultural Aspects, Shanghai, April 15, 1995. Research Projects Conducted/Conducting
2002-2003 Project on “Post-Cold War U.S. Legislative-Presidential Relations in Foreign Policy”, funded separately by China Scholarship Council in China, and the Li Foundation in the US.
1998-2000 Project on “Politics of Security: A Sociological Perspective”, funded by Chinese Ministry of Education.
1997-1999 Project on “U.S. Congress and China-U.S. Relations (1979-1998)”, funded by the Ninth Five Year Social Sciences Research Grants, Chinese Ministry of Education.
1996-1998 Co-project on“ Post-Cold War International Relations Theory in the West”, funded by Chinese Social Sciences Studies Foundation.
1994-1995 Project on “Globalization and Sustainable Development in China”, funded by Asian ChristianYouth Foundation of America.
Words and Power Politics: A New Perspective from International Relations Studies
BooksMonographand Translation
U.S. Congress-Presidential Relationship
New Approaches to Politics of Security
A Construction of China's Safe Political Discourse: Culture, Evolution and Social Practice
National Security Directive: the President's Most Hidden Unilateral Policy Tool
Tea Party Movement: Remolding Rightest Conservation in the U.S.
Democratic Rhetoric and Hegemonic Action: Post Cold-War U.S. Military Intervention
The U.S.-China Relationships under the Regionalism in Eastnorth Asia
Discourse as (In) Security Practice: Theory and Thetoric of Axis of Evil
The Discourse of America's China Policy of New-conservatism after the Cold War: Its Infulences and Limitations
Understand Meanings: Theory, Discourse and International Relations
A Reconsideration of the North Korean Nuclear Issue: Security and Identity
Capabilities and Identities: A Likely Future of China-U.S. Security Relationship in Iraq War Mobilization
The Court in the Relationships Between America Congress and the President Language, Identity Constructionand the Theory of 'Evil' in America Foreign Policy
Postmodernism and PostmodernInternational Relations: A Basic Review Call to Arms'Against Iraq: An Analysis of the Rhetoric of U.S. President Bush
Language, Social Construction andInternational Relations
After 9/11: The Relationship Between American Congress and the President Revised
Imagining Unimaginabale: Current Nuclear Diffusions and America's Nuclear Strategy Idea Transformation
Discourse, Power and the Construction of China Threat
After 9/11: A Review of the Relationship Between American Congress and the President
Criticizing and Reconstructing: Some New Thinkings on Security Politics
The Politics of Identity in America's China Policy: A Case Study
Culture and Diplomacy: Post-war US Cultural Strategy
American President, Congress and TMD
The Changes of the Legislative -Presidential Relations in the 1990s America and Its Impact on US China Policy
Analysis of Post-Cold War US Foreign Cultural Strategy
Critique and Reconstruction: Critical Theory and IR Studies
Analysis of Modern Western Constructive Trends
Norms, Identity and Prospects of Sino-U.S. Security Cooperation
Some Changes in Foreign Policy Analysis in the USA
Neo-realism Theory and Constructivist Critique
Post-modernism and International Relations Theory
Ongoing Contention between Realism and Liberalism in the USA after the Cold War
Congress and the President in U.S. China Policy
Comments on Western Strategic Culture Trends
Mahan and His Sea Power Theory
Reform of the Lobbyist System in the U.S. Congress
The Orientation of Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy
A Study of Marginal Problems in Global Society
Clinton Administration's Domestic Cultural Policies Since 1993

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