
复旦大学物理系研究生导师简介陆 昉 教 授

复旦大学 /2013-01-16

陆 昉 教 授
陆昉(LU Fang),男,1957年6月生,教授,博士生导师,曾任物理系系主任。1979年毕业于复旦大学物理系,1982年研究生毕业于复旦大学物理系微电子专业,获硕士学位。1982年起留校任教至今。1986年任讲师,1992年任副教授,1995年获凝聚态物理学科在职博士学位。1986年8月至1988年2月期间,在美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校做访问学者。1996年2月至1998年1月期间在日本东北大学金属材料研究所先后被聘任为特别研究员、大学教员(助手〕及副教授。对半导体材料中的深能级缺陷以及半导体异质结、量子阱、超晶格结构材料的光电特性等方面开展了大量、系统的研究工作。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文90多篇,其中在SCI收录的国际期刊上发表论文60多篇。这些论文被国外文献引用达160多次。1991年由国务院学位委员会授予“做出突出贡献的中国硕士学位获得者”,1992年被评为上海市高校优秀青年教师,并被列入上海市首届启明星计划。2001年获得上海市科技进步一等奖(第一完成人),2002年获得国家自然科学进步二等奖(第一完成人)。2003年荣获上海市第八届十大科技精英、上海市教育系统优秀共产党员、上海市优秀专业技术人才等称号。2004年获得全国模范教师称号。2004年起享受国务院特殊津贴。

教授课程: 半导体物理,图论





1 "Electrical and Optical Properties of Defects in Silicon Induced by High Tem perature Electron Irradiation"
JG. Xu, F. Lu and HH. Sun
Phys. Rev. B 38 (1988) 3395
2. "Etching Silicon surface with hydrogen Atoms"
F. Lu, J.W. Corbbett and L.C. Snyder
Phys. Letters A 133 (1988) 249
3 "Novel Electrical and Annealing Properties of Defects in Electron Irradiated Silicon p+n Junction"
FP. Wang, HH. Sun and F. Lu
J. Appl. Phys., 68 (1990) 1535
4 "Electrically Active Defects in N-type Silicon induced by Rapid Thermal Annealing"
F. Lu, F. Lu and HH. Sun
Semicond. Sci. and Technol. 7 (1992) 916
5 "Suppression of interfacial boron accumulation and defect density in molecular beam epitaxial silicon"
DW.Gong, X. Wei, F. Lu, QH Wang, HH Sun,X Wang
Solid State Comm. 88 (1993) 731
6 "A single frequency admittance spectroscopy measurement of band offset in Si/Si1-xGex/Si quantum well"
F. Lu ,DW. Gong and HH Sun
J. Appl. Phys. 75 (1994) 2957
7 "Interfacial Defects in SiGe/Si quantum wells detected by deep level transient spectroscopy"
QH.Wang,F.Lu,DW.Gong,XJ.Chen,JB.Wang,HH.Sun and X.Wang
Phys. Rev. B 50 (1994) 18226
8 "Interfacial Defects Related to the Substrate Treatment in Molecular Beam Epitaxial Silicon"
C.Sheng,DW.Gong,X.Wei,F.Lu,QH.Wang,HH.Sun and X.Wang
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33 (1994) 2276
9 "Effects of rapid thermal annealing on electrical properties of heavily doped silicon molecular beam epitaxial layer with B2O3 doping source"
Q.Xu,J.Yuan,JB.Wang, DM.Huang,F.Lu,HH.Sun,X.Wang,R.Liu
J. Appl. Phys. 76 (1994) 1697
10 " Growth and Characterization of Boron Delta-Function Shaped Doping Layer in Silicon by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy"
XJ.Chen, QH. Wang, DW. Gong, Y.Yang, HQ. Lu, F.Lu, YL.Fan,XK.Lu, ZM.Jiang, XJ. Zhang, X. Wang
SPIE 2364 (1994)109
11 "Plasma-Enhanced Chemical-Vapor-Deposition of Nitrogen-Rich Silicon Oxynitride Thin-Film for Gate Insulator Application"
WJ. Qi, WF. Yu, BZ.Li, J. Liu, F. Lu, M. Zhang, GS. Dong
SPIE 2364 (1994) 470
12 "Effects of rapid thermal annealing on heavily boron doped silicon epilayers"
JB.Wang,Q.Xu,F. Lu, HH.Sun,X.Wang
Mat. Res. Soc. , 355 (1995) 637
13 "Detection of defects at homoepitaxial interface by deep level transient spectroscopy
F. Lu, DW. Gong, HH. Sun and X. Wang
J. Appl. Phys. 77 (1995) 213
14 "Electronic-Properties of Silicon-Nitride Film Deposited by Low-Energy Ion-Beam Bombardment"
ZM.Ren, F. Lu, YC. Du, ZF.Ying, FM. Li
Appl. Phys. A 61 (1995) 643
15 "Quantum Confinement of holes in SiGe/Si quantum wells studied by admittance spectroscopy"
F. Lu, JY. Jiang, HH Sun, DW. Gong, XJ. Zhang , X. Wang
Phys. Rev. B 51 (1995) 4231
16 "Photovoltaic Investigations of Interband Transitions in SiGe/Si Multiple Quantum Wells."
JB. Wang, DW. Gong, XJ. Chen, F. Lu, HH. Sun and X. Wang
Appl. Phys. Lett 66 (1995) 1782
17 "Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the strain relaxation in heavily boron doped silicon epilayer"
JB. Wang, Q. Xu, J. Yuan, F. Lu,HH. Sun and X. Wang
J. Appl. Phys. 77 (1995) 2974
18 "Hole confinement in boron δ-doped Si quantum wells studied by admittance spectroscopy"
JH.Zhu,DW.Gong,B.Zhang,F.Lu, C.Sheng, HH. Sun, X.Wang
J. Crystal Growth 157 (1995) 378
19 "Admittance spectroscopy studies of boron δ-doped Si quantum wells"
JH.Zhu,DW.Gong,B.Zhang, F.Lu,C.Sheng, HH. Sun, X. Wang
Phys. Rev. B 52 (1995) 8959
20 "Capacitance-voltage characteristics of a Schottky junction containing SiGe/Si quantum wells"
F. Lu,DW. Gong, QH. Wang, JB. Wang, HH. Sun,X. Wang
Phys. Rev. B 53(1995) 4623
21 "Interfacial Defects in SiGe/Si quantum wells detected by deep level transient spectroscopy"
QH.Wang,F.Lu,DW.Gong,XJ.Chen,JB.Wang,HH.Sun and X.Wang
Proc. 22nd internal. Conf.on the Phys.of Semicond.3(1995)2467
22 "Hole Confinement in Boron Delta-Doped Silicon Quantum Wells Studied by Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy"
JH.Zhu,DW.Gong,B.Zhang,F. Lu,C.Sheng,HH Sun and X.Wang
Phys. Rev. B 54 (1996) 2662
23 "Analysis of capacitance-voltage characteristics of SiGe/Si quantum-well structures"
JB.Wang,F.Lu,SK.Zhang,B.Zhang,DW.Gong,HH.Sun,and X. Wang
Phys. Rev. B 54 (1996) 7979
24 "A deep level transient spectroscopic study of boron-ion-implanted SiGe/Si single quantum wells"
F. Lu, JB.Wang, JY. Jiang, DW.Gong, HH.Sun and X.Wang
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 9 (1997) 3427
25 "Deep Level transient spectroscopic studies of ZnSe/GaAs heterointerfaces"
F Lu, SK Zhang, J. Wang, JB Wang, HH. Sun, X. Wang
J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 9 (1997) 995
26 "Photovoltatic study of ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures"
JB.Wang, DY.Chen, CX.Jin, F.Lu, HH.Sun and X.Wang
Phys. Rev. B 56 (1997) 1416
27 "Self-organized growth of II-VI wide bandgap quantum dot structure
Z.Zhu, E.Kurtz, K.Arai, YF.Chen, DM.Bagnall, P.Tomashini,F. Lu, T.Sekiguchi, T.Yao, T. Yasuda and Y.Segawa
Phy. Stat. Sol. (b) 202 (1997) 827
28 "Electronic States in ZnSe/ZnTe type-II superlattice studied by capacitance transient spectroscopy."
SQ.Wang, F.Lu, H.D.Jung, C.D.Song, Z.Q.Zhu, H.Okushi,B.C.Cavenett and T.Yao
J. Appl. Phys. 82 (1997) P3402
29 "Micro-cathodoluminescence study of ZnSe quantum dots embedded in ZnS grown by molecular beam epitaxy"
K.Arai, Z.Zhu, T.Sekiguchi, T.Yasuda,F.Lu ,Y.Segawa, N.Kuroda and T. Yao
Nonlinear Optics, 18(1997)307
30 "Optical properties of ZnSe/ZnS quantum wires structures when using high index substrates"
P.Tomasini, K.Arai, F.Lu, Z.Zhu, T.Yao,T.Sekiguchi,M.Y.Chen, T.Goto, T.Yasuda Y.Segawa
Nonlinear Optics, 18 (1997)215
31 "Photoinduced admittance spectroscopy to detect the shallow electron traps in nitrogrn doped highly compenseted ZnSe"
F. Lu ,S.Wang, HD.Jung, Z.Zhu,T.Yao
J. Appl. Phys 81 (1997) 2425
32 "Heterovalent Interface Issue"
T.Yao, F.Lu , M.W.Cho, K.W.Koh, Z.Zhu, LH.Kuo,T.Yasuda,A.Othake,S.Miwa,K.Kimura and K.Nakajima
Phy. Stat. Sol. (b) 202 (1997) 657
33 "Germanium dots with highly uniform size distribution grown on Si(100) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy"
X. Wang, ZM. Jiang, HJ. Zhu, F. Lu , DM. Huang, XH. Liu, CW. Hu, YF. Chen, Z.Zhu, T. Yao
Appl. Phys. Lett. 71(1997)3543
34 "Silicon based low dimensional quantum structures"
ZM.Jiang,HJ.Zhu,F.Lu,DM.Huang X.Wang,YF.Chen,Z.Zhu and T.Yao
Nonlinear Optics, 18 (1997)153
35 "Deposition of Ta205 film by UV laser reactive ablation in O3 ambient"
ZW.Fu, MF.Zhou, QZ.Qin, SK.Zhang, F.Lu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 36 (1997) 6714
36 "Interfacial properties of ZnSe/GaAs heterovalent interface"
F.Lu, K.Kimura, S.Q.Wang, Z.Zhu and T.Yao
J. Crystal Growth , 184 (1998) 254
37 "Luminescence properties of ZnSe/ZnS(h11)A low dimensional structures."
P.Tomasini, K.Arai, F.Lu, MW.Cho, Z.Zhu, T.Yao, YH.Wu, T.Sekiguchi, M.Suezawa, MY. Shen, T.Goto
J. Crystal Growth , 184 (1998) 343
38 "Properties of interface status at Ta205/n-Si interfaces"
SK. Zhang , ZW. Fu, L. Ke,F. Lu.,QZ. Qin. and X. Wang
J. Appl. Phys. 84 (1998) 335
39 "Photo-luminescence and cathodoluminescence studies of ZnSe quantum dots embedded in ZnS"
K.Arai, Z.Zhu, T.Sekiguchi, T.Yasuda, F.Lu,N.Kuroda, Y.Segawa, and T.Yao
J. Crystal Growth 184 (1998) 183
40 "C-V and DLTS studies of Al/Ta205/n-Si structures with Ta205 thin film deposited by pulsed laser deposition"
SK. Zhang, ZW. Fu,L. Ke,QZ Qin,F. Lu and X. Wang
Prog. Natural Science,8 (1998) 243
41 "Well depth fluctuation of Si1-xGex/Si quantum-well structures studied by conductance-voltage technique"
SK. Zhang, ZM. Jiang, J. Qin, DZ. Hu, F. Lu and X. Wang
J. Appl. Phys. 84 (1998) 5587
42 "Orientation dependence of strained ZnSe/ZnS(h11) single quantum well luminescence"
P.Tomasini, K.Arai, F.Lu, Z.Q.Zhu, T.Sekiguchi, M.Suezawa, T.Yao,M.Y.Shen, T.Goto, T.Yasuda, Y.Segawa
J. Appl. Phys. 83 (1998) 4272
43 "Coulomb charging effect in Ge quantum dots studied by admittance spectroscopy
SK.Zhang, HJ.Zhu, F.Lu, Z.M.Jiang, X.Wang
Phys. Rev. Lett , 80 (1998)3340
44 A deep level induced by gamma irradiation in HgCdTe
XW Hu,JX Fang,Q. Wang,J.Zhao,HQ Lu,HM Gong,SK Zhang, F. Lu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 (1998) 91
45 Compensating levels in p-type ZnSe:N studied by optical deep-level transient spectroscopy,
S.Q.Wang, F. Lu, Z.Q.Zhu, T.Sekiguchi,H.Okushi,K.Kimura,T.Yao
Phys. Rev. B 58(1998)10502
46 Localization and Thermal Escape of Excitions in Ultrathin ZnSe/ZnS Single Quantum-Wells linked to Interfacial ZnSe Quantum Slabs
P. Tomasini,K.Arai, F.Lu, ZQ.Zhu, T.Sekiguchi, T.Yao,MY.Shen,T.Goto
J. Appl. Phys. 83 (1998) 6028
47 Self-organized germanium quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(100)
Z.M. Jiang, H.J.Zhu, F.Lu, J.Qin, D.M.Huang, X Wang
Thin Solid Films 321(1998)60
48 Visible and Infrared Photoluminescence from Er-Doped SiOx
J.Wan, C.Sheng, F.Lu, S.Yuan, DW.Gong, LS.Liao, YL. Fan, F.Lin, X.Wang
J. of Luminescence 80(1998)369
49 Self-organized Ge quantum dots and its photoluminescence properties
Zhu Haijun, Jiang Zuimin, Xu Amei, Mao Mingchun, Hu Dongzhi, Liu Xiaohan, Huang Daming, Lu Fang, Hu Changwu, and Kasuya Atsuo
Progress in Natural Science 8, 113(1998)
50 Measurements of confined energy levels and Coulomb charging effect in self-assembled Ge quantum dots by admittance spectroscopy
S.K. Zhang, Z.M. Jiang, H.J. Zhu, F. Lu
MRS Symp. Proc.533 , 191(1998)
51 Self-organized Germaniu quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon
H.J. Zhu, Z.M. Jiang, F.Lu, and Xun Wang
Proc. of 8th Intern. Conf. on Narrow Gap Semiconductors, page 436(1998)
52 Conductance-Voltage Characteristics of SiGe/Si Quantum-Well Structures
F. Lu, S.K.Zhang, Z.M.Jiang, J.Qin,D.Z.Hu,and X.wang
J. Korean Physical Society 34(1999)73
53 Coulomb charging effect of holes in Ge quantum dots studied by deep level transient spectroscopy
Zhang SK, Lu F, Jiang ZM, Wang X
THIN SOLID FILMS 369: (1-2) 65-68 JUL 3 2000
54 Thermal stability of a Si/Si1-xGex quantum well studied by admittance spectroscopy
Lin F, Gong DW, Sheng C, Lu F, Wang X
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 87: (4) 1947-1950 FEB 15 2000
55 Admittance spectroscopy affected by surface potential in quantum well structure
Gao Q, Zhang SK, Jiang ZM, Lu F.
ACTA PHYS SIN-CH ED 49: (6) 1136-1139 JUN 2000
56 High AC voltage flow-modified permittivity and rheological properties of carbon-doped nano TiO2 ER fluids
Qiu ZY, Shan FK, Zhou LW, Lu F, Zhu YH
57 Acceptor- and donor-like interfacial states at ZnSe/GaAs heterovalent interfaces
Fang Lu, Z.Q. Zhu, K. Kimura, T. Yao
Applied Surface Science 190 (2002) 302
58 Detection of donor-like deep levels in p-type Si containing a thin Er-doped layer by deep-level transient spectroscopy
Yu Chen, Gang Chen, Yun Tian and Fang Lu
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17 (2002) 497–501
59 Electrically active defects in Ni–Si silicide studied by deep-level transient spectroscopy
Yun Tian, Yu-Long Jiang, Yu Chen, Fang Lu and Bing-Zong Li
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17 (2002) 83–86
60 Schottky Barrier Height Inhomogeneity of Ti/n-GaAs Contact Studied by the I-V-T Technique
Yu-Long Jiang, Guo-Ping Ru,Fang Lu, Xin-Ping Qu, Bing-Zong Li, Wei Li, Ai-Zhen Li
Chin. Phys. Lett 19 (2002)553
61 Optical characteristics of laser-crystallized Si1.xGex nanocrystals
S H Huang, XY Ma, XJ Wang and F Lu
Nanotechnology 14 (2003) 25–28
62 Quantum Levels in Ge Quantum Dots Studied by Photocurrent Spectroscopy and Admittance Spectroscopy
Hao Zhou, Shihua Huang, Yin Rao, Zuiming Jiang, Fang Lu
Solid State Communications 125 (2003) 161–164
63 Ni/Si solid phase reaction studied by temperature-dependent current-voltage technique
Yu-Long Jiang and Guo-Ping Rua,Fang Lu,Xin-Ping Qu and Bing-Zong Li,Simon Yang
J. APPL. PHYS. 93 (2003) 866
64 Electric field dependence of photocurrent absorption in GeSi/Si quantum wells
S. H. Huang, H. Zhou, Z. M. Jiang and F. Lu
MicroElectronic Engineering.66 (2003)136
65 Investigation of the quantum confinement effects in Ge dots by electrical measurements
X.Y. Ma,, Sh. H. Huang, Y. Chen,F.Lu
Applied Surface Science 225 (2004) 281–286
66 Coupling effect dependent on the thickness of the spacer layer between double layer of quantum dots
Yin Rao, Qi Gao, Zuimin Jiang and Fang Lu
Applied Surface Science 224 (2004) 160–164
67 The study of ultrafast phase dynamics of carriers in Ge quantum dots by photocurrent correlation phase spectroscopy
Shihua Huang, Hao Zhou, Zuiming Jiang and Fang Lu
Nanotechnology 16 (2005) 53–574
68 Investigation on the barrier height and phase transformation of nickel silicide Schottky contact
Shihua Huang, Yun Tian, Fang Lu
Applied Surface Science 234 (2004) 362–3685
69 Study of the photoexcited carrier dynamics in InP:Fe using time-resolved reflection and photoluminescence spectra
Shihua Huang, Xi Li, Fang Lu
Applied Surface Science 230 (2004) 158–162
70 Study of ultrafast process in semiconductor
Huang SH, Li X, Lin Y, Lu F
J. Infrared & MillimeterWave 24 (3): 179-181 (2005)
71 Optical spectrum of a spin-split two-dimensional electron gas
D. W. Yuan, W. Xu, Z. Zeng, and F. Lu
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72, 033320 2005
