余懋群职 务:农业生物技术研究中心主任职 称:研究员学 历:博士研究生电 话:**传 真:通讯地址:成都市人民南路四段九号
个人简历1982年大学本科毕业于西南农学院农学系,获农学学士学位。1987年获法国国立雷恩高等农学院(ENSA de Rennes)获DAA(深入学习文凭)文凭。1991年毕业于法国雷恩第一大学生命科学院(Université de Rennes I),获法国理学博士学位,并做博士后一年。1992年4月回国到中国科学院成都生物研究所从事植物细胞分子生物学、生物技术与遗传改良研究工作。主持和承担了国家自然科学基金、国家“863”、国家支撑计划、国家转基因专项、科技部基础性专项、中科院重要方向、四川省攻关等项目。获国家科技进步二等奖一项,四川省科技进步奖二项。发表论文150余篇(26 SCI、EI)、专著2部,获国家科技进步二等奖一项,省部级成果二项。申请发明专利4项,申请品种权保护3项。培养博士、硕士生30余名,培育四川省审定小麦品种2个(科成麦1号~2号)。
代表论著1.???????? De-Lin Xu,Hai Long,Jun-Jun Liang, Jie Zhang,Xin Chen,Jing-Liang Li,Zhi-Fen Pan,Guang-Bing Deng,Mao-Qun Yu. De novo assembly and characterization of the root transcriptome of Aegilops variabilis during an interaction with the cereal cyst nematode. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:133 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-133 .
2.???????? Junjun Liang, Guangbing Deng , Hai Long, Zhifen Pan, Chunping Wang, Peng Cai, Deling Xu, Zha-Xi Nima, Maoqun Yu. Virus-induced silencing of genes encoding LEA protein in Tibetan hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) and their relationship to drought tolerance. Mol Breeding.DOI 10.1007/s11032-011-9633-3.
3.???????? Shuiyang Yu, Hai Long, Hong Yang, Jie Zhang, Guangbing Deng, Zhifen Pan, Erliang Zhang, ?Maoqun Yu. Molecular detection of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromatin in wheat line 07jian126 (Triticum aestivum L.) and its association to wheat powdery mildew resistance. Euphytica DOI 10.1007/s10681-012-0649-5.
4.???????? Wang CP, Pan ZF, Nima ZX, Tang YW, Cai P, Liang JJ, Deng GB, Long H, Yu MQ. Starch granule-associated proteins of hull-less barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. J Sci Food Agric. 2011,91(4):616-24..
5.???????? P. CAI,? H. LONG,? J.J LIANG, C.P. WANG, G.B. DENG, Z.F. PAN, Z.S. PENG and? M.Q. YU. Sequence Polymorphism and Expression Analysis of Genes Encoding Gibberellin 20-oxidase from Dasypyrum villosum, Cereal Research Communications.2011,39(3):365~375 .
6.???????? Zhang Jinhui, Zhang Wenlu, Yen Yan, Hai Long, Guangbing Deng? Maoqun Yu. A novel herbicide inducible male sterility system,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2010. 90(4):2526-2530。
7.???????? Zhao Tao Yu Maoqun. Spectrum Characteristics and Stability of Anthocyanin Pigment from Hulless Barley(Hordeum vulgare ssp.vulgare). Advanced Materials Research.2010. 113~114(2010): 2323~2328.
8.???????? Zhaoxue Han ,Fang Wu,Guangbing Deng ,Gang Qian, Maoqun Yu ,Yulin Jia. Structural and expressional analysis of the B-hordein genes in Tibetan hull-less barley. Genetica, 2010,138,227~239.
9.???????? X. G. Zhai, Y. H. Liu, H. Long, G. B. Deng, Z. F. Pan, M.Q. YU,Characterization and expression profiling of a novel cereal cyst nematode resistance gene analog in wheat. Molecular Biology,2008,42(6)1070~1077.
10.???? 17.?? Z. X. Han, G. Qian, F. Wu, Z. F. Pan, G. B. Deng and M. Q. Yu. Sequences Variation and Classification of B-Hordein Genes in Hull-Less Barley from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Molecular Biology, 2008, 42(1):56–63.
11.???? Li Luan, Xing Wang, Wen-Bo Long, Yu-Hua Liu, Shengbin Tu, Zhanpeng Zhao, Fanlun Kong and Maoqun Yu. Microsatellite Analysis of Genetic Variation and Population Genetic Differentiation in Autotetraploid and Diploid Rice. Biochemical Geneticas,2008,6,46(5-6):248-266.
12.???? Qang Qian, Yinghua Liu, Dishu Ao, Fan yang, Maoqun Yu. Differential expression of dehydrin genes in hull-less barley(Hordeum vulgare ssp.vulgare)depending on duration of dehydration stress. Canadian journal of plant science, 2008,88(5): 899~906.
13.???? F. Wu, Z. X. Han1, Y. Liu, Z. F. Pan, G. B. Deng1 and M. Q. Yu. Unique gliadin patterns in Chinese winter wheat cultivars. Plant Breeding. 2007,126, 498—502.
14.???? Gang Qian, Zhaoxue Han, Tao Zhao, Guangbing Deng, Zhifen Pan and Maoqun Yu. Genotypic variability in sequence and expression of HVA1 gene in Tibetin hulless barley, Hordeum vulgarre ssp. Vulgare, associated with resistance to water deficit. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research.2007,58:425~431.
15.???? L Luan, SB Tu, WB Long, X Wang, YH Liu, FL Kong, WG Yan and MQ Yu. Cytogenetic studies on two F1 hybrids of autotetraploid rice varieties showing extremely high level of heterosis. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2007, 267:205~213.
16.???? Zhi Fen Pan,Guang Bing Deng,Xu Guang Zhai,Fang Wu,Mao Qun Yu. Genetic diversity of Acid-PAGE monomeric prolamins in cultivated hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from Qinghai–Tibet plateau in China. Genet Resour Crop Evol. 2007,54:1691~1699.
17.???? Shengbin Tu, Li Luan, Yuhua Liu, Wenbo Long, Fanlun Kong, Tao He, Qiongfang Xu, Wengui Yan and Maoqun Yu. Production and Heterosis Analysis of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Autotetraploid Hybrids. Crop Science. 2007, 47:2356~2363.
18.???? T.He. Y.Yang. S.B. Tu. M.Q. Yu. X.F. Li. Selection of interspecific hybrids for anther culture of indica rice. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult.2006,86:271~277.
19.???? Zhai Xu Guang, Liu Yi, Wu Fang, Deng GuangBing, Pan Zhifen and Yu Maoqun. Cloning and sequence analysis of the leucine-rich repeats region of cereal cyst nematode resistance gene. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology. 2006. 3(3):231~235.
承担科研项目情况1.? 小麦品系E-10抗禾谷孢囊根线虫基因CreZ的克隆及功能验证,国家自然科学基金(**),主持,2010-2013。
2.? 云南及周边地区农业生物资源调查。科技部基础性专项(2006FY110703),主持,2006~2011。
3.? 小麦重要农艺性状分子设计和改良。“十一五”科学院重大项目,专题主持。2006~2010。
4.? 突破性麦类新品种选育。“十一五”四川省农作物育种攻关(YZGG2006-3),2006~2010。
5.? 利用HDG11和SOS途径基因进行抗旱耐盐小麦新种质培育,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2009ZX08002-010B):主持,2009~2011。
6.? 抗禾谷孢囊根线虫基因克隆与功能验证,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2008ZX08009-003):2008~2010。
7.? 转Hva1-hv基因培育抗旱小麦新材料,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2008ZX08002-002):2008~2010。
8.? 糯小麦酿酒应用研究及专用酿酒糯小麦的选育,成都市科技局( 11DXYB320JH-27),主持,2011.01.01~2013.12.31。
9.? 青稞新品种培育与大面积丰产增效栽培技术集成示范,国家科技支撑计划,2012.01.01~,课题主持。2012BAD03B01
10. 抗禾谷孢囊根线虫基因克隆与功能验证,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项:2011~2015。
代表论著1.???????? De-Lin Xu,Hai Long,Jun-Jun Liang, Jie Zhang,Xin Chen,Jing-Liang Li,Zhi-Fen Pan,Guang-Bing Deng,Mao-Qun Yu. De novo assembly and characterization of the root transcriptome of Aegilops variabilis during an interaction with the cereal cyst nematode. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:133 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-13-133 .
2.???????? Junjun Liang, Guangbing Deng , Hai Long, Zhifen Pan, Chunping Wang, Peng Cai, Deling Xu, Zha-Xi Nima, Maoqun Yu. Virus-induced silencing of genes encoding LEA protein in Tibetan hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) and their relationship to drought tolerance. Mol Breeding.DOI 10.1007/s11032-011-9633-3.
3.???????? Shuiyang Yu, Hai Long, Hong Yang, Jie Zhang, Guangbing Deng, Zhifen Pan, Erliang Zhang, ?Maoqun Yu. Molecular detection of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromatin in wheat line 07jian126 (Triticum aestivum L.) and its association to wheat powdery mildew resistance. Euphytica DOI 10.1007/s10681-012-0649-5.
4.???????? Wang CP, Pan ZF, Nima ZX, Tang YW, Cai P, Liang JJ, Deng GB, Long H, Yu MQ. Starch granule-associated proteins of hull-less barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. J Sci Food Agric. 2011,91(4):616-24..
5.???????? P. CAI,? H. LONG,? J.J LIANG, C.P. WANG, G.B. DENG, Z.F. PAN, Z.S. PENG and? M.Q. YU. Sequence Polymorphism and Expression Analysis of Genes Encoding Gibberellin 20-oxidase from Dasypyrum villosum, Cereal Research Communications.2011,39(3):365~375 .
6.???????? Zhang Jinhui, Zhang Wenlu, Yen Yan, Hai Long, Guangbing Deng? Maoqun Yu. A novel herbicide inducible male sterility system,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2010. 90(4):2526-2530。
7.???????? Zhao Tao Yu Maoqun. Spectrum Characteristics and Stability of Anthocyanin Pigment from Hulless Barley(Hordeum vulgare ssp.vulgare). Advanced Materials Research.2010. 113~114(2010): 2323~2328.
8.???????? Zhaoxue Han ,Fang Wu,Guangbing Deng ,Gang Qian, Maoqun Yu ,Yulin Jia. Structural and expressional analysis of the B-hordein genes in Tibetan hull-less barley. Genetica, 2010,138,227~239.
9.???????? X. G. Zhai, Y. H. Liu, H. Long, G. B. Deng, Z. F. Pan, M.Q. YU,Characterization and expression profiling of a novel cereal cyst nematode resistance gene analog in wheat. Molecular Biology,2008,42(6)1070~1077.
10.???? 17.?? Z. X. Han, G. Qian, F. Wu, Z. F. Pan, G. B. Deng and M. Q. Yu. Sequences Variation and Classification of B-Hordein Genes in Hull-Less Barley from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Molecular Biology, 2008, 42(1):56–63.
11.???? Li Luan, Xing Wang, Wen-Bo Long, Yu-Hua Liu, Shengbin Tu, Zhanpeng Zhao, Fanlun Kong and Maoqun Yu. Microsatellite Analysis of Genetic Variation and Population Genetic Differentiation in Autotetraploid and Diploid Rice. Biochemical Geneticas,2008,6,46(5-6):248-266.
12.???? Qang Qian, Yinghua Liu, Dishu Ao, Fan yang, Maoqun Yu. Differential expression of dehydrin genes in hull-less barley(Hordeum vulgare ssp.vulgare)depending on duration of dehydration stress. Canadian journal of plant science, 2008,88(5): 899~906.
13.???? F. Wu, Z. X. Han1, Y. Liu, Z. F. Pan, G. B. Deng1 and M. Q. Yu. Unique gliadin patterns in Chinese winter wheat cultivars. Plant Breeding. 2007,126, 498—502.
14.???? Gang Qian, Zhaoxue Han, Tao Zhao, Guangbing Deng, Zhifen Pan and Maoqun Yu. Genotypic variability in sequence and expression of HVA1 gene in Tibetin hulless barley, Hordeum vulgarre ssp. Vulgare, associated with resistance to water deficit. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research.2007,58:425~431.
15.???? L Luan, SB Tu, WB Long, X Wang, YH Liu, FL Kong, WG Yan and MQ Yu. Cytogenetic studies on two F1 hybrids of autotetraploid rice varieties showing extremely high level of heterosis. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2007, 267:205~213.
16.???? Zhi Fen Pan,Guang Bing Deng,Xu Guang Zhai,Fang Wu,Mao Qun Yu. Genetic diversity of Acid-PAGE monomeric prolamins in cultivated hulless barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) from Qinghai–Tibet plateau in China. Genet Resour Crop Evol. 2007,54:1691~1699.
17.???? Shengbin Tu, Li Luan, Yuhua Liu, Wenbo Long, Fanlun Kong, Tao He, Qiongfang Xu, Wengui Yan and Maoqun Yu. Production and Heterosis Analysis of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Autotetraploid Hybrids. Crop Science. 2007, 47:2356~2363.
18.???? T.He. Y.Yang. S.B. Tu. M.Q. Yu. X.F. Li. Selection of interspecific hybrids for anther culture of indica rice. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult.2006,86:271~277.
19.???? Zhai Xu Guang, Liu Yi, Wu Fang, Deng GuangBing, Pan Zhifen and Yu Maoqun. Cloning and sequence analysis of the leucine-rich repeats region of cereal cyst nematode resistance gene. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology. 2006. 3(3):231~235.
承担科研项目情况1.? 小麦品系E-10抗禾谷孢囊根线虫基因CreZ的克隆及功能验证,国家自然科学基金(**),主持,2010-2013。
2.? 云南及周边地区农业生物资源调查。科技部基础性专项(2006FY110703),主持,2006~2011。
3.? 小麦重要农艺性状分子设计和改良。“十一五”科学院重大项目,专题主持。2006~2010。
4.? 突破性麦类新品种选育。“十一五”四川省农作物育种攻关(YZGG2006-3),2006~2010。
5.? 利用HDG11和SOS途径基因进行抗旱耐盐小麦新种质培育,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2009ZX08002-010B):主持,2009~2011。
6.? 抗禾谷孢囊根线虫基因克隆与功能验证,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2008ZX08009-003):2008~2010。
7.? 转Hva1-hv基因培育抗旱小麦新材料,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2008ZX08002-002):2008~2010。
8.? 糯小麦酿酒应用研究及专用酿酒糯小麦的选育,成都市科技局( 11DXYB320JH-27),主持,2011.01.01~2013.12.31。
9.? 青稞新品种培育与大面积丰产增效栽培技术集成示范,国家科技支撑计划,2012.01.01~,课题主持。2012BAD03B01
10. 抗禾谷孢囊根线虫基因克隆与功能验证,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项:2011~2015。
2.? 云南及周边地区农业生物资源调查。科技部基础性专项(2006FY110703),主持,2006~2011。
3.? 小麦重要农艺性状分子设计和改良。“十一五”科学院重大项目,专题主持。2006~2010。
4.? 突破性麦类新品种选育。“十一五”四川省农作物育种攻关(YZGG2006-3),2006~2010。
5.? 利用HDG11和SOS途径基因进行抗旱耐盐小麦新种质培育,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2009ZX08002-010B):主持,2009~2011。
6.? 抗禾谷孢囊根线虫基因克隆与功能验证,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2008ZX08009-003):2008~2010。
7.? 转Hva1-hv基因培育抗旱小麦新材料,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2008ZX08002-002):2008~2010。
8.? 糯小麦酿酒应用研究及专用酿酒糯小麦的选育,成都市科技局( 11DXYB320JH-27),主持,2011.01.01~2013.12.31。
9.? 青稞新品种培育与大面积丰产增效栽培技术集成示范,国家科技支撑计划,2012.01.01~,课题主持。2012BAD03B01
10. 抗禾谷孢囊根线虫基因克隆与功能验证,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项:2011~2015。