王钊 邮箱:zhaowang@uestc.edu.cn
2008-2013 Case Western Reserve University(美国),生物医学工程专业,博士学位
2006-2008 西安交通大学,生物医学工程专业,硕士学位
2002-2006 西安交通大学,生物医学工程专业,学士学位
2018.07-至今 电子科技大学,教授
2013-2017 麻省理工学院(美国),博士后
光学相干断层成像技术(Optical Coherence Tomography, OCT)是一种基于近红外光干涉原理的生物医学三维断层成像技术,一般具有毫米级别的测量深度和微米级别的分辨率,100KHz-上兆Hz的成像速度,灵敏度高,已成为眼科领域诊断的金标(图1A-D),全球临床累计使用超过1亿次。
图1:光学相干断层成像技术。(A-D)微米分辨率三维断层健康人眼视网膜活体成像,标尺为1mm。(E)宏观范围立方米级成像,假人大小与正常成年人类似。(F)三维物体成像与重建。参考文献:Z. Wang et al, " Optica 3, 1496-1503 (2016)
图2:微型内窥成像技术。(左上)可吞服式系绳胶囊活体病人成像,标尺为1mm。(右上)基于微电机可扩张式气球探头所得的口腔黏膜血管造影成像。(下)基于微电机探头的活体食道成像。参考文献:K. Liang*, Z. Wang* et al, Optica 1(5) (2018), H.C. Lee et al, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, (2017), H.C. Lee et al, Biomed. Opt. Express 7(8), (2016), K. Liang et al. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 111, 1664 (2016), Z. Wang et al. Biomed. Opt. Express, 6(7), (2015)
图3:人工智能和医学图像处理技术。(A)冠状动脉纤维帽板块自动量化和三维显示。(B)代表性实验室重点研发的算法:基于Graph的图像分割算法以及深度学习网络。(C)动脉粥样化斑块侵蚀的自动识别。(D)血管支架的自动检测。(E)白内障手术导航和图像自动追踪。参考文献: L. Xing et al, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 69(20) (2017), Z. Wang et al, Coronary artery disease (2016). Z. Wang et al, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging. 34(7) (2015), Z. Wang et al, Circ. Cardiovasc. Imaging (2014), Z. Wang et al, Biomed. Opt. Express. 3(6), 1413-1426 (2012)
太赫兹频段泛指300GHz-3THz(或 100微米-1毫米)的电子波,介于近红外光与微波之间。太赫兹成像技术有很多独特的特性。相比近红外光,太赫兹波对很多材料具备更强的穿透力,特别是对于非导电材料,且没有X光一样的辐射;相比微波成像,太赫兹成像具备更高的分辨率,且对很多材料和生物大分子等具备光谱“Fingerprint”特性,因此在安全检测、疾病诊断、材料科学、质量控制等领域有极大的应用前景。目前,相比微波和光学成像技术,太赫兹成像技术还远不成熟,因此具有广阔的探索范围和产生新的技术突破的潜力。我们的研究兴趣是研发太赫兹相干断层成像技术以及太赫兹和光学成像的交叉与结合。
Invited Book Chapters
1. Z. Wang, D.L. Wilson, H.G. Bezerra and A.M. Rollins, “Image processing in intravascular OCT”. In W. Drexler and J.G. Fujimoto: Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and Applications. Springer, (2015)
2. Z. Wang, “Exploring the Physics Behind Optical Coherence Tomography”, in Barlis, Jang, Serruys: Coronary Optical Coherence Tomography: A Clinical Guide, Springer, to appear in 2018
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
1. Z. Wang, H.C. Lee, O.O. Ahsen, K. Liang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, J. Fujimoto, and H. Mashimo, “Computer-Aided Analysis of Gland-Like Subsurface Hyposcattering Structures in Barrett’s Esophagus Using Optical Coherence Tomography”, Applied Sciences, 8(12), 2420 (2018)
2. O.O. Ahsen, K. Liang, H.C. Lee, M.G. Giacomelli, Z. Wang, B. Potsaid, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, V. Jayaraman, J.G. Fujimoto, and H. Mashimo. Assessment of Barrett’s Esophagus and Dysplasia with Ultrahigh-Speed Volumetric En Face and Cross-sectional Optical Coherence Tomography. Endoscopy (2018)
3. K. Liang*, Z. Wang*, O.O. Ahsen, H.C. Lee, B.M Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, A. Cable, H. Mashimo, X. Li, and J. G Fujimoto, “Cycloid Scanning for Wide field optical coherence tomography endomicroscopy and angiography in vivo”, Optica 1(5) (2018) *Co-first authors
4. O.O. Ahsen, H.C. Lee, K. Liang, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, J. G Fujimoto, H. Mashimo, “Ultrahigh-Speed Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography and Angiography Enables Delineation of Lateral Margins of Endoscopic Mucosal Resection: A Case Report”, Therap. Adv. Gastroenterol., 10(12), 931-936 (2017)
5. E. Yamamoto, L. Xing, T. Higuma, Y. Minami, K. Bryniarski, T. Zanchin, Z. Wang, A. D Aguirre, H. Lee, I. K. Jang, “Dynamic Neointimal Pattern After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation Defined by Optical Coherence Tomography”, Coronary Artery Disease 28 (7), 557-563 (2017)
6. K. Liang, O.O. Ahsen, Z. Wang, H. Lee, W. Liang, B.M. Potsaid, T.H. Tsai, M. G. Giacomelli, V. Jayaraman, H. Mashimo, X. Li, and J. G. Fujimoto, "Endoscopic Forward-Viewing Optical Coherence Tomography and Angiography with MHz Swept Source," Opt. Lett. 42, 3193-3196 (2017)
7. Y. Minami, Z. Wang, A.D. Aguirre, D.S. Ong, C.J. Kim, S. Uemura, T. Soeda, H. Lee, J. Fujimoto, I.K. Jang, “Clinical Predictors for Lack of Favorable Vascular Response to Statin Therapy in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: A Serial Optical Coherence Tomography Study”, J. Am. Heart Assoc., 6(11), e006241 (2017)
8. L. Xing, T. Higuma, Z. Wang, A. Aguirre, K. Mizuno, M. Takano, H.L. Dauerman, S. Park, Y. Jang, C.J. Kim, S.J. Kim, S.Y. Choi, T. Itoh, S. Uemura, H. Lowe, D.L. Walters, P. Barlis, S. Lee, A. Lerman, C. Toma, J. Wei, C. Tan, E. Yamamoto, K. Bryniarski, J. Dai, T. Zanchin, S. Zhang, B. Yu, H. Lee, J. Fujimoto, V. Fuster, I.K. Jang, “Clinical Significance of Lipid-Rich Plaque Detected by Optical Coherence Tomography: A 4-Year Follow-Up Study”; J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 69(20) 2502-2513 (2017)
9. O.O. Ahsen, H.C. Lee, K. Liang, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, J.G. Fujimoto, H. Mashimo, “Association Between Cross-Sectional and En Face Image Features of Barrett's Esophagus and Dysplasia with Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography”, Gastroenterology, 152(5) S841-S842 (2017)
10. S. Hu, Y. Zhu, Y. Zhang, J. Dai, L. Li, H. Dauerman, T. Soeda, Z. Wang, H Lee, C. Wang, C. Zhe, Y. Wang, G. Zheng, S. Zhang, H. Jia, B. Yu, I.K. Jang, “Management and Outcome of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Caused by Plaque Rupture Versus Plaque Erosion: An Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Study”, J. Am. Heart Assoc., 6(3) e004730 (2017)
11. H.C. Lee, O.O. Ahsen, K. Liang, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, M.G. Giacomelli, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, A.E. Cable, Q. Huang, H. Mashimo and J.G. Fujimoto, “Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Dysplasia Detection in Barrett's Esophagus (with video)”, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 86(3) 476-484 (2017)
12. Z. Wang, B. Potsaid, L. Chen, C. Doerr, H.C. Lee, T. Nielson, V. Jayaraman, A. Cable, E. Swanson and J. G. Fujimoto, " Cubic Meter Volume Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography," Optica 3(12) (2016)
13. H.C. Lee, O. O. Ahsen, K. Liang, G. Traverso, Z Wang, C. Cleveland, L. Booth, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, A.E. Cable, H. Mashimo, R. Langer and J.G. Fujimoto “Circumferential Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Imaging of the Swine Esophagus Using a Micromotor Balloon Catheter,” Biomed. Opt. Express 7(8), 2927-2942 (2016)
14. K. Liang, O. O. Ahsen, H.C. Lee, Z. Wang, B. Potsaid, M. Figueiredo, V. Jayaraman, A. Cable, Q. Huang, H. Mashimo and J. G. Fujimoto. “Volumetric mapping of Barrett’s Esophagus and dysplasia with en face optical coherence tomography tethered capsule,” Am. J. Gastroenterol. 111, 1664 (2016)
15. Z. Wang, Y.S. Cho, T. Soeda, Y. Minami, L. Xing, H. J, A. Aguirre, R. Vergallo, H. Lee, J.G. Fujimoto, B. Yu, I.K. Jang. “Three Dimensional Morphological Response of Lipid-Rich Coronary Plaques to Statin Therapy: A Serial Optical Coherence Tomography Study,” Coronary artery disease (2016).
16. D.S. Ong, J. S. Lee, T. Soeda, T. Higuma, Y. Minami, Z. Wang, H. Lee, H. Yokoyama, T. Yokota, K. Okumura, and I.K Jang. “Coronary Calcification and Plaque Vulnerability: An Optical Coherence Tomographic Study,” Circ. Cardiovasc. Imaging. 9:e003929, (2016)
17. Z. Wang, H.C. Lee, D. Vermeulen, L. Chen, T. Nielsen, S.Y. Park, A. Ghaemi, E. Swanson, C. Doerr and J. G. Fujimoto, "Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuit Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Receiver with Dual Polarization, Dual Balanced, In-phase and Quadrature Detection," Biomed. Opt. Express, 6(7), 2562-2574 (2015)
18. Y. Minami, Z Wang, A. D. Aguirre, S. Lee, S. Uemura, T. Soeda, R. Vergallo, O. C. Raffel, P. Barlis, T. Itoh, H. Lee, J. Fujimoto and I.K Jang. "Quantitative Analysis of the Side-branch Orifice after Bifurcation Stenting using En-face Processing of OCT Images: A Comparison Between Xience V and Resolute Integrity Stents." Coronary artery disease (2015).
19. Y. Minami, D. Ong, S. Uemura, Z. Wang, A. Aguirre, S. Mukhopadhyay, T. Soeda, R. Vergallo, H. Jia, J. Tian, S. Hu, S.J. Kim, C.B. Park, H.Dauerman, S. Lee, I.K. Jang, “Impacts of Lesion Angle on Incidence and Distribution of Acute Vessel Wall Injuries and Strut Malapposition after Drug-eluting Stent Implantation Assessed by Optical Coherence Tomography,” Eur. Heart J. Cardiovasc. Imaging. (2015)
20. Z. Wang, M.W. Jenkins, G.C. Linderman, H.G. Bezerra, Y. Fujino, M.A. Costa, D.L. Wilson and A.M. Rollins, "3-D Stent Detection in Intravascular OCT Using a Bayesian Network and Graph Search," IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging. 34(7) (2015)
21. K. Liang, G. Traverso, H.C. Lee, O. O. Ahsen, Z. Wang, B. Potsaid, M. Giacomelli, V. Jayaraman, R. Barman, A. Cable, H. Mashimo, R. Langer, and J.G. Fujimoto, “Ultrahigh Speed En Face OCT Capsule for Endoscopic Imaging,” Biomed. Opt. Express, 6(4), 1146-1163 (2015) (
22. O.O. Ahsen, H.C. Lee, M.G. Giacomelli, Z. Wang, K. Liang, T.H. Tsai, B. Potsaid, H. Mashimo, and J.G. Fujimoto, “Correction of Rotational Distortion for Catheter-based en face OCT and OCT Angiography,” Opt. Lett. 39(20): 5973-5976 (2014)
23. R. Vergallo, M.I Papafaklis, T. Yonetsu, C.V. Bourantas, I. Andreou, Z. Wang, J.G. Fujimoto, I. McNulty, H. Lee, L.M. Biasucci, F. Crea, C.L. Feldman, L.K Michalis, P.H Stone and I.K. Jang. "Endothelial Shear Stress and Coronary Plaque Characteristics in Humans: A Combined Frequency-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Computational Fluid Dynamics Study," Circ. Cardiovasc. Imaging (2014)
24. M.Z. Galon, Z. Wang, H.G. Bezerra, P.A. Lemos, A. Schnell, D.L. Wilson, A.M. Rollins, M.A. Costa and G.F. Attizanni, “Differences Determined by Optical Coherence Tomography Volumetric Analysis in Non-Culprit Lesion Morphology and Inflammation in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Stable Angina Pectoris Patients,” Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. (2014)
25. Z. Wang, H. Jia, J. Tian, T. Soeda, R. Vergallo, Y. Minami, H. Lee, A. Aguirre, J.G. Fujimoto and I.K. Jang, “Computer-Aided Image Analysis Algorithm to Enhance In Vivo Diagnosis of Plaque Erosion by Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography,” Circ. Cardiovasc. Imaging (2014)
26. X. Fu, Z. Wang, H.Wang, Y. Wang, M.W. Jenkins, and A.M. Rollins. "Fiber-optic Catheter-based Polarization-sensitive OCT for Radio-Frequency Ablation Monitoring,” Opt. Lett. 39(17): 5066-5069 (2014)
27. Z. Wang, H.C. Lee, O.O. Ahsen, B. Lee, W. Choi, B. Potsaid, J. Liu, V. Jayaraman, A. Cable, M.F. Kraus, K. Liang, J. Homegger and J.G. Fujimoto, "Depth-encoded All-fiber Swept Source Polarization Sensitive OCT,” Biomed. Opt. Express. 5(9), 2931-2949 (2014)
28. J. Gao, Z. Wang, Y. Yang, W. Zhang, C. Tao, J. Guan and N. Rao, “A Novel Approach for Lie Detection Based on F-score and Extreme Learning Machine,” PloS one 8(6), e64704 (2013)
29. H. Lu, M. Gargesha, Z. Wang, D. Chamié, G.F. Attizani, T. Kanaya, S. Ray, M.A. Costa, A.M. Rollins, H.G. Bezerra, and D.L. Wilson, “Automatic Stent Detection in Intravascular OCT Images Using Bagged Decision Trees,” Biomed. Opt. Express. 3(11), 2809-2824 (2012)
30. D. Chamié, D. Prabhu, Z. Wang, H. Bezerra, A. Erglis, D.L. Wilson, A.M. Rollins and M.A. Costa, "Three-Dimensional Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging: Advantages and Future Development,” Curr. Cardiovasc. Imaging. 5(4), 221-230 (2012)
31. Z. Wang, D. Chamie, H.G. Bezerra, J. Kanovsky, H.Yamamoto, M.A. Costa and A.M. Rollins, "Volumetric Quantification of Fibrous Caps Using Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography,” Biomed. Opt. Express. 3(6), 1413-1426 (2012)
32. S. Tahara, T. Morooka, Z. Wang, H.G. Bezerra, A.M. Rollins, D.I. Simon and M.A. Costa, "Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Detection of Atherosclerosis and Inflammation in Murine Aorta,” Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 32(5), 1150-1157 (2012)
33. W. Kang, H. Wang, Z. Wang, M.W. Jenkins, G.A. Isenberg, A. Chak and A.M. Rollins, "Motion Artifacts Associated with In Vivo Endoscopic OCT Images of the Esophagus,” Opt. Express. 19(21), 20722-20735 (2011)
34. T. Kubo, C. Xu, Z. Wang, N. van Ditzhuijzen and H.G. Bezerra, "Plaque and Thrombus Evaluation by Optical Coherence Tomography,” Int. J. Cardiovasc. Imaging. 27(2), 289-298 (2011)
35. D. Chamié, Z. Wang, H.G. Bezerra, A.M. Rollins and M.A. Costa, "Optical Coherence Tomography and Fibrous Cap Characterization,” Curr. Cardiovasc. Imaging. Rep. 4(4), 276-283 (2011)
36. Z. Wang, H. Kyono, H.G. Bezerra, H. Wang, M. Gargesha, C. Alraies, C. Xu, J.M. Schmitt, D.L. Wilson, M.A. Costa and A.M. Rollins, "Semi-automatic Segmentation and Quantification of Calcified Plaques in Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography Images,” J. Biomed. Opt. 15(6), 061711 (2010)
Selected Conference Presentations and Papers
1. Z. Wang, H.C. Lee, O.O Ahsen, K. Liang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, J. G. Fujimoto and H. Mashimo, “Novel optical coherence tomography image analysis reveals subsquamous glandular structures as strong predictors of poorer response to radiofrequency ablation in Barrett’s esophagus,” in Digestive Disease Week (2016)
2. O.O Ahsen, H.C. Lee, K. Liang, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, M.G. Giacomelli, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, J. G. Fujimoto and H. Mashimo, “Endoscopic OCT Angiography Enables Visualization of Microvascular Changes to Assess RFA Treatment of Chronic Radiation Proctitis,” in Digestive Disease Week (2016)
3. H.C. Lee, O.O Ahsen, K. Liang, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, Q. Huang, H. Mashimo and J. G. Fujimoto, “Ultrahigh speed endoscopic OCT angiography identifies both architectural and microvascular changes in patients with gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE) and received radiofrequency ablation treatment,” in Digestive Disease Week (2016)
4. Z. Wang, H. C. Lee, L. Chen, D. Vermeulen, T. Nielsen, S.Y. Park, A. Ghaemi, E. Swanson, C. Doerr, J. G. Fujimoto, “Miniaturized silicon photonic integrated swept source OCT receiver with dual polarization, dual balanced, in-phase and quadrature detection,” in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2016) Oral presentation
5. K. Liang, Z. Wang, O.O Ahsen, H.C. Lee, M. Figueiredo, B. Potsaid, M.G. Giacomelli, V. Jayaraman, Q. Huang, H. Mashimo. Ultrahigh Speed Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Capsule for En Face and Cross Sectional Mapping of Esophageal Architecture. Gastroenterology. 148(4):S-581 (2015)
6. Z. Wang, H.C. Lee, M.G. Giacomelli, K. Liang, O.O Ahsen, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, J. G. Fujimoto and H. Mashimo, “Automated Optical Coherence Tomography Image Processing for Three Dimensional Detection and Visualization of Subsurface Glands in Barrett’s Esophagus with Dysplasia. ” Gastroenterology, 148(4):S-580-S-581 (2015)
7. H.C. Lee, K. Liang, O.O. Ahsen, M.G. Giacomelli, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, and J. G. Fujimoto, "Ultrahigh Speed Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography and Angiography for Investigating Terminal Ileum With Chronic Inflammation," Gastroenterology, 148(4), S-581 (2015)
8. H.C. Lee, O.O. Ahsen, K. Liang, Z. Wang, M.G. Giacomelli, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, and H. Mashimo, "Ultrahigh Speed Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Visualization of Subsurface Vasculature in Barrett's Esophagus and Dysplasia," Gastroenterology, 5(81), AB388 (2015)
9. O.O. Ahsen, H.C. Lee, K. Liang, M.G. Giacomelli, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, and J. G. Fujimoto, " En Face Optical Coherence Tomography Visualization of Mucosal Surface Patterns for Identifying Early Malignancy in the Upper GI Tract," Gastroenterology, 148(4), S-579 (2015)
10. H.C. Lee, O.O. Ahsen, K. Liang, M.G. Giacomelli, Z. Wang, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, A. Cable, H. Mashimo and J.G. Fujimoto, “Ultrahigh Speed Endoscopic Structural and Angiographic OCT Imaging,” in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2015) Oral presentation
11. O.O. Ahsen, H.C. Lee, K. Liang, M.G. Giacomelli, Z. Wang, B. Potsaid, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, A. Cable, V. Jayaraman, H. Mashimo and J.G. Fujimoto, “Ultrahigh Speed Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography For Structural And Angiographic Imaging,” in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2015) Oral presentation
12. K. Liang, O.O Ahsen, Z. Wang, H.C. Lee, M.G. Giacomelli, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, T. H. Tsai, W. Liang, A. Cable, H. Mashimo, X. Li and J.G. Fujimoto, “Ultrahigh Speed Swept Source OCT Forward Viewing Endomicroscopy,” in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2015) Oral presentation
13. Z. Wang, H.C. Lee, O.O Ahsen, B. Lee, W. Choi, B. Potsaid, V. Jayaraman, A. Cable, K. Liang and J.G. Fujimoto, “Endoscopic and Ophthalmic Swept Source Polarization Sensitive OCT,” in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2015). Oral presentation
14. H.C. Lee, O.O Ahsen, T.H Tsai, M.G. Giacomelli, Z. Wang, K. Liang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, J.G. Fujimoto and H. Mashimo, “Novel Ultrahigh Speed Optical Coherence Tomography System and Micromotor Imaging Probe for Investigating Microvasculature in the Gastrointestinal Tract,” Gastroenterology. 146(5), S-520-S-521 (2014)
15. M.G. Giacomelli, T.H. Tsai, O.O Ahsen, H.C. Lee, K. Liang, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, J.G. Fujimoto and H. Mashimo, “Ultrahigh Speed Micromotor Optical Coherence Tomography Enables Improved Access, Image Quality, and Maneuverability in Upper and Lower Endoscopy,” Gastroenterology. 146(5), S-521 (2014)
16. O.O. Ahsen, H.C. Lee, K. Liang, M.G. Giacomelli, T.H. Tsai, Z. Wang, M. Figueiredo, Q. Huang, B. Potsaid, J.G. Fujimoto and H. Mashimo, “Ultrahigh Speed Optical Coherence Tomography With Micromotor Imaging Probe Enables Three-Dimensional Visualization of Mucosal Surface Patterns in the Gastrointestinal Tract,” Gastroenterology. 146(5), S-519 (2014)
17. Z. Wang, W.J. Choi, J. J. Liu, M. F. Kraus, K. Mohler, B. Potsaid, B. Lee, J. Hornegger, and J. G. Fujimoto, "All-Fiber Multifunctional Swept Source Polarization Sensitive OCT," Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 55, pp. 1628-1628 (2014)
18. H. Lu, M. Jakl, Z. Wang, K. Tanaka, S. Ray, P. Cervinka, A.M. Rollins, H.G. Bezerra and D.L. Wilson, ” Evaluation of Highly Automated Software for Analyzing Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Pullbacks of Stents,” J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 64, 11_S (2014)
19. Z. Wang, H. Jia, J. Tian, R. Vergallo, T. Soeda, A. Aguirre, J.G. Fujimoto and I.K. Jang, “Computer Aided Image Analysis to Enhance In Vivo Diagnosis of Plaque Erosion by Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography,” J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 63(12_S) (2014)
20. H. Jia, H. Dauerman, C. Toma, H. Samady, S. Lee, R. Vergallo, S. Hu. J. Tian, T. Soeda, Z. Wang, H.Lee, I. McNulty, B. Yu, S. Uemura and I.K. Jang "Management and Clinical Outcome of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Caused by Plaque Rupture and Plaque Erosion: an Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Study," J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 63, 12_S (2014).
21. Z. Wang, G. Linderman, H.G. Bezerra, M.A. Costa, D.L. Wilson and A.M. Rollins, “Optimum Stent Detection in Intravascular OCT: A 3-D Approach,” in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2013). Oral presentation
22. G. Linderman, Z. Wang, H.G. Bezerra, M.A. Costa, D.L. Wilson and A.M. Rollins, “Three Dimensional Calcified Plaque segmentation of Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography using Interactive Graph Cuts,” in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2013). Oral presentation
23. D.L. Wilson, Z. Wang, H. Lu, H.G. Bezerra, M.A. Costa and A.M. Rollins, “Assessments from Intravascular OCT,” in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2013). Oral presentation
24. Z. Wang, M.W. Jenkins, H.G. Bezerra, M.A. Costa, D.L. Wilson and A.M. Rollins, "Single-shot Stent Segmentation in Intravascular OCT Pullbacks," in Biomedical Optics (BIOMED) - OSA, Miami (2012). Oral presentation
25. Z. Wang, D. Chamié, H.G. Bezerra, D.L. Wilson, M.A. Costa and A.M. Rollins, "Three Dimensional Volumetric Quantification of Fibrous Caps Using Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography," in SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco (2012). Oral presentation
26. G. Linderman, Z. Wang, H.G. Bezerra, M.A. Costa, and A.M. Rollins, “OCTivat: Optical Coherence Tomography Image Visualization and Analysis Toolkit,”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), (2011), Oral presentation
27. Z. Wang, S. Tahara, T. Morooka, H.G. Bezerra, M.A. Costa and A.M. Rollins, "Quantification of Macrophages in ApoE Deficient Mouse Aorta by Optical Coherence Tomography," SPIE/OSA European conferences on Biomedical Optics (2011) Oral presentation
28. Z. Wang, H. Kyono, H. G. Bezerra, D.L. Wilson, M.A. Costa and A.M. Rollins, "Automatic Segmentation of Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Images for Facilitating Quantitative Diagnosis of Atherosclerosis," Proc. SPIE 7889-7822 (2011)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-12
相关话题/电子科学与工程学院 电子科技大学
王志刚邮箱:zhigangwang@uestc.edu.cn电话:系别:微波工程系职称:研究员教师个人主页:教师简介科学研究教师简介:1999.09-2003.07:电子科技大学,本科2003.09-2006.03:电子科技大学,硕士2006.04-2007.11:电子科技大学,助教2006.09- ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王政
王政邮箱:wangzheng@uestc.edu.cn电话:系别:集成电路与系统系职称:教授教师个人主页:http://faculty.uestc.edu.cn/wangzheng教师简介教育背景2010.09-2014.06美国加州大学欧文分校,电子与计算机工程专业,博士学位2007.09-201 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-魏彦玉
魏彦玉邮箱:yywei@uestc.edu.cn电话:系别:物理电子系职称:教授教师个人主页:http://faculty.uestc.edu.cn/weiyanyu教师简介魏彦玉,男,1971年1月生,教授、博导,电子科技大学高能电子学研究所所长,教育部********。2000年在电子科技大学物 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王卓
王卓邮箱:zwang@uestc.edu.cn电话:系别:微电子与固体电子系职称:享受正高级待遇的高级工程师教师个人主页:http://faculty.uestc.edu.cn/wangzhuo教师简介教育背景2009.09-2015.06电子科技大学,工学博士学位1996.09-2001.04电子 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-翁小龙
翁小龙邮箱:wengxl@uestc.edu.cn电话:系别:微电子与固体电子系职称:研究员教师个人主页:教师简介科学研究暂无主讲课程 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-文岐业
文岐业邮箱:qywen@163.com电话:系别:微电子与固体电子系职称:教授教师个人主页:http://faculty.uestc.edu.cn/wenqiye教师简介文岐业,电子科技大学教授,博士生导师,中国工程物理研究院客座研究员。2005年3月毕业于电子科技大学并留校任教。2010年以来先后 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-吴坚强
吴坚强邮箱:电话:系别:物理电子系职称:教授教师个人主页:教师简介教授,博士生导师。1961年12月出生,分别于1982年、1985年和1988年在电子科技大学获工学学士、硕士和博士学位,毕业后留校任教。1997年任研究生部副主任,2001年任研究生院校学位与学科建设办公室主任,2003年赴美国亚利 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-吴传贵
吴传贵邮箱:cgwu@uestc.edu.cn电话:系别:微电子与固体电子系职称:教授、博士研究生导师教师个人主页:教师简介教育背景1997-2001电子科技大学电子材料与元器件专业学士2001-2004电子科技大学材料物理与化学专业硕士2005-2009电子科技大学材料物理与化学专业博士工作履历教 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-伍荣翔
伍荣翔邮箱:eewurx@uestc.edu.cn电话:**系别:集成电路与系统系职称:教授(研究员等)教师个人主页:教师简介教育背景2006.09-2011.08香港科技大学,电子与计算机工程系,博士2002.09-2006.08清华大学,数理基础科学班,学士工作履历2014.09-present ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-吴韵秋
吴韵秋邮箱:yqwu@uestc.edu.cn电话:系别:集成电路与系统系职称:教授教师个人主页:http://faculty.uestc.edu.cn/wuyunqiu教师简介教育背景?2000年9月~2004年6月,电子科技大学.,工学学士?2004年9月~2009年12月,电子科技大学,工学博 ...电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-12