

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16

甄广印 研究员研究员


部门: 生态与环境科学学院
毕业院校: 同济大学
学位: 博士
学历: 研究生
邮编: 200241
联系电话: **
电子邮箱: gyzhen@des.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号资环楼402室 200241
通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号 200241

2012.09~2013.10 日本東北大学大学院环境科学研究科联合培养博士生(国家留学基金委公派项目)(指导教师:李玉友教授);
2008.09-2013.11 同济大学环境工程专业博士(硕博连读)(指导教师:赵由才教授),博士学位论文题目《城市污泥强化深度脱水资源化利用及卫生填埋末端处置关键技术研究》;
2004.09-2008.06 湖南大学环境工程专业学士,本科毕业论文题目《敌敌畏、三唑磷、毒死蜱三种有机农药降解菌的筛选与鉴定》(指导教师:范长征讲师);

2014.07~2016.08:日本国立研究開発法人国立環境研究所資源循環?廃棄物研究センター(環境修復再生技術研究室) JSPS特別研究員(所属:日本学术振兴会(JSPS))(合作者:徐开钦教授);
2013.12~2014.06 日本東北大学大学院工学研究科土木工学専攻環境保全工学分野访问****(指导教师:李玉友教授);


甄广印(环境保全与资源转化教研室 负责人),男,中共党员,1984年11月06日生人,华东师范大学生态与环境学院紫江青年****,研究员(正高,2017年1月~)、2017年度上海高校****(****)、上海市浦江人才计划(A类)获得者2015年上海市优秀博士学位论文获得者、2014年日本学术振兴会特别研究员奖励获得者,兼任日本東北大学访问****(2017.01~)、匈牙利University of Pannonia和越南Ton Duc Thang University合作研究者等。
围绕“生物质废物深度脱水与全量资源化利用、末端安全处置及微生物电解池能源强化回收”等环境工程热点和国家需求,开展了一系列关键技术的研发与应用工作,包括(i)污泥脱水技术的革新;(ii)生物质废物强化甲烷发酵工艺的开发(厌氧膜生物反应器AnMBR、CSTR等);(iii)固化/稳定化与末端处置技术的研发;(iv)微生物电催化诱导CO2甲烷化工艺的探索;(v)基于UASB的废水厌氧深度处理与能源化等。部分核心技术已成功应用于上海、无锡等城市250万t污泥安全处置工程。在国内外知名能源与环境类期刊发表论文90余篇,其中SCI源论文75篇(总引次数2800次;h指数28i10指数42Google Scholar),包括Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceRenew. Sustain. Energy Rev.、J. Membrane Sci.、Water Res. Appl. Energy等,其中8篇论文入选ESI高倍引论文一篇入选Hot paper,即其学术领域中最优秀的0.1%)、2SCI源封面论文;申请专利18项,授权10、企业标准1件(Q/HJSY TG3102.16—2015);主著英文专著1(Pollution Control and Resource Recovery: Sewage Sludge,Zhen Guangyin and Zhao Youcai,Elsevier Inc., 2017)、中文专著2部(同济大学出版社,冶金工业出版社)、参编学术专著6。主持国家自然基金青年项目1项、上海市教委********、上海市浦江人才计划(A类)、上海市“科技创新行动计划”“一带一路”青年科学家交流国际合作项目、日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员奖励项目各1项、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金2项。参与国家自然基金面上项目2项、国家自然基金青年项目1项、环保部公益项目1项、市科委项目3项、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金1项、日本国立环境研究所青年研究员基金1项、越南Ton Duc Thang University基金1项。
兼任第一届有机固废学术委员会委员,Journal of Marine Microbiology、Annals of Biotechnology杂志编委,日本水环境学会国际会员,中国硅酸盐学会固废分会-危废专委会委员等;担任Environmental Science & Technology等20余个国际顶尖能源与环境领域SCI期刊审稿人,被评为Applied Energy (2016)、Energy Conversion and Management (2016)、Waste Management (2018-06)、Chemosphere (2016-12)、Bioresource Technology (2017-08)、Chemical Engineering Journal (2017-05)、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2018-06)、Environmental Technology & Innovation (2018-02)、Energy (2018-05)等SCI源期刊的“Outstanding Reviewer”。指导博士后研究员1名、读博士生3名、硕士生9名、本科生3名;已毕业硕士生4名、本科生4名。

[8] 《实用农村环境保护知识丛书》编辑委员会副主任;
[6]Scientific Reports, Water Research, Applied energy, Journal of Power Source, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Energy & Fuels, Waste Management, Energy Conversion and Management, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, RSC Advances, Desalination and Water Treatment, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,Waste and Biomass Valorization,International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, African Journal of Biotechnology, SciTechnol, Chemistry Journals等近20个环境能源类杂志审稿人;
[5]International associate number of Japan Society on Water Environment (2017、2018);
[4] Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Marine Microbiology (https://www.pulsus.com/journal-marine-microbiology/editorial-board.html);Annals of Biotechnology (http://meddocsonline.org/annals-of-biotechnology-editorial-board.html)
[3] 日本水环境学会会员(2015、2016);
[2] 中国硅酸盐学会固废分会-危废专委会委员(http://www.solidwastechina.org/nd.jsp?id=243#_np=2_416).
[1]Member of “Green Processing, Bioremediation and Alternative Energies Research Group”(http://demasted.tdt.edu.vn/index.php/en/research/research-groups/58-research/research-groups/830-green-processing-bioremediation-and-alternative-energies-research-group).




Dr. J. Rajesh Banu(2019.3.12~), Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli, India;
Dr. U. Ushani(2019.5.15~), Assistant Professor
Department of Biotechnology, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore 641021, India


迪里 白尔(陆雪琴研究员共同指导)。



王晓慧 助理研究员(2017.08~2017.11,华东师范大学硕士);


[9] 生物电催化辅助餐厨垃圾资源化同步深度脱氮及功能微生物作用机理研究,上海有机固废生物转化工程技术研究中心开放课题基金(主任基金),SERC2020A02,7.5万,2020-06~2022-05,项目负责人;
[8]CO2原位生物电催化低碳燃料转化及其电子传导机制,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,项目编号:40500-20101-222118, 10.0万,2019.01~2019.12,项目负责人;
PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES(学术论文)(Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, SCI-IF 25.242, 1 篇ESI论文8篇,一篇hot paper):

[75] Uthirakrishnan Ushani, Xueqin Lu, Jianhui Wang, Zhongyi Zhang, Jinjin Dai, Yujie Tan, Shasha Wang, Wanjiang Li, Chengxin Niu, Teng Cai, Na Wang, Guangyin Zhen*. Sulfate radicals-based advanced oxidation technology in various environmental remediation: A state-of-the–art review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 402 (2020) 126232.
[74] Yang Yinchuan, Cui He, Zhen Guangyin, Huang Minsheng*, Li Cong. Tubular reactor-enhanced ecological floating bed achieves high nitrogen removal from secondary effluents of wastewater treatment. Environmental Chemistry Letters, DOI: 10.1007/s10311-019-00956-z, APR 2020.
[73]Chengxin Niu, Yang Pan, Xueqin Lu, Shasha Wang, Zhongyi Zhang, Chaoting Zheng, Yujie Tan, Guangyin Zhen*, Youcai Zhao, Yuyou Li. Mesophilic anaerobic digestion of thermally hydrolyzed sludge in anaerobic membrane bioreactor: Long-term performance, microbial community dynamics and membrane fouling mitigation.Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 612: 118264.
[72] Chengxin Niu, Zhongyi Zhang, Yang Pan, Yujie Tan, Xueqin Lu,Guangyin Zhen*. Does the combined free nitrous acid and electrochemical pretreatment increase methane productivity by provoking sludge solubilization and hydrolysis?Bioresource Technology, 2020, 304: 123006.
[71] Yujie Tan, Chaoting Zheng, Teng Cai, Chengxin Niu, Shasha Wang, Yang Pan, Xueqin Lu, Guangyin Zhen*, Guangren Qian, Youcai Zhao. Anaerobic bioconversion of petrochemical wastewater to biomethane in a semi-continuous bioreactor: Biodegradability, mineralization behaviors and methane productivity. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 304:123005.
[70] Teng Cai, Lijun Meng, Gang Chen, Yu Xi, Nan Jiang, Jialing Song, Shengyang Zheng, Yanbiao Liu, Guangyin Zhen, Manhong Huang*. Application of advanced anodes in microbial fuel cells for power generation: A review. Chemosphere, 2020, 248: 125985.
[69]X Li, Y Zhan, L Su*, Y Chen, M Chen, L Zhang*, G.Y. Z?hen,Z Han, X Chai. Sequestration of sulphide from biogas by thermal-treated iron nanoparticles synthesized using tea polyphenols. Environmental Technology, 2020, 41(6): 741-750.
[68] R. Yukesh Kannah, S. Kavitha, M. Gunasekaran, Gopalakrishnan Kumar*, J. Rajesh Banua*, Guangyin Zhen. Biohydrogen production from seagrass via novel energetically efficient ozone coupled rotor stator homogenization. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020,45(10):5881-5889.
[67] Zhang Pengshuai, Liu Changqing*, Zheng Yuyi*, Zhao Youcai, Zhen Guangyin. Statistical key factors optimization of conditions for bio-hydrogen production from sewage sludge and food waste by anaerobic co-digestion. ENERGY & FUELS, 2019,33(11): 11163-11172.
[66]Guangyin Zhen*, Yang Pan, Xueqin Lu, Yu-You Li, Zhongyi Zhang, Chengxin Niu, Gopalakrishnan Kumar, Takuro Kobayashi, Youcai Zhao, Kaiqin Xu(2019). Anaerobic membrane bioreactor towards biowaste biorefinery and chemical energy harvest: Recent progress, membrane fouling and future perspectives.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019,115:109392.
[65]Jianhui Wang, Yujie Tan, Yang Pan, Guangyin Zhen*, Xueqin Lu*, Yu Song, Youcai Zhao, and Uthira Krishnan Ushani (2019). Altering extracellular biopolymers and water distribution of waste activated sludge by Fe(II)-persulfate oxidation with natural zeolite and polyelectrolyte as skeleton builders for positive feedbacks to dewaterability. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019,7 (19), 16549-16559.
[64]Xuefeng Zhu*, Liang Zhao, Fengying Fu, Zebin Yang, Fan Li, Wenyi Yuan*, Mingyuan Zhou, Wei Fang, Guangyin Zhen, Xueqin Lu, Xuedong Zhang* (2019). Pyrolysis of pre-dried dewatered sewage sludge under different heating rates: Characteristics and kinetics study. Fuel, 255, 115591.
[63]Guangyin Zhen*, Yujie Tan, Taipu Wu, Jianhui Wang, Xueqin Lu**, Youcai Zhao, Xuefeng Zhu, Jing Niu, Jianying Xiong (2019). Strengthened dewaterability of coke-oven plant oily sludge by altering extracellular organics using Fe (II)-activated persulfate oxidation. Science of The Total Environment, 688, 1155-1161.
[62]M Dinesh Kumar, S Kaliappan, S Gopikumar, Guangyin Zhen, J Rajesh Banu*. Synergetic pretreatment of algal biomass through H2O2induced microwave in acidic condition for biohydrogen production. Fuel, 2019, 253, 833-839.
[61] He Cui, Yinchuan Yang, Yu Ding, Dan Li, Guangyin Zhen*(corresponding author), Xueqin Lu, Minsheng Huang*, Xiao Huang. A novel pilot‐scale tubular bioreactor enhanced floating treatment wetland (TB-EFTW) for efficient in‐situ nitrogen removal from urban landscape water: Long term performance and microbial mechanisms. Water Environment research: a Research Publication of the Water Environment Federation, 2019, 91(11):1498-1508.
[60] Xuefeng Zhu, Wenyi Yuan, Maoqian Lang,Guangyin Zhen*(corresponding author), Xuedong Zhu**,Xueqin Lu (2019). Novel methods of sewage sludge utilization for photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline-containing wastewater. Fuel, 252, 148-156.
[59] Yang Pan, Zhongxiang Zhi,Guangyin Zhen*(corresponding author), Xueqin Lu**, Péter Bakonyi, Yu-You Li, Youcai Zhao, J. Rajesh Banu (2019). Synergistic effect and biodegradation kinetics of sewage sludge and food waste mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion and the underlying stimulation mechanisms.Fuel, 253, 40-49,Article accepted for publication 14 Apr 2019.
[58]Zhongyi Zhang, Ying Song, Shaojuan Zheng, Guangyin Zhen*, XueqinLu, Kobayashi Takuro, KaiqinXu, PéterBakonyi,(2019). Electro-conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to low-carbon methane by bioelectromethanogenesis process in microbial electrolysis cells: The current status and future perspective. Bioresource Technology, 279, 339-349..
[57]Zhongxiang Zhi, Yang Pan, Xueqin Lu, Guangyin Zhen*, Youcai Zhao, Xuefeng Zhu, Jianying Xiong, Tianbiao Zhao, (2019). Electrically regulating co-fermentation of sewage sludge and food waste towards promoting biomethane production and mass reduction. Bioresource Technology, 279, 218-227(Cover page).
[56]Guangyin Zhen1, Jianhui Wang1, Xueqin Lu *, Lianghu Su, Xuefeng Zhu, Tao Zhou, Youcai Zhao (2019). Effective gel-like floc matrix destruction and water seepage for enhancing waste activated sludge dewaterability under hybrid microwave-initiated Fe(II)-persulfate oxidation process.Chemosphere, 221, 141-153.
[55] V. Godvin Sharmila, M.Gunasekaran, S. Angappanec, Guangyin Zhen, IckTae Yeom, J. Rajesh Banu*, (2019). Evaluation of photocatalytic thin film pretreatment on anaerobic degradability of exopolymer extracted biosolids for biofuel generation. Bioresource Technology, 279, 132-139.
[54]László Koók, Péter Bakonyi, Falk Harnisch, J?rg Kretzschmar, Kyu-Jung Chae, Guangyin Zhen, Gopalakrishnan Kumar*, Tamás Rózsenberszki, Gábor Tóth, Nándor Nemestóthy, Katalin Bélafi-Bakó, (2019). Biofouling of membranes in microbial electrochemical technologies: Causes, characterization methods and mitigation strategies. Bioresource Technology,279,327-338.
[53] Gopalakrishnan Kumar*, Dinh Duc Nguyen, Menghour Huy, Periyasamy Sivagurunathan, Péter Bakonyi, Guangyin Zhen, Takuro Kobayashi*, Kai Qin Xu, Nándor Nemestóthy, Soon Woong Chang, (2019).E?ects of light intensity on biomass, carbohydrate and fatty acid compositions of three di?erent mixed consortia from natural ecologicalwater bodies.Journal of Environmental Management, 230: 293–300.
[52]Guangyin Zhen, Shaojuan Zheng, Xueqin Lu*, Xuefeng Zhu, Juan Mei, Takuro Kobayashi, Kaiqin Xu, Yu-You Li, Youcai Zhao (2018).A comprehensive comparison of five different carbon-based cathode materials in CO2electromethanogenesis: long-term performance, cell-electrode contact behaviors and extracellular electron transfer pathways.Bioresource Technology, 2018,266:382–388.
[51] Zhen, G.Y.*, Lu, X.Q.*,Lianghu Su; Takuro Kobayashi; Gopalakrishnan Kumar; Tao Zhou; Kaiqin Xu; Yu-You Li; Xuefeng Zhu; Youcai Zhao, (2018). Unraveling the catalyzing behaviors of different iron species (Fe2+vs. Fe0) in activating persulfate-based oxidation process with implications to waste activated sludge dewaterability. Water Research,134, 101–114.Pub Date:2018-02-03,DOI 10.1016/j.watres.2018.01.072(ESIhighly cited paper, data from ESI).
[50] Péter Bakonyi, László Koók, Gopalakrishnan Kumar*, Gábor Tóth, Tamás Rózsenberszki, Dinh Duc Nguyen, Soon Woong Chang, Guangyin Zhen, Katalin Bélafi-Bakó, NándorNemestóthy.Architectural engineering of bioelectrochemical systems from the perspective of polymeric membrane separators: A comprehensive update on recent progress and future prospects. Journal of Membrane Science, 2018,564: 508-522.
[49] Yong Hu, Takuro Kobayashi*, Guangyin Zhen, Chen Shi, Kai-Qin Xu*, (2018). Effects of Lipid concentration on thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and grease waste in a siphon-driven self-agitated anaerobic reactor. Biotechnology Reports, BTRE_e00269, Article accepted for publication, 19 Jun 2018.
[48]Periyasamy Sivagurunathan, Chandrasekhar Kuppam, Ackmez Mudhoo, Ganesh D. Saratale, Abudukeremu Kadier, Guangyin Zhen, Lucile Chatellard, Eric Trably & Gopalakrishnan Kumar. A comprehensive review on two-stage integrative schemes for the valorization of dark fermentative effluents. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology,2018, 38(6):868-882, Published online: ??21 Dec 2017.
[47]Lu, X.Q., Ni, J.L.,Zhen, G.Y., Kubota, K., Li Y.Y.* (2018). Responses of morphology and microbial community of granules to influent COD/SO42–ratios in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating starch wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 256,456–465.
[46] Tao Zhou, Sheng Huang, Dongjie Niu, Lianghu Su, Guangyin Zhen, Youcai Zhao*(2018).Efficient Separation of Water-Soluble Humic Acid Using (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) for Carbon Resource Recovery from Wastewater. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.,6 (5), 5981-5989,DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b04507.
[45] Lianghu Su, Chenwei Liu, Kangkang Liang, Yudong Chen, Longjiang Zhang, Xiaolin Li, Zhihua Han, Guangyin Zhen, Xiaoli Chai, Xu Sun. Performance evaluation of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (NZVI) for high-concentration H2S removal from biogas at different temperatures. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(25), 13798-13805.

[44]Zhen, G.Y.*, Lu, X.Q.*, Kumar, G., Bakonyi, P., Xu, K.Q.*, Zhao, Y.C. (2017). Microbial electrolysis cell platform for simultaneous waste biorefinery and clean electrofuels generation: Current situation,challenges and future perspectives. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 63, 119-145 (SCI-IF 25.242).
[43] G Kumar, P Sivagurunathan, GY Zhen, T Kobayashi, SH Kim, K Xu (2017). Combined pretreatment of electrolysis and ultra-sonication towards enhancing solubilization and methane production from mixed microalgae biomass. Bioresource Technology, 245, 196-200.
[42]G Kumar, P Sivagurunathan, ????????????????G??Y Zhen??????????, T Kobayashi, KQ Xu (2017). Harnessing of bioenergy from different ??mixed microalgae consortia obtained from natural ecological niches.Renewable Energy Focus 21, 11-15.
[41] Zhen, G.Y,Lu, X.Q., Kobayashi, T., Su, L.,Kumar, G., Bakonyi, P., He, Y., Sivagurunathan, P., Nemestóthy, N., Xu, K.Q.*, (2017). Continuous micro-current stimulation to upgrade methanolic wastewater biodegradation and biomethane recovery in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. Chemosphere, 180, 229–238.
[40]Saratale, GD; Saratale, RG; Shahid, MK; Zhen, GY; Kumar, G; Shin, HS; Choi, YG; Kim, SH. (2017). A comprehensive overview on electro-active biofilms, role of exo-electrogens and their microbial niches in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). CHEMOSPHERE, Volume: 178 Pages: 534-547.
[39]Rijuta Ganesh Saratale, Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Guangyin Zhen, Gopalakrishnan Kumar, Abudukeremu Kadier, Periyasamy Sivagurunathan, (2017). Microbiome involved in microbial electrochemical systems (MESs): A review. Chemosphere, 177, 176-188
[38]Gopalakrishnan Kumar, Rijuta Ganesh Saratale, Abudukeremu Kadier, Periyasamy Sivagurunathan, Guangyin Zhen, Sang-Hyoun Kim, Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale, (2017). A review on bio-electrochemical systems (BESs) for the syngas and value added biochemicals production. Chemosphere, 177, 84-92.
[37]Rijuta Ganesh Saratale, Chandrasekar Kuppam, Ackmez Mudhoo, Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale, Sivagurunathan Periyasamy, Guangyin Zhen, László Koók, Péter Bakonyi, Nándor Nemestóthy, (2017). Bioelectrochemical systems using microalgae – A concise research update. Chemosphere, 177, 35–43.
[36] Koók, L., Nemestóthy, N., Bakonyi, P., Zhen, G.Y, Kumar, G., Lu, X.Q., et al. (2017). Performance evaluation of microbial electrochemical systems operated with nafion and supported ionic liquid membranes. Chemosphere, 175, 350-355.
[35] Zhen, G.Y, Lu, X.Q., Kato, H., Zhao, Y.C., Li, Y.Y., (2017). Overview of pretreatment strategies for enhancing sewage sludge disintegration and subsequent anaerobic digestion: current advances, full-scale application and future perspectives. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69, 559-577 (IWA国际水协会专题报道--预处理|提高污泥降解和强化厌氧消化的策略,原创2017-10-13IWA国际水协会,http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/11AcszAlRZ948EDO92KVhg;(ESIhighly cited paper, data from ESI,热点论文;The most cited articles published in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Articlessince 2017, extracted from homepage of the Journal)).
[34]Lu, X.Q., Zhen, G.Y.*(corresponding author),Ni, J., Kubota, K., Li, Y.Y.**(2017). Sulfidogenesis process to strengthen re-granulation for biodegradation of methanolic wastewater and microorganisms evolution in an UASB reactor. Water Research, 108, 137–150.
[33]Bakonyi, P., Kumar, G., Zhen, G.Y.,Sivagurunathan, P., Koók, L., Kim, S.H, Toth, G., Nemestóthy, N.,Bélafi-Bakó, K., (2017). Microbial electrochemical systems for sustainable biohydrogen production: Surveying the experiences from a start-up viewpoint.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70, 589–597 (ESIhighly cited paper, data from ESI).

[32]Zhen, G.Y.,Lu, X.Q., Kobayashi, T., Kumar, G., Xu, K.Q.*, (2016). Promoted electromethanosynthesis in a two-chamber microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) containing a hybrid biocathode covered with graphite felt (GF). Chemical Engineering Journal, 284: 1146-1155. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2015.09.071. (ESI highly cited paper, data from ESI).
[31]Zhen, G.Y.,Kobayashi, T., Lu, X.Q., Kumar, G., Xu, K.Q*. (2016). Biomethane recovery from Egeria densa in a microbial electrolysis cells (MEC)-assisted anaerobic system: performance and stability assessment. Chemosphere, 149: 121-129. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.01.101. (ESIhighly cited paper, data from ESI).
[30] Zhen, G.Y.,Lu, X.Q., Kobayashi, T., Kumar, G., Xu, K.Q.* (2016). Anaerobic co-digestion on improving methane production from mixed microalgae (Scenedesmus sp., Chlorella sp.) and food waste: kinetic modelling and synergistic impact evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 299: 332-341 (ESIhighly cited paper, data from ESI; Cover Page of the Volume 299).
[29]Zhen, G.Y.,Kobayashi, T., Lu, X.Q., Kumar, G., Hu, Y., Bakonyi, P., Rózsenberszki, T., Koók, L., Nemestóthy, N., Bélafi-Bakó, K., Xu, K.Q.*, (2016). Recovery of biohydrogen in a single-chamber microbial electrohydrogenesis cell using liquid fraction of pressed municipal solid waste (LPW) as substrate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(40): 17896-17906.
[28]Lu, X.Q., Zhen, G.Y.,Ni, J.L., Hojoa, T., Kubota, K., Li, Y.Y. (2016). Effect of influent COD/SO42-ratios on biodegradation behaviors of starch wastewater in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor.Bioresource Technology, 214: 175-183.
[27] Kumar, G., Zhen, G.Y.,Kobayashi, T., Sivagurunathan, P., Kim, S.H, Xu, K.Q. (2016). Impact of pH control and heat pre-treatment of seed inoculum in dark H2fermentation: a feasibility report using mixed microalgae biomass as feedstock. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(7): 4382–4392.
[26]Kumar, G., Zhen, G.Y.,Sivagurunathan, P., Bakonyi, P., Nemestóthy, N., Bélafi-Bakó, K., Kobayashi, T., Xu, K.Q. (2016). Biogenic H2production from mixed microalgae biomass: impact of pH control and methanogenic inhibitor (BESA) addition. Biofuel Research Journal, 3(3): 470-474.
[25]Lu, X.Q., Chen, S.P, Luo, J.H., Qian, G.R., Liu, J.Y., Zhen, G.Y, Li Y.Y., (2016). Application of a CO2-stripping system for calcium removal to upgrade organic matter removal and sludge granulation in a leachate-fed EGSB bioreactor. RSC Advances, 6(11): 9286-9296.
[24]Bednára, A., Nemestóthy, N., Bakonyi, P., Fül?p, L., Zhen, G.Y, Lu, X.Q., Kobayashi, T., Kumar, G., Xu, K.Q., Bélafi-Bakó K. (2016). Enzymatically-boosted ionic liquid gas separation membranes using carbonic anhydrase of biomass origin. Chemical Engineering Journal, 303: 621-626.
[23]Kumar, G., Sivagurunathan, P., Thi, N.B.D., Zhen, G.Y., Kobayashi, T., Kim, S.H., Xu, K.Q., (2016). Evaluation of different pretreatments on organic matter solubilization and hydrogen fermentation of mixed microalgae consortia. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(46): 21628–21640.
[22]Kumar, G., Sivagurunathan, P., Pugazhendhi, A., Thi, N.B.D., Zhen, G.Y.,Kuppam, C., Kadier, K., (2017). A comprehensive overview on light independent fermentative hydrogen production from wastewater feedstock and possible integrative options. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 141: 390-402 (ESIhighly cited paper, data from ESI).

[21] Zhen, G.Y, Lu, X.Q., Kobayashi, T., Li Y.Y., Xu, K.Q., Zhao, Y.C. (2015). Mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge and Egeria densa: Performance assessment and kinetic analysis. Applied Energy, 148: 78-86.
[20]Zhen, G.Y, Kobayashi, T., Lu, X.Q., Xu, K.Q.*, (2015). Understanding methane bioelectrosynthesis from carbon dioxide in a two-chamber microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) containing a carbon biocathode. Bioresource Technology, 186: 141-148.
[19]Zhen, G.Y.,Lu, X.Q., Li Y.Y., Liu Y., Zhao, Y.C. (2015). Influence of zero valent scrap iron (ZVSI) supply on methane production from waste activated sludge. Chemical Engineering Journal, 263: 461–470.
[18]Mei, J., Zhen, G.Y., (Co-first author)Zhao, Y.C. (2015) Bio-oxidation of escape methane from landfill using leachate-modified aged refuse. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 41(7): 2493–2500.
[17] Lu, X.Q., Zhen, G.Y.,Adriana L.E., Chen, M., Ni, J.L., Hojoa, T., Kubota, K., Li, Y.Y. (2015). Operation performance and granule characterization of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating wastewater with starch as the sole carbon source. Bioresource Technology, 180: 264–273.
[16]Lu, X.Q., Zhen, G.Y.,Chen, M., Kubota, K., Li, Y.Y. (2015). Biocatalysis conversion of methanol to methane in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor: long-term performance and inherent deficiencies. Bioresource Technology, 198: 691–700.
[15]Su, L., Zhen, G.Y.,Zhang, L., Zhao, Y.C., Niu, D., Chai, X. (2015). The use of the core–shell structure of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (NZVI) for long-term removal of sulphide in sludge during anaerobic digestion. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 17(12): 2013-2021.
[14]Gao, X., Gu, Y., Xie, T., Zhen, G.Y.,Huang, S., Zhao, Y.C. (2015). Characterization and environmental risk assessment of heavy metals in construction and demolition wastes from five sources (chemical, metallurgical and light industries, and residential and recycled aggregates). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(12): 9332-9344.
[13]Gao, X., Gu, Y., Huang, S., Zhen, G.Y.,Deng, G., Xie, T., Zhao, Y.C. (2015). Comparison of alternative remediation technologies for recycled gravel contaminated with heavy metals. Waste Management & Research, DOI: 10.1177/**X**.

[12]Lu, X.Q.,Zhen, G.Y.*,Liu Y., Hojo, T., Adriana L.E., Li, Y.Y. (2014). Long-term effect of the antibiotic cefalexin on methane production during waste activated sludge anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology,169: 644–651 (Corresponding author).
[11]Guangyin Zhen*, Xueqin Lu, Yu-You Li*, Youcai Zhao(2014). Combined electrical-alkali pretreatment to increase the anaerobic hydrolysis rate of waste activated sludge during anaerobic digestion. Applied energy, 128: 93–102 (SCI-IF=5.613, ESI highly cited paper, data from ESI).
[10]Zhen, G.Y., Lu, X.Q., Wang, B.Y., Zhao, Y.C., Chai, X.L., Niu, D.J., Zhao, T.T. (2014). Enhanced dewatering characteristics of waste activated sludge with Fenton pretreatment: Effectiveness and statistical optimization. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 8(2): 267–276.

[9]Zhen, G.Y., Lu, X.Q., Li, Y.Y., Zhao, Y.C. (2013). Innovative combination of electrolysis and Fe(II)-activated persulfate oxidation for improving the dewaterability of waste activated sludge. Bioresource Technology, 136: 664–663.
[8]Zhen, G.Y., Lu, X.Q., Zhao, Y.C., Niu, J., Chai, X.L., Su, L.H., Li, Y.Y., Liu, Y., Du, J.R., Hojo, T., Hu, Y. (2013). Characterization of controlled low-strength material (CLSM) obtained from dewatered sludge and MSWI bottom ash: Mechanical and microstructural perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management, 129: 183–189.
[7]Zhen, G.Y., Lu, X.Q., Niu J., Su, L. H., Chai, X.L., Zhao, Y.C., Li Y. Y., Song Y., Niu, D.J. (2013). Inhibitory effects of a shock load of Fe(II)-mediated persulfate oxidation on waste activated sludge anaerobic digestion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 233: 274–281.

[6]Zhen, G.Y., Lu, X.Q., Zhao, Y.C., Chai, X.L., Niu, D.J. (2012). Enhanced dewaterability of sewage sludge in the presence of Fe(II)-activated persulfate oxidation. Biorecourse Technology, 116: 259–265.
[5]Zhen, G.Y., Lu, X.Q., Li, Y.Y., Zhao, Y.C., Wang, B.Y., Song, Y., Chai, X.L., Niu, D.J., Cao, X.Y., (2012). Novel insights into enhanced dewaterability of waste activated sludge by Fe(II)-activated persulfate oxidation. Bioresource Technology, 119: 7–14.
[4]Zhen, G.Y., Lu, X.Q., Wang, B.Y, Zhao, Y.C., Chai, X.L., Niu, D.J., Li, Y.Y., Song, Y., Cao, X.Y. (2012). Synergetic pretreatment of waste activated sludge by Fe(II)-activated persulfate oxidation under mild temperature for enhanced dewaterability. Bioresource Technology,124: 29–36.
[3]Zhen, G.Y., Lu, X.Q., Cheng, X.B., Chen, H., Yan, X.F., Zhao, Y.C. (2012). Hydration process of the aluminate 12CaO·7Al2O3-assisted Portland cement-based solidification/ stabilization of sewage sludge. Construction and Building Materials, 5(30): 675–681.
[2]Zhen, G.Y., Zhou, H.Y., Zhao T.T., Zhao Y.C. (2012). Performance appraisal of controlled low-strength material (CLSM) using sewage sludge and refuse incineration bottom ash. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(1): 80–88.

[1] Zhen, G.Y., Yan, X.F., Zhou, H.Y., Chen, H., Zhao, T.T., Zhao, Y.C. (2011). Effects of calcined aluminum salts on the advanced dewatering and solidification/stabilization of sewage sludge. Journal of Environmental Science, 23 (7): 1225–1232.

[19]潘阳,支忠祥,牛承鑫,陆雪琴,甄广印*. 厌氧膜生物反应器的现状、挑战和前景. 环境污染与防治,2020,42(1):101-106.
[18] 周昱晗,潘阳,张瑞良,郑朝婷,支忠祥,甄广印*. 酸碱-微波耦合预处理对污泥胞外聚合物
溶裂与产甲烷行为的影响研究. 环境工程,2020(录用).
[17] 戴金金,牛承鑫,潘阳,陆雪琴,甄广印*,郑朝婷,张瑞良,何欣昱. 基于厌氧膜生物反应器的剩余污泥-餐厨垃圾厌氧共消化性能. 环境科学,2020,41(8):3740-3747.
[16] 戴金金,牛承鑫,潘阳,陆雪琴,甄广印*. 厌氧膜生物反应器污泥处理与膜污染控制研究进展. 环境化学,2020(已录用).
[15] 郑朝婷,潘阳,陆雪琴*,甄广印,宋玉,赵由才. 甲醇废水厌氧生物处理的研究进展. 水处理技术,2020(已录用).
[14] 王沙沙,潘阳,谭宇杰,甄广印*,陆雪琴. 厌氧氨氧化:技术现状、研究进展及主要影响因素. 环境卫生工程,2020(已录用).
[13]牛承鑫,潘阳,陆雪琴,甄广印*,张衷译,宋玉,赵由才. 厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBR)膜污染过程及控制方法研究进展. 环境化学, 2019,38(12):2851-2859.
[12] 甄广印,吴太朴,陆雪琴,王建辉,赵由才,黄民生,何岩,梁松波,宋玉,刘德滨,孟龙.高级氧化污泥深度脱水技术研究进展. 环境污染与防治, 2019,41(98):1108-1113,1119.
[11] 郑韶娟,陆雪琴,张衷译,甄广印*,赵由才(2019). 微生物电解池:生物电催化辅助CO2甲烷化技术. 环境化学,38(7): 1666-1674.
[10] 苏良湖, 张明珠, 张龙江, 甄广印, 柴晓利, 赵由才* (2017). 水合氧化铁对污泥厌氧消化过程的硫化氢控制. 中国环境科学, 37(4) :1349-1357.
[9] 甄広印,胡勇,小林拓朗,徐開钦(2016). 微生物電気分解を用いたエネルギー回収型排水処理技術の進展.『用水と廃水』,58(10): p. 759-767.
[8] 罗安然, 甄广印, 龙吉生, 白力, 周家珍, 劳云枫, 赵由才(2016). Fenton预处理强化污泥脱水: 胞外聚合物和黏度的特性研究. 环境工程, 34(2): 127-132.
[7]甄广印, 龙吉生, 白力, 赵由才. 污泥脱水性能的影响因素解析[J]. 有色冶金设计与研究,2015, 36(4): 56-61.
[6] 劉媛,北條俊昌,何士龍,甄広印,李玉友. 酸素制御による部分的亜硝酸化の実現と維持. 土木学会論文集G(環境),2014,70(7):Ⅲ_233–Ⅲ_241.
[5] 甄广印,陆雪琴,汪宝英,宋玉,柴晓利,牛冬杰,赵由才. 碱性添加剂对污泥厌氧发酵产甲烷的影响.环境卫生工程,2012,20 (4): 1–4.
[4] 甄广印,周海燕,赵由才. 城市污水厂污泥铝基凝胶固化剂固化/稳定化研究,2011年中国城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会论文集,中国青岛,2011年5月,pp. 79–86.
[3] 甄广印,刘大江,赵由才.城市污泥填埋气集气井收集系统的优化研究. 环境污染与防治,2010,32 (2): 33–36.
[2] 甄广印,赵由才,宋玉,曹先艳.城市污泥处理处置技术研究.有色冶金设计与研究,2010,31 (5): 41–45.
[1] 甄广印,周海燕,宋玉,苏冬云,柴晓利,牛冬杰,赵由才. 十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)-氢氧化钠耦合污泥脱水技术研究.环境化学,2010,29 (6): 1106–1110.

[17] 陆雪琴,郑朝婷,甄广印,王越,谭宇杰,李万江,周昱晗,一种中空纤维膜反应器处理石化废水的方法,中国发明专利,申请号:1.7,申请日2020-01-08。
[14] 甄广印,潘阳,陆雪琴,王建辉,支忠祥,郑韶娟,张衷译,一种电极耦合平板膜的厌氧电化学污泥处理装置,中国发明专利,申请号:4.1,申请日:**;
[13] 甄广印,潘阳,陆雪琴,王建辉,支忠祥,郑韶娟,张衷译,一种电极耦合平板膜的厌氧电化学污泥处理装置,中国实用新型专利,专利号:8.1,申请日:**;授权公告日:2020-04-10.
[12] 甄广印,郑韶娟,陆雪琴,张衷译,王建辉,潘阳,一种微生物电解池及有机氧化物降解同步CO2甲烷化方法,中国发明专利,申请号:9.X(实质审查),申请日:**.
[11] 甄广印,郑韶娟,陆雪琴,张衷译,王建辉,潘阳,一种有机氧化物降解同步CO2甲烷化的微生物电解池,中国实用新型专利,专利号:2.0,申请日:**;授权公告日:2020-04-10.
[10] 甄广印,王建辉,陆雪琴,潘阳,谭宇杰,一种生物膜反应器同步污泥处理系统及其污泥处理方法,中国发明专利,申请号:1.0(实质审查),申请日:**.
[9] 甄广印,王建辉,陆雪琴,潘阳,谭宇杰,一种生物膜反应器的膜污染防控同步污泥处理装置,中国实用新型专利,申请号:5.X;申请日:**;授权公告日:2020-04-10.
[8]陈宏, 王泓, 韦燕霄, 杜春艳, 刘兵, 田红, 周璐, 甄广印, 郭延, 胡颖冰. 一种生物膜强化脱氮处理工艺: 中国发明专利. 申请号: 20**. 申请日: 2017-12-26.
[7]赵由才甄广印;程晓波;陈华;周海燕;黄仁华.一种城市污水厂脱水污泥铝基胶凝固化剂及其应用.中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 4.9,申请日:**;授权公告日:2012-11-07(证书号:第**号)(~2016-05-18).
[6]仁华甄广印;周海燕;徐勤;邵正浩;张美兰;赵由才;苏冬云.一种无机复合污泥脱水调理剂及其应用. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 9.0,申请日:**;授权公告日:2012-05-23(证书号:第950027号).
[5]由才;宋玉;汪宝英;万琦;甄广印;曹先艳.一种生活垃圾污水处理厂脱水污泥的处理方法.中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 4.7,申请日:**;授权公告日:2012-10-03(证书号:第105612号)(2014-08-20专利权转移).
[4]海燕甄广印;徐勤;宋玉;黄仁华;赵由才;张美兰.一种用于处理城市污水处理厂污泥的污泥固化剂及其污泥处理方法.中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 0.2,申请日:**;授权公告日:2013-06-26(证书号:第**号).
[3]由才;汪宝英;左敏瑜;宋玉;甄广印.一种处理飞灰中二噁英的萃取剂及其萃取二噁英的方法. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 6.7,申请日:**;授权公告日:2013年10月30日(证书号:第**号)(~2017-10-17).
[2]赵由才;宋玉;汪宝英;甄广印.一种污泥调理剂及使用污泥调理剂的深度脱水方法. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 3.3, 申请日**;授权公告日:2014年05月21日(证书号:第**号)(2017-11-03).
[1]赵由才;米琼;柴晓利;牛冬杰;甄广印.一种脱水污泥除臭改性及资源化的方法.中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 7. 4,申请日:**;授权公告日:2014年08月13日(证书号:第**号).

[9]甄广印,陆雪琴,苏良湖,魏俊,赵由才,编著。《实用农村环境保护知识丛书-农村生物质综合处理与资源化利用技术》,2019.1,北京-冶金工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-5024-7948-0。
[8] Zhen Guangyinand Zhao Youcai.《Pollution Control and Resource Recovery: Sewage Sludge》. Elsevier Inc.,2016-10-26, ISBN: 978-0-12-811639-5, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-811639-5.00001-2.
[7]甄广印,赵由才. 《城市污泥强化深度脱水资源化利用及卫生填埋末端处置关键技术研究》,同济大学出版社,2017年6月第一版、第一次印刷,ISBN 978-7-5608-6975-9.
[6] Periyasamy Sivagurunathan, Gopalakrishnan Kumar, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Guangyin Zhen, Takuro Kobayashi and Kaiqin Xu. Chapter 11 Biohydrogen Production from Wastewaters (pp. 197-210), 《Biological Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery》edited by Robina Farooq and Zaki Ahmad, ISBN 978-953-51-3046-8, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3045-1, Published: March 29, 2017 under CC BY 3.0 license.
[5]Guangyin Zhen, Xueqin Lu, Xiaohui Wang, Shaojuan Zheng, Jianhui Wang, Zhongxiang Zhi, Lianghu Su, Kaiqin Xu, Takuro Kobayashi, Gopalakrishnan Kumar, Youcai Zhao: Deployment of biogas production technologies in emerging countries (Chapter 20), in book: Green Energy to Sustainability, edited by Alain Vertes, Nasib Qureshi,Hans P. Blaschek and Hideaki Yukawa, John Wiley & Sons, April 2020, DOI: 10.1002/57.ch16.ISBN: 26; Publication date: 8thApril 2020; Price: $125 USD/£97.50; https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/Green+Energy+to+Sustainability%3A+Strategies+for+Global+Industries-p-26.
[4]朱英,张华,赵由才. 《污泥处理与资源化丛书—污泥循环卫生填埋技术》. 冶金工业出版社,2010年05月. 甄广印参编第三、第六章. ISBN:5024-5246-9.
[3]李兵,张承龙,赵由才. 《污泥处理与资源化丛书—污泥表征与预处理技术》. 冶金工业出版社,2010年08月. 甄广印参编第七章. ISBN:978-7-5024-5303-9.
[2]赵由才,甄广印,韩丹,实现生活垃圾最大限度的资源利用,pp 46-49。见寿子琪主编、施强华、马兴发、郁增荣副主编,《科学家带你游世博》,上海科学技术出版社,上海,2010年7月. ISBN:978-7-5478-4/N4.
[1]赵由才. 《固体废物处理与资源化技术》.同济大学出版社,2015年10月. 甄广印参编第七章. ISBN 978-7-5608-6005-3.

[1]黄仁华,周海燕,张美兰,朱集峰,朱利忠,王为民,顾连官,赵由才,甄广印,李强,余召辉. 上海环境实业有限公司企业标准—生活垃圾散装运输作业指导书, Q/HJSY TG3102.16—2015.
[1] 黄仁华,周海燕,张美兰,朱集峰,王为民,朱利忠,顾连官,赵由才,甄广印,李强,余召辉. 企业标准-生活垃圾散装运输作业指导书, Q/LG TG304.1, 发布/实施日期2015-01-01/2015-02-01.
[2]黄仁华,周海燕,张美兰,朱集峰,王为民,朱利忠,顾连官,赵由才,甄广印,李强,余召辉. 企业标准-生活垃圾散装运输作业指导书, Q/LG TG304.2,发布/实施日期2015-01-01/2015-02-01.
[3] 黄仁华,周海燕,张美兰,张军,董辉,唐文荣、唐佶、刘国平、甄广印,李强,余召辉, 企业标准-生活垃圾、污泥卫生填埋作业标准第4部分质量控制与评价改进标准, Q/LG TG311.2, 发布/实施日期2015-01-01/2015-02-01.

[27] 甄广印(受邀),基于微生物电催化诱导CO2燃料化技术研究,生物材料前沿论坛-Living, Dynamic and Soft Matter & Devices,上海科技大学物质学院,2019-11-06.
[26] 甄广印(受邀),污泥调理溶裂预处理与厌氧甲烷转化技术研究,“一带一路”(西安)水处理高峰论坛暨分论坛,西安建筑科技大学,陕西西安开元名都大酒店,2019年12月16日-17日。
[23] 甄广印(受邀报告),污泥调理脱水与厌氧甲烷转化,2019年上海市“资源循环与可持续发展”研究生学术论坛,上海第二工业大学,2019年9月20日。
[22] U. USHANI, Guangyin Zhen. Enhancement Of Anaerobic Biodegradability Of Municipal Waste Activated Sludge By Immobilized Biological Disintegration, “一带一路”绿色矿业与可持续发展论-Belt and Road Forum on Green Mining for Sustainable Development. 2019 年5 月29-31 日,中国地质大学,中国·徐州May 29 –31,2019 Xuzhou, China.
[20]Xue-Qin Lu (ECNU) (Oral Presentation), Chenglei Xie (Tohoku Univ.), Guangyin Zhen (ECNU), Yu-You Li (Tohoku Univ.). Development and Spatial Microstructure Variation of Membrane Foulants in a Hollow Fiber Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Milk Waste and Sewage Sludge Co-treatment. The 53rd Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Lecture No.: 1-I-11-3”) ,pp.76, 2019.3.7~9, University of Yamanashi, Kofu City, Japan (JSWE-IDEA Water Environment International Exchange Award).
[19] Guangyin Zhen*(Oral Presentation), Shaojuan Zheng (ECNU), Xue-Qin Lu (ECNU), Takuro Kobayashi, Kaiqin Xu, Yong HU (NIES).Simultaneous CO2 electromethanosynthesis and biodegradation of organic matters in a two-chamber microbial electrolysis cell. The 53rd Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (Lecture No.: 3-J-09-4), p. 373, 2019.3.7~9, University of Yamanashi, Kofu City, Japan.
[18]Zhen, G.Y.(Oral Presentation), Electro-conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to low-carbon biomethane by microbial electrolysis cells platform. The 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability (ICWRS) & the 3rd International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE): Future and Challenges (ICWRS & ICAFEE-2018), 28-31 Oct. 2018, Nanjing/Yixing, Jiangsu, China.
[17]Zhen, G.Y.(Poster presentation), Synergistically upgrading biomethane recovery from sewage sludge and food waste by mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion and the underlying stimulation mechanisms. The 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability (ICWRS) & the 3rd International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE): Future and Challenges (ICWRS & ICAFEE-2018-2018), 28-31 Oct. 2018, Nanjing/Yixing, Jiangsu, China.
[16]Zhen, G.Y.(Poster presentation), Strengthening dewaterability of coke-oven plant oily sludge by Fe(II)-activated persulfate oxidation. The 1st International Conference on Water Resources and Sustainability (ICWRS) & the 3rd International Conference on Alternative Fuels, Energy and Environment (ICAFEE): Future and Challenges (ICWRS & ICAFEE), 28-31 Oct. 2018, Nanjing/Yixing, Jiangsu, China.
[15]Guangyin Zhen, Zhongxiang Zhi,Xue-Qin Lu, Takuro Kobayashi, Kaiqin Xu. In-situ Electrochemical Stimulation to Upgrade Co-digestion Behaviors of Sewage Sludge and Food Waste, The 52th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment, 2018.3.15~17,Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan (awarded JSWE-IDEAWaterEnvironment InternationalExchange,水環境国際招聘賞).
[14]Yong Hu, Guangyin Zhen, Kai-Qin Xu, Takuro Kobayashi (Poster), Effect of Lipid/TS ratio on anaerobic treatment of food waste under thermophilic condition.International Conference on Alternative Fuels & Energy, October 23-25, 2017 (selected for the best brainstorming awards,http://icaf-e.com/award.php).
[13] Zhen, G.Y.(Oral Presentation), Decorated carbon-based biocathode to improve electromethanosynthesis in a two-chamber microbial electrolysis cells (MECs), The 15th World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion (AD-15), Beijing, China, October 17-20, 2017.
[12] Zhen, G.Y. (Invited), Kobayashi, T., Xu, K. Promoting electromethanosynthesis in a two-chamber microbial electrolysis cells (MECs). “Green Energy”-Cooperation of the higher education sector for the development of green economy in the area of energetics-TAMOP-4.1.1. C-12/1/ KONV-2012-0017, May 28th-June 7th 2015, University of Pannonia, Veszpern, Hungary.
[11] Zhen, G.Y.,Lu, X.Q., Kobayashi, T., Kumar, G., Xu, K. Hydrogen production from MSW (municipal solid waste) leachate in single-chamber microbial electrolysis cells (MECs). 2015 APEC Conference on Promoting Innovative and High Value-added Bio-product Production Technologies for Sustainable Development and 10th Asia Biohydrogen and Biorefinery Symposium (APEC-BPT/ ABBS-2015), Sep 21-24, 2015, Ken-Ting, Taiwan,China.
[10] 甄广印(Invited). 2016年同济大学国际青年****论坛(环境领域分论坛),2016年5月18日-21日,上海同济大学环境科学与工程学院.
[9] 甄广印(Invited). 2016年华东师范大学国际青年****论坛(生态与环境分论坛),2016年6月4-5日,上海华东师范大学生态与环境学院.
[8] Zhen, G.Y.,Kobayashi, T., Xu, K. Bioelectrochemical treatment of liquid fraction of pressed municipal solid waste (LPW) for biohydrogen production in a single-chamber membrane-less microbial electrolysis cell. The 50th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment 2016, Tokusima, Japan (第50回日本水環境学会年会-2016-3月16-18).
[7] Zhen, G.Y.,Lu, X.Q., Kobayashi, T., Xu, K. Insight into extracellular electron transfer for methane production in a two-chamber microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) containing a graphite biocathode. The 49th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment 2015(第49回日本水環境学会年会-2015). Kanazawa University, Kanazawa Japan, March 16-18 2015, pp. 343.
[6] Zhen, G.Y.(Chair of Session II: Antibiotics on the environment), Lu, X.Q., Li, Y.Y., Zhao, Y.C. Combined electrical-alkali pretreatment to increase the anaerobic hydrolysis rate of waste activated sludge during anaerobic digestion. International Symposium on Water Environment Problem-with Perspective of Global Safety in East Asian Countries, Part II. Sendai, Japan, March 21-22 2014, pp. 41-42.
[5]Zhao, Y.C., Jiang, J.C., Zhen, G.Y.,Han, D., Lou, Z.Y., Zhang, H., Zhu, Y., A comparison of biogas generation and stabilization process in the landfills of refuse and modified sewage sludge, International conference: Biomass and organic waste as sustainable resources, ORBIT 2009, Beijing, China, 19-21.
[4]Liu, Y., Hojo, T. He, S.L., Zhen, G.Y.,Li, Y.Y. Achievement and maintenance of partial nitritation by controlling DO concentration, Joint International Symposium Wastewater Treatment with Perspective of Anaerobic Bio-technology, China, 2014.
[3]Lu, X.Q., Zhen, G.Y.,Adriana L.E., Li, Y.Y. Effect of cefalexin on mesophilic anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge. The 48th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment 2014. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, March 17-19, 2014, pp. 79.
[2] 甄广印(特邀汇报),赵由才. 污泥强化脱水与卫生填埋关键技术研究. 第七届中国污泥处理处置及资源综合利用技术论坛,2011年11月10-11日,浙江杭州(http://www.cneec.org.cn/en/news_show.asp?id=355).
[1] 甄广印(特邀汇报),赵由才. 污泥强化脱水与卫生填埋关键技术. 第八届中国污泥处理处置及资源综合利用技术论坛,2012年5月17-18日,江苏苏州(http://www.cneec.org.cn/news_show.asp?id=916).

[16]2018年度JSWE-IDEAWaterEnvironment InternationalExchangeAward (Overseas Members Invitation Program (the 52nd Annual Conference, 2018))(日本水環境国際招聘賞)-「In-situ Electrochemical Stimulation to Upgrade Co-digestion Behaviors of Sewage Sludge and Food Waste」,2018-3-16;
[10]2015年度:生活垃圾渗滤液处理关键技术与应用,“华夏建设科学技术奖三等奖”,华夏建设科学技术委员会,2015-11-27(排名第3 (何晟、浦燕新、甄广印、郭广寨、夏金雨、牛冬杰、朱卫兵、张杰));
[9]2015年度:生活垃圾渗滤液处理关键技术与应用,“苏州市科学技术进步奖二等奖”,苏州市人民政府,2016-01-05(排名第3 (孙雨清、浦燕新、甄广印、朱卫兵、夏金雨、牛冬杰、赵俊、黄嵘、赵由才);
[6]2014年度:日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员(Pathway to University Positions in Japan, FY 2014-2015采用人数仅20人)(项目名称:Bioenergy recovery and sludge reduction from wastewater using anaerobic membrane bioreactor,26·04916 (Zhen, G.))(合作者:徐开钦教授);

[4]张衷译(博士生),Electro-conversion of CO2 to CH4 by bioelectromethanogensis process in microbial electrolysis cell: Long-term performance and Extracellular electron transfer pathway,2019年第三十届全国环境博士生学术会议优秀Oral奖,第三十届全国环境博士生学术会议组委会,清华大学环境学院,2019.10.18-21,北京。


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