

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-22

姓名: 刘造保 Name: Zaobao Liu
职称: 教授、博士生导师 Position Title: Full-time Professor
工作单位: 东北大学资源与土木工程学院 Institution: Northeastern University
学历: 博士研究生 Department: College of Resources and Civil Engineering
出生年月: 19**.** Date of Birth: 19**.**
电话: +86-24-8368 9332 Tel: +86-24-8368 9332
电子邮箱: liuzaobao[at]mail.neu.edu.cn Email: liuzaobao[at]mail.neu.edu.cn
手机: +86 186 0402 5473 Cell: +86 186 0402 5473


主持辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才项目、教育部中央高校基本科研“重点人才培育”项目、教育部重点实验室国际合作研究基金1项,作为共同负责人主持法国国家核废料管理署研究项目1项,参与包括欧盟H2020重大国际研究项目、法国国家核废料管理署科研项目、国家973项目等科研项目十余项。已发表学术研究论文50余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI期刊论文20余篇。已获教育部科技进步奖、授权发明专利和软件著作权各1项。担任SCI收录期刊ADV CIVIL ENG学术编辑(Academic Editor),被聘为学术期刊J CIVIL CONSTR ENVIR ENG (2016~) 和SMART CONSTR RES (2017~) 编委,担任INT J ROCK MECH MIN SCI, J ENVIRON INFORM , HYDROGEOL J 和ROCK MECH ROCK ENG 等十余本SCI杂志审稿人。

Dr. Zaobao Liu received his Bachors' Degree in Pioneers Class of Civil Engeering from Hohai University in 2007, and obtained his Doctorate Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies in 2013. He ever worked in Laboratory of Mechanics of Lille, University of Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies, and University of Lille successively as a Post doc researcher, Research Engeering, Research Fellow from 2013 to 2018. He granted the "Overseas Hundred Program" of Northeastern University in 2018 and started to work in Northeastern University as a full-time professor since then.

Professor Liu's main research interests include multiscale appoaches for multiphysics (THMC) problems in rock mechanics, and prediction and prevention of engineering failure and hazards. He has particular interests with application research in deep underground rock engeering, radioactive waste disposal, deep construction, non-conventional low-permeability geomaterials such as shale and granite.





2010~2013,里尔第1大学,土木工程, 博士
  Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies, Génie Civil, Ph.D.

Working Bio

   Laboratoire Mécanique de Lille;       

  Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies

  Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies

  Université de Lille







Zaobao Liu dedicated actively in teaching in Université de Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies for the undergraduate and Masters' levels and in Ecole Polytechnique de Lille for the 4th year Engineering students.Zaobao Liu' contributions in teaching include the following items:

Mécanique Milieux Continus II

Méthode Numériques pour le Génie Civil

Méthode Element Finis

Dessin Assisté par Ordinateur

Béton Armé

Matériaux pour le Génie Civil


(1) 深部岩体力学与工程安全

(2) 低渗介质多场耦合力学与渗流

(3) 高放核废料地质处置

Professor Liu focuses his research interests in underground rock mechanics, multiscale approaches for multiphysics problems in nonconventional geological media, geotechnical hazards prediction and prevention.

1) 2018年东北大学“海外百人计划”青年特聘教授
2) 2010年度教育部科学技术进步二等奖

[1]. Zaobao Liu(#); Jianfu Shao(*); Shouyi Xie; NathalieConil; WenhuaZha, Effects of relative humidity and mineral compositions on creep deformation and failure of a claystone under compression, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018.02.02, 103: 68~76 (SCI期刊论文)
[2]. ZB Liu(#); SY Xie; JF Shao(*); N Conil, Multi-step triaxial compressive creep behaviour and induced gas permeability change of clay-rich rock, Géotechnique, 2018, 68(4): 281~289 (SCI期刊论文)
[3]. Liu, Z. B.(#); Shao, J. F.(*); Liu, T. G.; Xie, S. Y.; Conil, N., Gas permeability evolution mechanism during creep of a low permeable claystone, Applied Clay Science, 2016.8, 129: 47~53 (SCI期刊论文)
[4]. Liu, Zaobao (#)(*); Shao, Jianfu, Strength Behavior, Creep Failure and Permeability Change of a Tight Marble Under Triaxial Compression, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017.3, 50(3): 529~541 (SCI期刊论文)
[5]. Liu Zaobao(#)(*); Shao Jianfu; Xu Weiya; Chen Hongjie; Shi Chong, Comparison on landslide nonlinear displacement analysis and prediction with computational intelligence approaches, Landslides, 2013, 11(5): 889~896 (SCI期刊论文)
[6]. Liu, Z. B.(#); Shao, J. F.(*); Hu, D. W.; Xie, S. Y., Gas Permeability Evolution with Deformation and Cracking Process in a White Marble Under Compression, Transport in Porous Media, 2016.1, 111(2): 441~455 (SCI期刊论文)
[7]. Liu, Zaobao(#); Shao, Jianfu(*); Xie, Shouyi; Secq, Jean, Gas permeability evolution of clayey rocks in process of compressive creep test, Materials Letters, 2015.1.15, 139: 422~425 (SCI期刊论文)
[8]. Liu, Zaobao(#)(*); Shao, Jianfu; Xu, Weiya; Wu, Qier, Indirect estimation of unconfined compressive strength of carbonate rocks using extreme learning machine, Acta Geotechnica, 2015.10, 10(5): 651~663 (SCI期刊论文)
[9]. Zaobao Liu(#); Shouyi Xie; Jianfu Shao(*); Nathalie Conil, Effects of deviatoric stress and structural anisotropy on compressive creep behavior of a clayey rock, Applied Clay Science, 2015.07.08, 114: 491~496 (SCI期刊论文)
[10]. Liu, Zaobao(#)(*); Shao, Jianfu; Xu, Weiya; Xu, Fei, Comprehensive Stability Evaluation of Rock Slope Using the Cloud Model-Based Approach, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2014.11, 47(6): 2239~2252 (SCI期刊论文)
[11]. Liu Zaobao(#)(*); Shao Jianfu; Xu Weiya; Zhang Yu; Chen Hongjie, Prediction of elastic compressibility of rock material with soft computing techniques, Applied Soft Computing, 2014, 22(0): 118~125 (SCI期刊论文)
[12]. Zaobao Liu(#); Jianfu Shao(*), Moisture effects on damage and failure of Bure claystone under compression, Géotechnique Letters, 2016.09.27, 6(3): 182~186 (SCI期刊论文)
[13]. Zhang Yulong(#); Liu Zaobao(*); Shi Chong; Shao Jianfu*, Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Block Shape Irregularity and its Effects on Block Impacts Using an Energy-Based Approach, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018,51(4):1173-91 (SCI期刊论文)
[14]. Liu, Zaobao(#)(*); Shao, Jianfu; Xu, Weiya; Chen, Hongjie; Zhang, Yu, An extreme learning machine approach for slope stability evaluation and prediction, Natural Hazards, 2014.9, 73(2): 787~804 (SCI期刊论文)
[15]. Zhang Y.(#)*; Liu Z.B.; Xu W.Y.; Shao J.F., Change in the permeability of clastic rock during multi-loading triaxial compressive creep tests, Géotechnique Letters, 2015, 5(3): 167~172 (SCI期刊论文)
[16]. Zhang, Zongfeng(#); Liu, Zaobao(*); Zheng, Lifeng; Zhang, Yu, Development of an adaptive relevance vector machine approach for slope stability inference, Neural Computing & Applications, 2014.12, 25(7-8): 2025~2035 (SCI期刊论文)
[17]. Chen, Hongjie(#)(*); Xu, Weiya; Wu, Qingxi; Liu, Zaobao(*); Wang, Shengnian, Reliability Analysis of Arch Dam Subjected to Seismic Loads, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2014.11, 39(11): 7609~7619 (SCI期刊论文)
[18]. Liu, Zaobao(#)(*); Shao, Jianfu; Xu, Weiya; Meng, Yongdong, Prediction of rock burst classification using the technique of cloud models with attribution weight, Natural Hazards, 2013, 68(2): 549~568 (SCI期刊论文)
[19]. Liu, Zaobao(#)(*); Shao, Jianfu; Xu, Weiya; Shi, Chong, Estimation of Elasticity of Porous Rock Based on Mineral Composition and Microstructure, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 2013(512727): 10 (SCI期刊论文)
[20]. Liu, Zaobao(#)(*); Xu, Weiya; Shao, Jianfu, Gauss Process Based Approach for Application on Landslide Displacement Analysis and Prediction, Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2012, 84(2): 99~122 (SCI期刊论文)
[21]. Yulong Zhang, Jianfu Shao*, Zaobao Liu, et al., Effects of confining pressure and loading path on deformation and strength of cohesive granular materials: a three-dimensional DEM analysis, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11440-018-0671-4. (SCI期刊论文)
[22]. Hongjie Chen, Zaobao Liu*, Temperature control and thermal-induced stress field analysis of GongGuoQiao RCC dam, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10973-018-7450-1, freely available at https://rdcu.be/UFBc (SCI期刊论文)

1) 辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才项目, “深部多场耦合力学与渗流”, 2019-2021, 50 万元, 主持

2) 教育部中央高校基本科研重点(人才培育)项目, 深部储库围岩安全, 2019-2021, 33.8 万元, 主持

3) 教育部重点实验室国际合作基金, Hydro-mechanical behaviours of claystone fractures, 2016-2018, 10 万元, 主持

4) 欧盟H2020地平线国际研究项目, Cement-based materials, properties, evolution, barrier functions (CEBAMA)-Work Package 1, 2015~, 骨干参与

5) 法国国家核废料管理署Andra应用基础研究项目, Instantaneous and time-dependent Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical behaviours of Cox claystone, 2015-2018, 骨干参与

6) 法国国家核废料管理署Andra应用基础研究项目, Hydro-mechanical and chemical degradation behaviours of interface between low-pH high-performance concrete and Callovo-Oxfordian claystone, 2015~2018, 骨干参与

7) 法国国家核废料管理署Andra应用基础研究项目, Time-dependent anisotropic behaviours of Cox claystone, 2015-2017, 骨干参与

8) 法国国家核废料管理署Andra应用基础研究项目, Experimental study of the poromechanical behaviours of the Cox claystone -Influences of mineral composition and structural anisotropy, 2012-2015, 参与

9) 法国国家核废料管理署Andra应用基础研究项目, Experimental study of time-dependent behaviours of a hard claystone: creep tests with gas permeability measurement, 2013-2015, 骨干参与

10) 道达尔国际石油公司:Hydro-mechanical coupling behaviours and ultrasonic wave velocity of Angola oil shale, 2014~2015,骨干参与

Dr. Zaobao Liu is currently a full-time professor in the Department of Resources and Civil Engineering of Northeastern University and associated in the Key Laboratory of Chinese Ministry of Education on Safe Mining of Deep Metal Mines. He has been active in the field of rock mechanics and geotechnical hazard prevention with particular interests in geo-mechanics for the energy and the environment such as shale gas exploitation and geological disposal of radioactive waste. His research experiences in more than ten research projects during the last ten years allow him authoring more than twenty refereed international journal papers and conference presentations.

Academic Editor (EBM) 1) ADV CIVIL ENG (2018~)

Editorial Member 1) J CIVIL CONSTR ENVIR ENG (2016~2018)
2) SMART CONSTR RES (2017~2019)

TPC of International Conference 1)2018 International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience, [IWEG 2018], Hangzhou, China, 15-17 June, 2018.
2)Third International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, [CEU-2017], Dubai, UAE, Apr. 29th-30th, 2017.
3)The 2017 International Conference on Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Building Material, [MCEBM2017], Nanjing, China, Apr. 21th-23th, 2017.
4)The 3rd Annual International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering, [IWMSE 2017], Guangzhou, China, Sep. 8th-10th, 2017.
5)The 2015 International Conference on Material Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, [MEME2015], Hangzhou, China, Oct. 23th-25th, 2015.
6)The 2017 International Conference on Geomatics and Civil Engineering, [GCE2017], Shanghai, China, Sep. 8th - 10th, 2017.
7)The 2016 International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, [ICACE2016], Changsha, China, Mar.19th - 20th, 2016.

Five recent publications 1)Zaobao Liu; Jianfu Shao; Shouyi Xie; Nathalie Conil; WenhuaZha, Effects of relative humidity and mineral compositions on creep deformation and failure of a claystone under compression, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018.02.02, 103: 68~76
2)Liu, Zaobao; Shao, Jianfu, Strength Behavior, Creep Failure and Permeability Change of a Tight Marble Under Triaxial Compression, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017.3, 50(3): 529~541
3)ZB Liu; SY Xie; JF Shao; N Conil, Multi-step triaxial compressive creep behaviour and induced gas permeability change of clay-rich rock, Géotechnique, 2018, 68(4): 281~289
4)Liu, Z. B.; Shao, J. F.; Liu, T. G.; Xie, S. Y.; Conil, N., Gas permeability evolution mechanism during creep of a low permeable claystone, Applied Clay Science, 2016.8, 129: 47~53
5)Zhang Yulong; Liu Zaobao; Shi Chong; Shao Jianfu, Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Block Shape Irregularity and its Effects on Block Impacts Using an Energy-Based Approach, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018,51(4):1173-91

More information on scientific publications at orcid.org

姓名: 刘造保 Name: Zaobao Liu
职称: 教授、博士生导师 Position Title: Full-time Professor
工作单位: 东北大学资源与土木工程学院 Institution: Northeastern University
学历: 博士研究生 Department: College of Resources and Civil Engineering
出生年月: 19**.** Date of Birth: 19**.**
电话: +86-24-8368 9332 Tel: +86-24-8368 9332
电子邮箱: liuzaobao[at]mail.neu.edu.cn Email: liuzaobao[at]mail.neu.edu.cn
手机: +86 186 0402 5473 Cell: +86 186 0402 5473


主持辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才项目、教育部中央高校基本科研“重点人才培育”项目、教育部重点实验室国际合作研究基金1项,作为共同负责人主持法国国家核废料管理署研究项目1项,参与包括欧盟H2020重大国际研究项目、法国国家核废料管理署科研项目、国家973项目等科研项目十余项。已发表学术研究论文50余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI期刊论文20余篇。已获教育部科技进步奖、授权发明专利和软件著作权各1项。担任SCI收录期刊ADV CIVIL ENG学术编辑(Academic Editor),被聘为学术期刊J CIVIL CONSTR ENVIR ENG (2016~) 和SMART CONSTR RES (2017~) 编委,担任INT J ROCK MECH MIN SCI, J ENVIRON INFORM , HYDROGEOL J 和ROCK MECH ROCK ENG 等十余本SCI杂志审稿人。

Dr. Zaobao Liu received his Bachors' Degree in Pioneers Class of Civil Engeering from Hohai University in 2007, and obtained his Doctorate Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies in 2013. He ever worked in Laboratory of Mechanics of Lille, University of Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies, and University of Lille successively as a Post doc researcher, Research Engeering, Research Fellow from 2013 to 2018. He granted the "Overseas Hundred Program" of Northeastern University in 2018 and started to work in Northeastern University as a full-time professor since then.

Professor Liu's main research interests include multiscale appoaches for multiphysics (THMC) problems in rock mechanics, and prediction and prevention of engineering failure and hazards. He has particular interests with application research in deep underground rock engeering, radioactive waste disposal, deep construction, non-conventional low-permeability geomaterials such as shale and granite.






联系电话:024 8368 9332

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