

成都计算机应用研究所 考研网/2016-01-19

   1 Huang Wentao, Liu Yirong. Bifurcations of limit cycles from infinity for a class of quintic polynomial system, Bulletin des sciences mathematiques,128(2004) 291-301.(SCI收录)
   2 Huang Wentao,Liu Yirong. A polynomial differential system with nine limit cycles at infinity, Computers and Mathematics with Applications.48(2004)577-588(SCI、EI收录)
   3 Wentao Huang, Yirong Liu and Weinian Zhang,Conditions of infinity to be an isochronous centre for a rational differential system,Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume 46, Issues 5-6, 2007, 583-594 (SCI、EI收录)
   4 Wentao Huang, Yirong Liu, Fanglai Zhu, The center-focus problem of a class of polynomial differential systems with degenerate critical points, International Journal of Non-Linear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 10(2009) 1167-1179(SCI 收录)
   5 Huang Wentao,Zhang Weinian,The Large-amplitude limit cycles in a quintic polynomial system, 数学进展,37:2(2008) 225-236 (数学类权威期刊)
   6黄文韬, 刘一戎, 唐清干. 一类五次系统的奇点量与极限环分支, 数学物理学报 ,25:5(2005)744-752 (数学类权威期刊)
   7 黄文韬, 刘一戎. 一个在无穷远点分支出六个极限环的三次多项式系统,中南大学学报, 35:4(2004):690-693 (EI 收录)
   8 Xingjie Wu, Wentao Huang, Dynamic analysis of a one-prey multi-predator impulsive system with Ivlev-type functional, Ecological Modelling, 220(2009):774-784. (SCI 收录,第一作者为本人的研究生)
   9 Decai He, Wentao Huang, Qiujin Xu, The dynamic complexity of an impulsive Holling II predator–prey model with mutual interference,
   Applied Mathematical Modelling, Available online 11 December 2009,doi:10.1016/j.apm.2009.12.003 (SCI 源刊,第一作者为本人的研究生)
   10 Liu Yirong, Huang Wentao, A new method to determine isochronous centerconditions for polynomial differential systems, Bulletin des sciences mathematiques, 127(2003) 133-148. (通讯作者,SCI收录)
   11 Liu Yirong, Huang Wentao, Center and isochronous center at infinity for differential systems, Bull.Sci.math. 128(2004) 77-89. (通讯作者,SCI收录)
   12 Liu Yirong, Huang Wentao, A cubic system with twelve small amplitude limit cycles, Bulletin des sciences mathematiques,129(2005) 83-98.(通讯作者,SCI收录)
   13 Liu Yirong, Huang Wentao, Seven large-amplitude limit cycles in a cubic polynomial system, International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 16:2 (2006)473-485 (通讯作者,SCI、EI收录)
   14 Huang Wentao, Liu Yirong. The center conditions and bifurcation of limit cycles for a class of fifth degree systems, Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities 19:2 (2004) 167-177
   15 Huang Wentao,A cubic system with ten small amplitude limit cycles,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications, DCDIS Proceedings 2 (2004) 151-157 (SCI源刊)
   16 Shengqiang Tang, Wentao Huang, Bifurcations of travelling wave solutions for the generalized double sinh-Gordon equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 189:2(2007) 1774-1781. (SCI收录)
   17 Shengqiang Tang, Wentao Huang, Bifurcations of travelling wave solutions for the K(n,-n,2n) equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 203:1(2008)39-49 (SCI收录).
   18 Huang Wentao, Liu Yirong, Conditions of Infinity to be an Isochronous Center for a class of differential systems, Trends in Mathematics: Differential Equations with Symbolic Computations, Birkhauser Verlag, 37-53
   19 黄文韬, 刘一戎,朱芳来,一类微分系统无穷远点的中心与拟等时中心,中山大学学报,44:4(2005)24-27 (核心期刊、EI源刊)
   20黄文韬,吴兴杰, 一类具Holling Ⅳ功能反应的两食饵一捕食者脉冲系统的动力学性质,南京理工大学学报,33(2009)619-625. (EI收录)
   21 黄文韬,刘一戎,一个在无穷远点分支出八个极限环的多项式微分系统, 数学杂志,24:5(2004)551-556. (核心期刊)
   22 Wentao Huang,Li Zhang and Huixu Xu,Eleven large-amplitude limit cycles in a polynomial system,Journal of Mathematical Sciences:Advances and Applications, 1:1 (2008) 201-214.
   23 Aiyong Chen, Wentao Huang, Jibin Li,Qualitative behavior and exact travelling wave solutions of the Zhiber_Shabat equation,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 230 (2009) 559-569 (SCI收录)
   24 Aiyong Chen, Wentao Huang, Shengqiang Tang, Bifurcations of travelling wave solutions for the Gilson–Pickering equation, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 10(2009) 2659-2665 (SCI收录)
   25 Shengqiang Tang, Xiaoliang Huang, Wentao Huang, Bifurcations of travelling wave solutions for the generalized KP- BBM equation,
   Applied Mathematics and Computation, Available online 7 April 2010, DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.03.139(SCI源刊)
   26 Jihong Rong, Shengqiang Tang, Wentao Huang, Bifurcations of travelling wave solutions for a class of nonlinear fourth order variant of a generalized Camassa–Holm equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Available online 6 January 2010, doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2009.12.027(SCI源刊)
   27 Aiyong Chen, Jibin Li, Xijun Deng, Wentao Huang, Travelling wave solutions of the Fornberg–Whitham equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215(2009) 3068-3075 (SCI收录)
   28 Huang Wentao,Zhang Li,Limit cycles of infinity in a quintic polynomial system, 湘潭大学自然科学学报,2006, 28:3(2006) 12-16 (核心期刊)
   29 Yusen Wu , Wentao Huang, Isochronicity at infinity for a class of polynomial differential system, J. Appl. Math. Comput., DOI 10.1007/s12190-009-0319-5
   30 徐慧栩,黄文韬,张理,一类2n+1次多项式微分系统的局部极限环分支,纯粹数学与应用数学,22:4(2006)146-149(核心期刊)
   31 张理 黄文韬,一类在无穷远点分支出十个极限环的多项式微分系统,重庆大学学报(自然科学版),29:8(2006) 146-149 (核心期刊)
   32 Wang Qinlong, Huang Wentao, Limit cycles bifurcated from the origin and equator for a class of fifth system, Annals of differential equations, 20 (2004) 92-98
   33 Shengqiang Tang, Wentao Huang, Travelling Wave Solutions for the Generalized Special Type of the Dodd-Bullough-Mikhailov Equation, Journal of Applied Sciences,6:14(2006) 2856-2865
   34何德材,黄文韬, 一类具功能反应和脉冲扰动的种群生物系统动力学分析, 吉林大学学报(理学版),2008(46)4:607--612 (核心期刊,第一作者为本人研究生)
   35何德材,黄文韬, 一类被开发的Holling Ⅲ类功能反应模型的定性分析, 生物数学学报,2009(24)1 (核心期刊,第一作者为本人研究生)
   36 吴兴杰,黄文韬,马忠军,具功能反应的脉冲食饵两捕食者系统的分支与混沌,合肥工业大学学报,2009( 32)2 (核心期刊,第一作者为本人研究生)
   37吴兴杰,黄文韬,一类具Ivlev功能反应和脉冲效应的两食饵-捕食者系统的动力学分析,黑龙江大学学报,2009( 26)2 (核心期刊,第一作者为本人研究生)

