本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-04
办公室:** 实验室:**
E-mail: zhaoyun@scu.edu.cn
赵云: 1965年10月生,教授、博士生导师,教育部高等学校生物技术、生物工程专业教学指导委员会委员。1987年7月毕业于四川大学生物系植物专业,获学士学位;1995年7月四川大学遗传学专业硕士研究生毕业,获硕士学位;2001年7月四川大学遗传学专业博士研究生毕业,获博士学位。
从1987年至今一直在四川大学从事教学和科研工作。近年主持国家和省部级科研项目10项,以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications、Advanced Materials等学术期刊发表SCI论文48篇;主持或作为主研选育出20个杂交油菜新品种,累计在国内推广3千万亩以上;曾被授予“四川省农业科技先进工作者”、“四川省有突出贡献优秀专家”和“四川省学术和技术带头人”,获得四川省科技进步一等奖1项、三等奖2项、四川省教学成果一等奖1项。
研究方向: 植物遗传育种及其生物技术、核酸纳米技术、污染土壤的植物修复
1. J-y Bai, Y Luo, X Wang, S Li , M Luo, M Yin, Y-l Zuo, G-l Li, J-y Yao, H Yang, M-d Zhang, W Wei, M-l Wang, R Wang*, C-h Fan* & Y Zhao*. A protein-independent fluorescent RNA aptamer reporter system for plant genetic engineering. Nature Communications 2020, 11:3847 |https://doi.org/10.1038 /s41467-020-17497-7
2. S Li, S-x Le, G-l Li, M Luo, R Wang* & Y Zhao*. Bioremediation of Landoltia punctata to Microcystis aeruginosa Contaminated Waters. Water2020, 12, 1764; doi: 10. 3390/ w**
3. Y-l Xie, Y Luo, M-p Sheng , H Peng, Y-m Gu, H Xu* &Y Zhao*. 2,4-Epibrassinolide combined with heavy metal resistant bacteria enhancing phytoextraction of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. in Cd-contaminated soil. J Hazard Mater 2020,399, 123031
4. J-t Zhang, Y-l Deng, Y-l Zuo, J Wang and Y Zhao*. Analysis of Colorectal Cancer-Associated Alternative Splicing Based on Transcriptome. DNA and Cell Biology 2019, DOI: 10.1089/dna.2019.5111
5. H Yang , C-r Zhou, G-l Li, J Wang, P Gao, M-l Wang, R Wang* &Y Zhao*. Reference gene and small RNA data from multiple tissues of Davidia involucrata Baill. Scientific Data 2019, 6:181 DOI: 10.1038 /s41597-019-0190-7
6. Zuo Y, Liang Y, Zhang J, Hao Y, Li M, Wen Z* and Zhao Y*. Transcriptome Analysis Identifies Piwi-Interacting RNAs as Prognostic Markers for Recurrence of Prostate Cancer. Front Genet 2019, 10:1018. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2019.01018
7. Fan X, He H, Li J, Luo G, Zheng Y, Zhou J, He J, Pua W*, Zhao Y*. Discovery of 4,6-bis(benzyloxy)-3- phenylbenzofuran as a novel Pin1 inhibitor to suppress hepatocellular carcinoma via upregulating microRNA biogenesis.Bioorgan Med Chem 2019, 27(11): 2235-2244.
8. Wu M, Li Y, Li J, Wang Y, Xu H*, Zhao Y*. Bioreduction of hexavalent chromium using a novel strain CRB-7 immobilized on multiple materials. J Hazard Mater 2019: 368412–420
9. Luo Y, Han Y, Hu X, Yin M, Wu C, Li Q*, Chen N*, Zhao Y*. Live-cell imaging of octaarginine-modified polymer dots via single particle tracking. Cell Prolif 2019; e12556.
10. Wang X, Bai J, Wang J, Le S, Wang M, Zhao Y*. Variations in cadmium accumulation and distribution among different oilseed rape cultivars in Chengdu Plain in China. Environ Sci Pollut R 2019, 26:3415–3427
11. Tan S, Sun D, Pu W, Gou Q, Guo C, Gong Y, Jiao Li, Wei Y, Liu L*, Zhao Y*, Peng Y*. Circular RNA F-circEA-2a derived from EML4-ALK fusion gene promotes cell migration and invasion in non-small cell lung cancer. Mol Cancer 2018, 17:138
12. Bai J , Wang X, Wang R, Wang J, Le S , Zhao Y*. Overexpression of Three Duplicated BnPCS Genes Enhanced Cd Accumulation and Translocation in Arabidopsis thaliana Mutant cad1–3. B Environ Contam Tox 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-018-2487-1
13. Wang X, Bai J, Wei T, Feng G, Zhao H, Wei W, Wang M, Zhao Y*. Oilseed rape cultivation increases the microbial richness and diversity in soils contaminated with cadmium. J Soils Sediments. 2018, 18:2451–2462
14. Feng G, Xie T, Wang X, Bai J, Tang L, Zhao H, Wei W, Wang M, Zhao Y*. Metagenomic analysis of microbial community and function involved in cd-contaminated soil. BMC Microbiology 2018, 18:11https://doi.org/10.1186/s12866-018-1152-5
15. Jiang W, Sun L, Yang X, Wang M, Esmaeili N, Pehlivan N, Zhao R, Zhang H, Zhao Y*. The Effects of Transcription Directions of Transgenes and the gypsy Insulators on the Transcript Levels of Transgenes in Transgenic Arabidopsis.Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 14757 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15284-x
16. Han Y, Li X, Chen H, Hu X, Luo Y, Wang T, Wang Z, Li Q, Fan C, Shi J, Wang L, Zhao Y*, Wu C*, Chen N*. Real-Time Imaging of Endocytosis and Intracellular Trafficking of Semiconducting Polymer Dots. ACS Appl Mater Inter 2017, 9: 21200–21208
17. Sun D, Zhou J-K, Zhao L-s, Zheng Z-Y, Li J, Pu W-c, Liu S-y, Liu X-S, Liu S-J, Zheng Y*, Zhao Y*, Peng Y*. Novel Curcumin Liposome Modi?ed with Hyaluronan Targeting CD44 Plays an Anti-Leukemic Role in Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Vitro and in Vivo. ACS Appl Mater Inter 2017, 9: 16857?16868
18. Liu B, Song C-y, Zhu D, Wang X, Zhao M-z, Yang Y-j, Zhang Y-n, Su S, Shi J-y, Chao J*, Liu H-j, Zhao Y*, Fan C-h, Wang L-h*. DNA-Origami-Based Assembly of Anisotropic Plasmonic Gold Nanostructures. Small 2017, 13, **
19. Xiao K, Li Y, Sun Y, Liu R, Li J, Zhao Y*, Xu H*. Remediation Performance and Mechanism of Heavy Metals by a Bottom-Up Activation and Extraction System Using Multiple Biochemical Materials. ACS Appl Mater Inter 2017, 9:30448-30457
20. Lu W, Wang L, Li J, Zhao Y*, Zhou Z, Shi J, Zuo X, Pan D*. Quantitative investigation of the poly-adenine DNA dissociation from the surface of gold nanoparticles. Scientific Reports 2015, 5:10158 | DOi: 10.1038/srep10158
21. Yao G, Pei H, Li J, Zhao Y*, Zhu D, Zhang Y, Lin Y, Huang Q, Fan C*. Clicking DNA to gold anoparticles:poly-adenine-mediated formation of monovalent DNA-gold nanoparticle conjugates with nearly quantitative yield. NPG Asia Materials 2015, 7, e159; doi:10.1038/am.2014.131
22. Zhang J, Pan L, Lv M, Aldalbahi A, Xie T, Li A, Tai R, Huang Q, Fan C, Zhao Y*, Zhu Y*. Transportation and fate of gold nanoparticles in oilseed rape. RSC Adv 2015, 5, 73827–73833
23. Zhao Z, Shi H, Duan D, Li H, Lei T, Wang M, Zhao H*, Zhao Y*. The influence of duckweed species diversity on ecophysiological tolerance to copper exposure. Aquat Toxicol 2015, 164: 92–98
24. Zhao Z, Shi H, Wang M, Zhao H*, Zhao Y*. Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency on transcriptional regulation of genes encoding key enzymes of starch metabolism in duckweed (Landoltia punctata). Plant Physiol Bioch2015, 86: 72-81
25. Zhao Z, Shi H, Liu Y, Zhao H, Su H, Wang M, Zhao Y*. The influence of duckweed species diversity on biomass productivity and nutrient removal efficiency in swine wastewater. Bioresource Technol 2014,167: 383–389
26. Li J, Song S*, Di L, Huang Q, Zhao Y*, Fan Chun-Hai. Multi-functional Cross-linked Au Nano-aggregates for the Amplified Optical DNA Detection. Biosens Bioelectron 2009,24:3311-3315
27. Li J, Song S*, Liu X, Wang L, Pan D, Huang Q, Zhao Y*, Fan C*. Enzyme-based multi-component optical nanoprobes for sequence-specific detection of DNA hybridization. Adv Mate 2008, 20: 497-500
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