

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-16



部门: 生态与环境科学学院
电子邮箱: xhzhou@des.ecnu.edu.cn
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杂志编委 (Editorial Board)Scientific Reports, PLoS ONE
期刊审稿人:Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、Annals of Botany 、Biogeochemistry、Biogeosciences, Biological Letters、Ecological Applications、Ecosphere、Ecosystems、European Journal of Soil Science、Global Change Biology、Global and Planetary Change、Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences、Journal of Bioscience、Journal of Plant Ecology、Journal of Soils and Sediments、Oecologia、Rangeland Ecology & Management、Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Plos One,Tree Physiology, Ecosphere etc.


2003.7 – 2007.5 美国俄克拉荷马大学(University of Oklahoma), 植物生态学, 获博士学位
1997.9 – 2000.7 浙江大学资源与环境学院,环境工程专业,获硕士学位
1993.9 – 1997.7 浙江农业大学环境系,环境保护专业,获学士学位
2015.01 – 至今 华东师范大学,生态与环境科学学院,教授
2011.07 – 2014.12 复旦大学,生命科学学院,研究员
2009.10 – 2011.06 美国俄克拉荷马大学, 植物和微生物学系,研究助理教授
2007.05 – 2009.09 美国俄克拉荷马大学, 植物和微生物学系,博士后



1.国家自然科学基金重点项目:亚热带常绿阔叶林响应极端干旱与恢复过程的生物调控机制(**, 2020.1~2024.12), 项目负责人,经费355万元
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:常绿阔叶林演替过程中凋落物和根系对土壤有机碳累积的影响及其机制(**,2018.1~2021.12), 项目负责人,经费72万元.
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:地上和根系凋落物对盐沼湿地土壤有机碳累积的影响及机制(**, 2014.1~2017.12),项目负责人,经费80万元,结题.
4.中组部"计划"项目(第二批) (2012.1~2015.12),项目负责人,经费300万元.
5.上海市教委项目:上海高校****"****" (2012.1~2014.12),项目负责人,经费100万元.
1.2008.10—2011.7,作为项目骨干参加了美国NSF项目:LTREB-Effects of Warming and Clipping on Coupling of Carbon and Water Cycles in a Tallgrass Prairie(2008~2013),
2.2008.5—2011.7,作为项目骨干参加了美国能源部(DOE)项目:Experimental and modeling study of interactive effects of warming and altered precipitation on function and structure of a tallgrass prairie in the Great Plains(2008~2011)
3.2006.9—2010.8,作为项目骨干参加了美国能源部(DOE)项目:Data-Model Assimilation at the FACE and AmeriFlux Sites:Toward Predictive Understanding of Carbon Sequestration at Ecosystem and Continental Scales(2006~2008)
1.Luo Y, Zhou X(2006) Soil Respiration and the Environment. Academic Press/ Elsevier, San Diego, CA, USA, pp328 (中文版《土壤呼吸与环境》, 2007年, 高等教育出版社, 北京)

108.Zhang R, Zhou X*, Quyang Z, Avitabile V, Qi J, Chen J, Giannico V(2019) Estimatingaboveground biomass in subtropical forests of China by integrating multisourceremote sensing and ground data. RemoteSensing of Environment, 111341.
107. Zhou G*, Luo Q*,Chen Y*, Hu J, He M, Gao J, Zhou L, Liu H, Zhou X*(2019) Interactive effects of grazing and globalchange factors on soil and ecosystems respiration in grassland ecosystems: aglobal synthesis. Journal of Applied Ecology. In press.
106.Shao J, Yuan T, Li Z, Li N, LiuH, Bai S, Xia J, Lu M, Zhou X*(2019) Plant evolutionary history dominates biomass responses to global warming. NewPhytologist, 222: 1338-1351.
105. He N, Liu C, Piao S, He J, Li S,Han X, Zhou G, Yu Q, Liu S, Niu S, Zhang J, Liu C, Luo Y, Zhou X, Yu G (2019)
EcosystemTraits Linking Functional Traits to Macroecology.Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34: 200-210.

104. Zhou G, Luo Q,Chen Y, Zhou L, Frank D, He Y, Zhou X*(2019) Effects of livestock grazing on grassland carbon storage and release override impacts associated with global climate change. Global Change Biology, 25: 1119-1132.

103. Liu R, Zhou X*, Wang J, Shao J, Fu Y, Liang C, Yan E, Chen X, WangX, Bai S (2018) Differential magnitude of rhizosphere effects on soilaggregation at three stages of subtropical secondary forest successions. Plantand Soil, 436: 365-380.
102. Chen J, Luo Y*,Van Groenigen K, Hungate B, Cao J, ZhouX, Wang R (2018) A keystone microbial enzyme for nitrogen control ofsoil carbon storage. Science Advances, DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aaq1689.
101. Bu X, Gu X, ZhouXQ, Zhang M, Guo Z, Zhang J, Zhou X, Chen X, Wang X (2018) Extreme droughtslightly decreased soil labile organic C and N contents and altered microbialcommunity structure in a subtropical evergreen forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 429:18-27.
100. Chen J, Luo Y,Palacios P, Cao J, Dacal M, Zhou X,Li J, Xia J, Niu S, Yang H, Shelton S, Guo W, van Groeingen K (2018). Differentialresponses of carbon-degrading enzyme activities to warming: Implications forsoil respiration. Global Change Biology, 24:4816-4826
99. Hu Z, Michaletz S,Johnson D, MacDowell N, Huang Z,ZhouX*, Xu C* (2018) Traits drive global wood decomposition rates more than climate. Global Change Biology, 24: 5259-5269.
98. Zhou G1,Zhou X1, Nie Y1,Bai S, Zhou L, Shao J, Cheng W, Wang J, Hu F, Fu Y* (2018) Drought-induced changes in root biomass largely resultfrom altered root morphological traits: Evidence from a synthesis of globalfield trials. PlantCell and Environment, 41:2589-2599.
97. Chen J, Luo Y,Xia J, Zhou X, Niu S, SheltonS, Guo W, Liu S, Dai W, Cao (2018) Divergentresponses of ecosystem respiration components to livestock exclusion on theQinghai Tibetan Plateau. LandDegradation & Development,29:1726-1737.
96. Du Z, Weng E,Xia J*, Jiang L, Luo Y, Zhou X*(2018) Carbon-nitrogen coupling under three schemes of model representation: atraceability analysis. Geoscientific Model Development, 11:4399–4416.
95. He Y, Zhou X*, Cheng W, Zhou L, ZhangG, Zhou G, Liu R, Shao J, Zhu K, Cheng W (2018). Linking improvement of soil structure to soil carbon storage followinginvasion by a C4 plant Spartinaalterniflora. Ecosystems,DOI: 10.1007/s10021-018-0308-3
94. Wang Q, He N*,Xu L, Zhou X(2018) Microbialproperties regulate spatial variation in the differences in heterotrophicrespiration and its temperature sensitivity between primary and secondary forestsfrom tropical to cold-temperate zones. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,262: 81-88.
93. Wang Q, He N*, Liu Y, Li M, Xu L, Zhou X(2018) Importantinteraction of chemicals, microbial biomass and dissolved substrates in thediel hysteresis loop of soil heterotrophic respiration. Plant Soil, 428:279-290.
92. Chen Z, Xu Y, He Y, Zhou X, Fan J, Yu H, Ding W* (2018) Nitrogen fertilization stimulated soil heterotrophic but not autotrophicrespiration in cropland soils: A greater role of organic over inorganicfertilizer. Soil Biology andBiochemistry, 116: 253-264.
91.ZhouX*, Xu X, Zhou G, Luo Y (2018) Temperaturesensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition increased with mean carbonresidence time: Field incubation and data assimilation. GlobalChange Biology, 24:810-820.


90. Yan Y, Zhou X*, Jiang L, Luo Y, (2017) Effectsof carbon turnover time on terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage. Biogeosciences,14: 5441-5454.
89. Zhou G, Zhou X*,Zhang T, Du Z, He Y, Wang X, Shao J, Cao Y, Xue S, Wang H, Xu C (2018) Biochar increased soil respiration intemperate forests but had no effects in subtropical forests. ForestEcology and Management, 405:339-349.
88. Yu Z, Wang D, Li Y, Deng H, Hu B, Ye M, Zhou X, Da L, Chen Z, Xu S (2017) Carbon dioxide and methanedynamics in a human-dominated lowland coastal river network (Shanghai, China). Journalof Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences, 122:1738-1758.
87. Liu R, Huang Z, McCormack ML, Zhou X, Wan X, Yu Z, Wang M, Zheng Z (2017) Plasticity offine-root functional traits in the litter layer in response to nitrogenaddition in a subtropical forest plantation. Plant and Soil, 415:317-330.
86.Cheng L, Zhang N, Yuan M,Xiao J, Qin Y, Deng Y, Tu Q, Xue K, van Nostrand J, Wu L, He Z,Zhou X, Leigh MB, KonstantinidisK, Schuur E, Luo Y, Tiedje J, Zhou J (2017) Warming enhances old organic carbondecomposition through altering functional microbial communities. ISMEJournal, 11: 1825–1835.
85. Du Z, Zhou X*, Shao J, Yu G, Wang H, Xia J, Luo Y (2017) Quantifying uncertainties of a nitrogen module from data and model structure in a terrestrial ecosystem model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth System, 09, doi: 10.1002/2016MS000687.
84. Chen J, Zhou X, Hruska T, Cao J, Liu C, Liu M, Shelton S, Guo L, Wei Y, Wang J, Xiao S, Wang P (2017) Asymmetric diurnal and monthly responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes to experimental warming. CLEANI-Soil, Air, Water,DOI: 10.1002/clen..
83. Chen Z, Xu Y,Zhou X, Tang J, Kuzyakov Y, Yu H, Fan J, Ding W (2017) Extreme rainfall and snowfall alter responses of soil respiration to nitrogen fertilization: a 3-year field experiment.Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13620.
82. Luo Y, Jiang L, Niu S, Zhou X(2017) Nonlinear responses of land ecosystems to variation in precipitation. New Phytologist, 214:5-7.
81. Nguyen TTN, Xu CY, Tahmasbian I, Che R, Xu Z, Zhou X, Wallace HM, Bai SH (2017) Effects of biochar on soil available inorganic nitrogen: A review and meta-analysis. Geoderma, 288: 79-96.
80.Hu Z, Xu C, McDowell NG, Johnson DJ, Wang M, Luo Y, Zhou X*,Huang Z* (2017) Linking microbial community composition to C loss rates during wood decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 104: 108-116.
79. Zhai D, Jin W, Shao J, He Y, Zhang G, Li M, Wang H*, Zhou X*(2017) Different response patterns of soil respiration to a nitrogen addition gradient in four types of land use on an alluvial island in China. Ecosystems,DOI: 10.1007/s10021-016-0079-7.
78. Zhou G, Zhou X*, He Y, Hu Z, Shao J, Liu R, Zhou H (2017) Grazing intensity significantly affects belowground carbon and nitrogen cycling in grassland ecosystems: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology,23(3):1167-1179.
77. He Y, Zhou X*, Jiang L, Li M, Du Z, Zhou G, Shao J, Wang X, Xu Z, Hosseini-Bai S, Wallance H, Xu C (2017) Effects of biochar application on soil greenhouse gas emissions: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology-Bioenergy, DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12376.
76.Chen J, Luo Y, Xia J, Wilcox KR, Cao J*, Zhou X*,Jiang L, Niu S, Estera KY, Huang R, Wu F, Hu T, Liang J, Shi Z, Guo J* (2017) Warming effects on ecosystem carbon fluxes are modulated by plant functional types. Ecosystems, DOI: 10.1007/s10021-016-0035-6.
75.Chen J, Luo Y, Li J, Zhou X,Cao J, Wang Y, Shelton S, Jin Z, Walker LM, Feng Z, Niu S, Feng W, Jian S, Zhou L. (2017) Co-stimulation of soil glycosidase activities and soil respiration by nitrogen addition. Global Change Biology, 23:1328-1337.

74. Shi Z, Yang Y, Zhou X, Weng E, Finzi AC, Luo Y (2016) Inverse analysis of coupled carbon-nitrogen cycles against multiple datasets at ambient and elevated CO2. Journal of Plant Ecology, 9: 285-295.
73. Shao J, Zhou X*,Luo Y, Li B, Aurela M, Billesbach D, Blanken P, Bracho R, Chen J, Fischer M, Fu Y, Gu L, Han S, He Y, Kolb TE, Li Y, Nagy Z, Niu S, Oechel W, Pinter K, Shi P, Suyker A, Torn M, Varlagin A, Wang H, Yan J, Yu G, Zhang J (2016) Direct and indirect effects of climatic variations on the interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange across terrestrial ecosystems. Tellus B, 68, 30575, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusb.v68.30575.
72. Zhou X*,Zhou L, Du Z, Nie Y, Fu Y, Zheng Z, Wang X (2016) Regulation of carbon allocation in the responses of soil carbon storage to both drought and irrigation: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 228: 70–81.
71. Shao J, Zhang G, Luo Y, Li B, Dan L, Gao Z, He Y, Meng J, Sun R, Tao F, Zhu W, Zhou X*(2016) Uncertainty analysis of terrestrial net primary productivity and net biome productivity in China during 1901-2005. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences, 121: 1372-1393.
70. Zhou L, Zhou X*, Shao J, Nie Y, He Y, Jiang L, Wu Z, Hosseini S (2016) Interactive effects of global change factors on soil respiration and its components: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 22: 3157–3169.
69. Chen J, Luo Y, Xia Y, Shi Z, Jiang L, Niu S, Zhou X*, Cao J* (2016) Differential responses of ecosystem respiration components to experimental warming in a meadow grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 220 (15): 21-29.
68. Chen J, Luo Y, Xia Y, Jiang L, Zhou X, Lu M, Liang J, Shi Z, Shelton S, Cao J (2015) Stronger warming effects on microbial abundances in colder regions.Scientific Reports, 5:18032, DOI: 10.1038/srep18032.
67. Peng F, Xu M, You Q, Zhou X, Wang T, Xue X (2015) Different responses of soil respiration and its components to experimental warming with contrasting soil water content. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 47, 359–368.
66. Xu X, Shi Z, Li D, Zhou X, Sherry RA, Luo Y (2015) Plantcommunity structure regulates responses of prairie soil respiration to decadal experimental warming. Global Change Biology, 21, 3846–3853.
65. Shao J, Zhou X*, Luo Y, Li B, Aurela M, Billesbach D, Blanken P, Bracho R, Chen J, Fischer M, Fu Y, Gu L, Han S, He Y, Kolb TE, Li Y, Nagy Z, Niu S, Oechel W, Pinter K, Shi P, Suyker A, Torn M, Varlagin A, Wang H, Yan J, Yu G, Zhang J (2015) Biotic and climatic controls on interannual variability in carbon fluxes across terrestrial ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 205: 11-22.
64. Du Z, Nie Y, He Y, Yu G, Wang H,Zhou X*(2015) Complementarity of flux- and biometric-based data to constrain parameters in a terrestrial carbon model. Tellus B67: 24102, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusb.v67.24102,
63. Peng F, You QG, Xu MH, Zhou X, Wang T, Guo J, Xue X. (2015) Effects of experimental warming on soil respiration and its components in an alpine meadow in the permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. European Journal of Soil Science, 66: 145–154.
62. Zhang B, Zhou X*, Zhou L, Ju R (2015) A global synthesis of belowground C responses to biotic disturbance: A meta-analysis. Global Ecology & Biogeography,24: 126–138.
61. Peng F, Xue X, You Q, Zhou X, Wang T (2015) Warming effects on carbon release in a permafrost area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Environmental earth sciences, 73: 57–66.
60. Jia X,Zhou X*,Luo Y, Xu X, Xue K, Yang Y, Xue X, Zhou J (2014) Effects of substrate and microbial community on respiratory carbon release from long-term warming and clipping soil in a tallgrass prairie. PLoS ONE, 9(12): e114203.
59. Ju RT, Gao L, Zhou X, Li B (2014) Physiological responses of Corythucha ciliata adults to high temperatures under laboratory and field conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology, 45: 15-21.
58. Ju RT, Wei HP, Wang F, Zhou X, Li B (2014) Anaerobic respiration and antioxidant responses of Corythucha ciliata(Say) adults to heat-induced oxidative stress under laboratory and field conditions. Cell Stress Chaperones. 19: 255–262.
57. Shao J, Zhou X*,He H, Yu G*, Wang H, Luo Y, Chen J, Gu L, Li B. (2014) Partitioning climatic and biotic effects on interannual variability of ecosystem carbon exchange in three ecosystems.Ecosystems, 17: 1186–1201.
56. Yan Y, Luo Y, Zhou X*,Chen J (2014) Sources of variation in simulated ecosystem carbon storage capacity from the 5th Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). Tellus B, 66, 22568, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusb.v66.22568
55. Zhou L, Zhou X*, Zhang B, Lu M, Luo Y, Liu L, Li B (2014) Different responses of soil respiration and its components to nitrogen addition among biomes: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology,20: 2332–2343.
54. Hu Z, He Z, Huang Z, Fan S, Yu Z, Wang M, Zhou X, Fang C (2014) Effects of harvest residue management on soil carbon and nitrogen processes in a Chinese fir plantation. Forest Ecology and Management, 326: 163-170.
53.Xu X, Luo Y, Shi Z, Zhou X, Li D (2014) Consistent proportional increments in responses of belowground net primary productivity to long-term warming and clipping at various soil depths in a tall-grass prairie. Oecologia, 174(3):1045-1054.
52. Li M, Zhou X, Zhang C, Cheng X (2014) Consequences of afforestation for soil nitrogen dynamics in central China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.183:40-46.
51. Yan L, Luo Y, Bell JE, Sherry RA, Zhou X,Xia J (2014) Rain use efficiency as affected by climate warming and biofuel harvest: Results from a 12-year field experiment. Global Change Biology-Bioenergy,6: 556–565.
50.Zhou X*, Fu Y, Zhou Y, Li B, Luo Y (2013) An imperative need for global change research in tropical forests. Tree Physiology, 33: 903–912.
49. Li D, Zhou X, Wu L, Zhou J, Luo Y (2013) Contrasting responses of heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration to experimental warming in a winter annual-dominated prairie. Global Change Biology, 19(11): 3553-3564.
48. Niu S, Sherry RA, Zhou X,Luo Y (2013) Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes in Response to Warming and Clipping in a Tallgrass Prairie. Ecosystems, 16: 948-961.
47. Wang L, Niu S, Good SP, Soderberg K, McCabe MF, Sherry RA, Luo Y, Zhou X, Xia J, Caylor KK (2013) The effect of warming on grassland evapotranspiration partitioning using laser-based isotope monitoring techniques. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 111: 28-38.
46. Ju RT, Gao L, Zhou X, Li B (2013) Tolerance to high temperature extremes in an invasive Lace Bug, Corythucha ciliata (Hemiptera: Tingidae), in subtropical China. Plos One, 8(1): e54372. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
45. Zhang B*, Cao J, Bai Y,Zhou X*,Ning Z, Yang S, Hu L (2013) Effects of rainfall amount and frequency on vegetation growth in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Climatic Change, 118(2): 197-212
44. Lu M, Zhou X, Yang Q, Li H, Luo Y, Fang C, Chen J, Yang X, Li B (2013) Responses of ecosystem carbon cycle to experimental warming: A meta-analysis. Ecology, 94(3): 726-738.

43. Zhou X*, Zhou T, Luo Y (2012) Uncertainties in carbon residence time and NPP-driven carbon uptake in terrestrial ecosystems of the conterminous USA: a Bayesian approach. Tellus B,64, 17223, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusb.v64i0.17223.
42.Zhou X*,Zhou L (2012) Temperature Sensitivity of Respiratory Processes Vary Across Scales. Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography 2: e109. doi:10.4172/2157-7625.1000e109.
41. Luo YQ, Randerson JT, Abramowitz G, Bacour C, Blyth E, Carvalhais N, Ciais P, Dalmonech D, Fisher J, Fisher R, Friedlingstein P, Hibbard K, Hoffman F, Huntzinger D, Jones CD, Koven C, Lawrence D, Li DJ, Mahecha M, Niu SL, Norby R, Piao SL, Qi X, Peylin P, Prentice IC, Riley W, Reichstein M, Schwalm C, Wang YP, Xia JY, Zaehle S, Zhou X(2013) A Framework for Benchmarking Land Models. Biogeosciences9: 3857–3874.
40. Keel SG, Campbell CD, Hogberg MN, Richter A, WildB, Zhou X, Hurry V, Linder S, Nasholm T, Hogberg P (2012) Allocation of carbon to fine root compounds and their residence times in a boreal forest depend on root size class and season. New Phytologist194: 972–981.
39. Zhou X*,Fei S, Sherry R, Luo Y (2012) Root biomass dynamics under experimental warming and doubled precipitation in a tallgrass prairie. Ecosystems15(4): 542-554.
38. Xu X, Niu S, Sherry RA, Zhou X, Zhou J, Luo Y (2012) Interannual variability in responses of belowground NPP and NPP partitioning to long-term warming and clipping in a tallgrass prairie. Global Change Biology18: 1648–1656.
37. NiuS, Luo Y, Fei S, Yuan E, Schimel D, Ammann C, Arain MA, ..., Zhou X(2012) Mechanisms Underlying Thermal Optimality of Net Ecosystem Exchange of Carbon Dioxide. New Phytologist194: 775–783.
36. Sheik CS, Beasley WH, Elshahed MS, Zhou X, Luo Y, Krumholz LR (2011) Effect of warming and drought on grassland microbial communities. The ISME Journal, 5:1692-1700.
35. Lu M,Zhou X*, Luo Y, Fang C, Chen J, Li B (2011) Minor stimulation of soil carbon storage by nitrogen addition.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 140:234-244.
34. Lu M, Yang Y, Luo Y, Fang C, Zhou X, Cheng J, Yang X, Li B (2011) Responses of ecosystem nitrogen cycle to nitrogen sddition:a meta-analysis. New Phytologist189: 1040-1050.
33. Sherry RA, Zhou X, Gu S, Arnone JA, Johnson DW, Schimel DS, Verburg PSJ, Wallace LL, Luo Y (2011) Changes in duration of reproductive phases and lagged phenological response to experimental climate warming. Plant Ecology & Diversity4(1): 23–35.
32. Xue X, Luo Y, Zhou X, Sherry RA, Jia X (2011) Climate warming increases soil erosion, carbon and nitrogen loss with biofuel feedstock harvest in tallgrass prairie. Global Change Biology-Bioenergy 3: 198-207.
31. Niu S, Zhang Z, Zhou X,Song B, Wan S (2011) Water use efficiency in response to climate change- from leaf to ecosystem in temperate steppe. Global Change Biology17: 1073–1082.

30 Luo Y, Zhou X*,(2010) Deconvolution analysis to quantify autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration and their temperature sensitivities. New Phytologist188: 10-11.
29. Niu S, Sherry RA, Zhou X, Wan S, Luo Y (2010) Nitrogen regulation of the climate-carbon feedback: evidence from a long-term global change experiment.Ecology91(11): 3261-3273.
28. Zhou X*,Luo Y, Verburg PSJ, Arnone III JA, Schimel DS (2010) Concurrent and lagged impacts of an anomalously warm year on components of soil respiration: a deconvolution analysis. New Phytologist187: 184-198.
27. Cheng X, Luo Y, Su B,Zhou X, Niu S, Sherry RA, Weng E, Zhang Q(2010)Experimental warming and clipping altered litter carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a tallgrass prairie. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment138 (3-4): 206-213.
26. Wu X, Luo Y, Weng E, White L, Ma Y,Zhou X(2009) Conditional inversion to estimate parameters from eddy-flux observations. Journal of Plant Ecology2(2): 55-68.
25. Yuan W, Luo Y, Richardson AD, Oren R, Luyssaert S, Janssens IA, Ceulemans R,Zhou X, et al. (2009) Latitudinal patterns of magnitude and interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange regulated by biological and environmental variables. Global Change Biology15: 2905–2920.
24. Luo Y, Sherry RA, Zhou X, Wan S. (2009) Terrestrial carbon-cycle feedback to climate warming: experimental evidence on plant regulation and impacts of biofuel feedstock harvest. GCB: Bioenergy1:62-74.
23. Zhou X*,Talley M, Luo Y (2009) Biomass, litter, and soil respiration along a precipitation gradient in southern Great Plains. Ecosystems12: 1369–1380.
22. Luo Y, Weng E, Wu X, Gao C, Zhou X, Zhang L (2009) Parameter identifiability, constraint, and equifinality in data assimilation with ecosystem Models. Ecological Applications19(3): 571-574.
21. Belay-Tedla A, Zhou X*,Su B, Wan S, Luo Y (2009) Labile, recalcitrant, and microbial pools of carbon and nitrogen in a Tallgrass Prairie soil subjected to experimental warming and clipping. Soil Biology & Biochemistry41: 110-116.
20. Wang T, Wang X, Zhao H, Zhao X, Xue X, Luo Y, Zhou X, Yang B, Ta W, Wu W, Zhou L, Sun Q (2008) Human Causes of Aeolian Desertification in Northern China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions1: 1-10.
19. Luo Y, Clark J, Hobbs T, Lakshmivarahan S, Latimer A, Ogle K, Schimel D, Zhou X(2008) Towards ecological forecasting: applications of data-model fusion techniques. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America98(4): 467-474.
18. Zhou X*,Weng E, Luo Y (2008) Modeling patterns of nonlinearity in ecosystem responses to temperature, CO2, and precipitation changes. Ecological Applications18(2): 453-466.
17. Luo Y, Gerten D, Maire GL, Parton WJ, Weng E, Zhou X,Keough C, Beier C, Ciais P, Cramer W, Dukes JS, Emmett B, Hanson PJ, Knapp A, Linder S, Nepstad D, Rustad L (2008) Modeled interactive effects of precipitation, temperature, and [CO2] on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in different climatic zones.Global Change Biology14: 1986-1999.
16. Liao C, Peng R, Luo Y, Zhou X, Wu X, Fang C, Chen J, Li B (2008) Altered ecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycles by plant invasion: a meta-analysis. New Phytologist177(3): 706-714.
15. Zhou X*, Wan S, Luo Y (2007) Source components and interannual variability of soil CO2efflux under experimental warming and clipping in a grassland ecosystem. Global Change Biology13(4): 761-775.
14. Tjoelker M, Zhou X(2007)The many faces of climate warming. New Phytologist176: 739-742.
13. Liao C, Luo Y, Jiang L,Zhou X,Wu X, Chen J, Li B (2007) Invasion of Spartina alternifloraenhanced ecosystem carbon and nitrogen stocks in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Ecosystems10(8): 1351-1361.
12.Zhou X*,Liu X, Wallace LL, and Luo Y (2007) Photosynthetic and respiratory acclimation to experimental warming for four species in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology49(3): 270-281.
11. Sherry RA, Zhou X, Gu S, Arnone III JA, Schimel DS, Verburg PS, Wallace LL, Luo Y (2007) Divergence of reproductive phenology under climate warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesof USA (PNAS)104(1): 198-202.
10. Zhou X*,Sherry R, An Y, Wallace LL, and Luo Y (2006) Main and interactive effects of warming, clipping, and doubled precipitation on soil CO2efflux in a grassland ecosystem. Global Biogeochemical Cycles20, GB1003, DOI: 10.1029/ 2005GB002526.
9. An Y, Wan S, Zhou X, Subedar AA, Wallace LL, and Luo Y (2005) Plant nitrogen concentration, use efficiency, and contents in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem under experimental warming. Global Change Biology11: 1733-1744
Chinese papers
8. Shen D, He Y, Feng H, Zhou X(2005) Underground unpowered anaerobic reactor for rural domestic sewage treatment. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering21(7): 111-115 (Chinese).
7. Zhou X*Yu Y, Yan S (2002) Mei garden planning of ecological sightseeing type. Contemporary Ecological Culture15(2): 104-106 (Chinese).
6. Zhao L, Ma Y, Zhou X(2002) Effect of organochlorine pesticide residues on agricultural products quality. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture10(3): 126-128 (Chinese).
5. Shen D, Fang C, Zhou X(2002) Study on microbial degradation of bound residues of metsulfuron-methyl in soil. Journal of Pedology39(5): 714-719 (Chinese).
4. Shen D, Fang C, Zhou X(2002) Study on degradation characteristics of a Penicilliumsp. degrading metsulfuron-methyl.Journal of Zhejiang University-Agriculture and Life28(5): 542-546 (Chinese).
3. Shen D, Zhou X(2000) Toxicity influences on wastewater bio-treatment and engineering countermeasures.ChinaBiogas18(1): 3-7 (Chinese).
2. Zhou X*,Shen D, Hu Q (1999) Developing prospects of environmental industry.Hangzhou Science & Technology5: 29-31 (Chinese).
1. Yang Y,Zhou X(1999) Deep chill triggers record ozone hole. World Environment2: 23 (Chinese).



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