职 称:副教授
2019.03至今 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,访问学者2009.09 ~ 2012.07 北京师范大学 动物学专业 生物多样性与生态工程教育部重点实验室,博士学位
2006.09 ~ 2009.07 北京师范大学 生物系 动物学专业,硕士学位
2002.09 ~ 2006.07 云南大学 生物系 生物专业,学士学位
2012.09 ~ 至今 辽宁大学生命科学院任教学术兼职:
代表性论文1、Deng, Z., Lloyd, H., Xia, C., Li, D.., Zhang, Y. 2019. Within-season decline in call consistency of individual male Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus). Journal of Ornithology, 160(2): 317–327.
2、Luo, K., Hu, Y., Lu, Z., Li, D.., 2018. Interspecific feeding at a bird nest: Snowy-browed Flycatcher as a helper at the Rufous-bellied Niltava nest, Yunnan, Southwest China. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 13:4, 1003-1008.
3、Zhe, J., Li, D., Zhang, Z. 2018. Breeding biology and parental care strategy of the little-known Chinese Penduline Tit (Remiz consobrinus). Journal of Ornithology, 159 (3) :657-666
4、Li, D., Liu, Y., Sun, X., Lloyd, H., Zhu, S., Zhang S., Wan, D., Zhang, Z., 2017. Habitat-dependent changes in vigilance behaviour of Red-crowned Crane influenced by wildlife tourism. Scientific Reports, 7: 16614 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-16907-z
5、Li,Y., Xia, C., Lloyd, H., Li, D., Zhang Y. 2017. Identification of vocal individuality in male cuckoos using different analytical techniques. Avian Research 8, 21.
6、Li, D., Ruan, Y., Wang, Y., Chang, A.K., Wan, D., Zhang, Z., 2016. Egg-spot matching in common cuckoo parasitism of the oriental reed warbler: effects of host nest availability and egg rejection. Avian Research 7, 21.
7、Li, D., Zhang, Z., Grim, T., Liang, W. & Stokke, B. G. 2016: Explaining variation in brood parasitism rates between potential host species with similar habitat requirements. Evolutionary Ecology 30, 905-923.
8、Li, D., Wei, H., Zhang, Z., Liang, W. Stokke, BG. 2015. Oriental reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) nest defence behaviour towards brood parasites and nest predators. Behaviour: 152: 1601–1621
9、Li, D., Sun, X., Lloyd, H., Que P., Liu, Y., Wan, D. & Zhang, Z. 2015. Tidal mudflat crabs for Reed parrotbill: an ecological trap? Ecosphere 6(1): Article 20.
10、Li, D., Ding Y., Yuan, Y., Lloyd, H., & Zhang, Z. 2014. Female tidal mudflat crabs represent a critical food resource for migratory Red-crowned Cranes in the Yellow River Delta, China. Bird Conservation International 24(4): 416-428.
11、Ju, J., Yin, J., RACEY, P., Zhang, L., Li, D., Wan, D. 2014. Extra-pair paternity in varied tits Poecile varius. Acta Ornithologica 49: 131-137
12、Yang, C., Li, D., Wang, L., Liang, G., Zhang, Z. & Liang, W. 2014. Geographic variation in parasitism rates of two sympatric cuckoo hosts in China. Zoological research, 35: 67-71.
13、Li, D., Chen, S., Lloyd, H., Zhu, S., Shan, K.. & Zhang, Z. 2013. The importance of artificial habitats to migratory waterbirds within a natural/artificial wetland mosaic, Yellow River Delta, China. Bird Conservation International, 23: (2), 184-198
14、Li, D., Chen, S., Guan, L., Lloyd, H., Liu, Y., Lv, J. & Zhang, Z. 2011. Patterns of waterbird community composition across a natural and restored wetland landscape mosaic, Yellow River Delta, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 91, 325-332.
15、王莹,施媛,金麟雨,关爽,黄子强,郝恒宇,万冬梅,李东来*. 2019. 沈阳桃仙国际机场鸟类夜间迁徙规律. 应用生态学报, 30 (1): 292-300.
16、黄子强,关爽,金麟雨,王青斌,张树岩,车纯广,李东来*. 2018. 2016 年黄河入海口北侧水鸟群落组成及多样性. 湿地科学, 2018, 16(6): 735-741.
17、关爽,黄子强,金麟雨,王青斌,王莹,刘野,李东来*. 2018. 大杜鹃和东方大苇莺卵的人工孵卵期和孵化率比较. 动物学杂志. 53(1): 26 - 31
18、罗康,关爽,鲁志云,赵海,李东来*. 2018. 棕腹杜鹃在山蓝仙鹟巢中寄生繁殖.动物学杂志. 53(1): 125-142.
19、王青斌,关爽,黄子强,金麟雨,蔡岩,万冬梅,李东来*. 2018. 越南黑叉尾斗鱼展示行为的偏侧化及其对镜面影像的响应. 动物学杂志. 53(4): 545 – 553.
20、王莹,刘智,孙兴海,魏宏伟,张雷,万冬梅,李东来. (2016) 沈阳周边重要生态保护地春季迁徙鸟类多样性调查. 四川动物. 35(2):294-301.
21、丁振军,李东来,万冬梅,殷江霞,张雷. 沈阳桃仙国际机场鸟类多样性及鸟撞防范. 生态学杂志. 34(9): 2561-2567.
22、李东来, 魏宏伟, 孙兴海, 张正旺.(2015)震旦鸦雀在芦苇镶嵌收割生境中的巢址选择. 生态学报. 35(15): 5009-5017
23、李东来,丁振军,殷江霞,万冬梅. (2013)白头鹎分布区进一步北扩至沈阳. 动物学杂志, 48(1): 74