本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-04
Email: ningwj@scu.edu.cn
2020/06- 今 , 四川大学电气工程学院,副研究员
2018/12-2019/12,美国密歇根大学(安娜堡),访问****(Mark J. Kushner课题组)
研究成果发表在Applied Physics Letters, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Plasma Processes and Polymers, Physics of Plasmas, Journal of Applied Physics, IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science等离子体领域的主流期刊。最近3年的论文有:
1. Huang XL, Zhao LH, Bai XY, Wang Z, Ning WJ, Wang LJ and Ren JW. Study on the influence of metal particles on the characteristics of high-current vacuum arc plasma, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(42): 425206, 2020.
2. Gao F, Wang Q, Dai D, Ning WJ, Zhang YH, Li LC. Numerical study on partial discharge in a dry air cavity with a two-dimensional fluid model considering practical reactions, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(34): 345202, 2020.
3. Hong Y, Ning WJ, Dai D, Zhang YH. Influence of air impurities on the transition from a symmetric discharge to an asymmetric discharge in an atmospheric-pressure helium diffuse dielectric barrier discharge, Physics of Plasmas, 27(5):053501, 2020.
4. Wan J, Wang Q, Dai D, Ning WJ. Two-dimensional simulation of the evolution of radial discharge columns in an atmospheric argon dielectric barrier discharge, Physics of Plasmas, 26(10): 103510, 2019.
5. Wang Q, Ning WJ, Dai D, Zhang YH.How does the moderate wavy surface affect the discharge behavior in an atmospheric helium dielectric barrier discharge model? Plasma Processes and Polymers, 17(2): e**, 2019.
6. Zhang YH(#), Ning WJ(#), Dai D, Wang Q. Manipulating the discharge pulse number in an atmospheric helium dielectric barrier discharge with multiple current pulses per half cycle. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28(10): 104001, 2019.
7. Zhang YH(#), Ning WJ(#), Dai D, Wang Q.Numerical study on the discharge pattern evolution in an atmospheric pressure helium dielectric barrier discharge under the variation of nitrogen admixture content. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28(7): 075003, 2019.
8. Wang Q(#), Ning WJ(#), Dai D, Zhang YH. Characteristics and mechanisms of transition from filament to homogeneous glow in atmospheric helium dielectric barrier discharges under variation of the applied voltage amplitude. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52(20): 205201, 2019.
9. Zhang YH(#), Ning WJ(#) and Dai D. Influence of nitrogen impurities on the performance of multiple-current-pulse behavior in a homogeneous helium dielectric-barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52(4): 045203, 2019. (ESI高被引论文)
10. Ning WJ, Dai D and Zhang YH. Inducing discharges in a micrometer catalyst channel by a helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Applied Physics Letters, 114(5): 054104, 2019.
11. Zhang YH, Ning WJ, Dai D, Wang Q.Influence of nitrogen impurities on the characteristics of a patterned helium dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure. Plasma Science and Technology, 21(7): 074003, 2019. (封底论文)
12. Ning WJ, Dai D and Li LC. Atmospheric pressure plasma jet impinging on a wavy dielectric surface: effects of DC polarities. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(8): 08LT01, 2018.
13. Ning WJ, Dai D and Li LC. Ignition properties of helium discharges in dielectric tubes with radius from 50?μm to 3?mm. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 15(5): e**, 2018.
14. Zhang YH, Ning WJ and Dai D. Numerical Investigation on the Transient Evolution Mechanisms of Nonlinear Phenomena in a Helium Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 47(1): 179, 2018.
15. Ning WJ, Dai D, Zhang YH, Han Y, Li LC. Effects of trace of nitrogen on the helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet interacting with a dielectric substrate. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(12): 125204, 2018. (获得2017-2019年度IOP物理类前1%高被引论文奖)
16. Zhang YH, Dai D, Ning WJ(*), Li LC. Influence of electron backflow on discharge asymmetry in atmospheric helium dielectric barrier discharges. AIP Advances, 8(9): 095327, 2018.
17. Zhang YH, Ning WJ and Dai D. Numerical investigation on the dynamics and evolution mechanisms of multiple-current-pulse behavior in homogeneous helium dielectric-barrier discharges at atmospheric pressure. AIP Advances, 8(3): 035008, 2018.
18. Ning WJ, Dai D, Zhang YH, Hao YP, Li LC. Transition from symmetric discharge to asymmetric discharge in a short gap helium dielectric barrier discharge. Physics of Plasmas, 24(7): 073509, 2017.
19. 洪涯, 宁文军, 戴栋, 张雨晖. 空气杂质对大气压氦气介质阻挡放电中主要化学过程的影响. 高电压技术, 45(5): 1404-1412, 2019.
20. 万静, 宁文军, 张雨晖, 戴栋. 气隙宽度对大气压氦气介质阻挡放电多脉冲特性影响的仿真研究. 电工技术学报, 34(4): 871, 2019.
21. 戴栋, 宁文军,邵涛. 大气压低温等离子体的研究现状与发展趋势. 电工技术学报, 32(20): 1, 2017.
22. 宁文军, 戴栋, 张雨晖,郝艳捧,李立浧. 短间隙大气压氦气介质阻挡放电中非线性现象的1维流体仿真. 高电压技术, 43(6): 1845, 2017.
23. 戴栋, 张雨晖,宁文军(*). 大气压氦气辉光放电中正柱区消散特性对时域非线性行为的影响. 高电压技术, 43(6): 1766, 2017.
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