

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-01

导师类别 博、硕导
性 别 男
出生年月 1981年10月
通讯地址 四川省绵阳市涪城区青龙大道中段59号
Email renyong@swust.edu.cn

任勇,男,理学博士(凝聚态物理),研究员,硕、博士研究生导师,1981年生,四川泸州人。2010年博士毕业于兰州大学,中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所博士后,2010年起在西南科技大学 环境友好能源材料国家重点实验室从事专职科研工作。主要研究方向为低维磁性材料研制与应用,微纳米加工技术与中子反射技术。主持了包括国家自然基金委面上项目、青年基金项目、中国博士后基金、四川省博士后特别资助项目以及国防军工单位委托项目在内的各类项目二十余项。取得主要创新成果和掌握的关键技术如下:1,掌握了传统硬磁材料的软磁化方法和机理,获得在较宽频段内对电磁波反射损耗优于30 dB;2,揭示了具有形状各向异性磁性纳米薄膜共振频率调控机制,获得了1-10.6 GHz的大范围调节;3,掌握了微纳米加工技术与中子反射技术,具备了微器件和图形的加工能力和用中子反射技术研究纳米薄膜微观结构的能力。目前已在Physical Review Applied,Electrochimica Acta,Scientific Reports, Nonotechnology, Materials Letters, Journal of Materials Science, Applied Surface Science以及Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics等高水平学术杂志发表论文五十余篇,H因子12。

副教授, 研究员,西南科技大学 环境友好能源材料国家重点实验室




1. 微加工技术与中子反射技术
2. 低维磁性材料的高频电磁特性:电磁波吸收、屏蔽
3. 磁学和磁性材料

7、国家自然基金面上项目 具有不同各向异性的磁性纳米薄膜的极化中子反射研究 2018-2021 64 万
6、横向项目爆炸桥箔研制 2015-201739.1 万
4、四川省博士后科研计划特别资助 中子反射研究交换偏置膜微观磁矩分布及其动态磁特性2016-20178万
3、专职科研创新团队建设基金(校内项目)电磁薄膜材料及器件2015-2018 20万
2、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 动态超顺磁仿生纤毛系统的研究2014-2016 28万
1、西南科技大学博士研究基金项目FeCo纳米薄膜制备及其吸波性能研究 2010-20136万。
1、 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)碳化细菌纤维素/磁性材料复合吸波剂制备及性能研究经费68万 第一主研
2、 横向项目 ***研究经费45万 第一主研
3、 横向项目传感器敏感体薄膜制备技术开发经费18万 第一主研
5、基于超顺磁磁性纳米颗粒的动态超疏水自洁表面 国家人社部(10万)第一主研

[49] Rui Zhou, Yan Zhang, Hao Zhu, Min Mao, Juan Shen, Bo Dai, Yong Ren*, Tunable resonance frequency of wavelike FeNi nanofilm using a double-layer structure. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 484 (2019)159-163.
[48] Yan Zhang, Jun Li, Bo Dai, Jing Ni, Yong Ren, Shijie Tan, Electric field control of non-volatile dynamic magnetic properties of [NiFe/FeMn](N) multilayers grown onto PMN-PT substrate. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 7262–7267.
[47] Yong Ren, Jun Zhou, Xinxin Zhu, Jiangxia Fan, Yan Zhang, Hao Zhu, Rui Zhou, Bo Dai. Effect of corrosion methods on morphology of superparamagnetic and flexible iron oxide nanobrushes. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 462 (2018) 216-219.
[46] Zhang, Y, Dai, B , Li, J, Zhou, R, Zhu, H, Zhu, XX, Li, XX, Ren, JK, Ren, Y*, Gap-dependent magnetic anisotropy and high-frequency property of micro-patterned NiFe film. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29 (2018) 9531-9536.
[45] J. Fan, X. Zhu, K. Wang, X. Chen, X. Wang, M. Yan, Y. Ren*, Facile Fabrication of Ordered Anodized Aluminum Oxide Membranes with Controlled Pore Size by Improved Hard Anodization. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 18 (2018) 3666-3672.
[44] Jun Li, Yubo Wang, Bo Dai, Yong Ren, Zhen Wang, Shijie Tan, Jing Ni, Measurement of exchange anisotropy in NiFe/FeMn bilayers using different methods, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28 (2017) 15313-15318.
[43] X. Tu, H. Zheng, G. Sun, J. Gong, Y. Ren, L. Liu, P. Gao, W. Wang, and H. Yan, Pickup coil optimization for polarized 3He system. Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2017) 132: 308.
[42] 朱昊,张燕,朱欣欣,钟佳利,徐涵,代波,任勇*,软磁化BaM 的高频电磁波吸收性能,精细化工,34(2017)1208-1212.
[41] Xinxin Zhu, Jiangxia Fan, Yan Zhang, Hao Zhu, Bo Dai, Minhao Yan, Yong Ren*, Preparationofsuperparamagneticandflexibleγ-Fe2O3nanowirearraysinAAOtemplate, Journal of Materials Science 52 (2017) 12717-12723.
[40] Yan Zhang, Bo Dai, Jun Li, Hao Zhu, Xinxin Zhu, Xinxi Li, Jiankun Ren, Yong Ren*, Break the acher's limit: improve both resonance frequency and initial permeability in patterned FeNi strip film, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 725 (2017) 598-605.
[39] Jiafeng Feng, H. F. Liu, H. X. Wei, X.-G. Zhang, Yong Ren, Xinxi Li, Yan Wang, J. P. Wang, and X. F. Han, Giant Perpendicular Exchange Bias in a Subnanometer Inverted (Co/Pt)n/Co/IrMn Structure, Physical Review Applied 7 (2017) 054005.
[38] X. Tu, G. Sun, J. Gong, L. Liu, Y. Ren, P. Gao, W. Wang, and H. Yan, Rotational Effects of Nanoparticles for Cooling down Ultracold Neutrons. Scientific reports 7 (2017) 44070.
[37] H.L. Li, M.J. Henderson, K.Z. Wang, X.G. Tuo, Y.C. Leng, K. Xiong, Y.L. Liu, Y. Ren, J. Courtois, and M.H. Yan, Colloidal assembly of magnetic nanoparticles and polyelectrolytes by arrested electrostatic interaction. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 514 (2017) 107-116.
[36] Yong Ren, Haiyang Yan, Xinxi, Li, Shiya Lv, Hao Zhu, Guangai Sun, Shuming Peng, Enhanced saturation magnetization and microwave absorption magnetic properties of Mn-Co-Zr substituted BaM ferrite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 693 (2017) 1257-1260.
[35] Yong Ren, Xinxi Li, Yan Wang, Jiankun Ren, Yan Zhang, Bo Dai, Haiyang Yan, Guangai Sun, Shuming Peng, Patterned FeNi soft magnetic strips film with tunable resonance frequency from 1 to 10.6 GHz, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 31773.
[33] H. L. He, X. W. Zhang, Z. P. Wang, B. Dai, Y. Ren, Effects of magnetic barriers on transport and magnetoresistance in a twodimensional electronic device, AIP Advances, 6 (2016) 055122.
[32] 范江侠,朱欣欣,陈晓远,晏敏皓,任勇*,超顺磁性γ-Fe2 O3纳米线的制备,精细化工,33(2016)731-735转752。
[31] 邱林俊,胡云钦,李东,魏贤华,代波,任勇,基于电能的桥箔爆炸FIRESET模型修正, 火工品, 292(2016)645-649。
[30] Y. Wang, B. Dai, B. Huang, Y. Ren, J. Xu, Z. Wang, S. Tan, and J. Ni, Static and dynamic magnetic properties in exchange-biased NiFe/FeMn multilayers. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27 (2016) 3778-3784.
[29] J. Xu, B. Dai, Y. Ren, Y.B. Wang, and X.H. Huang, Electromagnetic and microwave properties of NiFe/NiFeO multilayer thin films. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 26 (2015) 2931-2936.
[28] Y. Ren, L. Qu, J. Fan, B. Dai, and J. Wang, A Way of Tailoring Magnetic Anisotropy of Co Nanowire Arrays: Magnetic Field Annealing. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15 (2015) 4500-4503.
[27] Y. Ren, B. Dai, G. Wang, X. Zhang, P. Zhu, and S. Li, Preparation and Microwave Absorption Properties of Novel Carbon Nanofiber/Fe3O4 Composites. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 15 (2015) 2845-2849.
[26] L. Qu, J.X. Fan, Y. Ren, K. Xiong, M.H. Yan, X.G. Tuo, P. Terech, and G. Royal, Homo- and heterodinuclear coordination polymers based on a tritopic cyclam bis-terpyridine unit: Structure and rheological properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics 153 (2015) 54-62.
[25] X.H. Huang, B. Dai, Y. Ren, J. Xu, and C.Y. Zhao, Controllable synthesis and electromagnetic interference shielding properties of magnetic CoNi alloy nanoparticles coated on biocarbon nanofibers. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 26 (2015) 2584-2588.
[24] X. Huang, B. Dai, Y. Ren, J. Xu, and P. Zhu, Preparation and Study of Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Materials Comprised of Ni-Co Coated on Web-Like Biocarbon Nanofibers via Electroless Deposition. Journal of Nanomaterials 2015 (2015) 320306.
[23] M.H. Yan, L. Qu, J.X. Fan, and Y. Ren, Electrostatic complexation of polyelectrolyte and magnetic nanoparticles: from wild clustering to controllable magnetic wires. Nanoscale Research Letters 9 (2014) 198.
[22] Y. Ren, S. LV, and G. XU, Fabrication and magnetic properties studies of BaMn0.5Co0.5Zr1Fe10O19 ceramics. 功能材料 45 (2014) 11056-11060.
[21] Y. Ren, S. Li, B. Dai, and X. Huang, Microwave absorption properties of cobalt ferrite-modified carbonized bacterial cellulose. Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 1-4.
[20] 朱佩,代波,任勇,王改花,碳化细菌纤维素的电磁屏蔽效能,功能材料,44(2013)2367-2371.
[19] 李诗瑢,任勇,王改花,吕世雅,代波,锌掺杂钴铁氧体:硬磁-软磁,功能材料,44(2013)345-348.
[18] P. Zhu, B. Dai, Y. Ren, and L.Y. Xu, The electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of carbonized bacterial cellulose coated with nickel by electroless plating. in: S. Li, W. Li, and J. Li, (Eds.), Advanced Materials and Processes Iii, Pts 1 and 2, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Stafa-Zurich, 2013, pp. 88-95.
[17] G.H. Wang, B. Dai, Y.J. Ma, and Y. Ren, Electromagnetic Properties of Novel Carbon Nanofibers. 无机材料学报 28 (2013) 398-402.
[16] Y. Ren, S. Lv, G. Xu, and S. Li, Fabrication and magnetic properties studies of BaNix/2Cox/2ZrxFe12-2xO19 nanoparticles. 功能材料 44 (2013) 3481-3485.
[15] S.B. Ni, X.H. Lv, T. Li, X.L. Yang, L.L. Zhang, and Y. Ren, A novel electrochemical activation effect induced morphology variation from massif-like CuxO to forest-like Cu2O nanostructure and the excellent electrochemical performance as anode for Li-ion battery. Electrochimica Acta 96 (2013) 253-260.
[14] B. Dai, Y. Ren, G.H. Wang, Y.J. Ma, P. Zhu, and S.R. Li, Microstructure and dielectric properties of biocarbon nanofiber composites. Nanoscale Research Letters 8 (2013) 293.
[13] 吕世雅,任勇,徐光亮,李诗瑢,掺杂M型钡铁氧体纳米粉体的制备与软磁化研究,人工晶体学报, 41 (2012) 1070-1075.
[12] Y. Ren, S. Li, X. Zhang, G. Wang, and B. Dai, Magnetic properties of HCP cobalt nanowire arrays with (002) texture. 西南科技大学学报 27 (2012) 1-3.
[11] Y.Y. Dai, Y. Ren, Y. Xu, Q.F. Liu, and J.B. Wang, A Novel Fabrication Method of Magnetic Co/Ni0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 Coaxial Nanocables. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (2012) 2472-2476.
[10] B. Dai, X.P. Shao, Y. Ren, G.H. Wang, C.H. Pei, and Y.J. Ma, Electromagnetic performances of composites with promising carbons derived from bacterial cellulose. Materials Letters 82 (2012) 188-190.
[9] Y. Ren, J. Wang, Q. Liu, Y. Dai, B. Zhang, and L. Yan, Tailoring coercivity and magnetic anisotropy of Co nanowire arrays by microstructure. Journal of Materials Science 46 (2011) 7545-7550.
[8] L.G. Yan, J.B. Wang, X.H. Han, Y. Ren, Q.F. Liu, and F.S. Li, Enhanced microwave absorption of Fe nanoflakes after coating with SiO2 nanoshell. Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 095708.
[7] Y. Ren, Y. Dai, B. Zhang, Q. Liu, D. Xue, and J. Wang, Tunable Magnetic Properties of Heterogeneous Nanobrush: From Nanowire to Nanofilm. Nanoscale Research Letters 5 (2010) 853-858.
[6] J. Wang, B. Zhang, Q. Liu, Y. Ren, and R. Liu, Micromagnetic calculation of dynamic susceptibility in ferromagnetic nanorings. Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 083908-5.
[5] Y. Ren, J. Wang, Q. Liu, B. Zhang, X. Han, and D. Xue, Abnormal coercivity dependence on the diameter of Co nanowires in anodic aluminium oxide templates. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 42 (2009) 105002.
[4] X.H. Han, Q.F. Liu, J.B. Wang, S.L. Li, Y. Ren, R.L. Liu, and F.S. Li, Influence of crystal orientation on magnetic properties of hcp Co nanowire arrays. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 42 (2009) 095005.
[3] Y. Ren, J. Wang, Q. Liu, X. Han, and D. Xue, The effect of substrate on magnetic properties of Co/Cu multilayer nanowire arrays. Chinese Physics B 18 (2009) 3573-3576.
[2] Y. Ren, Q. Liu, J. Wang, H. Wang, and D. Xue, Large-scale synthesis of single-crystal alpha manganese sesquioxide nanowires via solid-state reaction. Materials Letters 63 (2009) 661-663.
[1] Y. Ren, Q. Liu, S. Li, J. Wang, and X. Han, The effect of structure on magnetic properties of Co nanowire arrays. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 226-230.






1. 磁性纳米功能材料:基于氧化铝模板进行的纳米组装及其器件研究。
2. 微纳米加工技术:基于磁控溅射生长的纳米薄膜,采用紫外光刻机按需研制各种结构和器件。
3. 高频电磁材料:G Hz频段应用的纳米颗粒、纳米颗粒与碳化细菌纤维素复合物、磁性金属薄膜等材料的研制和性能调控研究。
4. 中子反射技术:基于中子反射与极化中子反射研究磁性纳米薄膜中的基本物理问题、以及微磁结构与其宏观功能间关系。
