本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-04
王亚军 博士、教授、博士生导师
一、 学习与工作简历
1987-1991: 西南大学生命科学学院理学学士
1991-1994: 四川大学生物系硕士
1994-1999: 四川大学生物系助教、讲师
1999-2003: 香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)博士
2003-2004: 香港中文大学博士后
2004-2007: 香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)博士后
2007-2009: 香港大学研究助理教授
2009年,王亚军教授全职回到四川大学,在“四川大学引进人才基金”支持下,组建动物功能基因组学研究平台,主以家鸡(猪、斑马鱼)等为模型,探究: 1) 受体功能与信号传导;2) 下丘脑神经元对垂体功能的调节;3) 垂体激素对动物生长发育、繁殖、代谢、应激的影响;4) 肠道微生物对动物免疫与代谢等过程的调节;5) 动物基因编辑与转基因技术。
动物细胞生物学、 信号传导、内分泌与代谢、分子遗传学
1) 担任SCI杂志《Frontiers in Physiology》(IF=3.201)副主编(Associate Editor)
2) 担任SCI杂志《Frontiers in Endocrinology》(IF=3.634)评审编辑(Reviewer Editor)。
1. Guixian Bu, Jie Fan, Ming Yang, Can Lv, Yin Lin, Jinxuan Li, Fengyan Meng, Xiaogang Du, Xianyin Zeng, Jiannan Zhang, Juan Li,Yajun Wang* (2019). Identification of A Novel Functional Corticotropin-releasing Hormone (CRH2) in Chickens and Its roles in Stimulating Pituitary TSHβ Expression and ACTH secretion.Frontiers in endocrinology, vol 10: 595 (通讯) (IF= 3.634)
2. Mo C, Lv C, Huang L, Li Z, Zhang J, Li J.Wang, Y(2019)Regulation of pituitary cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) expression and secretion by hypothalamic GnRH in chickens.Frontiers in Physiology, 10, p.882. (通讯) (IF= 3.201)
3. Haikun Liu, Qin Luo, Jiannan Zhang, Chunheng Mo, Yajun Wang, Juan Li (2019). Endothelins (EDN1, EDN2, EDN3) and their receptors (EDNRA, EDNRB, EDNRB2) in chickens: Functional analysis and tissue distribution.General and comparative endocrinology, 281, accepted (IF= 2.445)
4. He, Aina, Wenqian Fang, Kun Zhao,Yajun Wang, Jie Li, Chongzhe Yang, Feriel Benadjaoud, and Guo-Ping Shi (2019) Mast cell-deficiency protects mice from streptozotocin-induced diabetic cardiomyopathy.Translational Research208: 1-14. (IF= 4.915)
5. Wu, C., Lv, C., Wan, Y., Li, X., Zhang, J., Li, J., &Wang, Y.(2019) Arginine vasotocin (AVT)/mesotocin (MT) receptors in chickens: Evidence for the possible involvement of AVT-AVPR1 signaling in the regulation of oviposition and pituitary prolactin expression.General and comparative endocrinology, 281, 91-104. (通讯) (IF= 2.445)
6. Zhu, G., Fang, C., Li, J., Mo, C.,Wang, Y., & Li, J. (2019) Transcriptomic Diversification of Granulosa Cells during Follicular Development in Chicken.Scientific reports, 9(1), 5462. (IF= 4.011)
7. Fang, W., He, A., Xiang, M.X., Lin, Y.,Wang, Y., Li, J., Yang, C., Zhang, X., Liu, C.L., Sukhova, G.K. and Barascuk, N. (2019) Cathepsin K-deficiency impairs mouse cardiac function after myocardial infarction.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 127, pp.44-56. (IF= 5.055)
8. Zhang J, Zhou Y, Wu C, Wan Y, Fang C, Li J, Fang W, Yi R, Zhu G, Li J,Wang Y(2018) Characterization of the Apelin/Elabela Receptors (APLNR) in Chickens, Turtles, and Zebrafish: Identification of a Novel Apelin-Specific Receptor in Teleosts.Frontiers in endocrinology, 9:756. (通讯) (IF= 3.634)
9. Zhang J, Wan Y, Fang C, Chen J, Ouyang W, Li J,Wang Y(2018) The orphan G protein-coupled receptor 25 (GPR25) is activated by Apelin and Apela in non-mammalian vertebrates.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 501(2):408-414. (IF= 2.559)
10. Wan Y, Zhang J, Fang C, Chen J, Li J, Li J, Wu C,Wang Y(2018) Characterization of neuromedin U (NMU), neuromedin S (NMS) and their receptors (NMUR1, NMUR2) in chickens.Peptides, 101:69-81. (通讯) (IF= 2.851)
11. Lv C, Mo C, Liu H, Wu C, Li Z, Li J,Wang Y(2018) Dopamine D2-like receptors (DRD2 and DRD4) in chickens: Tissue distribution, functional analysis, and their involvement in dopamine inhibition of pituitary prolactin expression.Gene, 651:33-43. (通讯) (IF= 2.498)
12. Zhang J, Li X, Zhou Y, Cui L, Li J, Wu C, Wan Y, Li J,Wang Y(2017). The interaction of MC3R and MC4R with MRAP2, ACTH, α-MSH and AgRP in chickens.Journal of Endocrinology,234: 155-174 (通讯) (IF= 4.706)
13. Mo C, Huang L, Cui L, Lv C, Lin D, Song L, Zhu G, Li J,Wang Y(2017) Characterization of NMB, GRP and their receptors (BRS3, NMBR and GRPR) in chickens.Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 59: 61-79. (通讯) (IF= 3.577)(杂志封面图片)
14. Cui L, Lv C, Zhang J, Mo C, Lin D, Li J,Wang Y(2107). Characterization of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and its receptor in chickens: Tissue expression, functional analysis, and fasting-induced up-regulation of hypothalamic MCH expression.Gene615:57-67. (通讯) (IF= 2.42)
15. Gao S, Zhang J, He C, Meng F, Bu G, Zhu G, Li J,Wang Y(2017). Molecular characterization of neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors (Y1, Y4 and Y6) and investigation of the tissue expression of their ligands (NPY, PYY and PP) in chickens.General and Comparative Endocrinology240, 46–60 (通讯) (IF= 2.585)
16. Bu G, Lin D, Cui L, Huang L, Lv C, Huang S, Wan Y, Fang C, Li J,Wang Y. (2016) Characterization of Neuropeptide B (NPB), Neuropeptide W (NPW), and Their Receptors in Chickens: Evidence for NPW Being a Novel Inhibitor of Pituitary GH and Prolactin Secretion.Endocrinology157:3562-76. (通讯)(获Endocrinology杂志撰文评论)(IF= 4.286).
17. He C, Zhang J, Gao S, Meng F, Bu G, Li J,Wang Y(2016) Molecular characterization of three NPY receptors (Y2, Y5 and Y7) in chickens: Gene structure, tissue expression, promoter identification, and functional analysis.General and Comparative Endocrinology,236: 24–34 (通讯) (IF= 2.585).
18. Tachibana T., Kubo S., Khan M.S.I., Masuda K., Ukena K.,Wang Y(2016). Peripheral injection of chicken growth hormone-releasing hormone inhibits feeding behavior in chicks.Journal of Poultry Science, 53, 29-33 (IF=0.771).
19. Mo C, Cai G, Huang L, Deng Q, Lin D, Cui L,Wang Y, Li J (2015). Corticotropin-releasing Hormone (CRH) Stimulates Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated Transcript Gene (CART1) Expression through CRH Type 1 Receptor (CRHR1) in Chicken Anterior Pituitary.Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology417: 166-177 (IF= 3.859)
20. Cai G, Mo C, Huang L, Li J,Wang Y(2015). Characterization of the Two CART Genes (CART1 and CART2) in Chickens (Gallus gallus).PLoS One10(5):e**. doi: 10.1371 (通讯) (IF= 3.057).
21. Bu G, Liang X, Li J,Wang Y(2015). Extra-pituitary Prolactin (PRL) and Prolactin-like Protein (PRL-L) in Chickens and Zebrafish.General and Comparative Endocrinology220:143-153(通讯) (IF= 2.667).
22. Tachibana T, Sugimoto I, Ogino M, Khan MS, Masuda K, Ukena K,Wang Y(2015). Central administration of chicken growth hormone-releasing hormone decreases food intake in chicks.Physiology & Behavior. 139:195-201 (IF=2.461).
23. Li X, Fang W, Hu Y,Wang Y, Li J(2015).Characterization of fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 (FNDC5) gene in chickens: Cloning, tissue expression, and regulation of its expression in the muscle by fasting and cold exposure.Gene, 570: 221-229. (IF= 2.319).
24. Huang G, He C, Meng F, Li J, Zhang J,Wang Y(2014). Glucagon-Like Peptide (GCGL) Is a Novel Potential TSH-Releasing Factor (TRF) in Chickens: I) Evidence for Its Potent and Specific Action on Stimulating TSH mRNA Expression and Secretion.Endocrinology,155: 4568-4580 (通讯) (IF= 4.503)
25. Huang G, Li J, Wang H, Lan X, andWang Y(2014). Discovery of a Novel Functional Leptin Protein (LEP) in Zebra Finches: Evidence for the Existence of an Authentic Avian Leptin Gene Predominantly Expressed in the Brain and Pituitary.Endocrinology155: 3385-96 (通讯)(Endocrinology2014年9月封面论文,并获杂志撰文评述)(IF= 4.503)
26. Meng F, Huang G, Gao S, Li J, Yan Z,Wang Y(2014). Identification of the receptors for somatostatin (SST) and cortistatin (CST) in chickens and investigation of the roles of cSST28, cSST14, and cCST14 in inhibiting cGHRH1–27NH2-induced growth hormone secretion in cultured chicken pituitary cells.Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology384: 83-95 (通讯) (IF= 4.405)
27. Mo C, Zhong Y,Wang Y, Yan Z, Li J (2014). Characterization of glucagon-like peptide 2 receptor (GLP2R) gene in chickens: functional analysis, tissue distribution, and developmental expression profile ofGLP2Rin embryonic intestine.Domestic Animal Endocrinology48:1-6 (通讯) (IF= 2.171).
28. Zhang J, Cheng S,Wang Y, Yu X, Li J. (2014). Identification and characterization of the free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFA2) and a novel functional FFA2-like receptor (FFA2L) for short-chain fatty acids in pigs: Evidence for the existence of a duplicated FFA2 gene (FFA2L) in some mammalian species.Domestic Animal Endocrinology47:108-118 (通讯) (IF =2.171).
29. He X, Meng F,Wang Y, Li J (2014). Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Two Pig Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide Receptors (VPAC1-R and VPAC2-R).DNA Cell Biol.33:259-270 (IF=2.055).
30. Bu G, Wang CY, Cai G, Leung FC, Xu M, Wang H, Huang G, Li J,Wang Y(2013) Molecular Characterization of Prolactin Receptor (cPRLR) Gene in Chickens: Gene Structure, Tissue Expression, Promoter Analysis, and Its Interaction with Chicken Prolactin (cPRL) and Prolactin-like Protein (cPRL-L).Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology370: 149-62.(通讯)(IF= 4.241).
31. Bu G, Huang G, Fu H, Li J, Huang S.Wang Y(2013)Characterization of the novel duplicated PRLR gene at the late-feathering K locus in Lohmann chickens.JournalofMolecular Endocrinology51, 261–276(通讯)(IF= 3.621).
32. Song X,Wang Y, Tang Y (2013) Rapid Diversification of FoxP2 in Teleosts through Gene Duplication in the Teleost-Specific Whole Genome Duplication Event.PLoS One8 (12):e83858.(通讯)(IF = 3.534).
33. Wang Y, Meng F, Zhong Y, Huang G, Li J (2012) Discovery of a Novel Glucagon-like Peptide (GCGL) and its Receptor (GCGLR) in Chickens: Evidence for the Existence of GCGL and GCGLR Genes in Non-mammalian Vertebrates.Endocrinology153, 5247-5260 (通讯) (IF= 4.717).
34. Wang Y, Wang CY, Wu Y, Huang G, Li J, Leung FC (2012). Identification of the Receptors for Prolactin-releasing Peptide (PrRP) andCarassiusRFamide Peptide (C-RFa) in Chickens.Endocrinology153:1861-1874 (通讯) (IF= 4.717).
35. Wang Y, Huang G, Li J.,Meng F, He X. Leung F.C (2012) Characterization of Chicken Secretin (SCT) and Secretin Receptor (SCTR) Genes: A Novel Secretin-like Peptide (SCT-LP) and Secretin Encoded in a Single Gene.Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology348: 270-280 (通讯) (IF=4.192)
36. Ho JCW, Jacobs T,Wang Y, Leung FC (2012) Identification and characterization of the chicken galanin receptor GalR2 and a novel GalR2-like receptor (GalR2-L).General and comparative endocrinology179: 305-312 (通讯) (IF=2.823)
37. Kwok AHY,Wang Y, Leung FC(2012)Molecular characterization of prostaglandin F receptor (FP) and E receptor subtype 3 (EP3) in chickens.General and comparative Endocrinology179: 88-98 (通讯) (IF=2.823)
38. Kwok AHY,Wang Y, Leung FC(2012)Molecular characterization of prostaglandin F receptor (FP) and E receptor subtype 1 (EP1) in zebrafish.General and comparative Endocrinology178: 216-226 (通讯) (IF=2.823)
39. Huang G, Li J, Fu H, Yan Z, Bu G, He X,Wang Y(2012) Characterization of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) gene in chickens: functional analysis, tissue distribution, and identification of its transcript variants.Domestic Animal Endocrinology43: 1-15 (通讯) (IF=2.377).
40. Li J, Meng F, Song C,Wang Y, Leung FC (2012) Characterization of chicken visfatin gene: cDNA cloning, Tissue expression, and promoter analysis.Poultry Science91: 2885-94 (IF=1.728).
41. Ho JC, Kwok AH, Zhao D,Wang Y, Leung FC. (2011) Characterization of the chicken galanin type I receptor (GalR1) and a novel GalR1-like receptor (GalR1-L).General and Comparative Endocrinology170: 391-400, (通讯) (IF=3.267).
42. Ruiqiang Li#, Wei Fan, Geng Tian, Hongmei Zhu, Lin He, ……,Yajun Wang… Lars Bolund, Karsten Kristiansen, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Maynard Olson, Xiuqing Zhang, Songgang Li, Huanming Yang, Jian Wang & Jun Wang (2010). The sequence and de novo assembly of the giant panda genome.Nature463: 311-317 (IF=36.101).
43. Wang Y, Li J, Kwok AHY, Ge W, Leung FC (2010) A novel prolactin-like protein (PRL-L) gene in chickens and zebrafish: Cloning and Characterization of its tissue expression.General and Comparative Endocrinology166: 200-210 (IF=3.108).
44. Wang Y, Li J, Wang CY, Kwok AHY, Leung FC (2010) Characterization of the receptors for chicken GHRH and GHRH-related peptides: Identification of a novel receptor for GHRH and the receptor for GHRH-LP (PRP).Domestic Animal Endocrinology38:13-31. (IF=2.056).
45. Lynch VJ,Tanzer A,Wang Y, Leung FC, Gellersen B, Emera D, Wagner GP (2008), Adaptive changes in the transcription factor HoxA-11 are essential for the evolution of pregnancy in mammals.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A.105:14925-14933 (IF=9.598).
46. Wang J,Wang Y, Li X, Li Juan, Leung FC (2008) Cloning, tissues distribution and functional characterization of chicken glucagon receptor.Poultry science87: 2678-2688 (IF=1.603).
47. Kwok AHY,Wang Y, Wang CY, Leung FC. (2008), Molecular cloning and characterization of chicken prostaglandin E receptor subtypes 2 and 4 (EP2 and EP4).General and Comparative Endocrinology,157: 99-106 (IF=2.823)
48. Wang Y, Li J, Wang CY, Kwok AHY, Leung FC (2007) Identification of the endogenous ligands for chicken growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor. Evidence for a separate gene encoding GHRH in submammalian vertebrates.Endocrinology148: 2405-2416 (IF=5.045)
49. Wang Y, Li J,Wang CY, Kwok AHY, Leung FC (2007) Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligand in the chicken ovary: I) Evidence for heparin binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) as a potential oocyte-derived factor to control granulosa cell proliferation and HB-EGF and Kit ligand expression.Endocrinology148: 3426 – 3440. (IF=5.045)
50. Wang Y, Wang Z, Li J,Wang Y, Leung FC (2007) A database for chicken full-length cDNAs.Physiological Genomics28:141-5 (IF=3.498)
51. Kwok AHY,Wang Y, Wang CY, Leung FC. (2007), Cloning of chicken glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and characterization of its expression in pituitary and extra-pituitary tissues.Poultry Science86: 423-430 (IF=1.603)
52. Wang CY#,Wang Y#, Kwok AHY, Leung FC (2007). Identification of two novel chicken GHRH receptor splice variants: implications for the roles of aspartate 56 in the receptor activation and direct ligand receptor interaction.Journal of Endocrinology195: 525-536 (IF=2.636)(#同等贡献).
53. Wang CY,Wang Y, Li J, Leung FC (2006) Expression profiles of chicken growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) during chicken embryonic pituitary development.Poultry Science85: 569-576 (IF=1.603)
54. Kwok HF, So WK,Wang Y, Ge W (2005) Zebrafish gonadotropins and their receptors: I. Cloning and characterization of zebrafish follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone receptors: Evidence for their distinct functions in follicle development.Biology of Reproduction72: 1370-1381 (IF=3.670)
55. Wang Y& Ge W (2004) Cloning of Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and EGF receptor from the zebrafish ovary: evidence for EGF as a potential paracrine factor from the oocyte to regulate activin/follistatin system in the follicle cells.Biology of Reproduction71: 749-760 (IF=3.670)
56. Wang Y& Ge W (2004). Developmental profiles of activin βA, βB, and follistatin expression in the zebrafish ovary: evidence for their differential roles during sexual maturation and ovulatory cycle.Biology of Reproduction71: 2056-2064 (IF=3.670)
57. Wang Y& Ge W (2004). Cloning of zebrafish ovarian P450c17 (CYP17, 17α-hydroxylase/ 17,20- lyase) and characterization of its expression in gonadal and extra-gonadal tissues.General and Comparative Endocrinology135: 241-249 (IF=3.108).
58. Wang Y& Ge W (2003) Involvement of cyclic adenosine 3’,5’-monophosphate in the differential regulation of activin βA and βB expression by gonadotropin in the zebrafish ovarian follicle cells.Endocrinology144: 491-499 (IF=5.045).
59. Wang Y, Wong AOL & Ge W (2003) Cloning, regulation of mRNA expression and function of a new isoform of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) in the zebrafish ovary.Endocrinology144: 4799-4810 (IF=5.045).
60. Wang Y& Ge W (2003) Spatial expression patterns of activin and its signaling system in the zebrafish ovarian follicle: Evidence for paracrine action of activin on the oocytes.Biology of Reproduction69: 1998-2006 (IF=3.670).
61. Wang Y& Ge W (2003) Gonadotropin regulation of follistatin expression in the cultured ovarian follicle cells of zebrafish, Danio rerio.General and Comparative Endocrinology134: 308-315 (IF=3.108).
62. Wang Y& Ge W (2002) Cloning of zebrafish ovarian carbonyl reductase-like 20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and characterization of its spatial and temporal expression.General and Comparative Endocrinology127: 209-216 (IF=3.108).
六、科研用书章节(Book Chapter)
1. Wang Yajun(2017):Chapter 12: Novel Peptides in Poultry:A case study of the expanding glucagon peptide superfamily in chickens (Gallus gallus).Book Title: < Biology of Domestic Animals>, Edited by Scanes CG & Hill R,p343-352 (CRC Press, 1st Edition).
1. 王亚军The 11th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology 2016 (ISAE2016) (Canada,2016) (大会报告, 25 min. Invited Speaker).
Title:Molecular Characterization of the Key Regulators in Avian Energy Balance: A Tale in Birds.
2. 王亚军 Physiology2014 (London UK, The Physiological Society,2014) (Invited Speaker)Title:Extra-pituitary Prolactin and Prolactin-like Hormone in Zebrafish and Chickens.
3. 王亚军 The 10th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology 2012 (ISAE2012) (Japan,2012). (大会报告, 25min. Invited Speaker).
Title:Molecular Characterization of the Receptors for Chicken GHRH, PrRP, and Their Related Peptides: An Emerging Evolutionary Story.
相关话题/生命科学学院 四川大学
办公室:**实验室:**E-mail:zhaoyun@scu.edu.cn赵云:1965年10月生,教授、博士生导师,教育部高等学校生物技术、生物工程专业教学指导委员会委员。1987年7月毕业于四川大学生物系植物专业,获学士学位;1995年7月四川大学遗传学专业硕士研究生毕业,获硕士学位;2001年 ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘明春
联系方式:Email:mcliu@scu.edu.cn;Tel:刘明春,研究员,博士生导师,博士毕业于法国图卢兹国立综合理工学院。兼任四川省特聘专家、第十七届国际茄科大会ScientificCommittee成员、第十二届国际植物激素乙烯大会ScientificCommittee成员、四川省细胞学会 ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-林宏辉
林宏辉教授博导学术兼职:●四川大学生命科学学院党委书记●教育部生物科学类教学指导委员会副主任●国家级生物学基础实验教学中心主任●中国植物学会常务理事●中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会理事●四川省植物学会理事长●JournalofPlantPhysiology,植物学报,植物生理学报,生物学杂志编委办 ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王婧
王婧,博士,教授实验室主页:https://jingwanglab.org/联系方式:wangjing2019@scu.edu.cn,jingwang368@126.com办公室电话:+86-地址:四川大学生命科学学院B710,B706本课题组长期诚招硕士研究生、博士生、博士后,欢迎感兴趣的同学老师 ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐恒
徐恒博士,四川大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,四川省环境保护土壤生态保护与污染防治重点实验室主任四川省学术和技术带头人,成都市人才计划专家电话:,**Email:xuheng@scu.edu.cn生物环保领域是现代生物产业发展重点领域,也是国家《生物产业发展规划》中明确指出需加快发展和培育的,本室 ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李中瀚
李中瀚教授,博士生导师联系方式:Email:Zhonghan.Li@Scu.edu.cn地址:四川省成都市武侯区望江路29号,四川大学生命科学学院B610欢迎感兴趣的研究生、博士生和博士后联系!个人简介长期从事体细胞重编程,胚胎干细胞自更新和定向分化以及非编码RNA调控机制方面的研究,研究成果在Sc ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王红宁
王红宁,女,汉族,四川省西昌市人,博士、教授、博士生导师,四川大学生命科学学院院长,四川大学“动物疫病防控与食品安全四川省重点实验室”主任。从事动物疫病防控与动物产品安全的基础和应用、猪鸡病原细菌及其耐药性、家禽重要病毒基因工程疫苗创制、蛋鸡细菌性疾病防控、沙门菌净化和规模化鸡场、猪场疫病综合防控等 ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-冉江洪
冉江洪:男,1967年生,教授/博士,博士生导师。现任四川大学自然博物馆馆长、国家教指委委员、大熊猫国家公园专家库成员、国家湿地公园评审专家组成员、四川省自然保护地评审委员会委员、四川省自然遗产专家委员会委员、四川省野生动植物保护协会会长、四川省动物学会秘书长,中国动物学会理事、《四川动物》杂志主编 ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张胜
张胜研究员博士生导师国家优青联系方式:shengzhang@scu.edu.cn地点:四川大学生命科学学院B802,B-808学习和工作经历:1999.09–2003.07河南农业大学,林学系,学士2003.09–2006.07河南农业大学,森林培育,硕士2006.09–2009.07中国科学院大学 ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04四川大学生命科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-马涛
马涛,教授,博士生导师邮箱:matao.yz[AT]gmail.com欢迎感兴趣的本科生、研究生和博士后联系!学习和工作经历·2017年至今:四川大学生命科学学院,教授·2014--2016:四川大学生命科学学院,副研究员·2009--2014:兰州大学生命科学学院,博士学位·2005--2009: ...四川大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-04