

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-15

邓赐平 教授


部门: 心理与认知科学学院
毕业院校: 华东师范大学
学位: 博士
邮编: 200062
电子邮箱: cpdeng@psy.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 华东师范大学中北校区俊秀楼
通讯地址: 上海市普陀区中山北路3663号俊秀楼







?中学生发展指导专项“中学生成长之路:基于发展跟踪评估的学生认知-情绪-动机发展指导” (2015-2018,PI)
?加拿大Alberta大学China Institute资助项目“Roles of PASS processes on children’s reading acquisition and mathematic development across cultures: A longitudinal design”(2011-2014,PI)
?Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)资助项目“Speeding of processing: Links to cognitive processes and reading across cultures”(2010-2012,Co-PI)
?上海市禁毒基金会项目“戒毒者心理状态/心理倾向评估系统及基本参照标准的建设” (2007-2011,PI)
?美国NIMH资助研究项目“Diverse Pathways to Achievement Project: how parents contribute to children’s academic and emotional functioning” (2005-2007,Co-PI)


近期论著:(Since 2011)
Yiji Wang, Xiaolin Ye, Ciping Deng* (2020). Exploring Mechanisms of Rapid Automatized Naming to Arithmetic Skills in Chinese Primary Schoolers. Psychology in the Schools, 57, 556-571. (online DOI: 10.1002/pits.22349)
George K. Georgiou, Wei Wei, Tomohiro Inoue, Ciping Deng (2020).Are the Relations of RAN with Reading and Mathematics Accuracy and Fluency Bidirectional? Evidence From a 5-Year Longitudinal Study with Chinese Children. Journal of Educational Psychology. (online DOI: 10.1037/edu** )
Wenjun Zhang, Chao Yan, David Shum, Ciping Deng* (2020). Responses to academic stress mediate the association between sleep difficulties and depressive/ anxiety symptoms in Chinese adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, vol.263, 89-98. (online DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.11.157)
Xinpei Xu, Gangmin Xu, Ming Liu,Ciping Deng* (2020). Influence of parental academic involvement on the achievement goal orientations of high school students in China: A latent growth model study.British Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 700-718. (online DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12326).
Xinpei Xu, David Yun Dai, Ming Liu, Ciping Deng* (2020). Parental psychological control and academic functioning in Chinese high school students: A short-term longitudinal study. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38, 90-107. (online DOI: 10.1111/bjdp.12308).
George Georgiou,Wei Wei, Tomohiro Inoue,J. P. Das,Ciping Deng*. (2020). Cultural influences on the relation between executive functions and academic achievement. Reading and Writing, 33, 991-1013. (online DOI: 10.1007/s11145-019-09961-8)
Florrie Fei-Yin Ng, Eva M. Pomerantz, Shuifong Lam, Ciping Deng. (2019). The role of mother’s child-based worth in their affective responses to children’s performance. Child Development, 90(1), e165-e181.
Wei Wei, Liyue Guo, George Georgiou, Athanasios Tavouktsoglou, Ciping Deng*. (2018). DifferentSubcomponents of Executive Functioning Predict Different GrowthParameters in Mathematics: Evidence from A 4-year Longitudinal Studywith Chinese Children. Frontiers in Psychology (the research topic: Individual Differences in Arithmetical Development), 9: 1037 (DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01037)
Timothy C. Papadopoulos, George Georgiou, Ciping Deng, Jagannath P. Das. (2018). The structure of speed of processing across language. Advances in Cognitive Psychology14(3), 112-125
Yiyang Le, Junsheng Liu, Ciping Deng*, Yun Dai. (2018). Heart rate variability reflects the effects of emotional design principle on mental effort in multimedia learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 89, 41-47
Chao Yan, Hui Zhou, Wei Wei, Yiji Wang, Lixian Cui, Raymond Chan, Ciping Deng*. (2018). Developmental trajectories of attention in typically developing Chinese children: A four-wave longitudinal study. Developmental Neuropsychology, 43(6), 479-496.
Xinpei Xu, Yun Dai, Ming Liu, Ciping Deng*. (2018). Relations between Parenting and Adolescents’ Academic Functioning: The Mediating Role of Achievement Goal Orientations. Frontiers in Education – Educational Psychology, 3:1. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2018.00001
Angeliki Altani, George K. Georgiou, Ciping Deng, Jeung-Ryeul Cho, Katerina Katopodi, Wei Wei, Athanassios Protopapas. (2017). Is processing of symbols and words influenced by writing system? Evidence from Chinese, Korean, English, and Greek. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 164, 117-135.
Yiji Wang, Ciping Deng, Xiangdong Yang. (2016). Family economic status and parental involvement: Influences of parental expectation and perceived barriers. School Psychology International. 37(5), 536-553.
Wei Wei, George K. Georgiou, Ciping Deng. (2015) Examining the Cross-Lagged Relationships Between RAN and Word Reading in Chinese. Scientific Studies of Reading, in press.
Ciping Deng, Gintautas Silinskas, Wei Wei, George K. Georgiou. (2015). Cross-lagged relationships between home learning environment and academic achievement in Chinese. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 33(1),12–20.
Chen-Huei Liao, Ciping Deng, Jessica Hamilton, Shuk Ching Lee, Wei Wei, George K. Georgiou. (2015). A Comprehensive Examination of the Role of Rapid Naming in Reading Development and Dyslexia in Chinese. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 130, 106-122.
Yang Qu, Eva M.Pomerantz, Ciping Deng. (2014). Mothers’ Goals for Adolescents in the United States and China: Content and Transmission. Journal of Research on Adolescence. (Article first published online: 9 OCT, DOI: 10.1111/jora.12176)
Ciping Deng, George K. Georgiou.(2014). Establishing Measurement Invariance of PASS across Cultures. In Papadopoulos, Parilla, & Kirby (Eds). Cognition, Intelligence, and Achievement, (pp.137-148). Elsevier Press.
Florrie Fei-Yin Ng, Eva M.Pomerantz, Ciping Deng.(2014).Why are Chinese parents more psychologically controlling than American parents?My child is my report card. Child Development, 85(1), 355-369.
Dan Cai, Qiwei Li, Ciping Deng. (2013). Cognitive processing characteristics of 6th to 8th grade Chinese students with mathematics learning disability: Relationships among working memory, PASSprocesses, and processing speed. Learning and Individual Differences, 27, 120–127.
Ciping Deng, Ming Liu, Wei Wei, RCK Chan, J.P.Das. (2011). Latent Factor Structure of the Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis in a Chinese Setting. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 1988–1997.
邓赐平.(2020). 皮亚杰发生认识论视角下的儿童思维与智慧发展. 心理研究,13(4), 291-311.
郭丽月, 严超, 邓赐平*. (2018). 数学能力的改善: 针对工作记忆训练的元分析.心理科学进展, 26(9), 1576-1589.
魏威, 邓赐平*, 李其维. (2018). 学龄早期词语阅读习得对阅读理解能力的预测作用: 初始水平和发展速率的贡献. 心理科学,41(3),559-564.
魏威, 邓赐平*, 周珲. (2018). 儿童中期计划能力和注意能力的关系: 一项交叉滞后研究. 心理科学,41(1), 57-63.
邓赐平.(2013).城市普通高中学生的学业动机与学习兴趣调查. 载于《中国高中阶段教育发展报告(2013年度)》,华东师大出版社.
邓赐平.(2013).资优研究的沿革与发展:心理学的视角. 载于《国际视野中的资优教育》,华东师大出版社.
张结海,邓赐平.(2013).后悔内容的影响因素研究: 基于中美的初步比较.心理科学,36(4),1223-1229.
张结海,Bonnefon,JF,邓赐平.(2011).“值”在中国人的假设思维中的角色. 心理学报, 43(1),1-10.



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