

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02

硕士生导师 Aicha 简介

Aicha Sekhari Seklouli,女,副教授,博士研究生,工学博士学位。博士毕业于法国Blaise Pascale大学。现任法国里昂二大DISP实验室成员、"Cotech"质量管理技术委员会委员、法国IUT Lumière理事会主席团成员。自2005年至今担任法国里昂第二大学博导。曾任IUT Lumière机构的健康、安全、以及环境部门的主管。2004-2016年曾任法国国家教育委员会CPN HSE成员。
1.SUstainable developmeNt Smart Agriculture Capacity,欧盟项目,第一主研人
2.国际Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education项目:Building Skills4.0 THrough UniversitY and Entreprise CollaboraTion,编号:598649-EPP-1-2018-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP,2018/11/15 -2021/11/14,法国里昂二大第二主研人
3.Digital platform innovation and public actions: new relationships between governments and governed,欧盟项目,第一主研人
4.A cloud PLM traceability system to support the sustainable SC of Moroccan Craftsmanship,中法蔡元培项目,负责人
5.The PLM approach for the REP2 Dismantling nuclear facilities project,法国电力公司,负责人

Green media-aware medical IoT system,《Multimedia Tools and Applications》,2018,(IF= 2.101, SCI),第四作者
Multi-Criteria Decision Making for PLM Maturity Analysis based on an Integrated Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR Methodology,《Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems》,Vol.17. No. 02 , pp. 155-179 .2018,核心期刊(EI收录),第五作者
Energy e?ciency comparison between data rate control and transmission power control algorithms for wireless body sensor networks,《International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks》,2018,(IF= 1.614, SCI),第三作者
Classi?cation and Trends in Knowledge Research on Supply Chain Management and Product Lifecycle Management,《European Journal of Scienti?c Research》,(IF=0.713, SCI),第二作者
Product lifecycle management solution for collaborative development of Wearable Meta-Products using set-based concurrent engineering,《Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications》,(IF=1.704, SCI),第二作者
Product Lifecycle Association PLMLab
Program Committee of the International Conference Member (International Conference on
Software, Knowledge and Information Management) – SKIMA
IJPD journal reading committee Member;
International conference reading committee Member – PLM, ICKMIS, …
EcoSD Association in eco-design and eco-innovation Member
Research Group Member GDR-MACS (Modeling, Analysis and Conduct of Dynamic Systems) - ERP (Theory and Applications of Integrated Management Systems) - IS3C
(Design Systems Engineering and Product Lifecycle Conduct): GT ERP Member - http://www.aslog.org/fr/index.php.
INTEROP-VLab Member, the European Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability, TG13 Collaborative Supply Networks (CSN)
French Information Technology Association Member (MICADO) GT Eco design/PLM; Participation in creation and monitoring group
Digital Enterprise Area Member (ENE); Collaboration in cluster activities preparation -GOSPI for PLM day
Membre of MFQRA (Mouvement Fran?ais de la Qualité), France
办公电话+33 4 78 77 31 46

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