胡志高 教授、博士生导师
部门: 物理与电子科学学院
毕业院校: 中国科学院
学位: 博士
学历: 研究生
邮编: 200241
联系电话: +86-
传真: +86- (院办)
电子邮箱: zghu@ee.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 闵行校区信息楼226室
通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号 华东师范大学 物理与电子科学学院 材料科学系
2004年3月在中国科学院上海技术物理研究所获“微电子学与固体电子学”理学博士学位,导师褚君浩院士。2004年3月至2007年2月分别在美国佐治亚州州立大学(Georgia State University)和德国海德堡大学(University of Heidelberg)从事博士后研究工作。2007年4月-2019年6月任华东师范大学信息科学技术学院教授、博士生导师;2019年7月至今任华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院教授、博士生导师,上海市极化材料多功能磁光光谱公共技术服务平台负责人。在Small、PRApp、PRB及APL等国际应用物理与材料顶级学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文200多篇(其中影响因子5.0以上有80多篇),他引1200多次。应邀出版国际英文学术专著章节5章。主持并完成科技部国家重大科学研究计划、国家自然科学基金项目以及上海市科委/教委重点项目等十多项科研课题。
3. 中国物理学会半导体物理专业委员会委员
1. 德国洪堡****(Humboldt Fellow)
2. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):氧化钒基微纳结构体系光电特性和探测器原型研究 (2020.01-2023.12)
1. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):铁电/半导体氧化物异质结的光电转换效应及其调控机理研究 (2017.01-2020.12)
05.K. Jiang, L.P. Xu, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu,* and J.H. Chu,Structural transformations in ferroelectrics discovered by Raman spectroscopy,Raman Spectroscopy edited byGustavo M. do Nascimento? Chapter 12? page: 253-272? ISBN:978-953-51-5746-5 (INTECH Open Access Publishers? Vienna? 2018).
04. Z.G. Hu? J.H. Chu? Y.W. Li? K. Jiang? and Z.Q. Zhu?Electronic band structures and phase transitions of ferroelectric and multiferroic oxides?Advances in Ferroelectricsedited byAimé Peláiz Barranco?Chapter 6? page: 109-125? ISBN:980-953-307-657-2(INTECH Open AccessPublishers? Vienna? 2012).
03.Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu? and J.H. Chu?Electrical processes in polycrystalline BiFeO3film?Ferroelectrics-Characterization and Modeling edited byMickael Lallart?Chapter 8? page: 135-152? ISBN:978-953-307-455-9 (INTECH Open AccessPublishers? Vienna? 2011).
02. Z.G. Hu? Y.W. Li? W.W. Li? J.J. Zhu? M. Zhu? Z.Q. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Optical properties and electronic band structures of perovskite-type ferroelectric and conductive metallic oxide films? Ferroelectrics edited by Indrani Coondoo?Chapter 4? page: 63-88? ISBN:978-953-307-439-9 (INTECH Open AccessPublishers? Vienna? 2010).
01. Z.G. Hu? Z.M. Huang? and J.H. Chu? Optical characterizations of ferroelectric Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12thin films from NIR to UV regions using spectroscopic ellipsometry? Trends in Semiconductor Researchedited by Thomas B. Elliot? Chapter 5? page: 111-136? ISBN: 1-59454-414-X (Nova Science Publishers? Inc. NY? 2005).
Year 2020:
146. A.Y. Cui, X.H. Cao, Y. Ye, K. Jiang, L.Q. Zhu, M.H. Jiang*, G.H. Rao, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Phase transitions and phonon thermodynamics in giant piezoelectric Mn-doped K0.5Na0.5NbO-LiBiO3crystals studied by Raman spectroscopy,Phys. Rev. B102 (xx): xxxxxx (1-12) (2020).
145. S.Y. Du, C. Wu, L.Y. Ao, X. Zhou, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Y.W. Li, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Significantly enhanced lithium storage by in-situ grown CoS2@MoS2core-shell nanorods anchored on carbon cloth,Chemical Engineering Journalxx(xx): xxxxx-xxxxx (2020).
144. L.P. Xu, Z.H. Duan, P. Zhang, X. Wang, J.Z. Zhang*, L.Y. Shang, K. Jiang, Y.W. Li, L.Q. Zhu, Y.J. Gong, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Ferroelectric-modulated MoS2filed-effect transistors as multilevel nonvolatile memory,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces12 (40): 44902-44911 (2020).
143. M.Z. Xie, M. Li, L.M. Li,J.Z. Zhang, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Temperature-dependent phonon mode and interband electronic transition evlolutions of ε-InSefilms derived by pulsed laser deposition,Appl. Phys. Lett.117 (10): 102101 (1-5) (2020).
142. K. Jiang, A.Y. Cui, S. Shao, J.J. Feng, H.L. Dong, B. Chen, Y.C. Wang*, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,New Pressure Stabilization Structure in Two-Dimensional PtSe2,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.11(17): 7342-7349 (2020).
141.B. Zhou, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, J.Z. Zhang,Y.W. Li,L.Q. Zhu, S.-J. Gong*,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Enhanced carrier sepatation in ferroelectric In2Se3/MoS2van der Waals heterostructure,J. Mater. Chem. C08 (32): 11160-11167 (2020).
140. H.M. Sun, X. Zhou, X. Wang, L.P. Xu, J.Z. Zhang, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu, P-N conversion of charge carrier types and high photoresponsive performance from composition modulated ternary alloyW(SxSe1-x)2field-effect transistors,Nanoscale12 (28): 15304-15317 (2020).
139.Y. Ye,A.Y. Cui, M.Y. Bian, K. Jiang, L.Q. Zhu, J.Z. Zhang, L.Y. Shang, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Temperature and pressure manipulation of magnetic ordering and phonon dynamics with phase transition in multiferroic GdFeO3: Evidencefrom Raman scattering,model system,Phys. Rev. B102 (02): 024103 (1-8) (2020).
138. M.Y. Bian, Y. Ye, A.Y. Cui, K. Jiang*, W. Bai, H.L. Dong, B. Chen, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Phase transition of Bi5Ti3FeO15ceramics discoverd by Raman spectroscopy and in-situ synchrotron XRD under stress field,Appl. Phys. Lett.117 (02): 022901 (1-5) (2020).
137. F.F Chen, A.Y. Cui, X. Wang, C.F. Gao, L.P. Xu, K. Jiang, J.Z. Zhang,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Lattice vibration characteristics in layered InSe films and electronic behaviors of field-effect transistors,Nanotechnology31 (33): 335702 (1-8)(2020).
136. L.Y. Ao, C. Wu, X. Wang, Y.N. Xu, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Y.W. Li, J.Z. Zhang,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Superior and reversible lithium storage of SnO2/Graphene composites by silicon doping and carbon sealing,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces12 (18): 20824-20837 (2020).
135.J.Y. Zhou,M.Z. Xie,H. Ji, A.Y. Cui, Y. Ye,K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Mixed-dimensional Van der Waals heterostructure photodetector,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces12 (16): 18674-18682 (2020).
134. M. Li,M.Z. Xie,H. Ji,J.Y. Zhou, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Y.W. Li*, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, PLD-derived Ge2Sb2Te5phase-change films with extreme bending stability for flexible device applications,Appl. Phys. Lett.116 (16): 162102 (1-4) (2020).
133.Z. Jin, J.Y. Zhou, M.Z. Xie, H. Ji, Y. Ye, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, J.Z. Zhang*, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Strong charge-density-wave order of large-area 2D metallic VSe2nanosheets discovered by temperature-dependent Raman spectra,Appl. Phys. Lett.116 (03): 033102 (1-4) (2020).
132.B. Zhou, S.-J. Gong*, K. Jiang, L.P. Xu, L.Y. Shang, J.Z. Zhang,Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu,Type-II GaSe/GeS heterobilayer with strain enhanced photovoltaic properties and external electric field effects,J. Mater. Chem. C08 (01): 89-97 (2020).[Back Cover]
131.F.F. Chen, B. Zhou, P. Zhang, Y. Ye. H.M. Sun, L.P. Xu, L.Q. Zhu, K. Jiang*, Y.J. Gong, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Effects of composition and temperature on the exciton emission behaviors of Mo(SxSe1-x)2monolayer: experiment and theory,Nanotechnology31 (15): 155703 (1-10)(2020).
Year 2019:
130.A.Y. Cui, K. Jiang, M.H. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, L.Q. Zhu, Z.G. Hu*,G.S. Xu, and J.H. Chu,Decoding phases of matter by machine learning Raman spectroscopy,Phys. Rev. Applied12 (05): 054049 (1-8) (2019).
129.L.P. Xu, P. Zhang, H.N. Jiang, X. Wang, F.F. Chen, Z.G. Hu*, Y.J. Gong*, L.Y. Shang, J.Z. Zhang, K. Jiang, and J.H. Chu,Large-scale growth and field-effect transistors electrical engineering of atomic-layer SnS2,Small15 (46): ** (1-10) (2019).
128.X. Wang, A.Y. Cui, F.F. Chen, L.P. Xu, Z.G. Hu*, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, and J.H. Chu,Probing effective out-of-plane piezoelectricity in van der Waals layered materials in-duced by flexoelectricity,Small15 (46): ** (1-10) (2019). [Back Cover]
127.H. Ji, M.Z. Xie, J.Y. Zhou, X. Wang, Z. Jin, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang*, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Self-assembly of a lateral quasi-Ohmic CuInSe2/InSe isotype heterojunction forflexible devices by pulsed laser deposition,Appl. Phys. Lett.115 (16): 162104 (1-5) (2019).
126.M.Z. Xie, J.Y. Zhou, H. Ji, Y. Ye, X. Wang, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Annealing effects on sulfur vacancies and electronic transport of MoS2films grown by pulsed-laser deposition,Appl. Phys. Lett.115 (12): 121901 (1-5) (2019).
125.Y. Ye, A.Y. Cui, L.Q. Zhu, Z.G. Hu*, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Y.W. Li, G.S. Xu, and J.H. Chu,Electric double layer oriented field screening effect on high-resolution electromechanical imaging in conductive solutions,Phys. Rev. Applied12 (03): 034006 (1-14) (2019).
124.Y.N. Xu, C. Wu, L.Y. Ao, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Three-dimensional porous Co3O4-CoO@GO composite combined with N-doped carbon forsuperior lithium storage, Nanotechnology30 (42): 425404 (1-10)(2019).
123.A.Y. Cui, Y. Ye, L.M. Zheng, K. Jiang, L.Q. Zhu, L.Y. Shang, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Exploring lattice symmetry evolution with discontinuous phase transition by Raman scattering criteria: The single-crystalline (K,Na)NbO3model system, Phys. Rev. B100 (02): 024102 (1-10) (2019).
122.A.Y. Cui, L.Q. Zhu, K. Jiang, L.P. Xu, Z.G. Hu*, G.S. Xu, H. Sun, Z.Q. Huang, R. Poddar, and J.H. Chu,Probing nanoscale electromechanical behaviors of relaxor ferroelectrics in high-conductive liquid environments,Phys. Rev. Applied11 (05): 054037 (1-12) (2019).
121.A.Y. Cui,P.D. Wolf,Y. Ye,Z.G. Hu*,A. Dujardin,Z.Q. Huang,K. Jiang,L.Y. Shang,M. Ye,H. Sun, andJ.H. Chu, Probing Electromechanical behaviors by datacube piezoresponse force microscopy in ambient and aqueous environments,Nanotechnology30(23): 235701(1-10)(2019).
120.C.Q. Li, A.Y. Cui, F.F. Chen, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, J.C. Jiang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Preparation and characterization of narrow band gap ferroelectric (K,Ba)(Ni,Nb)O3-δfims for esoporous all-oxide solar cells,New Journal of Physics21(01): 013011 (1-12) (2019).
119. C. Wu, J.Y. Wang, Q.L. Deng, M.J. Li, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang*, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Pseudocapacitive Li-ion storage boosts high-capacity and long-life performance inmulti-layer CoFe2O4/rGO/C composite, Nanotechnology30 (04): 045401 (1-11)(2019).
Year 2018:
118. F. Wang, B. Zhou, H.M. Sun, A.Y. Cui, T. Jiang, L.P. Xu, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Difference analysis model for mismatch effect and substrate-induced lattice deformation in atomically thin materials, Phys. Rev. B98 (24): 245403 (1-9) (2018).
117.J.Y. Zhou, M.Z. Xie, A.Y. Cui, B. Zhou, K. Jiang*, L.Y. Shang,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Manipulating behaviors from heavy tungsten doping on interband electronic transition and orbital structure variation of vanadium dioxide films,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces10 (36): 30548-30557 (2018).
116. T. Jiang, F. Wang, A.Y. Cui, S. Guo, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang*, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, In-situ exploration of thermodynamic evolution properties in the type II interface from WSe2-WS2lateral heterojunction, Nanotechnology 29 (43): 435703 (1-9)(2018).
115. M.J. Li, Q.L. Deng, J.Y. Wang, K. Jiang*, L.Y. Shang, Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu, In-situ gas reduction in reversible SnS-SnO2@N-doped graphene anodes for high-rate and lasting lithium storage, J. Alloy. Compd. 769: 1007-1018 (2018).
114.J.Y. Wang, C. Wu,Q.L. Deng, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu,Highly durable and cycle-stable lithium storage based on MnO nanoparticles-decorated 3D interconnected CNT/graphene architecture,Nanoscale10 (27): 13140-13148 (2018).
113.H.M. Sun, J.Y. Wang, F. Wang, L.P. Xu, K. Jiang, L.Y. Shang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Enhanced exciton emission behaviors and tunable band gap of ternary W(SxSe1-x)2monolayer: Temperature dependent optical evidence and first-principles calculations,Nanoscale10 (24): 11553-11563 (2018).
112.J.Y. Wang, Q.L. Deng, M.J. Li, C. Wu, K. Jiang*, Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu,Facile fabrication of 3D porousMnO@GS/CNT architecture as advanced anode materials for high-performance lithium-ion battery,Nanotechnology 29 (31): 315403 (1-10)(2018).
111.Q.L. Deng, M.J. Li, J.Y. Wang, K. Jiang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Controllable interlayerspace effects of layered potassium triniobate nanoflakes on enhanced pH dependent adsorption-photocatalysis behaviors,Scientific Reports08: 6616 (1-8) (2018).
110.C.Q. Li. F. Wang, Y.Y. Sun, K. Jiang, S.J. Gong, Z.G. Hu*, Z.Y. Zhou, X.L. Dong, and J.H. Chu,Lattice dynamics, phase transition and tunable fundamental bandgap of photovoltaic (K,Ba)(Ni,Nb)O3-δceramics from spectral measurements and first-principle calculations, Phys. Rev. B97 (09): 094109 (1-11) (2018).
109.Q.L. Deng, M.J. Li, J.Y. Wang, K. Jiang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Free-anchored Nb2O5@graphene networks for ultrafast-stable lithium storage,Nanotechnology 29 (18): 185401 (1-11)(2018).
108.J.Y. Wang, Q.L. Deng, M.J. Li, K. Jiang, Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu,High-capacity and long-life lithium storage boosted by pseudocapacitive in three-dimensional MnO-Cu-CNT/graphene anodes,Nanoscale10 (06): 2944-2954 (2018).
107. M.J. Li, Q.L. Deng, J.Y. Wang, K. Jiang, Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu, In situcarbon encapsulation of vertical MoS2arrays with SnO2 for durable high rate lithium storage: dominant pseudocapacitive behavior,Nanoscale10 (01): 741-751 (2018).
Year 2017:
106.J.Y. Wang, Q.L. Deng, M.J. Li, K. Jiang, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu, Copper ferrites@reduced graphene oxide anode materials for advanced lithium storage applications,Scientific Reports07: 8903 (1-12) (2017).
105.A.Y. Cui, K. Jiang, P. Zhang, L.P. Xu, G.S. Xu, X.M. Chen, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,In situExploration of thermal-induced domain evolution with phase transition in LiNbO3modified K0.5Na0.5NbO3single crystal, J. Phys. Chem. C121 (26): 14322-14329 (2017).
104. Q.Q. Li, J.Y. Wang, M.J. Li, S. Guo, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, Z.Y. Zhou, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong, and J.H. Chu, Structure evolution mechanism of Na0.5Bi2.5Nb2-xWxO9+δferroelectric ceramics: Temperature dependent optical evidences and the first-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B96 (02): 024101 (1-10) (2017).
103.P. Zhang, W. Zhang, J.Y. Wang, K. Jiang, J.Z. Zhang, W.W. Li, J.D. Wu, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,The electro-optic mechanism and infrared switching dynamic of the hybrid multilayer VO2/Al:ZnO heterojunctions,Scientific Reports07:4425 (1-14) (2017).
102.Q.L. Deng, M.J. Li, J.Y. Wang, P. Zhang, K. Jiang, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Boosted adsorption-photocatalytic activities and potential lithium intercalation applications of layered potassium hexaniobate nano-family,RSC Adv. 07 (45):28105-28113 (2017).
101.Q.L. Deng, M.J. Li, J.Y. Wang, P. Zhang, K. Jiang, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Exploring optoelectronic properties and mechanisms of layered ferroelectric K4Nb6O17nanocrystalline films and nanolaminas,Scientific Reports07:1883 (1-13) (2017).
100.S. Guo, M.J. Li, Q.Q. Li, Z.G. Hu*, T. Li, L.C. Wu, Z.T. Song, and J.H. Chu, Localized states evolution and nitrides separation before crystallization in nitrogen incorporated GeTe: Evidence from ellipsometric spectra,Appl. Phys. Lett.110 (16): 161906 (1-5) (2017).
99.F. Wang, J.Y. Wang, S. Guo, J.Z. Zhang,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Tuning coupling behavior of stacked heterostructures based on MoS2, WS2, and WSe2,Scientific Reports07:44712 (1-10) (2017).
98.M.J. Li, J.Y. Wang, P. Zhang, Q.L. Deng, J.Z. Zhang, K. Jiang,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Superior adsorption and photoinduced carries transfer behaviors of dandelion-shaped Bi2S3@MoS2: experiments and theory,Scientific Reports07:42484 (1-14) (2017).
97. J.Y. Wang, P. Zhang, Q.L. Deng, K. Jiang, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Electronic transitions of transparent delafossite-type CuGa1-xCrxO2system: First-principles calculations and temperature-dependent spectral experiments, J. Mater. Chem. C05 (01): 183-191 (2017).
Year 2016:
96.Z. Xu, Q.L. Deng, P. Zhang, J.Z. Zhang, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*,and J.H. Chu,Concentration and temperature dependent double energy gap characteristic properties of hexagonal YMnO3-x-BiFeO3films,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.49 (46): 465302 (1-11) (2016).
95.S. Guo, L.P. Xu, J.Z. Zhang,Z.G. Hu*, T. Li, L.C. Wu, Z.T. Song, and J.H. Chu,Enhanced crystallization behaviors of silicon-doped Sb2Te films: Optical evidences,Scientific Reports06:33639 (1-8) (2016).
94. M.J. Li, L.P. Xu, K. Shi, J.Z. Zhang, X.F. Chen, Z.G. Hu*, X.L. Dong,and J.H. Chu,Interband electronic transitions and phasediagram of PbZr1?xTixO3(0.05≤x≤0.70)ceramics: ellipsometric experiment andfirst-principles theory,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.49 (27): 275305(1-8) (2016).
93. S. Guo, T. Huang, L.P. Xu, K. Shi, J.Z. Zhang, X.L. Ji, Z.G. Hu*, L.C. Wu,Z.T. Song, and J.H. Chu,Observation of an intermediate phasein tungsten doped Sb2Tephase changethin films by temperature dependentmeasurements of structural, optical, andelectronic properties,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.49 (26): 265105 (1-9) (2016).
92. X.R. Li, J.Y. Wang, J.Z. Zhang, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Spin manipulated phonondynamics during magnetic phase transitions in triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuCr1-xMgxO2 semiconductor ?lms, RSC Adv.06(32): 27136-27142 (2016).
91. P. Zhang, M.J. Li, Q.L. Deng, J.Z. Zhang, J.D. Wu, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Spectral assignments at infrared absorption regionand anomalous thermal hysteresis in interband electronic transition of vanadium dioxide films, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.18 (08): 6239-6246 (2016).
90.K. Jiang, P. Zhang, J.Z. Zhang, G.S. Xu, W.W. Li,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Relationship between negative thermal expansion and lattice dynamics in tetragonal PbTiO3-Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3perovskite single crystal,RSC Adv.06(04): 3159-3164 (2016).
89.L. Peng, K. Jiang, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong, and J.H. Chu,Temperature dependent phonon Raman scattering and spectroscopic ellipsometry of pure and Ca-doped SrxBa1-xNb2O6ferroelectric ceramics across phase transition region,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.49 (03):035307(1-9) (2016).
Year 2015:
88.K. Jiang, R. Zhao, P. Zhang, Q.L. Deng, J.Z. Zhang, W.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, H. Yang, and J.H. Chu,Strain and temperature dependent absorption spectra studies in identifying phase structure and band gap of EuTiO3perovskite films,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17 (47): 31618-31623 (2015).
87.P. Zhang, T. Huang, Q.H. You, J.Z. Zhang,W.W. Li, J.D. Wu, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Effects of crystal orientation on electronic band structure and anomalous shift ofhigher critical point in VO2thin lms during phase transition process,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.48 (48):485302(1-10) (2015).
86.X.L. Zhang, J.J. Zhu, G.S. Xu, J.Z. Zhang, L.P. Xu, Z.G. Hu*, andJ.H. Chu,Temperature dependent electronic transitions and Raman scattering of PbTiO3-based relaxor ferroelectric single crystals around MPB region,Opt. Mater. Express05 (11): 2478-2490 (2015).
85.Q.L. Deng, J.Z. Zhang, T. Huang, L.P. Xu, K. Jiang, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Optoelectronic properties and polar nano-domain behavior of sol-gel derived K0.5Na0.5Nb1?xMnxO3nanocrystalline films with enhanced ferroelectricity,J. Mater. Chem. C03 (31): 8225-8234 (2015).
84.T. Huang, S. Guo, L.P. Xu, C. Chen, Z.G. Hu*, H.S. Luo, and J.H. Chu,Low temperature structural variations of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-7%BaTiO3single crystal: Evidences from optical ellipsometry and Raman scattering,J. Appl. Phys. 117 (22): 224103 (1-5) (2015).
83.P. Zhang, K. Jiang, Q.L. Deng, Q.H. You, J.Z. Zhang, J.D. Wu, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Manipulations from oxygen partial pressure on higher energy electronic transition and dielectric function of VO2 films during metalinsulator transition process,J. Mater. Chem. C03 (19): 5033-5040 (2015).
82.L.P. Xu, K. Jiang, J.Z. Zhang,G.S. Xu, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Phase transitions and thermotropic phase boundaries in MnO2-doped (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-0.05LiNbO3single crystals: Raman scattering evidence at elevated temperatures,Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 (12): 122901 (1-5) (2015).
81.S.M. Xing, C. Shan, K. Jiang, J.J. Zhu, Y.W. Li,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Optoelectronic properties and interband transition of La-doped BaSnO3transparent conducting lms determined by variable temperature spectral transmittance,J. Appl. Phys. 117 (10): 103107 (1-8) (2015).
80.S. Guo, X.J. Ding, J.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*,X.L. Ji, L.C. Wu, Z.T. Song, and J.H. Chu, Intrinsic evolutions of dielectric function and electronic transition in tungsten doping Ge2Sb2Te5phase change films discovered by ellipsometry at elevated temperatures,Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 (05): 052105 (1-4) (2015).
79.J.Z. Zhang, W.-Y. Tong, J.J. Zhu, J.Y. Xu, Z.H. Duan, L.P. Xu, Z.G. Hu*, C.-G. Duan, X.J. Meng, Z.Q. Zhu, and J.H. Chu,Temperature dependent lattice dynamics and electronic transitions of0.93Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.07PbTiO3single crystals: Experiment and theory, Phys. Rev. B91 (08):085201 (1-8) (2015).
78.W.L. Yu, Y.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhu, Z.G. Hu*, M.J. Han, S.S. Cai, L.L. Chen, and H.H. Shao,Diversity of electronic transitions and photoluminescence properties of p-type cuprous oxide films: A temperature-dependent spectral transmittance study,J. Appl. Phys. 117 (04): 045701 (1-9) (2015).
Year 2014:
77.X.R. Li, M.J. Han, J.D. Wu, C. Shan,Z.G. Hu*,Z.Q. Zhu, and J.H. Chu,Low voltage tunneling magnetoresistance in CuCrO2-based semiconductor heterojunctions at room temperature,J. Appl. Phys. 116 (22): 223701 (1-5) (2014).
76.S. Guo, Z.G. Hu*,X.L. Ji, T. Huang, X.L. Zhang, L.C. Wu, Z.T. Song, and J.H. Chu,Temperature and concentration dependent crystallization behavior of Ge2Sb2Te5phase change films: Tungsten doping effects,RSC Adv.04(100): 57218-57222 (2014).
75.L.P. Xu, L.L. Zhang, X.L. Zhang, J.Z. Zhang,Z.G. Hu*, J. Yu, and J.H. Chu,Phase transformations in multiferroic Bi1-xLaxFe1-yTiyO3ceramics probed by temperature dependent Raman scattering,J. Appl. Phys. 116 (16): 164103 (1-6) (2014).
74.X.J. Ding, L.P. Xu, Z.G. Hu*, X.F. Chen, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong, and J.H. Chu,Phase diagram and incommensurate antiferroelectric structure in (Pb1-1.5xLax)(Zr0.42Sn0.40Ti0.18)O3ceramics discovered by band-to-band optical transitions,Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (13): 131909 (1-5) (2014).
73.C. Chen,H. Deng, H.W. Zhang, T. Huang, X.B. Li, D. Lin, S. Wang, X.Y. Zhao, Z.G. Hu,and H.S. Luo*,Study of field-induced phase transitions in relaxor 0.68PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-0.32PbTiO3single crystal by polarized micro-Raman spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (10): 102909 (1-4) (2014).
72. Z.H. Duan, P. Chang, Z.G. Hu*, J.X. Wang, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong, and J.H. Chu,Temperature dependent Raman scattering and far-infrared reflectance spectra of MgO modified Pb0.99(Zr0.95Ti0.05)0.98Nb0.02O3 ceramics: A composition effect,J. Appl. Phys. 116 (09): 093513 (1-8) (2014).
71.X.L. Zhang, J.J. Zhu, G.S. Xu, J.Z. Zhang,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Photoluminescence study on polar nanoregions and structural variations in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3single crystals,Optics Express22 (18): 21903-21911 (2014).
70.C. Shan, P. Chang, K. Shi, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Optical phonon behaviors and unstable polar mode in transparent conducting Ba1-xLaxSnO3lms from temperature dependent far-infrared reflectance spectra,RSC Adv.04 (66): 34987-34991 (2014).
69.X.R. Li,M.J. Han, X.L. Zhang, C. Shan, Z.G. Hu*, Z.Q. Zhu, and J.H. Chu,Temperature-dependent band gap, interband transitions, and exciton formation in transparent p-type delafossite CuCr1-xMgxO2films,Phys. Rev. B90 (03):035308 (1-8)(2014).
68.B.L. Liu, B.B. Tian, S. Geiger, Z.G. Hu, X.L. Zhao, Y.H. Zou, J.L. Wang*, J.L. Sun, S. Sun, B. Dkhil, X.J. Meng, and J.H. Chu,The intermediate temperature T* revealed in relaxor polymers,Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (22): 222907 (1-5) (2014).
67.P.P. Jiang, X.L. Zhang, P. Chang, Z.G. Hu*, W. Bai, Y.W. Li, and J.H. Chu, Spin-phonon interactions of multiferroic Bi4Ti3O12-BiFeO3ceramics: Low-temperature Raman scattering and infrared reflectance spectra investigations,J. Appl. Phys. 115 (14): 144101 (1-5) (2014).
66.C. Chen, H.W. Zhang, H. Deng, T. Huang, X.B. Li, X.Y. Zhao, Z.G. Hu, D. Wang, and H.S. Luo*,Electric field and temperature-induced phase transition in Mn-doped Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-5.0at.%BaTiO3single crystals investigated by micro-Raman scattering,Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (14): 142902 (1-5) (2014).
65. C. Shan, T. Huang, J.Z. Zhang, M.J. Han, Y.W. Li,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Optical and electrical properties of sol-gel derived Ba1-xLaxSnO3transparent conducting films for potential optoelectronic applications,J. Phys. Chem. C118 (13): 6994-7001 (2014).
64.Q. Yang, Y.L. Li, Z.G. Hu, Z.H. Duan, P.P. Liang, J. Sun, N. Xu, and J.D. Wu*, Extended photo-response of ZnO/CdS core/shell nanorods fabricated by hydrothermal reaction and pulsed laser deposition,Optics Express22 (07): 8617-8623 (2014).
63.H. Cai, Q.H. You, Z.G. Hu, Z.H. Duan, Y. Cui, J. Sun, N. Xu, and J.D. Wu*, Fabrication and correlation between photoluminescence and photoelectrochemical properties of vertically aligned ZnO coated TiO2nanotube array,Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells123 (01): 233-238 (2014).
62.J.J. Zhu, J.Z. Zhang, G.S. Xu, X.L. Zhang, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu, Electronic transitions and dielectric functions of relaxor ferroelectric Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3single crystals: Temperature dependent spectroscopic study, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (13): 132903 (1-5) (2014).
61.T. Huang, Z.G. Hu*, G.S. Xu, X.L. Zhang,J.Z. Zhang, and J.H. Chu,Inherent optical behavior and structural variation in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-6%BaTiO3revealed by temperature dependent Raman scattering and ultraviolet-visible transmittance,Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (11): 111908 (1-4) (2014).
60.J.Z. Zhang, H.C. Ding, J.J. Zhu, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, C.G. Duan, X.J. Meng, and J.H. Chu,Electronic structure and optical responses of nanocrystalline BiGaO3films: A combination study of experiment and theory,J. Appl. Phys. 115 (08): 083110 (1-5) (2014).
59.P.P. Jiang, Z.H. Duan, L.P. Xu, X.L. Zhang, Y.W. Li, Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Phase transformation in mulitiferroic Bi5Ti3FeO15ceramics by temperature-dependent ellipsometric and Raman spectra: An interband electronic transition evidence,J. Appl. Phys. 115 (08): 083101 (1-6) (2014).
58.Z.H. Duan, K. Jiang, L.P. Xu, Y.W. Li,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Intrinsic relationship between electronic structures and phase transition of SrBi2-xNdxNb2O9ceramics from ultraviolet ellipsometry at elevated temperatures,J. Appl. Phys. 115 (05): 054107 (1-4) (2014).
57. H. Cai, Q. Yang, Z.G. Hu, Z.H. Duan, Q.H. You, J. Sun, N. Xu, and J.D. Wu*,Enhanced photoelectrochemical activity of vertically aligned ZnO-coated TiO2nanotubes,Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (05): 053114 (1-4) (2014).
56.S. Zhang? J.Z. Zhang? M.J. Han?Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu?Temperature dependent near infrared ultraviolet range dielectric functions of nanocrystalline (Na0.5Bi0.5)1-xCex(Ti0.99Fe0.01)O3 films,Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (04): 041106 (1-5) (2014).
55.X.R. Li, M.J. Han, P. Chang,Z.G. Hu*, Y.W. Li,Z.Q. Zhu, and J.H. Chu,Temperature dependence of Terahertz optical characteristics and carrier transport dynamics in p-type transparent conductive CuCr1-xMgxO2semiconductor films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 (01): 012103 (1-5) (2014).
Year 2013:
54. L.P. Xu, L.L. Zhang, P.P. Jiang, J. Yu, Z.H. Duan, Z.G. Hu*, Z.Q. Zhu, and J.H. Chu,Interband electronic transitions and phase transformation of multiferroic Bi1-xLaxFe1-yTiyO3ceramics revealed by temperature-dependent spectroscopic ellipsometry, J. Appl. Phys. 114 (23): 233509 (1-8) (2013).
53.X. Chen, P.P. Jiang,Z.H. Duan, Z.G. Hu*, X.F. Chen, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong, and J.H. Chu,The A-site driven phase transition procedure of (Pb0.97La0.02)(Zr0.42Sn0.40Ti0.18)O3ceramics: An evidence from electronic structure variation,Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (19): 192910 (1-5) (2013).
52.M.J. Han, Z.H. Duan, J.Z. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y.W. Li,Z.G. Hu*, and J.H. Chu,Electronic transition and electrical transport properties of delafossite CuCr1-xMgxO2(0<x<12%) films prepared by the sol-gel method: A composition dependence study,J. Appl. Phys. 114 (16): 163526 (1-9) (2013).
51.J.J. Zhu, K. Jiang, G.S. Xu, Z.G. Hu*, Y.W. Li, Z.Q. Zhu, and J.H. Chu,Temperature-dependent Raman scattering and multiple phase coexistence in relaxor ferroelectric Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3single crystals,J. Appl. Phys. 114 (15): 153508 (1-10) (2013).
50.J.Z. Zhang? Z.H. Duan, H. Zhang, M.J.Han? Y.W. Li?Z.G. Hu*? andJ.H.Chu?Improved electric behaviors of Pt/Bi1-xLaxFe0.92Mn0.08O3/n+-Si heterostructure for nonvolatile ferroelectric random-access memories,J. Mater. Chem.C01 (39): 6252-6258 (2013).
49.X.L. Zhang,Z.G. Hu*? G.S. Xu, J.J. Zhu, Y.W. Li, Z.Q. Zhu, andJ.H.Chu?Optical bandgap and phase transition in relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3single crystals: An inherent relationship,Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (05): 051902 (1-5) (2013).
48.X. Chen, Z.G. Hu*, Z.H. Duan, X.F. Chen, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong, and J.H. Chu,Effects from A-site substitution on morphotropic phase boundary and phonon modes of (Pb1-1.5xLax)(Zr0.42Sn0.40Ti0.18)O3ceramics by temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy,J. Appl. Phys. 114 (04): 043507 (1-5) (2013).
47.S. Zhang? M.J. Han? J.Z. Zhang? Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu?Optoelectronic and ferroelectric properties of cerium-doped (Na0.5Bi0.5)(Ti0.99Fe0.01)O3nanocrystalline films on (111) Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si: A composition dependent study? ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces05 (08): 3191-3198 (2013).
46.Z.H. Duan,Z.G. Hu*? K. Jiang, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong, andJ.H.Chu?Temperature-dependent dielectric functions and interband critical points of relaxor lead hafnate-modified PbSc1/2Ta1/2O3ferroelectric ceramics by spectroscopic ellipsometry,Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 (15): 151908 (1-5) (2013).
45. W.L. Yu? M.J. Han? K. Jiang? Z.H. Duan? Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Enhanced Fr?hlich interaction of semiconductor cuprous oxide films determined by temperature dependent Raman scattering and spectral transmittance?J. Raman Spectrosc.44 (01): 142-146 (2013).
Year 2012:
44.Z.N. Zhan?Z.G. Hu*? K.K. Meng, J.H. Zhan, and J.H. Chu?Temperature dependent phonon Raman scattering of Heusler alloy Co2MxFe1-xAl/GaAs films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy?RSC Adv.02 (26): 9899-9903 (2012).
43.W.J. Zhang, Z.H. Duan, K. Jiang, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong,Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu,Electronic band structures, dielectric functions and interband transitions of relaxor ferroelectric (1-x)Pb(Sc1/2Ta1/2)O3-xPbHfO3ceramics: A spectroscopic reflectance study,Acta Materialia60 (17): 6175-6182 (2012).
42.M.J.Han? K. Jiang? J.Z. Zhang? W.L. Yu? Y.W. Li?Z.G. Hu*? andJ.H.Chu?Structural, electronic band transition and optoelectronic properties of delafossite CuGa1-xCrxO2(0≤x≤1) solid solution films grown by the sol-gel method?J. Mater. Chem.22 (35): 18463-18470 (2012).
41. J.Z. Zhang? M.J.Han? Y.W. Li?Z.G. Hu*? andJ.H.Chu?Enhanced Raman scattering and photoluminescence of Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12nanotube arrays for optical and ferroelectric multifunctional applications,Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (08): 081903 (1-5) (2012).
40.X. Chen, K. Jiang, Z.G. Hu*, X.F. Chen, G.S. Wang, X.L. Dong, and J.H. Chu,Abnormal electronic transition variations of lanthanum-modified lead zironate stannate titanate ceramics near morphotropic phase boundary: A spectroscopic evidence,Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (01): 011914 (1-5) (2012).
39.W.W. Li? K. Jiang? J.Z. Zhang? X.G. Chen? Z.G. Hu*? S.Y. Chen? L. Sun? and J.H. Chu? Temperature dependence of phonon modes? dielectric functions? and interband electronic transitions in Cu2ZnSnS4semiconductor films? Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.14 (28): 9936-9941 (2012).
38.N. Xu, Y. Cui, Z.G. Hu, W.L. Yu, J. Sun,N. Xu, and J.D. Wu*,Photoluminescence and low-threshold lasing of ZnO nanorod arrays,Optics Express20 (14): 14857-14863 (2012).
37. K. Jiang? X.G. Chen? W.W. Li? Z.N. Zhan? L. Sun? Z.G. Hu*?and J.H. Chu? Doping effect on the phase transition temperature in ferroelectric SrBi2-xNdxNb2O9layer-structured ceramics: A micro-Raman scattering study?J. Raman Spectrosc.43 (04): 583-587 (2012).
36. Y.D. Shen? Y.W. Li*? W.M. Li? J.Z. Zhang? Z.G.Hu?and J.H. Chu? Growth of Bi2O3ultrathin films by atomic layer deposition? J. Phys. Chem. C116 (05): 3449-3456 (2012).
35. Y.Y. Liao? Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*?and J.H. Chu? Temperature dependent phonon Raman scattering of highly a-axis oriented CoFe2O4inverse spinel ferromagnetic films grown by pulsed laser deposition? Appl. Phys. Lett.100 (07):071905 (1-4)(2012).
34. Q. Li? K. Gao? Z.G. Hu? W.L. Yu? N.Xu? J. Sun? and J.D. Wu*? Photoluminescence and lasing properties of catalyst-free ZnO nanorod arrays fabricated by pulsed laser deposition? J. Phys. Chem. C116 (03): 2330-2335 (2012).
33. K. Gao? Q. Li? Z.G. Hu? W.L. Yu? J. Sun? N. Xu? and J.D. Wu*? Correlation between structure and photoluminescence of c-axis oriented nanocrystalline ZnO films and evolution of photo-generated excitons? Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells96 (01): 117-123 (2012).
Year 2011:
32. K. Jiang? J.J. Zhu? J.D. Wu? J. Sun? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Influences of oxygen pressure on optical properties and interband electronic transitions in multiferroic bismuth ferrite nanocrystalline films grown by pulsed laser deposition? ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces03 (12): 4844-4852 (2011).
31. W.L. Yu? W.W. Li? J.D. Wu? J. Sun? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Diversity of electronic transitions and photoluminescence properties in nanocrystalline Mn/Fe-doped tin dioxide semiconductor films: An effect from oxygen pressure? J. Appl. Phys.110 (12):123502(1-10) (2011).
30. W.W. Li? Q. Yu?J.R. Liang? K. Jiang? Z.G. Hu*?J. Liu? H.D. Chen? and J.H. Chu? Intrinsic evolutions of optical functions? band gap? and higher-energy electronic transitions in VO2film near the metal-insulator transition region? Appl. Phys. Lett.99 (24):241903 (1-3)(2011).
29. W.W. Li? J.J. Zhu? J.R. Liang? Z.G. Hu*?J. Liu? H.D. Chen? and J.H. Chu? External electric field manipulations on structural phase transition of vanadium dioxide nanoparticles and its application in field effect transistor?J. Phys. Chem. C115 (47): 23558-23563 (2011).
28. M.J. Han? K. Jiang? J.Z. Zhang? Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*?and J.H. Chu? Temperature dependent phonon evolutions and optical properties of highly c-axis oriented CuGaO2semiconductor films grown by the sol-gel method? Appl. Phys. Lett.99 (13):131104 (1-3) (2011).
27. J.J. Zhu? W.W. Li? G.S. Xu? K. Jiang? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu?A phenomenalogical model of electronic band structure in ferroelectric Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3single crystals around morphotropic phase boundary determined by temperature-dependent transmittance spectra?Acta Materialia59 (17): 6684-6690 (2011).
25. W.J. Zhang? W.W. Li? X.G. Chen? Z.G. Hu*? W. Liu? G.S. Wang? X.L. Dong? and J.H. Chu? Phonon mode and phase transition behaviors of (1-x)PbSc1/2Ta1/2O3-xPbHfO3relaxor ferroelectric ceramics determined by temperature-dependent Raman spectra? Appl. Phys. Lett.99 (04):041902 (1-3) (2011).
26. J.Z. Zhang? X.G. Chen? K. Jiang? Y.D. Shen? Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Evolutions of orientation degree? lattice dynamics? and electronic band structure properties in nanocrystalline lanthanum-doped bismuth titanate ferroelectric films by chemical solution deposition?Dalton Transactions40 (31): 7967-7975 (2011).
24. J.Z. Zhang? X.G. Chen? Y.D. Shen? Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Synthesis? surface morphology? and photoluminescence properties of anatase iron-doped titanium dioxide nano-crystalline films?Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.13 (28): 13096-13105 (2011).
23. W.W. Li? J.J. Zhu? X.F. Xu? K. Jiang? Z.G. Hu*? M. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Ultraviolet-infrared dielectric functions and electronic band structures of monoclinic VO2nanocrystalline film: Temperature-dependent spectral transmittance? J. Appl. Phys.110 (01): 013504 (1-5)(2011).
22. W.L. Yu? K. Jiang?J.D. Wu? J. Gan? M. Zhu? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Electronic structures and excitonic transitions in nanocrystalline iron-doped tin dioxide diluted magnetic semiconductor films: an optical spectroscopic study?Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.13 (13): 6211-6222 (2011).
21. J.J. Zhu? W.W. Li? G.S. Xu? K. Jiang? Z.G. Hu*? M. Zhu? and J.H. Chu?Abnormal temperature dependence of interband electronic transitions in relaxor-based ferroelectric (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3(x=0.24 and 0.31) single crystals? Appl. Phys. Lett.98 (09):091913 (1-3) (2011).
Year 2010:
20. J.J. Zhu? W.W. Li? Y.W. Li? Y.D. Shen? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Effects of applied electrical field on electronic structures in LaNiO3conductive metallic oxide film: An optical spectroscopic study? Appl. Phys. Lett.97 (21):211904 (1-3) (2010).
19. W.W. Li? J.J. Zhu? J.D. Wu? J. Gan? Z.G. Hu*? M. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Temperature dependence of electronic transitions and optical properties in multiferroic BiFeO3nanocrystalline film determined from transmittance spectra?Appl. Phys. Lett.97 (12):121102 (1-3) (2010).
18. J.Z. Zhang? Y.D. Shen?Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Composition dependence of microstructure? phonon modes? and optical properties in rutile TiO2:Fe nanocrystalline films prepared by a nonhydrolytic sol-gel route? J. Phys. Chem. C114 (35): 15157-15164 (2010).
17. W.W. Li? J.J. Zhu? J.D. Wu? J. Sun? M. Zhu? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Composition and temperature dependence of electronic and optical Properties in manganese doped tin dioxide films on quartz substrates prepared by pulsed laser deposition? ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 02 (08): 2325-2332 (2010).
16. W.W. Li? W.L. Yu? Y.J. Jiang? C.B. Jing? J.Y. Zhu? M. Zhu? Z.G. Hu*? X.D. Tang? and J.H. Chu? Structure? optical? and room-temperature ferromagnetic properties of pure andtransition-metal-(Cr? Mn? and Ni)-doped ZnO nanocrystalline films grown by the sol-gel method? J. Phys. Chem. C114 (27): 11951-11957 (2010).
15. W.L. Yu? W.W. Li? J.D. Wu? J. Sun? J.J. Zhu? M. Zhu? Z.G. Hu*? and J.H. Chu? Far-infrared-ultraviolet dielectric function? lattice vibration? and photoluminescence properties of diluted magnetic semiconductor Sn1-xMnxO2/c-sapphire nanocrystalline films? J. Phys. Chem. C114 (18): 8593-8600 (2010).
14. W.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*? Y.W. Li? M. Zhu? Z.Q. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Growth? microstructure? and infrared-ultraviolet optical conductivity of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3nanocrystalline films on silicon substrates by pulsed laser deposition? ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces02 (03): 896-902 (2010).
Year 2009:
13. W.W. Li? Z.G. Hu*? J.D. Wu? J. Sun? M. Zhu? Z.Q. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Concentration dependence of optical properties in arsenic-doped ZnO nanocrystalline films grown on silicon (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition?J. Phys. Chem. C113 (42): 18347-18352 (2009).
12. Z.G. Hu? W.W. Li? Y.W. Li? M. Zhu? Z.Q. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Electronic properties of nanocrystalline LaNiO3and La0.5Sr0.5CoO3conductive films grown on silicon substrates determined by infrared to ultraviolet reflectance spectra?Appl. Phys. Lett.94 (22): 221104 (1-3) (2009).
Year 2008:
11. Z.G. Hu? W.W. Li? J.D. Wu? J. Sun? Q.W. Shu? X.X. Zhong? Z.Q. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Optical properties of pulsed laser deposited rutile titanium dioxide films on quartz substrates determined by Raman scattering and transmittance spectra? Appl. Phys. Lett.93 (18): 181910 (1-3) (2008).
10. Z.G. Hu? Y.W. Li? M. Zhu? Z.Q. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Structure and optical properties of ferroelectric PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3films grown on LaNiO3-coated platinized silicon determined by infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry? J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (26): 9737-9743 (2008).
09. Z.G. Hu? Y.W. Li? M. Zhu? Z.Q. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Composition dependence of dielectric functions in ferroelectric BaCoxTi1-xO3films grown on quartz substrates by transmittance spectra?Appl. Phys. Lett.92 (08): 081904 (1-3) (2008).
08. Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu? J.L. Sun? X.J. Meng? and J.H. Chu? Effect of LaNiO3bottom electrode on structural and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12thin films fabricated by sol-gel method? Appl. Phys. Lett.92 (04): 042901 (1-3) (2008).
Year 2007 and Before:
07. Y.W. Li? Z.G. Hu? F.Y. Yue? G.Y. Yang? W.Z. Shi? X.J. Meng? J.L. Sun? and J.H. Chu? Properties of highly (100) oriented Pb(Mg1/3?Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3films on LaNiO3bottom electrodes? Appl. Phys. Lett.91 (23): 232912 (1-3) (2007).
06.Z.G. Hu? Y.W. Li? F.Y. Yue? Z.Q. Zhu? and J.H. Chu? Temperature dependence of optical band gap in ferroelectric Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12films determined by ultraviolet transmittance measurements? Appl. Phys. Lett.91 (22): 221903 (1-3) (2007).
05. Z.G. Hu? A.B. Weerasekara? N. Dietz? A.G.U. Perera? M. Strassburg? A. Asghar? M.H. Kane? and I.T. Ferguson? Infrared optical anisotropy of diluted magnetic Ga1-xMnxN/c-sapphire epilayers with a GaN buffer layer by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition? Phys. Rev. B75 (20): 205320 (1-8) (2007).
04. Z.G. Hu? and P. Hess? Optical constants and thermo-optic coefficients of nanocrystalline diamond films at 30-500 °C?Appl. Phys. Lett.89 (08): 081906 (1-3) (2006); Also appear in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 14 (10) (2006).
03. Z.G. Hu? P. Prunici? P. Patzner? and P. Hess? Infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry of n-alkylthiol (C5-C18) self-assembled monolayers on gold? J. Phys. Chem. B110 (30): 14824-14831 (2006).
02. Z.G. Hu? M. Strassburg? A. Weerasekara? N. Dietz? A.G.U. Perera? M.H. Kane? A. Asghar? and I.T. Ferguson? Lattice vibrations in hexagonal Ga1-xMnxN epitaxial films on c-plane sapphire substrates by infrared reflectance spectra? Appl. Phys. Lett.88 (06): 061914 (1-3) (2006).
01. Z.G. Hu? M. Strassburg? N. Dietz? A.G.U. Perera? A. Asghar? and I.T. Ferguson? Composition dependence of the infrared dielectric functions in Si-doped hexagonal AlxGa1-xN films on c-plane sapphire substrates? Phys. Rev. B72 (24): 245326 (1-10)(2005).
04. 胡志高、李旭瑞、褚君浩,一种半导体多电学参数的自动化测试系统,2013.11,中国,1.1.
03. 胡志高、李旭瑞、褚君浩,一种交流磁电输运测量系统,2013.08,中国,7.3.
02. 胡志高、陈啸、褚君浩,一种深低温三维可调样品架,2012.11,中国,0.8.
01. 胡志高、陈啸、褚君浩,一种光路装置,2013.07,中国,6.1
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本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16
相关话题/大学物理 电子
唐晓东个人资料部门:物理与电子科学学院性别:男专业技术职务:电子科学系主任毕业院校:Heriot-WattUniversity学位:博士学历:博士研究生联系电话:电子邮箱:xdtang@sist.ecnu.edu.cn办公地址:华东师范大学(闵行校区)信息楼通讯地址:上海市闵行区东川路500号,华东 ...华东师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-袁春华
袁春华副研究员物理与电子科学学院??????导航个人资料研究方向开授课程科研项目学术成果荣誉及奖励个人资料部门:物理与电子科学学院毕业院校:上海交通大学学位:博士学历:博士研究生邮编:200241联系电话:137-6129-xxxx传真:电子邮箱:chyuan@phy.ecnu.edu.cn办公地址 ...华东师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-白伟
白伟副研究员博士生导师物理与电子科学学院??????导航个人资料研究方向开授课程科研项目学术成果荣誉及奖励个人资料部门:物理与电子科学学院毕业院校:中国科学院学位:博士学历:研究生邮编:联系电话:(021)**传真:电子邮箱:wbai@ee.ecnu.edu.cn办公地址:华东师范大学(闵行校区)信 ...华东师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李文武
李文武教授,博士生导师物理与电子科学学院??????导航个人资料研究方向开授课程科研项目学术成果荣誉及奖励个人资料部门:物理与电子科学学院毕业院校:学位:博士学历:邮编:联系电话:+86-传真:电子邮箱:wwli@ee.ecnu.edu.cn办公地址:闵行校区信息楼549室通讯地址:上海市闵行区东川 ...华东师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋也男
宋也男职称:直属机构:物理与电子科学学院学科:10访问相关教师个人资料部门:物理与电子科学学院性别:男专业技术职务:副研究员毕业院校:学位:博士学历:联系电话:电子邮箱:ynsong[at]phy.ecnu.edu.cn/songyenan[at]163.com(请将[at]换为@,防止垃圾邮件)办 ...华东师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-谢文辉
谢文辉教师物理与电子科学学院??????导航个人资料研究方向开授课程科研项目学术成果荣誉及奖励个人资料部门:物理与电子科学学院毕业院校:兰州大学学位:博士学历:博士邮编:200241联系电话:传真:电子邮箱:whxie@phy.ecnu.edu.cn办公地址:闵行校区物理楼212房间通讯地址:上海东 ...华东师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张金中
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宁瑞鹏物理与电子科学学院导航个人资料个人概况研究方向开授课程科研项目学术成果荣誉及奖励个人资料部门:物理与电子科学学院性别:女专业技术职务:高级工程师毕业院校:华东师范大学学位:博士学历:研究生联系电话:**电子邮箱:rpning@phy.ecnu.edu.cn办公地址:上海市磁共振重点实验室通讯地 ...华东师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-01-16华东师范大学物理与电子科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙琳
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