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个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Guojiang Wan
所在单位: 材料科学与工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: guojiang.wan@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 四川大学

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个人简介Personal Profile 万国江,教授、博导、博士(材料学)/博士后(纳米科学),美国匹兹堡大学及德国图宾根大学高级访问****、德国莱布尼茨固态与材料研究所博士后、香港城市大学副研究员归国****,并兼任:
本科、硕士毕业于四川大学;2000年西南交通大学任教;2005年破格晋升副教授(西南交通大学);2010年晋升教授、博导。主持国家基础研究规划(参与单位)课题、国家自然科学基金等国家级以及四川省****基金等省部级与国际合作项目十余项; 核心主研国家"973"、“863”、重大科技成果转化项目等国家级重大课题多项。四川省科技进步一等奖获得者。 以第一作和合作者的身份已发表SCI学术论文100多篇,授权国家发明专利近20项。曾五次担任国际学术会议分会主持主席,国际学术邀请及口头报告(英文)20余次。

教育经历Education Background
工作经历Work Experience
暂无内容 暂无内容
研究方向Research Focus

(1) 材料科学
(2) 可降解金属(镁/锌生物材料)
(3) 生物材料及表面改性
(4) 腐蚀与应用电化学
(5) 纳米膜科学与技术(生物医学与新能源应用)

团队成员Research Group 万国江教授团队隶属教育部材料先进技术教育部重点实验室、四川省人工器官实验室、西南交通大学生物材料表面工程研究

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Guojiang Wan
所在单位: 材料科学与工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: guojiang.wan@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 四川大学



Biosketch and CV 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 首页 >> Biosketch and CV

Guojiang Wan is currently a full professor of materials science in the key laboratory of advanced technologies of materials, Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University. He obtained his BSc in Chemical Engineering and MSc degree in Applied Electrochemistry at Sichuan University, and his PhD degree at Southwest Jiaotong University in Materials Science. He did his senior visiting fellow research at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine of University of Pittsburgh (USA) as well as at the Section Medical Materials Science and Technology Medical Faculty of University of Tübingen(Germany), his postdoc research at Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW-Dresden, Germany) in Nanoscience, and his visiting research (Research Associate) at the Department of Applied Physics of City University of Hongkong.

His research focuses on biomaterials, while his interests cover wide range spanning from materials science, to biomedical engineering as well as chemistry among other interdisciplinary topics. He has coordinated many scientific projects including grants from the National Key Research and Development Plan, National Natural Science foundation of China, international cooperation (Boston Scientific) and Sichuan Science & Technology Foundation etc.. He has authored and co-authored more than 100 scientific papers and is the holder of more than 20 patents. He has rich experiences in paper writing and editing, holds academic honors such as Editorial Board Member for Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science, Youth Editorial Board Member for Chinese Chemical Letters, as well as serves as valuable reviewer for a number of peer-reviewed journals. He served as session chair/co-chair in serval international academic meetings in such as the 2015 BMN Meetings on Biomaterials (Beijing), the 1st Annual Symposium of Innovative Materials for Therapy and the 2nd International Symposium on Surface and Interface of Biomaterials (Hong Kong, 2010). He has delivered more than 20 invited talks and oral presentations in international academic conferences. He was the bearer (core investigator) of the 1st Prize of Sci. & Technol. Progress Award, Bureau of Sci. &Tech., Sichuan Province Government. He is currently a board member of the Materials Specialties in China Youth Association for Science and Technology, a committee member of the nano-biotechnology branch of China Medicinal Biotech Association, a youth committee member of the Chinese Society for Biomaterials, a distinguished academic youth leader of the Sichuan Province and a member of the executive council of the Sichuan Youth Association for Science and Technology.


Mr. Guojiang Wan
Prof. Dr. of Materials Science
Key Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials (Ministry of Education),
School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Southwest Jiaotong University,
Chengdu,610031, China
Mobile: +86 182 8035 6659 Tel: +86 28 8763 4146
Emails: guojiang.wan@home.swjtu.edu.cn
Website: https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/wanguojiang/en/index/56233/list/index.htm

Dec. 2008 School of Materials of Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University,China,
Ph.D. Degree in Materials Science
Ph.D. dissertation titled on ‘Anti-thrombogenic Behavior of Ti-O films and the Electrochemical Mechanism
Supervisor Prof. Nan Huang, Fellow of the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering (IUSBSE))

Jul. 2000 College of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University,China
M.S., Degree in Applied Electrochemistry
Master degree thesis titled on ‘Electrochemical Etching of Aluminum Foil for Electronic Applications’
Supervisor, Prof. Kangpin Yan

Jul. 1997 College of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University,China,
B.S. Degree in Chemical Processing Machinery
Final project program on ‘Mechanical Properties of Super-hard Alloys for Mechanical Sealing’

2010- present, Key Lab. of Advanced Technol. for Materials of Chinese Ministry of Education, College of Materials Sci. & Eng., Southwest Jiaotong University (Chengdu,China)

2019-2019, Section Medical Materials Science and Technology, Medical Faculty, University of Tübingen, Germany
Senior Visiting Fellow

2018-2018, Section Medical Materials Science and Technology, Medical Faculty, University of Tübingen, Germany
Senior Visiting Fellow

2017-2017, McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh,USA

2010-2011, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW-Dresden), Germany
Postdoctoral Position

2005- 2010, Key Lab. of Advanced Technol. for Materials of Chinese Ministry of Education, College of Materials Sci. & Eng., Southwest Jiaotong University (Chengdu,China)
Associate Professor

2004-2005, Dept. of Applied Physics, City University of Hong Kong (Hongkong, China)
Research Associate

2000- College of Materials Sci. & Eng., Southwest Jiaotong University (Chengdu, China)
Assistant teacher, Lecturer

2020 Editorial Board Member, Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science
2018 Youth Editorial Board Member, Chinese Chemical Letters,
2018 Youth committee member, the Chinese Society for Biomaterials
2017 Tang Lixin Award for Distinguished Scholar, Southwest Jiaotong University
2016 Board member of the Materials Specialties, China Youth Association for Science and Technology
2015 Committee member, the Nano-biotechnology Branch of China Medicinal Biotech Association
2015 Session chair, Session ofBasic electrochemistry,18thNational Conference on Electrochemistry (Harbin,August7th-11th, 2015)
2014 Member of the executive council, Sichuan Youth Association for Science and Technology
2015 Workshop Chair,Bio-degradable Biomaterials, 2015 BMN Meetings on Biomaterials (Beijing, April 10-13, 2015)
2013 Co-chair, IMT1 session: Current Advances in Biocompatible Materials for Medical Implantation, BITs 1st Annual Symposium of Innovative Materials for Therapy-2013(Haikou, 12-16 Nov. 2013)
2011 Distinguished Academic Youth Leaders of Sichuan Province
2010 Session chairman, Session TUE4: Materials and their Surface Modification for Blood-contacting Medical Devices (M2), The Second International Symposium on Surface and Interface of Biomaterials (ISSIB-II, January 4–6, 2010, Hong Kong)
2008 1st Prize of Sci. & Technol. Progress Award, Bureau of Sci.&Tech., Sichuan Province Government, on title ‘Research on anti-thrombogenic Ti-based film’, Core research member
2007 Excellent young coordinator, National Natural Science Foundation ofChina(NSFC)
2007 Princeton Applied Research Excellent Paper Award of the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry, on title Study on Electrochemical Interfacial Behaviors of Fibrinogen on Pt Electrode’, Supervisor & corresponding author
2007 “SHI-SHI Star –for Cultivated Candidate of New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET), Chiense Education Ministry”, Southwest Jiaotong University
2006- Editorial Consultant, Chinese Journal of Practice Medicine

Coordinator (Participant/SWJTU University), National Key Research and Development Plan (2016YFC**, Jul.2016 to Dec. 2020, Zinc-based Biodegradable Coronary Stent: Development, Evaluation and Clinic Application), Coordinate the research in Southwest Jiaotong University.
Coordinator (Principle Investigator), Program of Project-related Personal Exchange of person promoting international mobility of researchers (PPP) jointly funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and China Scholarship Council (CSC) (Project-ID **, Jul.2018 to Dec. 2020, Fundamental Research of Zn-based Alloys as Potential Osteosynthesis Materials in Maxillofacial Region), Coordinate the research in Southwest Jiaotong University.
Coordinator, National Science Foundation of China Project (NSFC**, Jan.2014 to Dec. 2018, Evolving dynamic corrosion/degradation process and biocompatibility responses of magnesium-based cardiovascular stent materials) Coordinate the research project.
Coordinator, National Science Foundation of China Project (No.2012JQ0001, Jan.2012.1~Dec. 2015, Free-standing Titanium Oxide Nano-membrane and its Solar Catalytic Water Splitting) Coordinate the research project.
Coordinator, National Science Foundation of China Project (NSFC # **, Jan.2009 to Dec. 2010, Electrochemical Functionalization of Anti-thrombogenic Ti-O film by Surface Charge Transfer Doping: Mechanisms and Optimization) Coordinate the research project.
Coordinator, National Science Foundation ofChina Project (NSFC # **, Jan.2007 to Dec.2009, In-situ Electrochemical Research on Mechanism of Inorganic Biomaterials-Associated Thrombosis),. Coordinate the research project.
Coordinator, Open research projects (No.200507 (Jan.2006 to Dec.2008) and No.200808 (2009~Dec.2010)), on interfacial electrochemical charge transfer between biomaterials and blood plasma coagulating factors protein. State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of the Solid Surface, Xiamen University,China, Coordinate the two projects.
Coordinator, International cooperation projects, Boston Scientific SCIMED (USA), Dec. 2004~Nov. 2005, on investigation the suitability of a porous TiOx surface for vascular stents and comparing with smooth TiOx Ti-O film, concerning both mechanical properties and bio-performance.
Core Investigator, State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program) (No G, Research on Anti-thrombogenic Biomaterials: The Key Science and Technology Issue) Sept.1999~Sept.2004
Core Investigator, National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) No. 2006AA02A139 Sept.2006~Sept.2010Research on New Generation of Surface Modified Anti-thromobogenic and Anti-infective Artificial Heart Valve)
Core Investigator, State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program) (No. 2005CB623904, Sept.2005~Sept.2009, Research on Design and Construction of Bio-functionalized Anti-thrombogenic Surface)

Biomaterials: basic understanding of the surface and interface of biomaterials for cardiovascular and orthopedic applications as well as surface modification; biodegradable metallic materials for implants and regenerative medicine.
Electrochemistry: Corrosion and degradation; physiochemical interactions; Interfacial charge transfer
Chemistry of Materials: Organic-inorganic hybrid functional surface modifying layer
Nanomaterials: Nano-membrane science for medicine

Review services for foundations and Awards:
China Science and Technology Progress Award
National Key Research and Development PlanInternational Program
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Foundation of Ministry of Education of China
, and more

Review services for journals:
Acta Biomaterialia
ACS Applied Materials & Interface
Journal of Materials Chemistry B
Corrosion Science
Materials Science and Engineering C,
Applied Surface Science
Thin solid film
Surface & Coatings Technology
Materials Letter
and more

1. Wentai Zhang, Ping Li, Gang Shen, Xiaoshan Mo, Chao Zhou, Dorothea Alexander, Frank Rupp, Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer*, Haijun Zhang*, GuojiangWan*, Appropriately adapted properties of hot-extruded Zn–0.5Cu–xFe alloys aimed for biodegradable guided bone regeneration membrane application, Bioactive Materials 6 (2021) 975–989
2. Wentai Zhang, Ping Li, Bernd Neumann, Hanna Haag, Ming Li, Zeqian Xu, Chao Zhou, Lutz Scheideler, Hans-Peter Wendel, Haijun Zhan*, Jürgen Geis-Gerstorferb*,Guojiang Wana*, Chandler-Loop surveyed blood compatibility and dynamic blood triggered degradation behavior of Zn-4Cu alloy and Zn, Materials Science & Engineering C 119 (2021) 111594 DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2020.111594 (Impact Factor: 5.88)
3. Yingqi Chen, Sang‐Ho Ye, Yang Zhu, Xinzhu Gu, Shinichi Higuchi, Guojiang Wan* and William R. Wagner*, Covalently‐Attached, Surface‐Eroding Polymer Coatings on Magnesium Alloys for Corrosion Control and Temporally Varying Support of Cell Adhesion, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2020)**
4. Wentai Zhang, Ping Li, Bernd Neumann, Hanna Haag, Ming Li, Zeqian Xu, Chao Zhou, Lutz Scheideler, Hans-Peter Wendel, Haijun Zhang*, Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer*, Guojiang Wan*, Chandler-loop surveyed blood compatibility and dynamic blood triggered degradation behavior of Zn-4Cu alloy and Zn, Materials Science & Engineering C (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2020.111594
5. Mohamed Younis, T. Drexler, Junyu Qian, Guojiang Wan, Sebastian Spintzyk*, The impact of non-thermal plasma on the adhesion of polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) to a veneering composite system, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 112(2020)104065
6. Peng Xian, Yingqi Chen*, Shuai Gao, Junyu Qian, Wentai Zhang, U. Anjaneyulu, Nan Huang & Guojiang Wan*, Polydopamine (PDA) mediated nanogranular-structured titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating on polyetheretherketone (PEEK) for oral and maxillofacial implants application. Surface and Coatings Technology 401(2020)126282.
7. H. Soliman*, Shimin Pu, Wentai Zhang, Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf, Guojiang Wan*. Deposition of anti-corrosion hybrid film of hexamethylene diaminetetrakis (methylene phosphonic acid)/hydroxyapatite on biodegradable Mg: Influence of deposition procedures, Surface and Coatings Technology 402(2020) 126242.
8. Xin Tang, Xuan Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Wentai Zhang, Junyu Qian, Hanaa Soliman, Ai Qu, Qijun Liu, Shimin Pu, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*,Ultraviolet irradiation assisted liquid phase deposited titanium dioxide (TiO2)-incorporated into phytic acid coating on magnesium for slowing-down biodegradation and improving osteo-compatibility, Materials Science and Engineering: C 108( 2020)110487.
9. Hanaa Soliman?Junyu Qian, Shuai Tang, Peng Xian, Yingqi Chen, Abdel-Salam Makhlouf, Guojiang Wan, Hydroxyquinoline/nano-graphene oxide composite coating of self-healing functionality on treated Mg alloys AZ31, Surface & Coatings Technology 385 (2020) 125395.
10. Ping Li, Wentai Zhang, Jingtao Dai, Alexander Basileos Xepapadeas, Ernst Schweizer, Dorothea Alexander, Lutz Scheideler, Chao Zhou, Haijun Zhang, Guojiang Wan*, Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer*, Investigation of zinc-copper alloys as potential materials for craniomaxillofacial osteosynthesis implants, Materials Science & Engineering C 103 (2019) 109826
11. Lili Jiang, Youjian, Dan Luo, Qinyong Zhang, Sude Ma, Guojiang Wan, Xiong Lu, Zhifeng Ren, Electrochemical Performance of Free‐standing and Flexible Graphene and TiO2 Composites with Different Conductive Polymers as electrodes for Supercapacitor, Chem. Eur. J . 25(33 )(2019) 7903–7911
12. Lili Jiang, Youjian, Dan Luo, Qinyong Zhang, Fanggong Cai, Guojiang Wan, Xiong Lu, Zhifeng Ren, Freestanding RGO-Co3O4-PPy Composite Films as Electrodes for Supercapacitors, Energy Technology,7(3)(2019)**
13. Shimin Pu, Meiyun Chen, Yingqi Chen*, Wentai Zhang, Hanaa Soliman, Ai Qu, Qijun Liua, Xin Tang, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*, Zirconium ions integrated in 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) as a metalorganic-like complex coating on biodegradable magnesium for corrosion control, Corrosion Science 144(2018)277-287.
14. Wentai Zhang, Qijun Liu, Yingqi Chen, Nan Huang, GuojiangWan*, Anodic dissolution dictates the negative difference effect (NDE) of magnesium corrosion more in chemical pathway, Materials Letters 232(2018)54-57.
15. Yingqi Chen, Sang-Ho Ye, Hideyoshi Sato, Yang Zhu, Vesselin Shanov, Tarannum Tiasha, Antonio D’Amore, Samuel Luketich, Guojiang Wan* and William R. Wagner*, Hybrid scaffolds of Mg alloy mesh reinforced polymer/extracellular matrix composite for critical-sized calvarial defect reconstruction, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 12(6)(2018)1374-1388.
16. Jiang Lili; *Ren Zhifeng; Chen Shuo; Zhang Qinyong; Lu Xiong; Zhang Hongping; Wan Guojiang, Bio-derived three-dimensional hierarchical carbon-graphene-TiO2 as electrode for supercapacitors, Scientific Reports, 8(2018) 4412
17. Yingqi Chen, Xuan Zhang, Sheng Zhao, Manfred F. Maitz, Wentai Zhang, Su Yang, Jinlong Mao, Nan Huang and Guojiang Wan*, In-situ incorporation of heparin/bivalirudin drugs into phytic acid coating on biodegradable magnesium for corrosion-controlling and biocompatible modification. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 5(2017) 4162.
18. Wentai Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Meiyun Chen, Sheng Zhao, Jinlong Mao, Ai Qu, Wei Li, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*, Strengthened Corrosion Control of poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) Polymer-Coated Magnesium by Imbedded Hydrophobic Stearic Acid (SA) Thin Layer, Corrosion Science 112 (2016) 327–337.
19. Yingqi Chen, Weitai Zhang, Manfred F. Maitz, Meiyun Chen, Heng Zhang, Jinlong Mao, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*, Comparative Corrosion Behavior of Zn with Fe and Mg in the Course of Immersion Degradation in Phosphate Buffered Saline, Corrosion Science 111 (2016) 541–555.
20. Meiyun Chen, Yingqi Chen, Wentai Zhang, Sheng Zhao, Juan Wang, Jinlong Mao, Wei Li, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang and Guojiang Wan*, Controlling the corrosion rate and behavior of biodegradable magnesium by a surface-immobilized ultrathin 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) film, RSC Advances 6(2016) 15247-15259.
21. Juan Wang, Yongseok Jang, Guojiang Wan, Venkataraman Giridharan, Guang-Ling Song, Zhigang Xu, Youngmi Koo, Pengkai Qi, Jagannathan Sankar, Nan Huang,** Yeoheung Yuna,* Flow-induced Corrosion of Absorbable Magnesium Alloy: In-situ and Real-time Electrochemical Study, Corrosion Science 104(2016)277-289.
22. Xuan Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Huili Lei, Sheng Zhao, Fei Han , Xia Xiang , Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan *,Phytic Acid Layer Template-assisted Deposition of TiO2 Film on Titanium: Surface Electronic Properties, Super-hydrophilicity and Bending Strength, Materials & Design, 89 (2016) 476 –484
23. Yingqi Chen, Sheng Zhao, Meiyun Chen, Wentai Zhang, Jinlong Mao, Yuancong Zhao, Manfred F. Maitz, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*, Sandwiched Polydopamine (PDA) Layer for Titanium dioxide (TiO2) Coating on Magnesium to Enhance Corrosion Protection.Corrosion Science 96 (2015) 67–73.
24. Sheng Zhao, Yingqi Chen, Bo Liu, Meiyun Chen, Jinlong Mao, Hairuo He, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*. A dual-task design of corrosion-controlling and osteo-compatible hexamethylenediaminetetrakis- (methylene phosphonic acid) (HDTMPA) coating on magnesium for biodegradable bone implants application. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 103A (2015)1640–1652
25. Hao Zhang, Rifang Luo, Wenjun Li, Juan Wang, Manfred F. Maitz, Jin Wang,Guojiang Wan, Yingqi Chen, Hong Sun, Chongxi Jiang, Ru Shen, Nan Huang, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Induced Chemical Conversion Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Biomedical MgZnMn Alloys.Corrosion Science94(2015)305–315.
26. Li-li Jiang,Xiong Lu,Chao-ming Xie,Guo-jiang Wan,Hong-ping Zhang, andTang YouhongFlexible, Free-Standing TiO2–Graphene–Polypyrrole Composite Films as Electrodes for Supercapacitors, J. Phys. Chem. C,119(2015)3903–3910.
27. Yingqi Chen, Sheng Zhao, Bo Liu, Meiyun Chen, Jinlong Mao, Hairuo He, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*, “Corrosion-controlling and Osteo-compatible Mg ion-integrated Phytic Acid (Mg-PA) Coating on Magnesium Substrate for Biodegradable Implants Application. “ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,6(2014)19531–19543
28. Guojiang Wan*, Bo Lv, Guoshou Jin, Manfred F. Maitz, Jianzhang Zhou and Nan Huang. "Direct Correlation of Electrochemical Behaviors with Anti-Thrombogenicity of Semiconducting Titanium Oxide Films."Journal of Biomaterials Applications28(2014)719-728.
29. Lili Jiang, Xiong Lu, Jielong Xu, Yingqi, Chen,Guojiang Wan& Yonghui Ding, Free-standing microporous paper-like graphene films with electrodeposited PPy coatings as electrodes for supercapacitors,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 26(2014)747-754
30. Guojiang Wan*, Ping Li, Xia Xiang, Jianzhang Zhou and Nan Huang. "Responsive Surface Charge Transfer Doping Effect of Reductive Bio-Molecules (Glucose, Fucoidan, and Heparin) Contacting on Semiconducting Titanium Oxide Films."Journal of Materials Science48 (2013) 4109-4116.
31. Guojiang Wan, Alexander A. Solovev, G. S. Huang, Manfred F. Maitz, Nan Huang and Y. F. Mei. "Dynamic Curv ature Control of Rolled-up Metal Nanomembranes Activated by Magnesium."Journal of Materials Chemistry22 (2012) 12983-12987.
32. Juan Wang, Yonghui He, Manfred F. Maitz, Boyce Collins, Kaiqin Xiong, Lisha Guo, Yeoheung Yun,Guojiang Wan*and Nan Huang*. "A Surface-Eroding Poly(1,3-Trimethylene Carbonate) Coating for Fully Biodegradable Magnesium-Based Stent Applications: Toward Better Biofunction, Biodegradation and Biocompatibility."Acta Biomaterialia9 (2013) 8678-8689.
33. Yingqi Chen,Guojiang Wan*, Juan Wang, Sheng Zhao, Yuancong Zhao and Nan Huang. "Covalent Immobilization of Phytic Acid on Mg by Alkaline Pre-Treatment: Corrosion and Degradation Behavior in Phosphate Buffered Saline."Corrosion Science75 (2013) 280-286.
34. Dong Xie, Feng Wen, Wenmao Yang, Xueyuan Li, Yongxiang Leng,Guojiang Wan, Hong Sun and Nan Huang. "Carbon-Doped Titanium Oxide Films by Dc Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Using Co2 and O-2 as Reactive Gas."Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters27 (2014) 239-244.
35. Dong Xie,Guojiang Wan*, Manfred F. Maitz, Hong Sun and Nan Huang. "Deformation and Corrosion Behaviors ofTi-O Film Deposited 316l Stainless Steel by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology214 (2013) 117-123.
36. Yong Zhang, Liangliang Wu, Feng Zhou, Tianxue You,Guojiang Wanand Nan Huang. "The Design of the Mechanical Heart Valve by Using the Parametric Method." InAdvanced Materials and Engineering Materials Ii, edited by K. Kida, 683(2013)657-660.
37. Dong Xie,Guojiang Wan*, Manfred F. Maitz, Yifeng Lei, Nan Huang and Hong Sun. "Characterization and Mechanical Investigation of Ti-O2-X Film Prepared by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition for Cardiovascular Stents Surface Modification."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms289 (2012)91-96.
38. Wu Liangliang,Wan Guojiang, Zhou Feng, Yang Jie and Huang Nan. "Finite Element Analysis of a Mechanical Heart Valve in Assembly."Advanced Materials Research569,(2012) 487-90.
39. Han, Nan-Nan, Hui Wang, Na Li, Jian-Zhang Zhou, Zhong-Hua Lin, Di Wu andGuo-Jiang Wan*. "Electrochemical Behavior of Redox Proteins on Zno Nanorod-Modified Electrodes Prepared by Electrodeposition."Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica27 (2011) 468-472.
40. Hengquan, Liu, Y. X. Leng,Wan Guojiangand Huang Nan. "Corrosion Susceptibility Investigation of Ti-O Film Modified Cobalt-Chromium Alloy (L-605) Vascular Stents by Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurement."Surface & Coatings Technology206 (2011) 893-6.
41. Shi-wei Ji, Nan Huang, Guo-jiang Wan, Kai Wang, Electrochemical polishing of 316L stainless steel stent, Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research 16 (2011) 2851 – 2854.
42. Yang Ping, Huang Nan, Leng Yongxiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin, Sun Hong,Wan Guojiangand Zhao Ansha. "Wettability and Bloodcompatibility of a-C:N:H Films Deposited by Piii-D."Surface & Coatings Technology 204 (2010) 3039-42.
43. G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, R. K. Y. Fu, J. P. Y. Ho, X. Xie, H. F. Zhou and P. K.Chu. "Platelet Activation Behavior on Nitrogen Plasma-Implanted Silicon."Materials Science & Engineering C, Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems27 (2007) 928-32.
44. G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and Xi Wu. "Electrochemical Behaviors of Tio2-X Films Synthesized by Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition in Fibrinogen Containing Pbs Solution."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 15 (2007) 6889-6892.
45. G. J. Wan, N. Huang, A. S. Zhao, P. Yang and P. K. Chu. "Behaviors of Platelets Adherent on Si-N(H) Surface Prepared from Ammonia Plasma-Implanted Silicon."Key Engineering Materials330-332 (2007) 889-92.
46. G. J. Wan, P. Yang, Ricky K. Y. Fu, Y. F. Mei, T. Qiu, S. C. H. Kwok, Joan P. Y. Ho, N. Huang, X. L. Wu and Paul K. Chu. "Characteristics and Surface Energy of Silicon-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Fabricated by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Diamond and Related Materials15, no. 9 (2006) 1276-1281.
47. G. J. Wan, N. Huang, S. C. H. Kwok, Z. Y. Shao, A. S. Zhao, P. Yang and P. K. Chu. "Si-N-O Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii&D) for Blood-Contacting Biomedical Applications."IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science34, no. 4 (2006) 1160-1165. ).
48. G. J. Wan, R. K. Y. Fu, P. Yang, J. P. Y. Ho, X. Xie, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Surface Wettabilly of Nitrogen Plasma-Implanted Silicon."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms242, no. 1-2 (2006) 296-299.
49. G. J. Wan, P. Yang, X. J. Shi, M. Wong, H. F. Zhou, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Investigation of Hemocompatibility of Hydrophilic Sinx : H Films Fabricated by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology200, no. 5-6 (2005) 1945-1949.
50. G. J. Wan, P. Yang, R. K. Y. Fu, Z. Q. Yao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Improvement of Nitrogen Retained Dose Using Ammonia as a Precursor in Nitrogen Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation of Silicon."Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A23, no. 5 (2005) 1346-1349.
51. G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, Y. Leng, H. Sun, J. Y. Chen and J. Wang. "Ti-O/Tin Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on 316l: Study of Deformation Behavior and Mechanical Properties."Thin Solid Films484, no. 1-2 (2005) 219-224.
52. G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and H. Sun. "TiN and Ti-O/TiN Films Fabricated by PIII-D for Enhancement of Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Ti-6Al-4V."Surface & Coatings Technology186, no. 1-2 (2004) 136-140.
53. G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang and J. Y. Chen. "Mechanical Properties of Tin Nano-Film Deposited by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Journal of Inorganic Materials18, no. 4 (2003) 904-910.
54. Ping Yang, Nan Huang, Yongxiang Leng,Guojiang Wan, Ansha Zhao, Junying Chen, Jin Wang and Hong Sun. "Functional Inorganic Films Fabricated by Piii(-D) for Surface Modification of Blood Contacting Biomaterials: Fabrication Parameters, Characteristics and Antithrombotic Properties."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 15 (2007) 6828-6832.
55. Nan, Huang, Yang Ping, Leng Yongxiang,Wan Guojiang, Zhao Ansha, Chen Junying, Wang Jin and Sun Hong. "Functional Inorganic Films Fabricated by Piii(-D) for Surface Modification of Blood Contacting Biomaterials: Fabrication Parameters, Characteristics and Antithrombotic Properties."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 15 (2007) 6828-32.
56. Q. L. Li, N. Huang,G. J. Wan, L. S. Zhao and X. Y. Tang. "Ultra-Thin Film of Chitosan and Sulfated Chitosan Coating on Titanium Oxide by Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly Method."Key Engineering Materials330-332, (2007) 645-8.
57. J. X. L i, J. Wang, L. R. Shen, Z. J. Xu, P. Li,G. J. Wanand N. Huang. "The Influence of Polyethylene Terephthalate Surfaces Modified by Silver Ion Implantation on Bacterial Adhesion Behavior."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 19-20 (2007) 8155-8159.
58. Kwok, S. C. H., W. Zhang,G. J. Wan, D. R. McKenzie, M. M. M. Bilek and Paul K. Chu. "Hemocompatibility and Anti-Bacterial Properties of Silver Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc Deposition."Diamond and Related Materials16, no. 4-7 (2007) 1353-1360.
59. Kwok, S. C. H.,G. J. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, P. K. Chu, M. M. M. Bilek and D. R. McKenzie. "Characteristics of Phosphorus-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii and D)."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 15 (2007) 6643-6646.
60. N. Huang,G. J. Wan, P. Yang, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and Wu Xi. "Electrochemical Behaviors of Tio 2-X Films Synthesized by Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition in Fibrinogen Containing Pbs Solution."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 15 (2007) 6889-92.
61. N .Huang, J. Y. Chen, R. L. Tian, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and H. Sun. "Effect of Ar Plasma Etching of Ti-O Film Surfaces on Biological Behavior of Endothelial Cell."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 15 (2007) 6901-5.
62. Ricky K. Y. Fu, D. L. Tang,G. J. Wanand Paul K. Chu. "Enhancement of Corrosion Resistance of Aisi 420 Stainless Steels by Nitrogen and Silicon Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 9-11 (2007) 4879-4883.
63. S. C. H. Kwok, W. Zhang,G. J. Wan, D. R. McKenzie,M. M. M. Bilek and P. K.Chu. "Hemocompatibility and Anti-Bacterial Properties of Silver Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc Deposition."Diamond and Related Materials16, no. 4-7 (2007) 1353-60.
64. S. C. H. Kwok,G. J. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, M. M. M. Bilek, D. R. McKenzie and P. K.Chu. "Characteristics of Phosphorus-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii and D)."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 15 (2007) 6643-6.
65. R. K. Y. Fu, D. L. Tang,G. J. Wanand P. K.Chu. "Enhancement of Corrosion Resistance of Aisi 420 Stainless Steels by Nitrogen and Silicon Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 9-11 (2007) 4879-83.
66. J. Y.Chen, R. L. Tian, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun and N. Huang. "Effect of Ar Plasma Etching of Ti-O Film Surfaces on Biological Behavior of Endothelial Cell."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 15 (2007) 6901-6905.
67. Zhao Ansha, Yang Ping, Leng Yong Xiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin,Wan Guojiangand Huang Nan. "In Vitro Studies of Inflammation and Contact Activation of Titanium Oxide Film."Key Engineering Materials330-332, (2007) 729-32.
68. Zhao Ansha, Li GuiCai, Yang Ping, Leng YongXiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin,Wan Guojiangand Huang Nan. "In Vitro Studies of Macrophage Biological Behavior on Cardiovascular Biomaterials."Key Engineering Materials342-342, (2007) 309-12.
69. Z. Q. Yao, P. Yang, N. Huang, H. Sun,G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang and J. Y. Chen. "Fabrication and Surface Characterization of Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Silicon Nitride Films."Surface & Coatings Technology200, no. 12-13 (2006) 4144-4151.
70. J. Wang , J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng,G. J. Wan, H. Sun, A. S. Zhao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Platelet Adhesion and Activation of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms242, no. 1-2 (2006) 12-14.
71. Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, J. Wang, A. S. Zhao,G. J. Wan, H. Sun and N. Huang. "The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Tin and Tio2/Tin Duplex Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on Artificial Heart Valve."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 3-4 (2006) 1012-1016.
72. Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, H. Sun, P. Yang and N. Huang. "Comparative Properties of Titanium Oxide Biomaterials Grown by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition and by Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 1-2 (2006) 157-163.
73. Kwok, S. C. H., G. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, P. K. Chu, D. R. McKenzie and M. M. M. Bilek. "Anticoagulation Behavior of Phosphorus-Doped Carbon (Pxc) Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology16, no. 1 (2006) 39-48.
74. F. J. Jing, F. Y. Jin, Y. W. Liu,G. J. Wan, X. M. Liu, X. B. Zhao, R. K. Y. Fu, Y. X. Leng, N. Huang and Paul K. Chu. "Corrosion Resistance and Antithrombogenic Behavior of La and Nd Ion Implanted Stainless Steels."Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A24, no. 5 (2006) 1790-1794.
75. N. Huang, Zh Q. Yao, P. Yang, H. Sun,G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang and J. Y. Chen. "Fabrication and Surface Characterization of Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Silicon Nitride Films."Surface & Coatings Technology200, no. 12-13 (2006) 4144-51.
76. N. Huang, J. J. Wang Y. Chen, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng,G. J. Wan, H. Sun, A. S. Zhao and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Platelet Adhesion and Activation of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms)242, no. 1-2 (2006) 12-14.
77. N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and P. D. Ding. "Surface Modification of Coronary Artery Stent by Ti-O/Ti-N Complex Film Coating Prepared with Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms242, no. 1-2 (2006) 18-21.
78. N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, J. Wang, A. S. Zhao,G. J. Wanand H. Sun. "The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Tin and Tio 2/Tin Duplex Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on Artificial Heart Valve."Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 3-4 (2006) 1012-16.
79. N. Huang, J. Y. Chen, Y. X. Leng, X. Zhang, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and P. K. Chu. "Effect of Tantalum Content of Titanium Oxide Film Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering on the Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Huvec)."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms)242, no. 1-2 (2006) 26-9.
80. J. Y. Chen,G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang, N. Huang, H. Q. Chen and R. Tang. "Antithrombogenic Investigation and Biological Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells on Ti-O Film."Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences49, no. 1 (2006) 20-28.
81. J. Y. Chen, Y. X. Leng, X. Zhang, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Effect of Tantalum Content of Titanium Oxide Film Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering on the Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Huvec)."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms242, no. 1-2 (2006) 26-29.
82. A. S. Zhao, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, H. Sun, J. Wang,G. J. Wanand N. Huang. "Research on Platelet Adsorption Behavior Using Enzyme Immunoassays and Ldh Testing." InAsbm6: Advanced Biomaterials Vi, edited by X. Zhang, J. Tanaka, Y. Yu and Y. Tabata, 288-289, 515-518, 2005.
83. Z. Q. Yao, P. Yang, N. Huang, H. Sun,G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng and J. Y. Chen. "Composition, Structure and Properties of Sin, Films Fabricated by Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms240, no. 3 (2005) 741-751.
84. Wu, X. L., G. G. Siu, P. K. Chu, T. Qiu,G. J. Wanand Y. F. Mei. "Self-Organized Synthesis of Micrometer Scale Silver Disks by Electroless Metal Deposition on Si-Incorporated Diamond-Like Carbon Films."Journal of Crystal Growth284, no. 3-4 (2005) 470-6.
85. J. Wang, C. J. Pan, N. Huang, H. Sun, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen,G. J. Wanand P. K. Chu. "Surface Characterization and Blood Compatibility of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Modified by Plasma Surface Grafting."Surface & Coatings Technology196, no. 1-3 (2005) 307-311.
86. T. Qiu, X. L. Wu,G. J. Wan, Y. F. Mei, G. G. Siu and P. K. Chu. "Self-Organized Synthesis of Micrometer Scale Silver Disks by Electroless Metal Deposition on Si-Incorporated Diamond-Like Carbon Films."Journal of Crystal Growth284, no. 3-4 (2005) 470-476.
87. T. Qiu, X. L. Wu,G. J. Wan, Y. F. Mei, G. G. Siu and P. K. Chu. "Self-Assembled Growth and Enhanced Blue Emission of Sioxny-Capped Silicon Nanowire Arrays."Applied Physics Letters86, no. 19 (2005).
88. T. Qiu, X. L. Wu, Y. F. Mei,G. J. Wan, P. K. Chu and G. G. Siu. "From Si Nanotubes to Nanowires: Synthesis, Characterization, and Self-Assembly."Journal of Crystal Growth277, no. 1-4 (2005) 143-148.
89. N. Huang, Zh Q. Yao, P. Yang, H. Sun,G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng and J. Y. Chen. "Composition, Structure and Properties of Sin X Films Fabricated by Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms)240,no. 3 (2005) 741-51.
90. P. Yang, S. C. H. Kwok, R. K. Y. Fu, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. Leng and P. K. Chu. "Structure and Properties of Annealed Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon (a-C : H) Films for Biomedical Applications."Surface & Coatings Technology177, (2004) 747-751.
91. P. Yang, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang andG. J. Wan. "Inhibition of Adherent Platelet Activation Produced by Ti-O Thin Film Fabricated by Piii."Surface & Coatings Technology186, no. 1-2 (2004) 265-269.
92. F. Wen, N. Huang, H. Sun,G. J. Wan, P. K. Chu and Y. Leng. "The Study of Composition, Structure, Mechanical Properties and Platelet Adhesion of Ti-O/Tin Gradient Films Prepared by Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms222, no. 1-2 (2004) 81-90.
93. J. Wang, C. J. Pan, S. C. H. Kwok, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen,G. J. Wan, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Characteristics and Anticoagulation Behavior of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by C2h2 Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition."Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A22, no. 1 (2004) 170-175.
94. J. Wang, N. Huang, C. J. Pan, S. C. H. Kwok, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun,G. J. Wan, Z. Liu and P. K. Chu. "Bacterial Repellence from Polyethylene Terephthalate Surface Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology186, no. 1-2 (2004) 299-304.
95. Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, R. Yang,G. J. Wan, J. Wang and N. Huang. "Properties of Titanium Oxide Synthesized by Pulsed Metal Vacuum Arc Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology176, no. 2 (2004) 141-147.
96. N. Huang, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang, H. Sun, J. Y. Chen andG. J. Wan. "Surface Modification of Biomaterials by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation."Surface & Coatings Technology186, no. 1-2 (2004) 218-226.
97. Fu, R. K. Y., Y. F. Mei,G. J. Wan, G. G. Siu, P. K. Chu, Y. X. Huang, X. B. Tian, S. Q. Yang and J. Y. Chen. "Surface Composition and Surface Energy of Teflon Treated by Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation."Surface Science573, no. 3 (2004) 426-432.
98. J. Y. Chen,G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang and N. Huang. "Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells on Titanium Oxide Films Fabricated by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology186, no. 1-2 (2004) 270-276.
99. Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, H. Sun,G. J. Wanand N. Huang. "Mechanical Properties and Thermomechanical Stability of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology173, no. 1 (2003) 67-73.
100. Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, H. Sun,G. J. Wanand N. Huang. "Mechanical Properties and Platelet Adhesion Behavior of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition."Surface Science531, no. 2 (2003) 177-184.
101. J. Wang, N. Huang, S. Hong, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen andG. J. Wan.Plasma Surface Modification of Medical Polyurethane for AntithrombogenicityContributions of Surface Engineering to Modern Manufacturing and Remanufacturing, Edited by S. Zhang, Z. R. Zhou, J. J. Liu and M. H. Zhu, 2002.
102. Y. X. Leng, N. Huang, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, X. B. Tian, R. K. Y. Fu, L. P. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Structure and Properties of Biomedical Tio2 Films Synthesized by Dual Plasma Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology156, no. 1-3 (2002) 295-300.
103. Y. X. Leng, N. Huang, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, Y. Leng and P. K. Chu. "Influence of Oxygen Pressure on the Properties and Biocompatibility of Titanium Oxide Fabricated by Metal Plasma Ion Implantation and Deposition."Thin Solid Films420, (2002) 408-413.
104. N. Huang,G. J. Wan, Y. Y. X. Leng Leng, H. Sun, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Deformation Behavior of Titanium Nitride Film Prepared by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology156, no. 1-3 (2002) 170-175.
105. J. Y. Chen, L. P. Wang, K. Y. Fu, N. Huang, Y. Y. X. Leng Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, H. Sun, X. B. Tian and P. K. Chu. "Blood Compatibility and Sp(3)/Sp(2) Contents of Diamond-Like Carbon (Dlc) Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology156, no. 1-3 (2002) 289-294.
106. Y. X. Leng, H. Sun, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang,G. J. Wan, N. Huang, X. B. Tian, L. P. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Biomedical Properties of Tantalum Nitride Films Synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering."Thin Solid Films398, (2001) 471-475.
, and more than 100 co-authored articles…

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个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Guojiang Wan
所在单位: 材料科学与工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: guojiang.wan@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 四川大学



当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
Currently Open Postdoc research, PhD and Mphil students Programme

----in Materials Science & Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
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(2) Materials Chemistry for Biomedical Applications (MCBA)
(3) Corrosion Electrochemistry and Degradation of Metals (CEDM)
(4) Implantable or Interventional Biomedical Implants/Devices (IIBI/D)
and more in materials, chemistry, biomedicine as well as nano/micro- sciences and technologies of multidisciplinary interplay, as well as on the relevance of technology transfer…

Selected Peer-reviewed journal articles
Updated onJUN 6,2021

1.Xiaoshan Mo, Junyu Qian, Yingqi Chen*, Wentai Zhang, Peng Xian, Shuai Tang, Chao Zhou, Nan Huang, Huanzhong Ji, En Luo*, Haijun Zhang*, GuojiangWan*, Corrosion and Degradation Decelerating Alendronate Embedded Zinc Phosphate Hybrid Coating on Biodegradable Zn Biomaterials, Corrosion Science184 (2021) 109398.DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2021.109398(Impact Factor:6.479)

2.Wentai Zhang1, Sheng Zhao1, Xiaoshan Mo, Peng Xian, Shuai Tang, Junyu Qian, Gang Shen, Chao Zhou, Nan Huang, Haijun Zhang*, Guojiang Wan*, Mg ions incorporated phytic acid (PA) and zoledronic acid (ZA) of metal-organic complex coating on biodegradable magnesium for orthopedic implants application,Surface and Coatings Technology119 (2021) 111594. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127075(Impact Factor :3.784)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

3.WentaiZhang1,PingLi1,GangShen,XiaoshanMo,ChaoZhou,DorotheaAlexander,FrankRupp,JürgenGeis-Gerstorfer*,HaijunZhang*,GuojiangWan*, Appropriately adapted properties of hot-extruded Zn–0.5Cu–xFe alloys aimed for biodegradable guided bone regeneration membrane application,Bioactive Materials6 (2021) 975–989.DOI: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2020.09.019(Impact Factor:8.724)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

4.Wentai Zhang1, Ping Li1, Bernd Neumann, Hanna Haag, Ming Li, Zeqian Xu, Chao Zhou,Lutz Scheideler, Hans-Peter Wendel, Haijun Zhan*, Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer*,Guojiang Wan*, Chandler-Loop surveyed blood compatibility and dynamic blood triggereddegradation behavior of Zn-4Cu alloy and Zn,Materials Science & Engineering C119 (2021) 111594.DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2020.111594(Impact Factor: 5.88)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

5.Ping Li1*, Junyu Qian1,Wentai Zhang1, Christine Schille, Ernst Schweizer, Alexander Heissc, Ulrich E. Klotzc, Lutz Scheideler, GuojiangWan*, JürgenGeis-Gerstorfer,Surface and Coatings Technology, Improved biodegradability of zinc and its alloys by sandblasting treatment,Surface and Coatings Technology 405(2021)126678.DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126678(Impact Factor: 3.784)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

6.Gang Shen, Wentai Zhang, Chao Zhou, Huanzhong Ji, En Luo, Haijun Zhang, Guojiang Wan*, Mechanical Properties and Degradation Behavior of Hot-extruded Zn-2Cu-0.5Zr alloy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 2021 DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2020.00537(Impact Factor: 0.938)

7.Yingqi Chen,Sang‐Ho Ye,Yang Zhu,Xinzhu Gu,Shinichi Higuchi,Guojiang Wan* andWilliam R. Wagner*,Covalently‐Attached, Surface‐Eroding Polymer Coatings on Magnesium Alloys for Corrosion Control and Temporally Varying Support of Cell Adhesion,Advanced Materials Interfaces(2020)**DOI:10.1002/admi.(Impact Factor: 4.713)

8.Mohamed Younis,T. Drexler,Junyu Qian,Guojiang Wan,Sebastian Spintzyk*,The impact of non-thermal plasma on the adhesion of polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) to a veneering composite system,Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials112(2020)104065DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2020.104065(Impact Factor: 3.372)

9.Peng Xian, Yingqi Chen*,Shuai Gao, Junyu Qian, WentaiZhang, U.Anjaneyulu, NanHuang & GuojiangWan*,Polydopamine (PDA) mediated nanogranular-structured titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating on polyetheretherketone (PEEK) for oral and maxillofacial implants application.Surface and Coatings Technology401(2020)126282.DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126282(Impact Factor: 3.783)

10.H.Soliman*, Shimin Pu, WentaiZhang, Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf,GuojiangWan*. Deposition of anti-corrosion hybrid film of hexamethylene diaminetetrakis (methylene phosphonic acid)/hydroxyapatite on biodegradable Mg: Influence of deposition procedures,Surface and Coatings Technology402(2020) 126242.DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126242
11..(Impact Factor: 3.784)

12.Xin Tang, Xuan Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Wentai Zhang, Junyu Qian, Hanaa Soliman, Ai Qu, Qijun Liu, Shimin Pu, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*,Ultraviolet irradiation assisted liquid phase deposited titanium dioxide (TiO2)-incorporated into phytic acid coating on magnesium for slowing-down biodegradation and improving osteo-compatibility,Materials Science and Engineering: C108( 2020)110487DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2019.110487(Impact Factor: 4.959)

13.Hanaa Soliman?Junyu Qian, Shuai Tang, PengXian, Yingqi Chen, Abdel-Salam Makhlouf,Guojiang Wan, Hydroxyquinoline/nano-graphene oxide composite coating of self-healing functionality on treated Mg alloys AZ31,Surface & Coatings Technology385 (2020) 125395DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125395(Impact Factor: 3.784)

14.ShuaiTang, WentaiZhang, JunyuQian, PengXian, Xiaoshan Mo, NanHuang, Guojiang Wan*,Long-term in Vitro Corrosion Behavior of Zinc in Ringer’s Solution(Chinese),Journal of Inorganic Materials,4(2020)461-468 DOI:10.15541/jim**(Impact Factor: 0.490)

15.Ping Li1, Wentai Zhang1, Jingtao Dai, Alexander Basileos Xepapadeas, Ernst Schweizer, Dorothea Alexander, Lutz Scheideler, Chao Zhou, Haijun Zhang, Guojiang Wan*, Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer*, Investigation of zinc-copper alloys as potential materials for craniomaxillofacial osteosynthesis implants,Materials Science & Engineering C103 (2019) 109826DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2019.109826(Impact Factor: 4.959)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

16.Lili Jiang, Youjian, Dan Luo, Qinyong Zhang, Sude Ma, Guojiang Wan, Xiong Lu, Zhifeng Ren, Electrochemical Performance of Free‐standing and Flexible Graphene and TiO2Composites with Different Conductive Polymers as electrodes for Supercapacitor,Chem. Eur. J .25(33 )(2019) 7903–7911DOI:10.1002/chem.(Impact factor:5.16)

17.Lili Jiang, Youjian, Dan Luo, Qinyong Zhang, Fanggong Cai, Guojiang Wan, Xiong Lu, Zhifeng Ren, Freestanding RGO-Co3O4-PPy Composite Films as Electrodes for Supercapacitors,Energy Technology,7(3)(2019)**DOI:10.1002/ente.(Impact Factor: 3.163)

18.Shimin Pu#, Meiyun Chen#, Yingqi Chen*, Wentai Zhang, Hanaa Soliman, Ai Qu, Qijun Liua, Xin Tang, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*, Zirconium ions integrated in 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) as a metalorganic-like complex coating on biodegradable magnesium for corrosion control,Corrosion Science144(2018)277-287DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2018.09.003(Impact Factor: 4.862)
# These authors contribute equally to this work.

19.Wentai Zhang, Qijun Liu, Yingqi Chen, Nan Huang, GuojiangWan*, Anodic dissolution dictates the negative difference effect (NDE) of magnesium corrosion more in chemical pathway,Materials Letters232(2018)54-57DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2018.08.069(Impact Factor: 2.687)

20.Yingqi Chen, Sang-Ho Ye, Hideyoshi Sato, Yang Zhu, Vesselin Shanov, Tarannum Tiasha, Antonio D’Amore, Samuel Luketich, Guojiang Wan* and William R. Wagner*,Hybrid scaffolds of Mg alloy mesh reinforced polymer/extracellular matrix composite for critical-sized calvarial defect reconstruction,Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine12(6)(2018)1374-1388DOI:10.1002/term.2668(Impact factor:3.989)

21.Jiang Lili; *Ren Zhifeng; Chen Shuo; Zhang Qinyong; Lu Xiong; Zhang Hongping; Wan Guojiang, Bio-derived three-dimensional hierarchical carbon-graphene-TiO2 as electrode for supercapacitors,Scientific Reports, 8(2018) 4412DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-22742-7(Impact factor:4.122)

22.Yingqi Chen, Xuan Zhang, Sheng Zhao, Manfred F. Maitz, Wentai Zhang, Su Yang, Jinlong Mao, Nan Huang and Guojiang Wan*,In-situ incorporation of heparin/bivalirudin drugs into phytic acid coating on biodegradable magnesium for corrosion-controlling and biocompatible modification.Journal of Materials Chemistry B5(2017)4162 - 4176DOI:10.1039/C6TB03157A(IF=4.872)

23.Wentai Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Meiyun Chen, Sheng Zhao, Jinlong Mao, Ai Qu, Wei Li, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*, Strengthened Corrosion Control of poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) Polymer-Coated Magnesium by Imbedded Hydrophobic Stearic Acid (SA) Thin Layer,Corrosion Science112 (2016) 327–337DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2016.07.027(IF=5.154)

24.Yingqi Chen, Weitai Zhang, Manfred F. Maitz, Meiyun Chen, Heng Zhang, Jinlong Mao, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*, Comparative Corrosion Behavior of Zn with Fe and Mg in the Course of Immersion Degradation in Phosphate Buffered Saline,Corrosion Science111 (2016) 541–555DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2016.05.039(IF=5.154)

25.Meiyun Chen, Yingqi Chen, Wentai Zhang, Sheng Zhao, Juan Wang, Jinlong Mao, Wei Li, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huanga and Guojiang Wan*, Controlling the corrosion rate and behavior of biodegradable magnesium by a surface-immobilized ultrathin 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) film,RSC Adv.2016,6, 15247-15259DOI:10.1039/C5RA23228G(IF= 3.84)

26.Juan Wang, Yongseok Jang, Guojiang Wan, Venkataraman Giridharan, Guang-Ling Song, Zhigang Xu, Youngmi Koo, Pengkai Qi, Jagannathan Sankar, Nan Huang**, Yeoheung Yuna*, Flow-induced Corrosion of Absorbable Magnesium Alloy: In-situ and Real-time Electrochemical Study,Corrosion Science104(2015)277-289.DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2015.12.020(IF=4.422)

27.Xuan Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Huili Lei, Sheng Zhao, Fei Han , Xia Xiang , Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan *, Phytic Acid Layer Template-assisted Deposition of TiO2 Film on Titanium: Surface Electronic Properties, Super-hydrophilicity and Bending Strength,Materials and Design89 (2016) 476 –484DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2015.10.026(Impact Factor: 3.501)

28.Yingqi Chen#, Sheng Zhao#, Meiyun Chen, Wentai Zhang, Jinlong Mao, Yuancong Zhao, Manfred F. Maitz, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan* , "Sandwiched Polydopamine (PDA) Layer for Titanium dioxide (TiO2) Coating on Magnesium to Enhance Corrosion Protection"Corrosion Science96 (2015) 67–73 DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2015.03.020(IF=4.422)
#These authors contribute equally to this work.

29.Sheng Zhao, Yingqi Chen, Bo Liu, Meiyun Chen, Jinlong Mao, Hairuo He, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*. A dual-task design of corrosion-controlling and osteo-compatible hexamethylenediaminetetrakis- (methylene phosphonic acid) (HDTMPA) coating on magnesium for biodegradable bone implants application.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A2015:103A:1640–1652 (IF=3.369)DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.35301.

30.Hao Zhang, Rifang Luo, Wenjun Li, Juan Wang, Manfred F. Maitz, Jin Wang, Guojiang Wan, Yingqi Chen, Hong Sun, Chongxi Jiang, Ru Shen, Nan Huang, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Induced Chemical Conversion Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Biomedical MgZnMn Alloys.Corrosion Science94(2015)305–315DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2015.02.015(Impact Factor: 3.69).

31.Li-li Jiang, Xiong Lu, Chao-ming Xie, Guo-jiang Wan, Hong-ping Zhang, and Tang Youhong Flexible, Free-Standing TiO2–Graphene–Polypyrrole Composite Films as Electrodes for Supercapacitors,J. Phys. Chem. C2015, 119 (8), pp 3903–3910.

32.Yingqi Chen, Sheng Zhao, Bo Liu, Meiyun Chen, Jinlong Mao, Hairuo He, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*, “Corrosion-controlling and Osteo-compatible Mg ion-integrated Phytic Acid (Mg-PA) Coating on Magnesium Substrate for Biodegradable Implants Application. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces6 (22)(2014) 19531–19543 (IF=5.9)

33.Guojiang Wan*, Bo Lv, Guoshou Jin, Manfred F. Maitz, Jianzhang Zhou and Nan Huang. "Direct Correlation of Electrochemical Behaviors with Anti-Thrombogenicity of Semiconducting Titanium Oxide Films.Journal of Biomaterials Applications28( 5) (2014)719-728. (IF=2.64)

34.Lili Jiang, Xiong Lu, Jielong Xu, Yingqi, Chen, Guojiang Wan & Yonghui Ding, Free-standing microporous paper-like graphene films with electrodeposited PPy coatings as electrodes for supercapacitors,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 26( 2) (2015) 747–754. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-014-2459-0

35.Guojiang Wan*, Ping Li, Xia Xiang, Jianzhang Zhou and Nan Huang. "Responsive Surface Charge Transfer Doping Effect of Reductive Bio-Molecules (Glucose, Fucoidan, and Heparin) Contacting on Semiconducting Titanium Oxide Films.Journal of Materials Science48( 11) (2013) 4109-4116. (IF=2.163)

36.Guojiang Wan, Alexander A. Solovev, G. S. Huang, Manfred F. Maitz, Nan Huang and Y. F. Mei. "Dynamic Curv ature Control of Rolled-up Metal Nanomembranes Activated by Magnesium."Journal of Materials Chemistry22, no. 26 (2012): 12983-12987. (IF=6.108)

37.Juan Wang, Yonghui He, Manfred F. Maitz, Boyce Collins, Kaiqin Xiong, Lisha Guo, Yeoheung Yun,Guojiang Wan* and Nan Huang*. "A Surface-Eroding Poly(1,3-Trimethylene Carbonate) Coating for Fully Biodegradable Magnesium-Based Stent Applications: Toward Better Biofunction, Biodegradation and Biocompatibility."Acta Biomaterialia9, no. 10 (2013): 8678-8689. (IF=5.684)

38.Yingqi Chen, Guojiang Wan*, Juan Wang, Sheng Zhao, Yuancong Zhao and Nan Huang. "Covalent Immobilization of Phytic Acid on Mg by Alkaline Pre-Treatment: Corrosion and Degradation Behavior in Phosphate Buffered Saline."Corrosion Science75, (2013): 280-286. (IF=3.743)

39.Dong Xie, Feng Wen, Wenmao Yang, Xueyuan Li, Yongxiang Leng, Guojiang Wan, Hong Sun and Nan Huang. "Carbon-Doped Titanium Oxide Films by Dc Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Using Co2 and O-2 as Reactive Gas." Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters27, no. 2 (2014): 239-244.(SCI Citation)

40.Dong Xie, Guojiang Wan*, Manfred F. Maitz, Hong Sun and Nan Huang. "Deformation and Corrosion Behaviors ofTi-O Film Deposited 316l Stainless Steel by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology214, (2013): 117-123. (IF=2.135)

41.Yong Zhang, Liangliang Wu, Feng Zhou, Tianxue You, Guojiang Wan and Nan Huang. "The Design of the Mechanical Heart Valve by Using the Parametric Method." In Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials Ii, edited by K. Kida, 683, 657-660, 2013. (SCI)

42.Dong Xie, Guojiang Wan*, Manfred F. Maitz, Yifeng Lei, Nan Huang and Hong Sun. "Characterization and Mechanical Investigation of Ti-O2-X Film Prepared by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition for Cardiovascular Stents Surface Modification."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms289, (2012): 91-96. (IF=1.211)

43.Wu Liangliang, Wan Guojiang, Zhou Feng, Yang Jie and Huang Nan. "Finite Element Analysis of a Mechanical Heart Valve in Assembly."Advanced Materials Research569, (2012): 487-90.(SCI Citation)

44.Han, Nan-Nan, Hui Wang, Na Li, Jian-Zhang Zhou, Zhong-Hua Lin, Di Wu and Guo-Jiang Wan*. "Electrochemical Behavior of Redox Proteins on Zno Nanorod-Modified Electrodes Prepared by Electrodeposition."Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica27, no. 2 (2011): 468-472. (IF= 0.916)

45.Hengquan, Liu, Y. X. Leng, Wan Guojiang and Huang Nan. "Corrosion Susceptibility Investigation of Ti-O Film Modified Cobalt-Chromium Alloy (L-605) Vascular Stents by Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurement." Surface & Coatings Technology 206, no. 5 (2011): 893-6.(SCI Citation)

46.Shi-wei Ji, Nan Huang, Guo-jiang Wan, Kai Wang, Electrochemical polishing of 316L stainless steel stent, Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research 16, (2011): 2851 – 2854.(SCI Citation)

47.Yang Ping, Huang Nan, Leng Yongxiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin, Sun Hong, Wan Guojiang and Zhao Ansha. "Wettability and Bloodcompatibility of a-C:N:H Films Deposited by Piii-D." Surface & Coatings Technology 204, no. 18-19 (2010): 3039-42.(SCI Citation)

48.J. Jin, G.Wan, A. Zhao, Y. Lei, Y. Yang , N. Huang, X. Wu , P. Yang , Y. Leng, J. Chen, M. Hou, Research on fibrinogen adsorption and its transformation response in hemocompatibility, Journal of biomedical engineering, 27(2010)1062-1065.

49.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, R. K. Y. Fu, J. P. Y. Ho, X. Xie, H. F. Zhou and P. K.Chu. "Platelet Activation Behavior on Nitrogen Plasma-Implanted Silicon." Materials Science & Engineering C, Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems 27, no. 4 (2007): 928-32. (IF= 2.736)

50.G.J.Wan, M.F.Maitz, H.Sun, P.P.Li, N.Huang, Corrosion properties of oxygen plasma immersion ion implantation treated magnesium,Surface and Coatings Technology,201(2007)8267-8272.

51.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and Xi Wu. "Electrochemical Behaviors of Tio2-X Films Synthesized by Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition in Fibrinogen Containing PBSSolution." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6889-6892. (IF=2.199)

52.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, A. S. Zhao, P. Yang and P. K. Chu. "Behaviors of Platelets Adherent on Si-N(H) Surface Prepared from Ammonia Plasma-Implanted Silicon." Key Engineering Materials 330-332, (2007): 889-92.(SCI Citation)

53.G. J. Wan, P. Yang, Ricky K. Y. Fu, Y. F. Mei, T. Qiu, S. C. H. Kwok, Joan P. Y. Ho, N. Huang, X. L. Wu and Paul K. Chu. "Characteristics and Surface Energy of Silicon-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Fabricated by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Diamond and Related Materials 15, no. 9 (2006): 1276-1281. (IF= 1.913)

54.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, S. C. H. Kwok, Z. Y. Shao, A. S. Zhao, P. Yang and P. K. Chu. "Si-N-O Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii&D) for Blood-Contacting Biomedical Applications." IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 34, no. 4 (2006): 1160-1165.(IF=1.174)

55.G. J. Wan, R. K. Y. Fu, P. Yang, J. P. Y. Ho, X. Xie, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Surface Wettabilly of Nitrogen Plasma-Implanted Silicon." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 296-299. (IF=1.211)

56.G. J. Wan, P. Yang, X. J. Shi, M. Wong, H. F. Zhou, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Investigation of Hemocompatibility of Hydrophilic Sinx : H Films Fabricated by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 200, no. 5-6 (2005): 1945-1949. (IF=2.199)

57.G. J. Wan, P. Yang, R. K. Y. Fu, Z. Q. Yao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Improvement of Nitrogen Retained Dose Using Ammonia as a Precursor in Nitrogen Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation of Silicon." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 23, no. 5 (2005): 1346-1349. (IF= 2.140)

58.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, Y. Leng, H. Sun, J. Y. Chen and J. Wang. "Ti-O/Tin Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on 316l: Study of Deformation Behavior and Mechanical Properties." Thin Solid Films 484, no. 1-2 (2005): 219-224. (IF= 1.867)

59.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and H. Sun. "TiN and Ti-O/TiN Films Fabricated by PIII-D for Enhancement of Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Ti-6Al-4V." Surface & Coatings Technology 186, no. 1-2 (2004): 136-140. (IF= 2.199)

60.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang and J. Y. Chen. "Mechanical Properties of Tin Nano-Film Deposited by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Journal of Inorganic Materials 18, no. 4 (2003): 904-910. (IF=0.445)

61.55.Ping Yang, Nan Huang, Yongxiang Leng, Guojiang Wan, Ansha Zhao, Junying Chen, Jin Wang and Hong Sun. "Functional Inorganic Films Fabricated by Piii(-D) for Surface Modification of Blood Contacting Biomaterials: Fabrication Parameters, Characteristics and Antithrombotic Properties." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6828-6832.(SCI Citation)

62.Nan, Huang, Yang Ping, Leng Yongxiang, Wan Guojiang, Zhao Ansha, Chen Junying, Wang Jin and Sun Hong. "Functional Inorganic Films Fabricated by Piii(-D) for Surface Modification of Blood Contacting Biomaterials: Fabrication Parameters, Characteristics and Antithrombotic Properties."Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6828-32.(SCI Citation)

63.Q. L. Li, N. Huang, G. J. Wan, L. S. Zhao and X. Y. Tang. "Ultra-Thin Film of Chitosan and Sulfated Chitosan Coating on Titanium Oxide by Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly Method." Key Engineering Materials330-332, (2007): 645-8.(SCI Citation)

64.J. X. L i, J. Wang, L. R. Shen, Z. J. Xu, P. Li, G. J. Wan and N. Huang. "The Influence of Polyethylene Terephthalate Surfaces Modified by Silver Ion Implantation on Bacterial Adhesion Behavior." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 19-20 (2007): 8155-8159.(SCI Citation)

65.Kwok, S. C. H., W. Zhang, G. J. Wan, D. R. McKenzie, M. M. M. Bilek and Paul K. Chu. "Hemocompatibility and Anti-Bacterial Properties of Silver Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc Deposition." Diamond and Related Materials 16, no. 4-7 (2007): 1353-1360.(SCI Citation)

66.Kwok, S. C. H., G. J. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, P. K. Chu, M. M. M. Bilek and D. R. McKenzie. "Characteristics of Phosphorus-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii and D)." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6643-6646.(SCI Citation)

67.N. Huang, G. J. Wan, P. Yang, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and Wu Xi. "Electrochemical Behaviors of Tio 2-X Films Synthesized by Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition in Fibrinogen Containing Pbs Solution." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6889-92.(SCI Citation)

68.N .Huang, J. Y. Chen, R. L. Tian, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and H. Sun. "Effect of Ar Plasma Etching of Ti-O Film Surfaces on Biological Behavior of Endothelial Cell."Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6901-5.(SCI Citation)

69.Ricky K. Y. Fu, D. L. Tang, G. J. Wan and Paul K. Chu. "Enhancement of Corrosion Resistance of Aisi 420 Stainless Steels by Nitrogen and Silicon Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 9-11 (2007): 4879-4883.(SCI Citation)

70.S. C. H. Kwok, W. Zhang, G. J. Wan, D. R. McKenzie,M. M. M. Bilek and P. K.Chu. "Hemocompatibility and Anti-Bacterial Properties of Silver Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc Deposition." Diamond and Related Materials 16, no. 4-7 (2007): 1353-60.(SCI Citation)

71.S. C. H. Kwok, G. J. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, M. M. M. Bilek, D. R. McKenzie and P. K.Chu. "Characteristics of Phosphorus-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii and D)." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6643-6.(SCI Citation)

72.R. K. Y. Fu, D. L. Tang, G. J. Wan and P. K.Chu. "Enhancement of Corrosion Resistance of Aisi 420 Stainless Steels by Nitrogen and Silicon Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 9-11 (2007): 4879-83.(SCI Citation)

73.J. Y.Chen, R. L. Tian, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun and N. Huang. "Effect of Ar Plasma Etching of Ti-O Film Surfaces on Biological Behavior of Endothelial Cell."Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6901-6905.(SCI Citation)

74.Zhao Ansha, Yang Ping, Leng Yong Xiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin, Wan Guojiang and Huang Nan. "In Vitro Studies of Inflammation and Contact Activation of Titanium Oxide Film." Key Engineering Materials 330-332, (2007): 729-32.(SCI Citation)

75.Zhao Ansha, Li GuiCai, Yang Ping, Leng YongXiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin, Wan Guojiang and Huang Nan. "In Vitro Studies of Macrophage Biological Behavior on Cardiovascular Biomaterials." Key Engineering Materials 342-342, (2007): 309-12.(SCI Citation)

76.Z. Q. Yao, P. Yang, N. Huang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang and J. Y. Chen. "Fabrication and Surface Characterization of Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Silicon Nitride Films." Surface & Coatings Technology 200, no. 12-13 (2006): 4144-4151.(SCI Citation)

77.J. Wang , J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, G. J. Wan, H. Sun, A. S. Zhao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Platelet Adhesion and Activation of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 12-14.(SCI Citation)

78.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, J. Wang, A. S. Zhao, G. J. Wan, H. Sun and N. Huang. "The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Tin and Tio2/Tin Duplex Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on Artificial Heart Valve." Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 3-4 (2006): 1012-1016.(SCI Citation)

79.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, H. Sun, P. Yang and N. Huang. "Comparative Properties of Titanium Oxide Biomaterials Grown by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition and by Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 1-2 (2006): 157-163.(SCI Citation)

80.Kwok, S. C. H., G. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, P. K. Chu, D. R. McKenzie and M. M. M. Bilek. "Anticoagulation Behavior of Phosphorus-Doped Carbon (Pxc) Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology 16, no. 1 (2006): 39-48.(SCI Citation)

81.F. J. Jing, F. Y. Jin, Y. W. Liu, G. J. Wan, X. M. Liu, X. B. Zhao, R. K. Y. Fu, Y. X. Leng, N. Huang and Paul K. Chu. "Corrosion Resistance and Antithrombogenic Behavior of La and Nd Ion Implanted Stainless Steels." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 24, no. 5 (2006): 1790-1794.(SCI Citation)

82.N. Huang, Zh Q. Yao, P. Yang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang and J. Y. Chen. "Fabrication and Surface Characterization of Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Silicon Nitride Films." Surface & Coatings Technology 200, no. 12-13 (2006): 4144-51.(SCI Citation)

83.N. Huang, J. J. Wang Y. Chen, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, G. J. Wan, H. Sun, A. S. Zhao and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Platelet Adhesion and Activation of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms) 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 12-14.(SCI Citation)

84.N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and P. D. Ding. "Surface Modification of Coronary Artery Stent by Ti-O/Ti-N Complex Film Coating Prepared with Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 18-21.(SCI Citation)

85.N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, J. Wang, A. S. Zhao, G. J. Wan and H. Sun. "The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Tin and Tio 2/Tin Duplex Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on Artificial Heart Valve." Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 3-4 (2006): 1012-16.

86.N. Huang, J. Y. Chen, Y. X. Leng, X. Zhang, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and P. K. Chu. "Effect of Tantalum Content of Titanium Oxide Film Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering on the Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Huvec)." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms) 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 26-9.(SCI Citation)

87.J. Y. Chen, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang, N. Huang, H. Q. Chen and R. Tang. "Antithrombogenic Investigation and Biological Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells on Ti-O Film." Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences 49, no. 1 (2006): 20-28.(SCI Citation)

88.J. Y. Chen, Y. X. Leng, X. Zhang, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Effect of Tantalum Content of Titanium Oxide Film Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering on the Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Huvec)." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 26-29.(SCI Citation)

89.S. Zhao, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan and N. Huang. "Research on Platelet Adsorption Behavior Using Enzyme Immunoassays and Ldh Testing." In Asbm6: Advanced Biomaterials Vi, edited by X. Zhang, J. Tanaka, Y. Yu and Y. Tabata, 288-289, 515-518, 2005.(SCI Citation)

90.Z. Q. Yao, P. Yang, N. Huang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng and J. Y. Chen. "Composition, Structure and Properties of Sin, Films Fabricated by Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 240, no. 3 (2005): 741-751.(SCI Citation)

91.Wu, X. L., G. G. Siu, P. K. Chu, T. Qiu, G. J. Wan and Y. F. Mei. "Self-Organized Synthesis of Micrometer Scale Silver Disks by Electroless Metal Deposition on Si-Incorporated Diamond-Like Carbon Films." Journal of Crystal Growth 284, no. 3-4 (2005): 470-6.(SCI Citation)

92.J. Wang, C. J. Pan, N. Huang, H. Sun, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, G. J. Wan and P. K. Chu. "Surface Characterization and Blood Compatibility of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Modified by Plasma Surface Grafting." Surface & Coatings Technology 196, no. 1-3 (2005): 307-311.(SCI Citation)

93.T. Qiu, X. L. Wu, G. J. Wan, Y. F. Mei, G. G. Siu and P. K. Chu. "Self-Organized Synthesis of Micrometer Scale Silver Disks by Electroless Metal Deposition on Si-Incorporated Diamond-Like Carbon Films." Journal of Crystal Growth 284, no. 3-4 (2005): 470-476.(SCI Citation)

94.T. Qiu, X. L. Wu, G. J. Wan, Y. F. Mei, G. G. Siu and P. K. Chu. "Self-Assembled Growth and Enhanced Blue Emission of Sioxny-Capped Silicon Nanowire Arrays." Applied Physics Letters 86, no. 19 (2005).(SCI Citation)

95.T. Qiu, X. L. Wu, Y. F. Mei, G. J. Wan, P. K. Chu and G. G. Siu. "From Si Nanotubes to Nanowires: Synthesis, Characterization, and Self-Assembly." Journal of Crystal Growth 277, no. 1-4 (2005): 143-148.(SCI Citation)

96.N. Huang, Zh Q. Yao, P. Yang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng and J. Y. Chen. "Composition, Structure and Properties of Sin X Films Fabricated by Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms) 240,no. 3 (2005): 741-51.(SCI Citation)

97.P. Yang, S. C. H. Kwok, R. K. Y. Fu, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. Leng and P. K. Chu. "Structure and Properties of Annealed Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon (a-C : H) Films for Biomedical Applications." Surface & Coatings Technology 177, (2004): 747-751.(SCI Citation)

98.P. Yang, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang and G. J. Wan. "Inhibition of Adherent Platelet Activation Produced by Ti-O Thin Film Fabricated by Piii." Surface & Coatings Technology186, no. 1-2 (2004): 265-269.(SCI Citation)

99.F. Wen, N. Huang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, P. K. Chu and Y. Leng. "The Study of Composition, Structure, Mechanical Properties and Platelet Adhesion of Ti-O/Tin Gradient Films Prepared by Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 222, no. 1-2 (2004): 81-90.(SCI Citation)

100.J. Wang, C. J. Pan, S. C. H. Kwok, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, G. J. Wan, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Characteristics and Anticoagulation Behavior of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by C2h2 Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 22, no. 1 (2004): 170-175.(SCI Citation)

101.J. Wang, N. Huang, C. J. Pan, S. C. H. Kwok, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Z. Liu and P. K. Chu. "Bacterial Repellence from Polyethylene Terephthalate Surface Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 186, no. 1-2 (2004): 299-304.(SCI Citation)

102.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, R. Yang, G. J. Wan, J. Wang and N. Huang. "Properties of Titanium Oxide Synthesized by Pulsed Metal Vacuum Arc Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 176, no. 2 (2004): 141-147.(SCI Citation)

103.N. Huang, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang, H. Sun, J. Y. Chen and G. J. Wan. "Surface Modification of Biomaterials by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation." Surface & Coatings Technology 186, no. 1-2 (2004): 218-226.(SCI Citation)

104.Fu, R. K. Y., Y. F. Mei, G. J. Wan, G. G. Siu, P. K. Chu, Y. X. Huang, X. B. Tian, S. Q. Yang and J. Y. Chen. "Surface Composition and Surface Energy of Teflon Treated by Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation." Surface Science 573, no. 3 (2004): 426-432.

105.J. Y. Chen, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang and N. Huang. "Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells on Titanium Oxide Films Fabricated by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 186, no. 1-2 (2004): 270-276.(SCI Citation)

106.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan and N. Huang. "Mechanical Properties and Thermomechanical Stability of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 173, no. 1 (2003): 67-73.(SCI Citation)

107.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan and N. Huang. "Mechanical Properties and Platelet Adhesion Behavior of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition."Surface Science 531, no. 2 (2003): 177-184.(SCI Citation)

108.J. Wang, N. Huang, S. Hong, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen and G. J. Wan. Plasma Surface Modification of Medical Polyurethane for Antithrombogenicity Contributions of Surface Engineering to Modern Manufacturing and Remanufacturing, Edited by S. Zhang, Z. R. Zhou, J. J. Liu and M. H. Zhu, 2002.(SCI Citation)

109.Y. X. Leng, N. Huang, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, X. B. Tian, R. K. Y. Fu, L. P. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Structure and Properties of Biomedical Tio2 Films Synthesized by Dual Plasma Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 156, no. 1-3 (2002): 295-300.

110.Y. X. Leng, N. Huang, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, Y. Leng and P. K. Chu. "Influence of Oxygen Pressure on the Properties and Biocompatibility of Titanium Oxide Fabricated by Metal Plasma Ion Implantation and Deposition." Thin Solid Films 420, (2002): 408-413.(SCI Citation)

111.N. Huang, G. J. Wan, Y. Y. X. Leng Leng, H. Sun, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Deformation Behavior of Titanium Nitride Film Prepared by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 156, no. 1-3 (2002): 170-175.(SCI Citation)

112.J. Y. Chen, L. P. Wang, K. Y. Fu, N. Huang, Y. Y. X. Leng Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, H. Sun, X. B. Tian and P. K. Chu. "Blood Compatibility and Sp(3)/Sp(2) Contents of Diamond-Like Carbon (Dlc) Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology156, no. 1-3 (2002): 289-294.(SCI Citation)

113.Y. X. Leng, H. Sun, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, N. Huang, X. B. Tian, L. P. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Biomedical Properties of Tantalum Nitride Films Synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering." Thin Solid Films 398, (2001): 471-475.(SCI Citation)


Patents lists (专利)
Updated on Mar 24, 2021

1.万国江、唐帅、张文泰、钱军余、莫小山、鲜鹏、黄楠, 双向调控成骨与破骨细胞响应行为的涂层构建方法,申请号:8.5, 申请日期:2019年09月02日
2.万国江,钱军余,莫小山,蒲世民,鲜鹏,唐帅,张文泰,黄楠,有机无机复合花状涂层及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 8.4, 授权日期:2020年07月31日
3.万国江,莫小山,钱军余,张文泰,鲜鹏,唐帅、黄楠,在可降解吸收金属基层表面构建有机-无机杂化功能涂层的方法,专利号:ZL 5.2国家发明专利 ,授权日:2020年02月21日
4.万国江,李薇,陈英奇,张文泰,黄楠,在镁金属表面构建具有腐蚀保护作用的酒石酸涂层的方法,ZL 2.6,国家发明专利 , 授权日期:2019年05月17日
5.万国江,屈艾,蒲世民,张文泰,李薇,唐欣,刘启军,黄楠, 一种腐蚀速率低的纯镁表面生物功能化涂层的制备方法,ZL 2.7,国家发明专利 , 授权日期:2019年03月05日
6.万国江,唐欣,张旋,张文泰,李薇,陈英奇,黄楠,在纯镁表面构建有机-无机杂化功能复合涂层的方法,ZL 7.3,国家发明专利 ,授权日期:2019年03月05日
7.万国江,蒲世民,陈美云,屈艾,张文泰,李薇,唐欣,刘启军,黄楠,一种在镁金属表面构建金属-有机骨架复合涂层的方法,ZL 2017 1 **.X,国家发明专利 ,授权日期:2019年07月19日
8.万国江,李薇,陈英奇,赵升,张文泰,黄楠, 在镁金属表面构建纳米装容结构并包覆功能性分子的方法, 专利号: ZL 2015 1 **.8 国家发明专利,授权日期: 2018年1月23日
9.万国江,张旋, 陈英奇,赵升, 孟涛, 黄楠, 一种有机/无机杂化双层纳米膜自卷管的制备方法, 专利号: ZL 2015 1 **.X 国家发明专利,授权日期: 2018年08月17日
10.万国江,毛金龙,陈英奇,赵升,张旋,陈美云,赵元聪,黄楠 一种在镁合金表面原位制备功能化涂层的方法 ZL 2016 1 **.8,国家发明专利,授权日期: 2018年08月17日
11.万国江,张旋,陈英奇,赵升,毛金龙,黄楠,用于镁基生物材料表面改性的杂化复合涂层的制备方法, ZL 2016 1 **.5,国家发明专利 ,授权日期: 2018年08月17日
12.万国江,赖欣,李苹,郝国明,黄楠,表面电荷转移掺杂调控Ti-O薄膜表面能级能态的方法, 专利号: ZL 2015 1 **.1 国家发明专利,授权日期: 2017年4月5日 CNA C23C 28/00
13.万国江,雷慧丽,李乘波,黄楠,韩斐,赵元聪,游天雪,一种钛基底上制备有机分子杂化TiO2纳米复合薄膜的方法,专利号: ZL 2014 1 **.4 授权日: 2016年01月19日 (国家发明专利)公开(公告)号:CNA B32B9/04 2014年6月4日
14.万国江, 陈英奇, 黄楠, 赵升, 赵元聪, 王娟, 游天雪, 杨苹, 王进, 陈俊英, 冷永祥, 孙鸿, 赵安莎,一种在纯镁表面获得生物功能化及低腐蚀速率的涂层的方法,专利号:ZL 2013 1 **.9授权日:2015年12月21日 (国家发明专利)公开(公告)号:CNA 分类号:C23C22/68(2006,01)I
15.万国江, 李乘波, 黄楠, 韩斐, 雷慧丽, 赵元聪, 游天雪, 一种在Ti 基底上固定的单层、单分散的TiO2中空微球阵列, 专利号:ZL 2013 1 **.4 授权日:2015年03月02日 公开(公告)号:CNA 分类号:B01J21/06(2006,01)I

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Guojiang Wan
所在单位: 材料科学与工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: guojiang.wan@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 四川大学



研究领域 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 研究领域
Currently Open Postdoc research, PhD and Mphil students Programme

----in Materials Science & Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
(1) Biomaterials and Surface Engineering (BSE)
(2) Materials Chemistry for Biomedical Applications (MCBA)
(3) Corrosion Electrochemistry and Degradation of Metals (CEDM)
(4) Implantable or Interventional Biomedical Implants/Devices (IIBI/D)
and more in materials, chemistry, biomedicine as well as nano/micro- sciences and technologies of multidisciplinary interplay, as well as on the relevance of technology transfer…

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Guojiang Wan
所在单位: 材料科学与工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: guojiang.wan@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 四川大学



论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
Selected Peer-reviewed journal articles
Updated onJUN 6,2021

1.Xiaoshan Mo, Junyu Qian, Yingqi Chen*, Wentai Zhang, Peng Xian, Shuai Tang, Chao Zhou, Nan Huang, Huanzhong Ji, En Luo*, Haijun Zhang*, GuojiangWan*, Corrosion and Degradation Decelerating Alendronate Embedded Zinc Phosphate Hybrid Coating on Biodegradable Zn Biomaterials, Corrosion Science184 (2021) 109398.DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2021.109398(Impact Factor:6.479)

2.Wentai Zhang1, Sheng Zhao1, Xiaoshan Mo, Peng Xian, Shuai Tang, Junyu Qian, Gang Shen, Chao Zhou, Nan Huang, Haijun Zhang*, Guojiang Wan*, Mg ions incorporated phytic acid (PA) and zoledronic acid (ZA) of metal-organic complex coating on biodegradable magnesium for orthopedic implants application,Surface and Coatings Technology119 (2021) 111594. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127075(Impact Factor :3.784)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

3.WentaiZhang1,PingLi1,GangShen,XiaoshanMo,ChaoZhou,DorotheaAlexander,FrankRupp,JürgenGeis-Gerstorfer*,HaijunZhang*,GuojiangWan*, Appropriately adapted properties of hot-extruded Zn–0.5Cu–xFe alloys aimed for biodegradable guided bone regeneration membrane application,Bioactive Materials6 (2021) 975–989.DOI: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2020.09.019(Impact Factor:8.724)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

4.Wentai Zhang1, Ping Li1, Bernd Neumann, Hanna Haag, Ming Li, Zeqian Xu, Chao Zhou,Lutz Scheideler, Hans-Peter Wendel, Haijun Zhan*, Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer*,Guojiang Wan*, Chandler-Loop surveyed blood compatibility and dynamic blood triggereddegradation behavior of Zn-4Cu alloy and Zn,Materials Science & Engineering C119 (2021) 111594.DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2020.111594(Impact Factor: 5.88)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

5.Ping Li1*, Junyu Qian1,Wentai Zhang1, Christine Schille, Ernst Schweizer, Alexander Heissc, Ulrich E. Klotzc, Lutz Scheideler, GuojiangWan*, JürgenGeis-Gerstorfer,Surface and Coatings Technology, Improved biodegradability of zinc and its alloys by sandblasting treatment,Surface and Coatings Technology 405(2021)126678.DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126678(Impact Factor: 3.784)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

6.Gang Shen, Wentai Zhang, Chao Zhou, Huanzhong Ji, En Luo, Haijun Zhang, Guojiang Wan*, Mechanical Properties and Degradation Behavior of Hot-extruded Zn-2Cu-0.5Zr alloy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 2021 DOI:10.11900/0412.1961.2020.00537(Impact Factor: 0.938)

7.Yingqi Chen,Sang‐Ho Ye,Yang Zhu,Xinzhu Gu,Shinichi Higuchi,Guojiang Wan* andWilliam R. Wagner*,Covalently‐Attached, Surface‐Eroding Polymer Coatings on Magnesium Alloys for Corrosion Control and Temporally Varying Support of Cell Adhesion,Advanced Materials Interfaces(2020)**DOI:10.1002/admi.(Impact Factor: 4.713)

8.Mohamed Younis,T. Drexler,Junyu Qian,Guojiang Wan,Sebastian Spintzyk*,The impact of non-thermal plasma on the adhesion of polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) to a veneering composite system,Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials112(2020)104065DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2020.104065(Impact Factor: 3.372)

9.Peng Xian, Yingqi Chen*,Shuai Gao, Junyu Qian, WentaiZhang, U.Anjaneyulu, NanHuang & GuojiangWan*,Polydopamine (PDA) mediated nanogranular-structured titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating on polyetheretherketone (PEEK) for oral and maxillofacial implants application.Surface and Coatings Technology401(2020)126282.DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126282(Impact Factor: 3.783)

10.H.Soliman*, Shimin Pu, WentaiZhang, Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf,GuojiangWan*. Deposition of anti-corrosion hybrid film of hexamethylene diaminetetrakis (methylene phosphonic acid)/hydroxyapatite on biodegradable Mg: Influence of deposition procedures,Surface and Coatings Technology402(2020) 126242.DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126242
11..(Impact Factor: 3.784)

12.Xin Tang, Xuan Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Wentai Zhang, Junyu Qian, Hanaa Soliman, Ai Qu, Qijun Liu, Shimin Pu, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*,Ultraviolet irradiation assisted liquid phase deposited titanium dioxide (TiO2)-incorporated into phytic acid coating on magnesium for slowing-down biodegradation and improving osteo-compatibility,Materials Science and Engineering: C108( 2020)110487DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2019.110487(Impact Factor: 4.959)

13.Hanaa Soliman?Junyu Qian, Shuai Tang, PengXian, Yingqi Chen, Abdel-Salam Makhlouf,Guojiang Wan, Hydroxyquinoline/nano-graphene oxide composite coating of self-healing functionality on treated Mg alloys AZ31,Surface & Coatings Technology385 (2020) 125395DOI:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125395(Impact Factor: 3.784)

14.ShuaiTang, WentaiZhang, JunyuQian, PengXian, Xiaoshan Mo, NanHuang, Guojiang Wan*,Long-term in Vitro Corrosion Behavior of Zinc in Ringer’s Solution(Chinese),Journal of Inorganic Materials,4(2020)461-468 DOI:10.15541/jim**(Impact Factor: 0.490)

15.Ping Li1, Wentai Zhang1, Jingtao Dai, Alexander Basileos Xepapadeas, Ernst Schweizer, Dorothea Alexander, Lutz Scheideler, Chao Zhou, Haijun Zhang, Guojiang Wan*, Jürgen Geis-Gerstorfer*, Investigation of zinc-copper alloys as potential materials for craniomaxillofacial osteosynthesis implants,Materials Science & Engineering C103 (2019) 109826DOI:10.1016/j.msec.2019.109826(Impact Factor: 4.959)
1These authors contributed equally to this work

16.Lili Jiang, Youjian, Dan Luo, Qinyong Zhang, Sude Ma, Guojiang Wan, Xiong Lu, Zhifeng Ren, Electrochemical Performance of Free‐standing and Flexible Graphene and TiO2Composites with Different Conductive Polymers as electrodes for Supercapacitor,Chem. Eur. J .25(33 )(2019) 7903–7911DOI:10.1002/chem.(Impact factor:5.16)

17.Lili Jiang, Youjian, Dan Luo, Qinyong Zhang, Fanggong Cai, Guojiang Wan, Xiong Lu, Zhifeng Ren, Freestanding RGO-Co3O4-PPy Composite Films as Electrodes for Supercapacitors,Energy Technology,7(3)(2019)**DOI:10.1002/ente.(Impact Factor: 3.163)

18.Shimin Pu#, Meiyun Chen#, Yingqi Chen*, Wentai Zhang, Hanaa Soliman, Ai Qu, Qijun Liua, Xin Tang, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*, Zirconium ions integrated in 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) as a metalorganic-like complex coating on biodegradable magnesium for corrosion control,Corrosion Science144(2018)277-287DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2018.09.003(Impact Factor: 4.862)
# These authors contribute equally to this work.

19.Wentai Zhang, Qijun Liu, Yingqi Chen, Nan Huang, GuojiangWan*, Anodic dissolution dictates the negative difference effect (NDE) of magnesium corrosion more in chemical pathway,Materials Letters232(2018)54-57DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2018.08.069(Impact Factor: 2.687)

20.Yingqi Chen, Sang-Ho Ye, Hideyoshi Sato, Yang Zhu, Vesselin Shanov, Tarannum Tiasha, Antonio D’Amore, Samuel Luketich, Guojiang Wan* and William R. Wagner*,Hybrid scaffolds of Mg alloy mesh reinforced polymer/extracellular matrix composite for critical-sized calvarial defect reconstruction,Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine12(6)(2018)1374-1388DOI:10.1002/term.2668(Impact factor:3.989)

21.Jiang Lili; *Ren Zhifeng; Chen Shuo; Zhang Qinyong; Lu Xiong; Zhang Hongping; Wan Guojiang, Bio-derived three-dimensional hierarchical carbon-graphene-TiO2 as electrode for supercapacitors,Scientific Reports, 8(2018) 4412DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-22742-7(Impact factor:4.122)

22.Yingqi Chen, Xuan Zhang, Sheng Zhao, Manfred F. Maitz, Wentai Zhang, Su Yang, Jinlong Mao, Nan Huang and Guojiang Wan*,In-situ incorporation of heparin/bivalirudin drugs into phytic acid coating on biodegradable magnesium for corrosion-controlling and biocompatible modification.Journal of Materials Chemistry B5(2017)4162 - 4176DOI:10.1039/C6TB03157A(IF=4.872)

23.Wentai Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Meiyun Chen, Sheng Zhao, Jinlong Mao, Ai Qu, Wei Li, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*, Strengthened Corrosion Control of poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) Polymer-Coated Magnesium by Imbedded Hydrophobic Stearic Acid (SA) Thin Layer,Corrosion Science112 (2016) 327–337DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2016.07.027(IF=5.154)

24.Yingqi Chen, Weitai Zhang, Manfred F. Maitz, Meiyun Chen, Heng Zhang, Jinlong Mao, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan*, Comparative Corrosion Behavior of Zn with Fe and Mg in the Course of Immersion Degradation in Phosphate Buffered Saline,Corrosion Science111 (2016) 541–555DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2016.05.039(IF=5.154)

25.Meiyun Chen, Yingqi Chen, Wentai Zhang, Sheng Zhao, Juan Wang, Jinlong Mao, Wei Li, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huanga and Guojiang Wan*, Controlling the corrosion rate and behavior of biodegradable magnesium by a surface-immobilized ultrathin 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) film,RSC Adv.2016,6, 15247-15259DOI:10.1039/C5RA23228G(IF= 3.84)

26.Juan Wang, Yongseok Jang, Guojiang Wan, Venkataraman Giridharan, Guang-Ling Song, Zhigang Xu, Youngmi Koo, Pengkai Qi, Jagannathan Sankar, Nan Huang**, Yeoheung Yuna*, Flow-induced Corrosion of Absorbable Magnesium Alloy: In-situ and Real-time Electrochemical Study,Corrosion Science104(2015)277-289.DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2015.12.020(IF=4.422)

27.Xuan Zhang, Yingqi Chen, Huili Lei, Sheng Zhao, Fei Han , Xia Xiang , Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan *, Phytic Acid Layer Template-assisted Deposition of TiO2 Film on Titanium: Surface Electronic Properties, Super-hydrophilicity and Bending Strength,Materials and Design89 (2016) 476 –484DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2015.10.026(Impact Factor: 3.501)

28.Yingqi Chen#, Sheng Zhao#, Meiyun Chen, Wentai Zhang, Jinlong Mao, Yuancong Zhao, Manfred F. Maitz, Nan Huang, Guojiang Wan* , "Sandwiched Polydopamine (PDA) Layer for Titanium dioxide (TiO2) Coating on Magnesium to Enhance Corrosion Protection"Corrosion Science96 (2015) 67–73 DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2015.03.020(IF=4.422)
#These authors contribute equally to this work.

29.Sheng Zhao, Yingqi Chen, Bo Liu, Meiyun Chen, Jinlong Mao, Hairuo He, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*. A dual-task design of corrosion-controlling and osteo-compatible hexamethylenediaminetetrakis- (methylene phosphonic acid) (HDTMPA) coating on magnesium for biodegradable bone implants application.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A2015:103A:1640–1652 (IF=3.369)DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.35301.

30.Hao Zhang, Rifang Luo, Wenjun Li, Juan Wang, Manfred F. Maitz, Jin Wang, Guojiang Wan, Yingqi Chen, Hong Sun, Chongxi Jiang, Ru Shen, Nan Huang, Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Induced Chemical Conversion Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Biomedical MgZnMn Alloys.Corrosion Science94(2015)305–315DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2015.02.015(Impact Factor: 3.69).

31.Li-li Jiang, Xiong Lu, Chao-ming Xie, Guo-jiang Wan, Hong-ping Zhang, and Tang Youhong Flexible, Free-Standing TiO2–Graphene–Polypyrrole Composite Films as Electrodes for Supercapacitors,J. Phys. Chem. C2015, 119 (8), pp 3903–3910.

32.Yingqi Chen, Sheng Zhao, Bo Liu, Meiyun Chen, Jinlong Mao, Hairuo He, Yuancong Zhao, Nan Huang,Guojiang Wan*, “Corrosion-controlling and Osteo-compatible Mg ion-integrated Phytic Acid (Mg-PA) Coating on Magnesium Substrate for Biodegradable Implants Application. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces6 (22)(2014) 19531–19543 (IF=5.9)

33.Guojiang Wan*, Bo Lv, Guoshou Jin, Manfred F. Maitz, Jianzhang Zhou and Nan Huang. "Direct Correlation of Electrochemical Behaviors with Anti-Thrombogenicity of Semiconducting Titanium Oxide Films.Journal of Biomaterials Applications28( 5) (2014)719-728. (IF=2.64)

34.Lili Jiang, Xiong Lu, Jielong Xu, Yingqi, Chen, Guojiang Wan & Yonghui Ding, Free-standing microporous paper-like graphene films with electrodeposited PPy coatings as electrodes for supercapacitors,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 26( 2) (2015) 747–754. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-014-2459-0

35.Guojiang Wan*, Ping Li, Xia Xiang, Jianzhang Zhou and Nan Huang. "Responsive Surface Charge Transfer Doping Effect of Reductive Bio-Molecules (Glucose, Fucoidan, and Heparin) Contacting on Semiconducting Titanium Oxide Films.Journal of Materials Science48( 11) (2013) 4109-4116. (IF=2.163)

36.Guojiang Wan, Alexander A. Solovev, G. S. Huang, Manfred F. Maitz, Nan Huang and Y. F. Mei. "Dynamic Curv ature Control of Rolled-up Metal Nanomembranes Activated by Magnesium."Journal of Materials Chemistry22, no. 26 (2012): 12983-12987. (IF=6.108)

37.Juan Wang, Yonghui He, Manfred F. Maitz, Boyce Collins, Kaiqin Xiong, Lisha Guo, Yeoheung Yun,Guojiang Wan* and Nan Huang*. "A Surface-Eroding Poly(1,3-Trimethylene Carbonate) Coating for Fully Biodegradable Magnesium-Based Stent Applications: Toward Better Biofunction, Biodegradation and Biocompatibility."Acta Biomaterialia9, no. 10 (2013): 8678-8689. (IF=5.684)

38.Yingqi Chen, Guojiang Wan*, Juan Wang, Sheng Zhao, Yuancong Zhao and Nan Huang. "Covalent Immobilization of Phytic Acid on Mg by Alkaline Pre-Treatment: Corrosion and Degradation Behavior in Phosphate Buffered Saline."Corrosion Science75, (2013): 280-286. (IF=3.743)

39.Dong Xie, Feng Wen, Wenmao Yang, Xueyuan Li, Yongxiang Leng, Guojiang Wan, Hong Sun and Nan Huang. "Carbon-Doped Titanium Oxide Films by Dc Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Using Co2 and O-2 as Reactive Gas." Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters27, no. 2 (2014): 239-244.(SCI Citation)

40.Dong Xie, Guojiang Wan*, Manfred F. Maitz, Hong Sun and Nan Huang. "Deformation and Corrosion Behaviors ofTi-O Film Deposited 316l Stainless Steel by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition."Surface & Coatings Technology214, (2013): 117-123. (IF=2.135)

41.Yong Zhang, Liangliang Wu, Feng Zhou, Tianxue You, Guojiang Wan and Nan Huang. "The Design of the Mechanical Heart Valve by Using the Parametric Method." In Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials Ii, edited by K. Kida, 683, 657-660, 2013. (SCI)

42.Dong Xie, Guojiang Wan*, Manfred F. Maitz, Yifeng Lei, Nan Huang and Hong Sun. "Characterization and Mechanical Investigation of Ti-O2-X Film Prepared by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition for Cardiovascular Stents Surface Modification."Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms289, (2012): 91-96. (IF=1.211)

43.Wu Liangliang, Wan Guojiang, Zhou Feng, Yang Jie and Huang Nan. "Finite Element Analysis of a Mechanical Heart Valve in Assembly."Advanced Materials Research569, (2012): 487-90.(SCI Citation)

44.Han, Nan-Nan, Hui Wang, Na Li, Jian-Zhang Zhou, Zhong-Hua Lin, Di Wu and Guo-Jiang Wan*. "Electrochemical Behavior of Redox Proteins on Zno Nanorod-Modified Electrodes Prepared by Electrodeposition."Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica27, no. 2 (2011): 468-472. (IF= 0.916)

45.Hengquan, Liu, Y. X. Leng, Wan Guojiang and Huang Nan. "Corrosion Susceptibility Investigation of Ti-O Film Modified Cobalt-Chromium Alloy (L-605) Vascular Stents by Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurement." Surface & Coatings Technology 206, no. 5 (2011): 893-6.(SCI Citation)

46.Shi-wei Ji, Nan Huang, Guo-jiang Wan, Kai Wang, Electrochemical polishing of 316L stainless steel stent, Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research 16, (2011): 2851 – 2854.(SCI Citation)

47.Yang Ping, Huang Nan, Leng Yongxiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin, Sun Hong, Wan Guojiang and Zhao Ansha. "Wettability and Bloodcompatibility of a-C:N:H Films Deposited by Piii-D." Surface & Coatings Technology 204, no. 18-19 (2010): 3039-42.(SCI Citation)

48.J. Jin, G.Wan, A. Zhao, Y. Lei, Y. Yang , N. Huang, X. Wu , P. Yang , Y. Leng, J. Chen, M. Hou, Research on fibrinogen adsorption and its transformation response in hemocompatibility, Journal of biomedical engineering, 27(2010)1062-1065.

49.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, R. K. Y. Fu, J. P. Y. Ho, X. Xie, H. F. Zhou and P. K.Chu. "Platelet Activation Behavior on Nitrogen Plasma-Implanted Silicon." Materials Science & Engineering C, Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems 27, no. 4 (2007): 928-32. (IF= 2.736)

50.G.J.Wan, M.F.Maitz, H.Sun, P.P.Li, N.Huang, Corrosion properties of oxygen plasma immersion ion implantation treated magnesium,Surface and Coatings Technology,201(2007)8267-8272.

51.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and Xi Wu. "Electrochemical Behaviors of Tio2-X Films Synthesized by Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition in Fibrinogen Containing PBSSolution." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6889-6892. (IF=2.199)

52.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, A. S. Zhao, P. Yang and P. K. Chu. "Behaviors of Platelets Adherent on Si-N(H) Surface Prepared from Ammonia Plasma-Implanted Silicon." Key Engineering Materials 330-332, (2007): 889-92.(SCI Citation)

53.G. J. Wan, P. Yang, Ricky K. Y. Fu, Y. F. Mei, T. Qiu, S. C. H. Kwok, Joan P. Y. Ho, N. Huang, X. L. Wu and Paul K. Chu. "Characteristics and Surface Energy of Silicon-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Fabricated by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Diamond and Related Materials 15, no. 9 (2006): 1276-1281. (IF= 1.913)

54.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, S. C. H. Kwok, Z. Y. Shao, A. S. Zhao, P. Yang and P. K. Chu. "Si-N-O Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii&D) for Blood-Contacting Biomedical Applications." IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 34, no. 4 (2006): 1160-1165.(IF=1.174)

55.G. J. Wan, R. K. Y. Fu, P. Yang, J. P. Y. Ho, X. Xie, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Surface Wettabilly of Nitrogen Plasma-Implanted Silicon." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 296-299. (IF=1.211)

56.G. J. Wan, P. Yang, X. J. Shi, M. Wong, H. F. Zhou, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Investigation of Hemocompatibility of Hydrophilic Sinx : H Films Fabricated by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 200, no. 5-6 (2005): 1945-1949. (IF=2.199)

57.G. J. Wan, P. Yang, R. K. Y. Fu, Z. Q. Yao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Improvement of Nitrogen Retained Dose Using Ammonia as a Precursor in Nitrogen Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation of Silicon." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 23, no. 5 (2005): 1346-1349. (IF= 2.140)

58.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, P. Yang, Y. Leng, H. Sun, J. Y. Chen and J. Wang. "Ti-O/Tin Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on 316l: Study of Deformation Behavior and Mechanical Properties." Thin Solid Films 484, no. 1-2 (2005): 219-224. (IF= 1.867)

59.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and H. Sun. "TiN and Ti-O/TiN Films Fabricated by PIII-D for Enhancement of Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Ti-6Al-4V." Surface & Coatings Technology 186, no. 1-2 (2004): 136-140. (IF= 2.199)

60.G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang and J. Y. Chen. "Mechanical Properties of Tin Nano-Film Deposited by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Journal of Inorganic Materials 18, no. 4 (2003): 904-910. (IF=0.445)

61.55.Ping Yang, Nan Huang, Yongxiang Leng, Guojiang Wan, Ansha Zhao, Junying Chen, Jin Wang and Hong Sun. "Functional Inorganic Films Fabricated by Piii(-D) for Surface Modification of Blood Contacting Biomaterials: Fabrication Parameters, Characteristics and Antithrombotic Properties." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6828-6832.(SCI Citation)

62.Nan, Huang, Yang Ping, Leng Yongxiang, Wan Guojiang, Zhao Ansha, Chen Junying, Wang Jin and Sun Hong. "Functional Inorganic Films Fabricated by Piii(-D) for Surface Modification of Blood Contacting Biomaterials: Fabrication Parameters, Characteristics and Antithrombotic Properties."Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6828-32.(SCI Citation)

63.Q. L. Li, N. Huang, G. J. Wan, L. S. Zhao and X. Y. Tang. "Ultra-Thin Film of Chitosan and Sulfated Chitosan Coating on Titanium Oxide by Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly Method." Key Engineering Materials330-332, (2007): 645-8.(SCI Citation)

64.J. X. L i, J. Wang, L. R. Shen, Z. J. Xu, P. Li, G. J. Wan and N. Huang. "The Influence of Polyethylene Terephthalate Surfaces Modified by Silver Ion Implantation on Bacterial Adhesion Behavior." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 19-20 (2007): 8155-8159.(SCI Citation)

65.Kwok, S. C. H., W. Zhang, G. J. Wan, D. R. McKenzie, M. M. M. Bilek and Paul K. Chu. "Hemocompatibility and Anti-Bacterial Properties of Silver Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc Deposition." Diamond and Related Materials 16, no. 4-7 (2007): 1353-1360.(SCI Citation)

66.Kwok, S. C. H., G. J. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, P. K. Chu, M. M. M. Bilek and D. R. McKenzie. "Characteristics of Phosphorus-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii and D)." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6643-6646.(SCI Citation)

67.N. Huang, G. J. Wan, P. Yang, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and Wu Xi. "Electrochemical Behaviors of Tio 2-X Films Synthesized by Plasma-Based Ion Implantation and Deposition in Fibrinogen Containing Pbs Solution." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6889-92.(SCI Citation)

68.N .Huang, J. Y. Chen, R. L. Tian, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and H. Sun. "Effect of Ar Plasma Etching of Ti-O Film Surfaces on Biological Behavior of Endothelial Cell."Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6901-5.(SCI Citation)

69.Ricky K. Y. Fu, D. L. Tang, G. J. Wan and Paul K. Chu. "Enhancement of Corrosion Resistance of Aisi 420 Stainless Steels by Nitrogen and Silicon Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 9-11 (2007): 4879-4883.(SCI Citation)

70.S. C. H. Kwok, W. Zhang, G. J. Wan, D. R. McKenzie,M. M. M. Bilek and P. K.Chu. "Hemocompatibility and Anti-Bacterial Properties of Silver Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Pulsed Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc Deposition." Diamond and Related Materials 16, no. 4-7 (2007): 1353-60.(SCI Citation)

71.S. C. H. Kwok, G. J. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, M. M. M. Bilek, D. R. McKenzie and P. K.Chu. "Characteristics of Phosphorus-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (Piii and D)." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6643-6.(SCI Citation)

72.R. K. Y. Fu, D. L. Tang, G. J. Wan and P. K.Chu. "Enhancement of Corrosion Resistance of Aisi 420 Stainless Steels by Nitrogen and Silicon Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 9-11 (2007): 4879-83.(SCI Citation)

73.J. Y.Chen, R. L. Tian, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao, H. Sun and N. Huang. "Effect of Ar Plasma Etching of Ti-O Film Surfaces on Biological Behavior of Endothelial Cell."Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 15 (2007): 6901-6905.(SCI Citation)

74.Zhao Ansha, Yang Ping, Leng Yong Xiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin, Wan Guojiang and Huang Nan. "In Vitro Studies of Inflammation and Contact Activation of Titanium Oxide Film." Key Engineering Materials 330-332, (2007): 729-32.(SCI Citation)

75.Zhao Ansha, Li GuiCai, Yang Ping, Leng YongXiang, Chen Junying, Wang Jin, Wan Guojiang and Huang Nan. "In Vitro Studies of Macrophage Biological Behavior on Cardiovascular Biomaterials." Key Engineering Materials 342-342, (2007): 309-12.(SCI Citation)

76.Z. Q. Yao, P. Yang, N. Huang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang and J. Y. Chen. "Fabrication and Surface Characterization of Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Silicon Nitride Films." Surface & Coatings Technology 200, no. 12-13 (2006): 4144-4151.(SCI Citation)

77.J. Wang , J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, G. J. Wan, H. Sun, A. S. Zhao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Platelet Adhesion and Activation of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 12-14.(SCI Citation)

78.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, J. Wang, A. S. Zhao, G. J. Wan, H. Sun and N. Huang. "The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Tin and Tio2/Tin Duplex Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on Artificial Heart Valve." Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 3-4 (2006): 1012-1016.(SCI Citation)

79.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, H. Sun, P. Yang and N. Huang. "Comparative Properties of Titanium Oxide Biomaterials Grown by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition and by Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering." Surface & Coatings Technology 201, no. 1-2 (2006): 157-163.(SCI Citation)

80.Kwok, S. C. H., G. Wan, J. P. Y. Ho, P. K. Chu, D. R. McKenzie and M. M. M. Bilek. "Anticoagulation Behavior of Phosphorus-Doped Carbon (Pxc) Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology 16, no. 1 (2006): 39-48.(SCI Citation)

81.F. J. Jing, F. Y. Jin, Y. W. Liu, G. J. Wan, X. M. Liu, X. B. Zhao, R. K. Y. Fu, Y. X. Leng, N. Huang and Paul K. Chu. "Corrosion Resistance and Antithrombogenic Behavior of La and Nd Ion Implanted Stainless Steels." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 24, no. 5 (2006): 1790-1794.(SCI Citation)

82.N. Huang, Zh Q. Yao, P. Yang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang and J. Y. Chen. "Fabrication and Surface Characterization of Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtered Amorphous Silicon Nitride Films." Surface & Coatings Technology 200, no. 12-13 (2006): 4144-51.(SCI Citation)

83.N. Huang, J. J. Wang Y. Chen, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, G. J. Wan, H. Sun, A. S. Zhao and P. K. Chu. "In Vitro Platelet Adhesion and Activation of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms) 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 12-14.(SCI Citation)

84.N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and P. D. Ding. "Surface Modification of Coronary Artery Stent by Ti-O/Ti-N Complex Film Coating Prepared with Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 18-21.(SCI Citation)

85.N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, J. Wang, A. S. Zhao, G. J. Wan and H. Sun. "The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Tin and Tio 2/Tin Duplex Films Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition on Artificial Heart Valve." Surface & Coatings Technology201, no. 3-4 (2006): 1012-16.

86.N. Huang, J. Y. Chen, Y. X. Leng, X. Zhang, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao and P. K. Chu. "Effect of Tantalum Content of Titanium Oxide Film Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering on the Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Huvec)." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms) 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 26-9.(SCI Citation)

87.J. Y. Chen, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang, N. Huang, H. Q. Chen and R. Tang. "Antithrombogenic Investigation and Biological Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells on Ti-O Film." Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences 49, no. 1 (2006): 20-28.(SCI Citation)

88.J. Y. Chen, Y. X. Leng, X. Zhang, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, A. S. Zhao, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Effect of Tantalum Content of Titanium Oxide Film Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering on the Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Huvec)." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 242, no. 1-2 (2006): 26-29.(SCI Citation)

89.S. Zhao, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan and N. Huang. "Research on Platelet Adsorption Behavior Using Enzyme Immunoassays and Ldh Testing." In Asbm6: Advanced Biomaterials Vi, edited by X. Zhang, J. Tanaka, Y. Yu and Y. Tabata, 288-289, 515-518, 2005.(SCI Citation)

90.Z. Q. Yao, P. Yang, N. Huang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng and J. Y. Chen. "Composition, Structure and Properties of Sin, Films Fabricated by Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 240, no. 3 (2005): 741-751.(SCI Citation)

91.Wu, X. L., G. G. Siu, P. K. Chu, T. Qiu, G. J. Wan and Y. F. Mei. "Self-Organized Synthesis of Micrometer Scale Silver Disks by Electroless Metal Deposition on Si-Incorporated Diamond-Like Carbon Films." Journal of Crystal Growth 284, no. 3-4 (2005): 470-6.(SCI Citation)

92.J. Wang, C. J. Pan, N. Huang, H. Sun, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, G. J. Wan and P. K. Chu. "Surface Characterization and Blood Compatibility of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Modified by Plasma Surface Grafting." Surface & Coatings Technology 196, no. 1-3 (2005): 307-311.(SCI Citation)

93.T. Qiu, X. L. Wu, G. J. Wan, Y. F. Mei, G. G. Siu and P. K. Chu. "Self-Organized Synthesis of Micrometer Scale Silver Disks by Electroless Metal Deposition on Si-Incorporated Diamond-Like Carbon Films." Journal of Crystal Growth 284, no. 3-4 (2005): 470-476.(SCI Citation)

94.T. Qiu, X. L. Wu, G. J. Wan, Y. F. Mei, G. G. Siu and P. K. Chu. "Self-Assembled Growth and Enhanced Blue Emission of Sioxny-Capped Silicon Nanowire Arrays." Applied Physics Letters 86, no. 19 (2005).(SCI Citation)

95.T. Qiu, X. L. Wu, Y. F. Mei, G. J. Wan, P. K. Chu and G. G. Siu. "From Si Nanotubes to Nanowires: Synthesis, Characterization, and Self-Assembly." Journal of Crystal Growth 277, no. 1-4 (2005): 143-148.(SCI Citation)

96.N. Huang, Zh Q. Yao, P. Yang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng and J. Y. Chen. "Composition, Structure and Properties of Sin X Films Fabricated by Pulsed Reactive Closed-Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section B (Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms) 240,no. 3 (2005): 741-51.(SCI Citation)

97.P. Yang, S. C. H. Kwok, R. K. Y. Fu, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, N. Huang, Y. Leng and P. K. Chu. "Structure and Properties of Annealed Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon (a-C : H) Films for Biomedical Applications." Surface & Coatings Technology 177, (2004): 747-751.(SCI Citation)

98.P. Yang, N. Huang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang and G. J. Wan. "Inhibition of Adherent Platelet Activation Produced by Ti-O Thin Film Fabricated by Piii." Surface & Coatings Technology186, no. 1-2 (2004): 265-269.(SCI Citation)

99.F. Wen, N. Huang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, P. K. Chu and Y. Leng. "The Study of Composition, Structure, Mechanical Properties and Platelet Adhesion of Ti-O/Tin Gradient Films Prepared by Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 222, no. 1-2 (2004): 81-90.(SCI Citation)

100.J. Wang, C. J. Pan, S. C. H. Kwok, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, G. J. Wan, N. Huang and P. K. Chu. "Characteristics and Anticoagulation Behavior of Polyethylene Terephthalate Modified by C2h2 Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition." Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 22, no. 1 (2004): 170-175.(SCI Citation)

101.J. Wang, N. Huang, C. J. Pan, S. C. H. Kwok, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, G. J. Wan, Z. Liu and P. K. Chu. "Bacterial Repellence from Polyethylene Terephthalate Surface Modified by Acetylene Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 186, no. 1-2 (2004): 299-304.(SCI Citation)

102.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, R. Yang, G. J. Wan, J. Wang and N. Huang. "Properties of Titanium Oxide Synthesized by Pulsed Metal Vacuum Arc Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 176, no. 2 (2004): 141-147.(SCI Citation)

103.N. Huang, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Wang, H. Sun, J. Y. Chen and G. J. Wan. "Surface Modification of Biomaterials by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation." Surface & Coatings Technology 186, no. 1-2 (2004): 218-226.(SCI Citation)

104.Fu, R. K. Y., Y. F. Mei, G. J. Wan, G. G. Siu, P. K. Chu, Y. X. Huang, X. B. Tian, S. Q. Yang and J. Y. Chen. "Surface Composition and Surface Energy of Teflon Treated by Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation." Surface Science 573, no. 3 (2004): 426-432.

105.J. Y. Chen, G. J. Wan, Y. X. Leng, P. Yang, H. Sun, J. Wang and N. Huang. "Behavior of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells on Titanium Oxide Films Fabricated by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 186, no. 1-2 (2004): 270-276.(SCI Citation)

106.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan and N. Huang. "Mechanical Properties and Thermomechanical Stability of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 173, no. 1 (2003): 67-73.(SCI Citation)

107.Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen, P. Yang, H. Sun, G. J. Wan and N. Huang. "Mechanical Properties and Platelet Adhesion Behavior of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition."Surface Science 531, no. 2 (2003): 177-184.(SCI Citation)

108.J. Wang, N. Huang, S. Hong, P. Yang, Y. X. Leng, J. Y. Chen and G. J. Wan. Plasma Surface Modification of Medical Polyurethane for Antithrombogenicity Contributions of Surface Engineering to Modern Manufacturing and Remanufacturing, Edited by S. Zhang, Z. R. Zhou, J. J. Liu and M. H. Zhu, 2002.(SCI Citation)

109.Y. X. Leng, N. Huang, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, X. B. Tian, R. K. Y. Fu, L. P. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Structure and Properties of Biomedical Tio2 Films Synthesized by Dual Plasma Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 156, no. 1-3 (2002): 295-300.

110.Y. X. Leng, N. Huang, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, H. Sun, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, Y. Leng and P. K. Chu. "Influence of Oxygen Pressure on the Properties and Biocompatibility of Titanium Oxide Fabricated by Metal Plasma Ion Implantation and Deposition." Thin Solid Films 420, (2002): 408-413.(SCI Citation)

111.N. Huang, G. J. Wan, Y. Y. X. Leng Leng, H. Sun, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Deformation Behavior of Titanium Nitride Film Prepared by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology 156, no. 1-3 (2002): 170-175.(SCI Citation)

112.J. Y. Chen, L. P. Wang, K. Y. Fu, N. Huang, Y. Y. X. Leng Leng, P. Yang, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, H. Sun, X. B. Tian and P. K. Chu. "Blood Compatibility and Sp(3)/Sp(2) Contents of Diamond-Like Carbon (Dlc) Synthesized by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation-Deposition." Surface & Coatings Technology156, no. 1-3 (2002): 289-294.(SCI Citation)

113.Y. X. Leng, H. Sun, P. Yang, J. Y. Chen, J. Wang, G. J. Wan, N. Huang, X. B. Tian, L. P. Wang and P. K. Chu. "Biomedical Properties of Tantalum Nitride Films Synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering." Thin Solid Films 398, (2001): 471-475.(SCI Citation)

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个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Guojiang Wan
所在单位: 材料科学与工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: guojiang.wan@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 四川大学



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Updated on Mar 24, 2021

1.万国江、唐帅、张文泰、钱军余、莫小山、鲜鹏、黄楠, 双向调控成骨与破骨细胞响应行为的涂层构建方法,申请号:8.5, 申请日期:2019年09月02日
2.万国江,钱军余,莫小山,蒲世民,鲜鹏,唐帅,张文泰,黄楠,有机无机复合花状涂层及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 8.4, 授权日期:2020年07月31日
3.万国江,莫小山,钱军余,张文泰,鲜鹏,唐帅、黄楠,在可降解吸收金属基层表面构建有机-无机杂化功能涂层的方法,专利号:ZL 5.2国家发明专利 ,授权日:2020年02月21日
4.万国江,李薇,陈英奇,张文泰,黄楠,在镁金属表面构建具有腐蚀保护作用的酒石酸涂层的方法,ZL 2.6,国家发明专利 , 授权日期:2019年05月17日
5.万国江,屈艾,蒲世民,张文泰,李薇,唐欣,刘启军,黄楠, 一种腐蚀速率低的纯镁表面生物功能化涂层的制备方法,ZL 2.7,国家发明专利 , 授权日期:2019年03月05日
6.万国江,唐欣,张旋,张文泰,李薇,陈英奇,黄楠,在纯镁表面构建有机-无机杂化功能复合涂层的方法,ZL 7.3,国家发明专利 ,授权日期:2019年03月05日
7.万国江,蒲世民,陈美云,屈艾,张文泰,李薇,唐欣,刘启军,黄楠,一种在镁金属表面构建金属-有机骨架复合涂层的方法,ZL 2017 1 **.X,国家发明专利 ,授权日期:2019年07月19日
8.万国江,李薇,陈英奇,赵升,张文泰,黄楠, 在镁金属表面构建纳米装容结构并包覆功能性分子的方法, 专利号: ZL 2015 1 **.8 国家发明专利,授权日期: 2018年1月23日
9.万国江,张旋, 陈英奇,赵升, 孟涛, 黄楠, 一种有机/无机杂化双层纳米膜自卷管的制备方法, 专利号: ZL 2015 1 **.X 国家发明专利,授权日期: 2018年08月17日
10.万国江,毛金龙,陈英奇,赵升,张旋,陈美云,赵元聪,黄楠 一种在镁合金表面原位制备功能化涂层的方法 ZL 2016 1 **.8,国家发明专利,授权日期: 2018年08月17日
11.万国江,张旋,陈英奇,赵升,毛金龙,黄楠,用于镁基生物材料表面改性的杂化复合涂层的制备方法, ZL 2016 1 **.5,国家发明专利 ,授权日期: 2018年08月17日
12.万国江,赖欣,李苹,郝国明,黄楠,表面电荷转移掺杂调控Ti-O薄膜表面能级能态的方法, 专利号: ZL 2015 1 **.1 国家发明专利,授权日期: 2017年4月5日 CNA C23C 28/00
13.万国江,雷慧丽,李乘波,黄楠,韩斐,赵元聪,游天雪,一种钛基底上制备有机分子杂化TiO2纳米复合薄膜的方法,专利号: ZL 2014 1 **.4 授权日: 2016年01月19日 (国家发明专利)公开(公告)号:CNA B32B9/04 2014年6月4日
14.万国江, 陈英奇, 黄楠, 赵升, 赵元聪, 王娟, 游天雪, 杨苹, 王进, 陈俊英, 冷永祥, 孙鸿, 赵安莎,一种在纯镁表面获得生物功能化及低腐蚀速率的涂层的方法,专利号:ZL 2013 1 **.9授权日:2015年12月21日 (国家发明专利)公开(公告)号:CNA 分类号:C23C22/68(2006,01)I
15.万国江, 李乘波, 黄楠, 韩斐, 雷慧丽, 赵元聪, 游天雪, 一种在Ti 基底上固定的单层、单分散的TiO2中空微球阵列, 专利号:ZL 2013 1 **.4 授权日:2015年03月02日 公开(公告)号:CNA 分类号:B01J21/06(2006,01)I

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个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Guojiang Wan
所在单位: 材料科学与工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: guojiang.wan@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 四川大学



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