本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-09
职 称: 研究员,博导
孙德刚,复旦大学国际问题研究院研究员,博士生导师,中国中东学会常务理事,上海市国际关系学会理事,Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies主编。曾担任上海外国语大学中东研究所研究员、副所长、学术委员会主任、博士生导师。2012年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2014年入选“上海市浦江人才”和“复旦大学优秀博士后”,2015年入选“上海市曙光人才”,2016年入选“上海市社科新人”。
孙德刚籍贯安徽六安,2006年获得上海外国语大学博士学位,先后赴香港大学(2004-2005)、美国丹佛大学(2007-2008)、以色列特拉维夫大学(2010)、英国牛津大学(2012-2013)、美国哈佛大学(2018-2019)等访学、研修。近年来在《世界经济与政治》《现代国际关系》《外交评论》、Journal of Contemporary China、Mediterranean Politics、Africa Spectrum、Bustan: The Middle East Book Review、Cairo Review of Global Affairs、Journal of Middle East and Africa等期刊上发表论文80余篇,20余篇被《中国社会科学文摘》、《社会科学文摘》、人大复印资料《中国外交》《国际政治》《世界史》以及《高等学校文科学术文摘》等转载。已出版学术专著6部,主编5部,译著1部(合),主持国家级和省部级课题近10项,获省部级科研成果奖5项。
6、2011年6月,获国家社科基金项目“准联盟外交与中国安全战略研究” (07CGJ003),结项。
1、World Politics(英文授课)
8、Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, eds., Building a New Silk Road: China and the Middle East in the 21stCentury, Beijing: World Affairs Publisher, 2014.
9、Tim Niblock with Alejandra Galindo and Sun Degang, eds., The Arab States of the Gulf and BRICS: New Strategic Partnerships in Politics and Economics, Berlin and London: Gerlach Press, 2016.
10、Tim Niblock, Talmiz Ahmad, and Sun Degang, eds., Conflict Resolution and Creation of Security Community in the Gulf Region, Berlin and London: Gerlach Press, 2017.
11、Sun Degang and Liu Zhongmin, eds., The New Frontier of the Middle East Politics and Security, Beijing: World Affairs Publisher, 2017.
12、Sun Degang with Zhang Dandan, Diplomacy of Quasi-alliances in the Middle East, Berlin: Gerlach Press, 2020 (forthcoming).
1. Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, “China’s Response to the Revolts in the Arab World: A Case of Pragmatic Diplomacy,” Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2014, pp. 2-20 (2013年影响因子为1.179).
2. Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, “China’s Economic Diplomacy towards the Arab Countries: Challenges Ahead?” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 23, No. 95, 2015, pp. 903-921(2014年影响因子为1.085).
3. Sun Degang and Yahia H. Zoubir, “The Eagle’s Nest in the Horn of Africa: US Military Strategic Deployment in Djibouti,” Africa Spectrum, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2016, pp. 111-124 (2015年影响因子为0.900).
4. Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, “China’s Participation in Conflict Resolution in the Middle East and North Africa: A Case of Quasi-Mediation Diplomacy?”Journal of Contemporary China,Vol. 27, No. 110, 2018, pp. 224-243(2018年影响因子为2.030).
1、 2010年12月,论文《热点外交实践与中国外交理论的创新》获上海市第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果“内部探讨优秀成果奖”(排名第三)。
2、 2012年12月,论文《论“准联盟”战略》获上海市第十一届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖(排名唯一)。
3、 2016年11月,专著《冷战后欧美大国在中东的军事基地研究》获第十三届上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖(排名唯一)。
孙德刚:“?????? ????? ?????? ???” (伊朗)《****报》(?????????)2019年8月5日。
孙德刚:《土耳其又站在历史的十字路口》,《环球时报》 2018年6月25日。
孙德刚:“??????? ???????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????”,(埃及)《消息报》(???????)2018年3月4日第10版。
孙德刚:“China’s Soft Military Presence in the Middle East,”(沙特)《研究》(Dirasat),King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, January 2018.
Biography ofSUN Degang
Professor, Ph.D., Fudan University
Research Interests: Middle Eastern Politics and International Relations; Great Powers’ Strategies in the Middle East; China’s Middle East Diplomacy
Email: sdgsdg@163.com
Dr. SUN is Professor of Political Science at the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies(published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis), and was Professor and Deputy Director of the Middle East Studies Institute of Shanghai International Studies University, China. He was a visiting scholar at Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University (September 2018-September 2019), and Senior Associate Member at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, and an Academic Visitor to Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (2012-2013), Denver University (2007-2008), and Hong Kong University (2004-2005). His research interests are Middle Eastern Politics and International Relations; Great Powers’ Strategies in the Middle East; China’s Middle East Diplomacy.
China’s Participation in the Middle Eastern Security Affairs
China-Arab Cooperation in the 21stCentury
Outside Powers’ Diplomacy in the Middle East
1. Books in English:
Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, eds., Building a New Silk Road: China and the Middle East in the 21st Century, Beijing: World Affairs Publisher, 2014.
Tim Niblock, with Alejandra Galindo and Sun Degang, eds., The Arab States of the Gulf and BRICS: New Strategic Partnerships in Politics and Economics, Berlin and London: Gerlach Press, 2016.
Tim Niblock, with Talmiz Ahmad and Sun Degang, eds., Conflict Resolution and Creation of Security Community in the Gulf Region, Berlin and London: Gerlach Press, 2017.
Sun Degang and Zhongmin Liu, eds., The New Frontier of the Middle East Politics and Security, Beijing: World Affairs Publisher, 2017.
Sun Degang with Zhang Dandan, Diplomacy of Quasi-alliances in the Middle East, Berlin: Gerlach Press, 2020(forthcoming).
2. Books in Chinese:
Sun Degang, Multi-facet Balancing and A Quasi-alliance Theory, Beijing: Current Affairs Publishing House, 2007 (Won the Prize of “the Outstanding Academic Books of Shanghai International Studies University”, 2008).
Sun Degang, National Security Strategy in Crisis Management: A Study of Preemption in the Middle East, Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2010.
Sun Degang, The US and European Powers’ Military Bases in the Middle East in the Post-Cold War Era, Beijing: World Affairs Publisher, 2015 (Won the Prize of “Outstanding Books and Articles in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Shanghai”, 2016 ).
Sun Degang, China’s Participation in the Middle East Governance since the End of the Cold War, Beijing: Social Science Academic Press, 2018.
3. Articles on SSCI Journals
Sun Degangand Yahia Zoubir, “China’s Response to the Revolts in the Arab World: A Case of Pragmatic Diplomacy,” Journal of Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2014, pp. 2-20 (2013 Impact Factor:1.179).
Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, “China’s Economic Diplomacy towards the Arab Countries: Challenges Ahead?” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 23, No. 95, 2015, pp. 903-921(2014 Impact Factor: 1.085).
Sun Degang and Yahia H. Zoubir, “The Eagle’s Nest in the Horn of Africa: US Military Strategic Deployment in Djibouti,” Africa Spectrum, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2016, pp. 111-124 (2015 Impact Factor: 0.900).
Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, “China’s Participation in Conflict Resolution in the Middle East and North Africa: A Case of Quasi-Mediation Diplomacy?” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 27, No. 110, 2018, pp. 224-243(2018 Impact Factor: 2.030).
4. Articles on Other International Journals and Book Volumes
Sun Degang, “International System Transformation and Sino-US Strategic Quasi-alliance,” China Review, No. 2, 2009.
Sun Degang, “China-India-Israel Quasi-alliance Needed,” Journal of Power Politics, Vol. 2, No. 10, 2009.
Sun Degang, “Brothers Indeed: Syria and Iran Quasi-alliance Revisited,” Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Vol.3, No. 2, 2009.
Sun Degang, “The Post-Yichao DuoqiangPattern and China’s Three-Ring Quasi-alliance Strategy,” Journal of China Review, No. 5, 2010.
Sun Degang, “China and the Global Jihad Network,” Journal of the Middle East and Africa, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2010.
Sun Degang, “Six Decades of Chinese Middle East Studies: A Review,” Bustan: The Middle East Book Review, Vol. 2, No.1, 2011.
Sun Degang, “Outpost for Power Projection: A Chinese Perspective of French Military Bases on African Continent,”Journal of Cambridge StudiesVol. 6, No. 4, 2011.
Sun Degang, “Shanghai World Expo in 2010: Major Threats and China’s Countermeasures,” Journal of Rivista Italiana, Vol.1, No. 2, 2011.
Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, “From Hard Military Bases to Soft Military Presence: US Military Deployment in Iraq Reassessed,” Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2012.
Sun Degang, “U.S. Military Bases in the Gulf and the Dynamics of Redeployment” in Michael C. Hudson and Mimi Kirk eds., Gulf Politics and Economics in a Changing World, Singapore: World Knowledge, 2014.
Sun Degang, “The Strategic Evolution of US Military Presence in Iraq,” in Omar Al-Ubaydli and Andrea Plebani eds., GCC Relations with Post-War Iraq: A Strategic Perspective, Cambridge, UK: Gulf Research Centre Cambridge, 2014.
Sun Degang, “The Dragon Heads West: China-Arab Cooperation in the New Era,” Georgetown Security Studies Review, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015.
Sun Degang, “China’s Security Measures for 2010 Shanghai World Expo: A Retrospect,” Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy,Vol. 3, No. 7, 2015.
Imen Belhadj and Sun Degang, China in North Africa: A strategic Partnership, in Yahia H. Zoubir and Gregory White eds., North African Politics, London and New York: Routledge, 2016.
Sun Degang, “China and the Middle East Security Governance in the New Era,” Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2017.
Sun Degang and Yahia Zoubir, “Development First: China’s Investment in the Sea Constructions and Operations along the Maritime Silk Road,” Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2017.
Sun Degang and Shuai Zhang, “Marriage without Certificate: On Syria-Iran Quasi-alliance from the Iranian Revolution to the Arab Revolution,” Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy, Vol. 5, No. 9, 2017.
Sun Degang, “Transformations of Regional Environment in West Asia and North Africa,” in Hosam Matar, ed., Arab and Regional Order: Actors and Trends in a Transitional Era (2015-2016), Beirut: The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation, 2017.
Sun Degang and Hend Elmahly, “NATO vs. SCO: A Comparative Study of Outside Powers’ Military Presence in Central Asia and the Gulf,” Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Vol.12, No.4, 2018.
Sun Degang, “Pains and Dreams on the Silk Road,” The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, No. 31, 2018.
Sun Degang, “From Bystander to Stakeholder? China’s Participation in Middle East Security Affairs,” The Middle East in London, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2018.
Sun Degang, “China’s Whole-of-Region Diplomacy in the Middle East:Opportunities and Challenges”,China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2019.
5. Articles on CSSCI Journals (including CSSCI Extension)
Sun Degang, “Limited War Theory and Israeli Military Action in Lebanon,” Journal of West Asia and Africa, No. 8, 2006.
Sun Degang, “Analysis of Quasi-alliance Diplomacy,” International Review, No. 2, 2007.
Sun Degang, “The Israeli Preemptive Strategy in the Shadow of Iranian Nuclear Issue,” Journal of West Asia and Africa, No. 12, 2007.
Sun Degang, “Quasi-alliance Theory in International Security Cooperation,” Diplomatic Review, No. 6, 2007.
Sun Degang, “Theoretical and Empirical Studies of U.S.-Saudi Quasi-alliance,” Journal of Arab World Studies, No. 5, 2008.
Sun Degang, “The Middle East Factor in Pakistani Terrorist Groups,” South Asia Quarterly, No. 3, 2008.
Sun Degang, “The Yom Kippur War in 1973: A Revisit,” Journal of Social Science Studies, No. 2, 2008.
Sun Degang, “On Turkish Government’s Military Policy to PKK,” Journal of West Asia and Africa, No. 11, 2008.
Sun Degang, “Alliance Diplomacy and the Three-level Games in International Security Rivalry,”International Forum, No. 6, 2008.
Sun Degang, “Preemptive Strike, Preventive War and China’s National Security Strategy in the 21stCentury,” International Relations Studies, No. 4, 2008.
Sun Degang, “Israeli Preemptive Strategy and Iranian Nuclear Issue,” Journal of International Data Information, No. 8, 2008.
Sun Degang, “The Yom Kippur War and Nixon Administration’s Crisis Management,” Journal of East China Normal University, No.1, 2009.
Sun Degang, “International System Transformation and Big Powers’ Quasi-alliance Strategy at the Post Cold War Era,”Journal of Arab World Studies, No. 6, 2009.
Sun Degang, “Analysis of the Dynamics of Preemptive Strike Strategy—An Empirical Study of West Asia and Africa,” Diplomatic Review, No. 5, 2009.
Sun Degang, “On the Four Schools of Preemptive Strategy Studies in Contemporary Western Countries,” Social Sciences Abroad, No. 1, 2009.
Sun Degang, “Transcending the Gap between Historical Studies and International Politics,” International Survey, No. 3, 2009.
Sun Degang and Zhu Weilie, “On the Hot-spot Diplomacy of Western Powers: Models and Their Implications to China,” Journal of Tongji University, No. 2, 2009.
Sun Degang and Deng Haipeng, “Analysis of US Adjustment of Its Military Bases in the Persian Gulf,” Journal of Contemporary International Relations, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2010.
Sun Degang, “On the Global Governance of Somali Piracy Issue: A Public Goods Perspective,” Forum of World Economics and Politics, No. 4, 2010.
Sun Degang, “On the Concept of Military Alliance in International Security Cooperation,”Journal of International Forum, No. 5, 2010.
Sun Degang, “The 1973 Yom Kippur War and the US Mediation Diplomacy,” Fudan American Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010.
Sun Degang, “On China-Arab Strategic Relations,” Journal of Arab World Studies, No. 6, 2010.
Sun Degang, “On Quasi-alliance Strategy,” Journal of World Economics and Politics, No. 2, 2011.
Sun Degang, “On the Efficacy of French Military Base in Djibouti,” Diplomatic Review, No. 5, 2011.
Sun Degang, “US Military Base in Iraq: From Hard Military Bases to Soft Military Presence,” Journal of Contemporary International Relations, No. 2, 2012.
Sun Degang, “On China’s Quasi-alliance Diplomacy in the New Era,” Journal of World Economics and Politics, No. 3, 2012.
Sun Degang, “French Military Bases in Africa: A Historical Review,” Journal of Tongji University, No. 2, 2012.
Sun Degang, “The Arab Revolt and the Obama Doctrine,” Journal of Arab World Studies, No. 4, 2012.
Sun Degang and Haipeng Deng, “Theoretical Analysis of Foreign Military Bases,” Journal of International Forum, No. 6, 2012.
Sun Degang, “Dynamics of Soviet and Russian Military Bases in Syria,” Journal of Russian Studies, No. 5, 2013.
Sun Degang, “Analysis of US Soft Military Presence in the Maghreb,” Journal of Arab World Studies, No. 6, 2013.
Sun Degang, “Beyond the Francophone: French Military Base in the UAE,” Journal of West Asia and Africa, No. 4, 2014.
Sun Degang and Haipeng Deng, “The Strategic Evolution of US Military Bases in Saudi Arabia,” Journal of Arab World Studies, No. 4, 2014.
Sun Degang and Haipeng Deng, “The Outside Powers’ Military Deployment in the Middle East and Islamic Studies and Its Implications to China,”Global Review, No. 5, 2014.
Sun Degang, “On China’s Foreign Military Presence in the Middle East,” Journal of World Economics and Politics, No. 8, 2014.
Sun Degang, “The Deployment of Japanese Military Bases in Djibouti and Its Implications,” Global Review, No. 3, 2015.
Sun Degang, “Great Powers’ Military Deployment abroad: A Theoretical Survey,” Journal of World Economics and Politics, No. 7, 2015.
Sun Degang, “China’s Beidou Navigation Satellite System and the Arab World,” Journal of Social Sciences, No. 7, 2015.
Sun Degang, “The Strategic Readjustment of US Military Bases in the Middle East,” Journal of World Economics and Politics, No. 7, 2016.
Sun Degang and Yuyou Zhang, “Theory and Practice of China’s Participation in the Iranian Nuclear Issues,” Journal of Arab World Studies, No. 4, 2016.
Sun Degang and Yongbiao Zhu, “The Evolution of US Military Bases in Afghanistan,” Journal of Contemporary International Relations, No. 8, 2016.
Sun Degang, “On China’s General Diplomacy towards the Middle East,” Global Review, No. 2, 2017.
Sun Degang, “The Four Dimensions of the US Military Deployment Abroad: A Case of the Greater Middle East,” Journal of International Survey, No. 2, 2017.
Sun Degang, “On the Security Cooperation between US and Israel,” Journal of West Asia and Africa, No. 2, 2017.
Sun Degang, “On China’s Seaport Diplomacy: Theory and Practice,” Journal of World Economics and Politics, No. 8, 2018.
Sun Degang and Zhang Dandan, “‘Belt and Road Initiative’ and China-Arab Strategic Partnership,” Journal of Contemporary World, Issue 10, 2018.
Sun Degang and Hend AlMahly, “Homogenous Alliance and the Structural Causes of Saudi-Qatari Discord,” Journal of West Asia and Africa, Issue1, 2018.
Sun Degang and Zhang Shuai, “China’s Participation in the UN Peace-keeping Missions in the Middle East: Theory and Practice,”Journal ofArab World Studies, Issue 5, 2018.
Sun Degang and Bai Xinyi, “China’s Participation in the Djibouti Seaport Constructions: Reality and Prospect,” Journal of Contemporary World, Issue 4, 2018.
Sun Degang and Zou Zhiqiang, “Outside Powers’ Military Deployment in the Eastern Africa: Posture and Impact,” Journal of Contemporary International Relations, Issue 12, 2018.
Sun Degang and Zhang Shuai, “Functional Alliance: the New Posture of the Middle Eastern Alliance Politics since the ‘Arab Spring’,” Journal of World Economics and Politics Forum, Issue 2, 2019.
Sun Degang and Aml Ali, “Outside Powers’ Outlooks of Middle Eastern Security Governance: A Comparative Survey,” Journal of Arab World Studies, Issue 5, 2019.
Sun Degang and Wang Yaqing, “Russian Middle East Policy in the Background of US Strategic Retreat,” Journal of Contemporary World, Issue 9, 2019.
Sun Degang and Zhang Dandan, “Peace Through Development: Theory and Trajectory of China’s Participation in the Middle Eastern Security Affairs,” Journal of World Outlook, Issue 6, 2019.
Sun Degang, “On China’s Partnership Diplomacy towards the Middle East Countries in the 21stCentury,” Journal of World Economics and Politics, No. 7, 2019.
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徐海燕职称:教授所在中心:俄罗斯中亚研究中心研究方向:能源战略、国际油价、俄罗斯经济等电子邮箱:haiyan.greatsun@gmail.com个人简介徐海燕,2001年在哈萨克斯坦国立经济大学取得博士学位,2002年进入复旦大学。现任复旦大学国际问题研究院俄罗斯与中亚研究中心教授,复旦大学能源经 ...复旦大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-09复旦大学国际问题研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-邢丽菊
邢丽菊职 称:教授、博士生导师所在中心:朝鲜韩国研究中心(副主任)研究方向:韩国哲学与思想史、文化与国际关系、中国文化与外交、中外人文交流电子邮箱:xinglij@hotmail.com个人简介邢丽菊,现任复旦大学国际问题研究院教授、博士生导师,复旦大学韩国研究中心副主任。曾任韩国国立首尔大学、韩国 ...复旦大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-09复旦大学国际问题研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐以骅
徐以骅职称:教授、博士生导师所在中心:美国研究中心研究方向:宗教与中国国家安全研究、宗教与当代国际关系、宗教与美国社会电子邮箱:hongyan@sh163.net个人简介徐以骅,美国普林斯顿大学哲学博士,复旦大学美国研究中心教授、博士生导师。复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院宗教与国际关系研究中心主任。 ...复旦大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-09