

中国科学院金属研究所 免费考研网/2016-05-09

性 别男最高学历博士研究生
职 称研究员专家类别博士生导师
部 门沈阳先进材料研究发展中心 高温合金研究部
电 话+86-**传 真+86-**

  2002~ 材料科学与工程学科专家组组长

  2002 英国帝国理工学院访问教授

  2000~ 中国科学院研究生院教授

  1998-1999 牛津大学访问教授

  1998~ 学位委员会委员

  1997~ 先进材料凝固与制备技术创新研究组组长,博士生导师

  1996~ 中国科学院金属研究所研究员

  1994 博士后

  1992 博士

  1987 硕士

  1982 学士






  中国金属学会电磁冶金与强磁场材料科学分会委员;中国金属学会材料计算与模拟分会副理事长;中国金属学会耐热钢与不锈钢学术委员会委员;全国镁合金产业联盟副秘书长、专家委员会副主任;中国材料研究学会镁合金材料及应用专业委员会委员;《Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China》编委;《中国有色金属学报》编委。











  (1) Fu J W, Yang Y S. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–Al–Zn alloy under a low-voltage pulsed magnetic field. Materials Letters. 2012, 67(1): 252-255

  (2) Xu Z G, Fu J W, Luo T J, Yang Y S. Effects of cell size on quasi-static compressive properties of Mg alloy foams. Materials and Design. 2012, 34(2):40-44

  (3) Wang J, Fu J W, Dong X G, Yang Y S. Microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg-Al-Sn-Y-Nd alloy. Materials & Design. 2012, 36(4):432-437

  (4) Luo T J, Yang Y S. Corrosion properties and corrosion evolution of as-cast AZ91 alloy with rare earth yttrium. Materials and Design. 2011, 32(10):5043-5048

  (5) Fu J W, Yang Y S. Formation of the solidified microstructure in Mg–Sn binary alloy. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2011, 322(1): 84-90

  (6) Fu J W, Yang Y S. Formation of the solidified microstructure of Mg-Al-Zn alloy under a low-voltage pulsed magnetic field. Journal of Materials Research. 2011, 26(14): 1688-1695

  (7) Feng X H, Yang Y S. Numerical modeling of crystal growth of a nickel-based superalloy with applied direct current. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2011, 334(1): 170-176

  (8) Li Y J, Ma X P, Yang Y S. Grain refinement of as-cast superalloy IN718 under action of low voltage pulsed magnetic field. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2011, 21(6): 1277-1282

  (9) Wang B, Yang Y S, Zhou J X, Tong W H. Structure refinement of pure Mg under pulsed magnetic field. Materials Science and Technology. 2011,27(1),176-179

  (10) Wang J, Zhou J X, Tong W H, Yang Y S. Effect of purification treatment on corrosion resistance of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2011, 21(4): 949-954

  (11) Wang Y X, Zhou J X, Wang J, Luo T J, Yang Y S. Effects of Bi addition on microstructures and mechanical properties of AZ80 magnesium alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2011, 21(4):771-716

  (12) Lv F, Yang F, Duan Q Q, Yang Y S, Wu S D, Zhang Z F. Fatigue properties of rolled magnesium alloy (AZ31) sheet: Influence of specimen orientation. International Journal of Fatigue. 2011, 33(5):672-682

  (13) 杨院生,付俊伟,罗天骄,汪彬,冯小辉,童文辉,李应举. 镁合金低压脉冲磁场晶粒细化. 中国有色金属学报. 2011, 21(10): 2639-2649

  (14) 王亚霄, 付俊伟, 王晶, 罗天骄,董旭光,杨院生. Bi对AZ80镁合金凝固行为及显微组织的影响. 金属学报. 2011, 47(4): 410-416

  (15) 冯小辉,李应举, 杨院生.单晶高温合金凝固组织演化数值模拟与预测,钢铁研究学报, 2011, 23(s2):1-4

  (16) J. WANG, J.X. ZHOU, W.H. TONG, Y.S. YANG, Effect of purification treatment on properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(7): 1235-1239

  (17) Bin WANG, Yuan-sheng YANG, Xiao-ping MA, Wen-hui TONG, Simulation of electromagnetic-flow fields in Mg melt under pulsed magnetic field Original Research Article. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(2): 283-288

  (18) Ji-xue ZHOU, Jie WANG, Jing WANG, Yuan-sheng YANG, Effects of RE and Sr additions on dendrite growth and phase precipitation in AZ91D magnesium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(S2): s331-s335

  (19) Ying-ju LI, Tian-jiao LUO, Yuan-sheng YANG, Effects of trace element and purification on properties of AZ80 magnesium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(S2): s407-s410

  (20) J. Albinmousa, H. Jahed, S. Lambert, S. Begum, D. Chen, Q. Duan, T. Luo, Y. Yang, Z. Zhang, M.F. Horstemeyer, J.B. Jordon, A. Pascu, A.A. Luo, R. Osborne, X. Su and L. Zhang, “Monotonic and Fatigue Behavior of Magnesium Extrusion Alloy AM30: An International Benchmark Test in the Magnesium Front End Research and Development Project", SAE Technical Paper 2010-01-0407, SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 2010.

  (21) J. W. Fu, Y. S. Yang, J. J. Guo. Microstructure selection of Fe-Cr-Ni alloy during directional solidification. International Journal of Cast Metals Research. 2010, 23(2): 119-123

  (22) Luo T J, Yang Y S, Li Y J, Dong X G. Influence of rare earth Y on the corrosion behavior of as-cast AZ91 alloy. Electrochimica ACTA. 2009, 54(26):6433-6437

  (23) Fu J W, Yang Y S, Guo J J. Formation of a blocky ferrite in Fe-Cr-Ni alloy during directional solidification. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2009, 311(14):3661-3666

  (24) Fu J W, Yang Y S, Guo J J, Ma J C, Tong W H. Microstructure formation in rapidly solidified AISI 304 stainless steel strip. Ironmaking & Steelmaking. 2009, 36(3):230-233

  (25) Fu J W, Yang Y S, Guo J J, Ma J C, Tong W H. Formation of two-phase coupled microstructure in AISI 304 stainless steel during directional solidification. Journal of Materials Research. 2009, 24(7):2385-2390

  (26) Fu J W, Yang Y S, Guo J J, Ma J C, Tong W H. Microstructure evolution in AISI 304 stainless steel during near-rapid directional solidification. Materials Science and Technology. 2009, 25(8):1013-1016

  (27) Ma X P, Li Y J, Yang Y S. Grain refinement effect of pulsed magnetic field on as-cast superalloy K417. Journal of Materials Research. 2009, 24(8):2670-2676

  (28) Ma X P, Li Y J, Yang Y S. Grain refinement effect of pulsed magnetic field on solidified microstructure of superalloy IN718. Journal of Materials Research. 2009, 24(10): 3174-3181

  (29) Ma X P, Li Y J, Yang Y S. The origin of nuclei and the refinement mechanism for solidified superalloy IN718 under pulsed magnetic field. Journal of Materials Research. 2009, 24(12):3689-3692

  (30) Ma X P, Yang Y S, Wang B. Effect of pulsed magnetic field on superalloy melt. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009, 52(23):5285-5292

  (31) J. W. Fu, Y. S. Yang, J. J. Guo, J. C. Ma, W. H. Tong. Formation of a two-phase microstructure in Fe-Cr-Ni alloy during directional solidification. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2008, 311: 132-136

  (32) Wang B, Yang YS, Zhou JX, Tong WH. Microstructure refinement of AZ91D alloy solidified with pulsed magnetic field. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2008, 18: 536-540

  (33) Fu JW, Yang YS, Guo JJ, Tong WH. Effect of cooling rate on solidification microstructures in AISI 304 stainless steel. Materials Science and Technology. 2008, 24(8): 941-944

  (34) Li YJ, Yang YS, Feng XH. Influence of electric current on Kirkendall diffusion of Zn/Cu couples. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2008, 24(3): 410-414

  (35) Petr A . Nikrityuk, Kerstin Eckert Roger Grundmann, Yuansheng Yang, An Impact of a low Voltage Steady Electrical Current on the Solidification of a Binary Metal Alloy: A Numerical Study, Steel Research Int., 2007,78(5): 402-408

  (36) Yang YS, Li HQ, Tong WH, Energy model for the Zr-based metallic glass alloy melt with clusters, Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2007, 50 (4): 460-466

  (37) Ma JC, Yang YS, Tong WH, Fang Y, Yu Y, Hu ZQ, Microstructural Evolution in AISI 304 Stainless Steel during Directional Solidification and Subsequent Solid-state Transformation, Materials Science and Engineering A 444 (2007) 64–68

  (38) Li HQ, Yang YS , Tong WH, Wang ZY,Gibbs energy calculation of liquid Zr–Al–Ni and Zr–Al–Cu–Ni alloys with clusters,J Mater Sci (2007) 42:4060–4065

  (39) Li HQ, Yang YS , Tong WH, Wang ZY,Calculation of Gibbs energy of Zr Al Ni, Zr Al Cu, Al Ni Cu and Zr Al Ni Cu liquid alloys based on quasiregular solution model,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 428 (2007) 185–189

  (40) 马建超,杨院生,童文辉,熔体过热对AISI304不锈钢亚快速凝固薄带组织的影响,金属学报,2007:43(11),879-882

  (41) 王珍玉,杨院生,童文辉,李会强,胡壮麒, 基于成分连续变化计算黏度的合金系临界冷速模型, 物理学报,第56卷第3期2007年3月,1543-1548

  (42)周吉学,杨院生,Sr对AZ91D镁合金枝晶生长和相析出的影响,金属学报, 2007:43(11), 1171-1175



  (1) Yang Y S. Grain refinement of cast nickel-base superalloy by pulsed magnetic casting. The 5th Joint Symposium of KIMS, NIMS and IMR-Superalloys and Advanced Processing 2011. (Invited)

  (2) Yang Y S. Fabrication, structrure and compressive properties of magnesium foam. 7th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallics Foams (MetFoam 2011). Busan, Korea, Sep 18-21, 2011(Invited)

  (3) Yang Y S, Xu Z G. Structure, mechanical and electromagnetic properties of magnesium foam. 3rd Australia-China Symposium for Materials Science, Australia , Nov. 19-23, 2011(Invited)

  (4) Yang Y S, Luo T J, Duan Q Q, Lu F, Zhang Z F. Fatigue deformation behavior and performance of magnesium alloys. The 2nd KIMS-IMR Joint Symposium on Magnesium and Titanium Alloys, Shenyang, China, Nov. 3-6, 2011 (Invited)

  (5) Yang Y S,Xu Z G. The structure and properties of Magnesium foam. 2011 International Conference on Material and Manufacturing (ICMM 2011). Jinzhou, China , Sep. 7-9, 2011(Invited)

  (6) Yang Y S, Fu J W. Microstructure evolution of stainless steel by strip casting. The 1st UK-China Steel Research Forum. Leicester, July18-20, 2010 (Invited)

  (7) Yang Y S, Ma X P, Li Y J. Grain refinement and nuclei formation mechanism of Ni-based superalloy K417. The 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materiall and Processing. Cairns, Australia, Aug.2-6, 2010 (Invited)

  (8) Yang Y S. Fatigue and durability. Magnesium Front End Research and Development’ 2010. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, Oct. 25-27, 2010 (Invited)

  (9) Yang Y S, Luo T J, Li Y J, Feng X H, Fu J W. PM-DC casting and grain refinement of magnesium alloys. The 1st IMR-KIMS Joint Symposium on Mg & Ti Alloys. KIMS, Dec.1-3, 2010 (Invited)

  (10) Yang Y S, Dong X G, Li Y J, Luo T J, Wang J. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-4Sn-4Zn-2Al alloy. The 4th International Conference on Magnesium. Qingdao, Sep. 25-28, 2010 (Invited)

  (11) Yang Y S,Wang B,Zhou J X,Luo T J,Hu Z Q, Grain refinement of magnesium alloys by pulsed magnetic field,The 3rd Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys2009/09/21-23 (Invited)

  (12) Yuansheng YANG, Xiaoping MA, Bin WANG, Whenhui TONG,Simulation of magnetic force distribution in liquid metal under pulse magnetic field,Sino-German Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, Shanghai, Oct., 2007 (Invited)

  (13) Yang YS, Zhou Q, Tang JL, Hu ZQ. Effect of partial remelting on microstructure of semi-solid magnesium alloy AZ91D prepared by electric current pulse. Beijing: 2nd International Conference on Magnesium, China, 2006 (Invited)


  (1) 杨院生,罗天骄. 镁合金的循环变形行为与疲劳失效. 2011中国材料研讨会.北京,2011年5月17-20日 (特邀报告)

  (2) 杨院生. 高温合金的低压低频脉冲磁场晶粒细化研究. 第十二届高温合金年会. 成都,2011年8月2-5日(特邀报告)

  (3) 杨院生.脉冲磁场在金属凝固过程中的应用. 第一届电磁冶金与强磁场材料科学学术会议. 大连,2011年8月16-19日(特邀报告)

  (4) 付俊伟, 杨院生. 奥氏体不锈钢铁素体起源及组织控制. 2011中国材料研讨会. 北京,2011年5月17-20日(特邀报告)

  (5) 杨院生. 高温合金的低压脉冲磁场细晶化凝固及其机制. 第九届全国固态相变-凝固会议.宁波, 5月17-20, 2010 (特邀报告)

  (6) 杨院生,徐正国,罗洪杰,林曦,傅俊伟,罗天骄. 泡沫镁材料的内源发泡法制备与性能. 2010中国材料研讨会多孔材料分会.长沙, 6月19-21, 2010 (特邀报告)

  (7) 杨院生,付俊伟,方园,于艳,不锈钢薄带技术发展及其组织性能控制, 全国不锈钢和耐热钢学术会议,2009/08/17-20 (特邀报告)

  (8) 杨院生, 金属晶体生长的多场多尺度组织模拟,第三届全国材料计算与模拟学术会议,2009/08/23-26 (特邀报告)

  (9) 杨院生,胡壮麒, 金属非平衡凝固相变过程的模拟计算, 第二届全国材料计算与模拟学术会议, 2007年8月21-24日(特邀报告)


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