

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-01-15

顾小清 主任


部门: 教育学部
学位: 博士
联系电话: **
电子邮箱: xqgu@ses.ecnu.edu.cn
办公地址: 文科大楼801室
通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号




Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning (IJSmartTL)
Internantional Advisory Board Member, British Journal of Educational Technology(BJET)
Board member, International Journal of Computer supported collaborative learning(IJCSCL)
Board member? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL)
Board member? The Internet and Higher Education (link)
Board member? Educational Technology Research and Development(ETR&D)
Associate Editor? Journal of Education and Learning
Reviewer? Journal of Educational Technology & Society,etc.
2010-至今 中国教育学会青年理论者分会理事
2009-至今 学习、教育和培训信息技术国际标准化组织(ISO-IEC JTC1 SC36)中国专家组成员




Publication International:

Cai,H., Gu*, X. (2019). Supporting collaborative learning using adiagram-based visible thinking tool based on cognitive load theory. British Journal of Educational Technology. doi:10.1111/bjet.12818
Gu, X., Crook, C., & Spector.,M. J. (2019). Facilitating innovation with technology: Key actors ineducational ecosystems. British Journal ofEducational Technology. 50 (3). 1118-1124
Crook, C., & Gu, X. (2019). How new technology is addressed by researchers inEducational Studies: Approaches from high-performing universities in China andthe UK. British Journal of Educational Technology. 50 (3). 1173-1118
Li, X., Wang, F., & Gu*, X. (2019). Understanding the roles of ICT enterprises in promotingthe ICT industry ecosystem in education: Case studies from China. BritishJournal of Educational Technology.
Zheng, L., Gu*, X. (2019). Understanding the process of teachers’ technology adoptionwith a dynamic analytical model. Interactive Learning Environments. 27(5-6):726-739
Wang, C. & Gu*, X. (accepted). Influence of adolescents’ peerrelationships and social media on academic identity. Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
Liu, Y., Gu*, X. (2019). Mediamultitasking, attention, and comprehension: A deep investigation intofragmented reading. Educational Technology Research and Development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-019-09667-2
Gu*, X. & Cai, H. (2019). How a semantic diagram tool influences transaction costsduring collaborative problem solving. Journal of computer assisted learning.2019;35:23–33(link)
Gu*, X., Xu, H. (2019).Missing Piece in Understanding Student Learning, Journal of Educational Computing Research (JEC).57(2): 320-342.(Link)
Shu,H.,Gu*, X (2018).Determining the differences between online and face-to-face student–group interactions in a blended learning course.The Internet and Higher Education.39(10).13-21 (Link).
Tiruneha,D. T.Gu, X.,De Cockc,M. &Elend,J. (2018).Systematic design of domain-specific instruction on near and far transfer of critical thinking skills.International Journal of Educational Research.87(1).1-11.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2017.10.005
Cai, H.,Gu*, X., Wong, L. (2017).An investigation of 21st century learners'competencies in China.Asia Pacific Education Review.18(4).475-487.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-017-9509-2

Chen, W., Gu*, X., Wong, L. (2017). To Click orNot to Click: Effectiveness of Rating Classroom Behaviors on AcademicAchievement Using iPad. British Journal of Educational Technology.DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12593
Hu, Y., Wu, B.,Gu*, X. (2017). An eye tracking study of high and low performing students in solvinginteractive and analytical problems. Journal of Educational Technology &Society.20(4). 300-311.
Quan, G. & Gu*,X. (2017). Visualization Forms in the Cross-cultural CollaborativeActivities of Design and Development of a Digital Resource for Education.Journal of Educational Computing Research. (SSCI).DOI: 10.1177/8336
Gu*, X., Wang, H., Mason, J. (2017). Are They Thinking Differently:A Cross-Cultural Study on the Relationship of Thinking Styles and EmergingRoles in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. 20(1). 13-24.
Hu, Y., Wu, B.,Gu*, X. (2017). Learning analysis of K-12 students’ online problem solving:A three-stage assessment. InteractiveLearning Environments. 25(2). 262-279 (SSCI)
Gu*, X., Xu, X., Wang, H., & Crook, C.(2017). Design possibilities forthe e-Schoolbag: addressing the 1:1 challenge within China. British Journal ofEducational Technology. 48(2).571-585(SSCI) doi:10.1111/bjet.12434
Xu, Z. Gu*,X. (2017). Equipping novice teachers with a learning map to enhanceteaching practice. Interactive LearningEnvironments.
Cai, H., Lin, L., Gu*,X. (2016). Using asemantic diagram to structure a collaborative problem solvingprocess in the classroom. EducationalTechnology Research & Development. 64(6):1207-1225
Wu, B., Hu, Y., Gu,X., & Lim (2016). Professional Development of New Higher Education TeachersWith Information and Communication Technology in Shanghai:A Kirkpatrick’sEvaluation Approach. Education &Educational Research. 54(4). 531 - 562
Gu*, X., Wu, B., & Xu, X. (2015). Design, development, andlearning in e-Textbooks: what we learned and where we are going. Journal of Computers in Education. 1(2),25-41
Gu*, X., Chen, S., Zhu, W., Lin, L. (2015) An intervention frameworkdesigned to develop the collaborative problem-solving skills of primary schoolstudents. Educational Technology Research& Development. 63(1), 143-159
Gu*, X, Shao, Y. Guo, X & Lim, C. (2015) Designing a rolestructure to engage students in computer-supported collaborative learning. The Internet and Higher Education. 24.13–20
Gu*, X., Chen, S., Zhu, W., Lin, L. (2014) An intervention frameworkdesigned to develop the collaborative problem-solving skills of primary schoolstudents. Educational Technology Research& Development. 63(1):143-159.
Gu*? X.? Zhu? Y.? & Guo? X. (2013).Meeting the “Digital Natives”:Understanding the Acceptance of Technology in Classrooms. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 392-402
Gu*, X., Gu, F., Laffey, M. J. (2011) Designing a mobile system forlifelong learning on the move. Journal ofComputer Assisted Learning, 27 (3). 204-215
Gu*, X., Zha, C., Li, S., Laffey, M. J. (2011) Design, Sharing and Co-constructionof learning resources: A case of lifelong learning communities in Shanghai.Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27 (2). 204-220
Gu*, X., Ding, R., Fu, S. (2011) Improving accessibility for seniors in aLife-long Learning Network: a usability study of learning websites.International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 2.
Zhu, Z. & Gu, X. (2011) ICT in Chinese Schools: Striving for EducationalQuality and Equality. EducationalTechnology: Magzine for Managers of Change in Education. 51. 32-37
Gu, X. Zhang, B. Lin, X. & Song, X.(2009) Evaluating online solutions for experiential support of distancelearning by teachers in China, Journal ofComputer Assisted Learning, 25(2). 114-125
Ding, X., Gu, X., & Zhu, Z. (2005). The Chinese Approach, in McIntosh,C. & Varoglu, Z. (Ed.) Perspectiveson Distance Education: Lifelong Learning and Distance Higher Education,63-78. UNESCO Publishing, Paris
Zhu, Z., Gu, X., & Wang, Q.(2003) A Panorama of Online Education inChina, Second Author, EducationalTechnology, 43(3), 23-27

Internatioal Coferences:
Fu, G., Gu,. X.*(2015).Analysis of how the students’ behaviorsin doing homework relate to their learning performance.Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Hangzhou: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Leng, J.,Dalte, O., & Gu, X.(2015).Analyzing the onlinediscourse data in a collaborative learning environment via a Q&A discussionforum.Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Hangzhou: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Chen, J., Leng, J., Xu, X. & Gu, X. * (2014). Analysis on Students’ Acceptance of Digital Reading in Ubiquitous Cooperative Inquiry-based Learning Environment. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Jiang, B., Xiao, J., Leng, J. & Gu, X. * (2014). The Research of China’s Policies and Practices of Life-long Learning in U-learning Environment. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Zhang, R., Leng, J., Gu, X.*, FU, G. & Wang, H. (2014). Building an Online Collaborative Learning Community in Ubiquitous Learning Environment. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Luo, J., Sun, M., Wu, B. & Gu, X. * (2014). Exploring the Effectiveness of a Flipped Classroom Based on Control-Value Theory: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Wang, H., Leng, J & Gu, X.* (2014). Phonic Social Network Software Scaffolds Language Learning in Ubiquitous Learning Environment. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
Gu, X., * & Zhu, W. (2014). Going big, going small: pedagogical design of e-Textbook. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, April 3-April 7, 2014, Philadelphia, US.
Xu, Z & Gu, X. * (2014). Equipping non-expert teachers with a learning map as a semantic design language to enhance teaching practice. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, April 3-April 7, 2014, Philadelphia, US.
Wu, B., Cai, H., & Gu, X. (2014). The effect of visualization-based learning environment on student expertise development – A quasi-experimental study. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, April 3-April 7, 2014, Philadelphia, US.
Yu, X.,. & Gu, X. (2014). Building a model to capture and analyze streams of learning activity. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, April 3-April 7, 2014, Philadelphia, US.
Hu, Y. & Gu, X. * (2014). Study on the Analysis of Students’ Online behavior in China. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, April 3-April 7, 2014, Philadelphia, US.
Cai, H., Wu, B. & Gu, X.* (2013). Collaborative Problem-Solving Learning Supported by Semantic Diagram Tool: From the View of Technology Orchestrated into Learning Activity. In Wong, L.-H. et al. (Eds.) (2013). Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education. Indonesia: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.
Gu, X. (2009) Post Peer-Coaching: Package of Pre-Service Teacher Training in ECNU. Presentation at the 4th Deans Forum of the Next Gen Project, UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, Bangkok, Thailand
Gu, X. (2006) Preparing K12 Teachers for e-Education in China: Some Practical Cases. Sino-US Forum on Educational Technology, Guangzhou, China
Gu, X. (2005) National Training Programme for Teacher Educators on ICT-Pedagogy Integration. UNESCO ICT-integrated pedagogy workshop, Beijing, China
Gu, X. (2005) Teachers’ e-Education in China: Towards a Lifelong Learning Framework for Teacher Professional Development. International Forum on Teacher Education Shanghai, China
Gu, X.. (2002) Reflect upon evaluating network-based learning systems, Proceedings of the 6th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Volume 2
顾小清;权国龙; 王华文;陈婧雅(2014)图示工具在协作学习中的应用——基于中美学生协作学习项目的研究。开放教育研究.64-71
顾小清;郑隆威;简菁(2014)获取教育大数据:基于xAPI规范对学习经历数据的获取与共享. 现代远程教育研究. 5.13-23
顾小清;蔡慧英;王华文(2014)促进实践与政策创新的教育研究力量——美国2014AERA年会述评. 远程教育杂志.5:3-16
吴忭;顾小清(2014)图示化学习工具促进知能发展的学习行为模式分析. 开放教育研究.20(5):59-65
顾小清(2014). 技术丰富环境下的教师专业发展策略研究.教育信息技术.7-8.4-8
许哲; 顾小清(2014). 电子课本国际标准的发展与追踪调研.现代远程教育研究. 1.62-71
顾小清; 张茹(2014) 电子课本的创新应用:来自国际项目的经验. 现代远程教育研究. 1.55-61
胡艺龄; 顾小清; 赵春(2014) 在线学习行为分析建模及挖掘. 开放教育研究.20(2). 102-110
顾小清; 权国龙(2014) 以语义图示实现可视化知识表征与建模的研究综述.电化教育研究. 5. 45-52
胡艺龄; 陈婧雅; 顾小清; 吴忭(2014) MOOCs在教育均衡中的挑战及应对策略. 中国电化教育.102-110
蔡慧英; 陈婧雅; 顾小清(2014) 支持可视化学习过程的学习技术研究. 中国电化教育.12.27-33
吴忭; 顾小清(2014) 通向有效的教学方法和教学设计的途径——访国际知名教育心理学教授保尔·科士纳. 开放教育研究. 19(5).4-11
信息技术与课程整合教程. 华东师大出版社? 2008
网络课件设计师. 中国劳动社会保障出版社? 2008
D.H. 乔纳森著. 顾小清译 用于概念转变的思维工具:技术支持的思维建模. 华东师大出版社?2008
James D. Klein? J. Michael Spector? Barbara Grabowski? Ileana de la Teja著. 顾小清译. 教师能力标准——面对面、在线及混和情境下的综合要求. 华东师范大学出版社? 2007
教育技术培训教程(教学人员版. 中级)北京师范大学出版社 2007
面向信息化的教师专业发展——行动学习的实践视角.教育科学出版社? 2006
主题学习设计:信息技术与课程整合的实用模式. 教育科学出版社? 2005
教育技术培训教程(教学人员版. 初级)北京师范大学出版社 2005
[美]盖瑞 R?莫里森著. 计算机技术与课堂教学的整合. 中国轻工业出版社? 2005



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