包维楷职 务:生态中心副主任、茂县生态站站长职 称:研究员学 历:博士研究生电 话:86 **传 真:86 28 8522 2753通讯地址:四川省成都市人民南路四段9号
个人简历 男,1968年01月生,四川广汉市人。?
1989年6月毕业于西南林学院林业专业,1992年6月毕业于中南林学院森林生态专业,获硕士学位,1999年毕业于原中科院国家计委自然资源综合考察委员会生态学专业,获博士学位,曾在University of New Brunswick in Saint John从事过1年(2006-2007)苔藓生态学访问研究。?
研究方向 生态恢复与植物多样性保护。?
代表论著 近5年的代表论著:?
1.??????? Zhe Wang, Xin Liu, Weikai Bao*. 2015. Higher photosynthetic capacity and different functional trait scaling relationships in erect bryophytes compared with prostrate species. Oecologia. Doi: 10.1007/s00442-015-3484-2 ?
2.??????? Zhao QX, Pang XY, Bao WK, He QH. 2015. Effects of gap-model thinning intensity on the radial growth of gap-edge trees with distinct crown classes in a spruce plantation. Trees-structure and function, 29:1861–1870. DOI 10.1007/s00468-015-1267-3.?
3.??????? FangLan Li & WeiKai Bao* 2015. New insights into leaf and fine-root trait relationships: implications of resource acquisition among 23 xerophytic woody species. Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.1002/ece3.1794?
4.??????? Liu X., Bao W.K.*. 2014. Understory plant assemblages present distinct short-term responses to the clear-cutting of an old-growth spruce forest near an alpine timberline. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44 (6): 562-571. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2013-0377 ?
5.??????? Zhou Zhiqiong & Bao Weikai*.2014. Changes in seed dormancy of Rosa multibracteata Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson with increasing elevation in an arid valley in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Research, DOI 10.1007/s11284-014-1155-0?
6.??????? Li Fanglan & Bao Weikai*.2014. Elevational trends in leaf size of Campylotropis polyantha in the arid Minjiang River valley, SW China. Journal of Arid Environment, 108: 1-9?
7.??????? Xiaoli Yan, Weikai Bao*, Xueyong Pang. Indirect effects of hiking trails on the community structure and diversity of trunk-epiphytic bryophytes in an old-growth fir forest. Journal of Bryology, 2014; 36(1):44-55.?
8.??????? Zhe Wang, Weikai Bao*, Xiaoli Yan, Honghui Lin.2014.Responses of non-structural carbohydrate levels of Polytrichastrum formosum and the co-occurring understory fern Parathelypteris nipponica to different gap creations by thinning in a dense spruce plantation. Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 35 (2): 165-172?
9.??????? Zhe Wang, Weikai Bao*, Defeng Feng, Honghui Lin. 2014. Functional trait scaling relationships across thirteen temperate mosses growing in wintertime. Ecological Research, .DOI: 10.1007/s11284-014-1146-1.?
10.??? Fang, Z.Q., Bao, W.K*, Yan, X.L., Liu, X. 2014. Understory structure and vascular plant diversity in naturally regenerated deciduous forests and spruce plantations on similar clear-cuts: Implications for forest regeneration strategy selection. Forests,5 (4): 715-743. DOI: 10.3390/f** ?
11.??? Xueyong Pang, Weikai Bao*, Biao Zhu, Weixin Cheng. Responses of soil respiration and its temperature sensitivity to thinning in a pine plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 171–172, 57–64?
12.??? Xiaoli Yan, Weikai Bao*, Xueyong Pang, Ningxuan Zhang, Jiquan Chen, 2013. Regeneration strategies influence ground bryophyte composition and diversity after forest clearcutting. Annals of Forest Science, 2013, 70(8): 845–861?
13.??? Yechun Wang, Weikai Bao*, Ning Wu. 2011.Shrub effects on a high-altitude forest cutover in eastern Tibetan Plateau. Annals of Forest Science. 68:1127–1141?
14.??? Yanjiao Li, Weikai Bao*, Ning Wu.2011. Spatial patterns of the soil seed bank and extant vegetation across the dry Minjiang River valley in southwest China. Journal of Arid Environment. 75: 1083-1089.?
15.??? Xueyong Pang, Weikai Bao*, Ning Wu. 2011. The effect of clear-cutting of subalpine coniferous forest on soil physical and chemical properties in eastern Tibetan Plateau. Soil use and management, 27, 213-220.?
16.??? Zhiqiong Zhou, Weikai Bao*. 2011. Levels of physiological dormancy and methods for improving seed germination of four rose species. Scientia Horticulturae, 129: 818–824.?
17.??? Fanglan Li, Weikai Bao*, Ning Wu. 2011. Morphological, anatomical and physiological responses of Campylotropis polyantha (Franch.) Schindl seedlings to progressive water stress. Scientia Horticulturae 127: 436–443?
18.??? 包维楷,庞学勇,李芳兰,周志琼等著.2012.干旱河谷生态恢复与持续管理的科学基础.北京:科学出版社.710pp?
19.??? 吴宁,包维楷,吴彦编著.2012.世界自然遗产地-九寨与黄龙的生态环境与可持续发展.北京,科学出版社.282pp?
20.??? 谢高地,包维楷,张昌顺等编著.2015.澜沧江流域生态系统本底与生态系统功能考察报告.北京:科学出版社.359pp.?