

中国科学院金属研究所 免费考研网/2016-05-09

性 别男最高学历博士研究生
职 称研究员专家类别博士生导师,中科院“百人计划”入选者
部 门沈阳先进材料研究发展中心 高温合金研究部







  2003.03 至今,中国科学院金属研究所高温合金研究部研究员






  Compared to the conventional high rate solidification (HRS), the liquid-metal cooling (LMC) technique provides higher thermal gradient and thus the refined microstructure and reduced casting defects. The low cycle fatigue (LCF) properties and high cycle fatigue (HCF) properties of a 3rd generation directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy is compared in this figure. Both of the LCF and HCF life of the alloy obtained by LMC process are obviously better than that solidified by HRS process. The benefits of LMC process can be attributed to the improved microstructural homogeneity, which is strongly correlated to the LCF properties; and the reduced casting defects which significantly affects the HCF properties.


  Creep rupture life and deformation mechanisms of a single crystal superalloy with different orientation. The activated slip system in these specimens is (111) [-101] system at the beginning of deformation. The orientations of these specimens firstly rotated towards [-101], i.e. the [001]-[-111] boundary. When the orientation reached the [001]-[-111] boundary, slip on multiple systems occurs, which results in rotation towards the [001] or [-111] pole.


  DD33 is a 3rd generation single crystal superalloy shows comparable creep strength with those of the well-known alloys such as CMSX-10 and Rene N6, but with lower density (8.85g/cm3). The higher Ta and lower Re contents results in good SC castability. Isothermal oxidation kinetics of this alloy was studied in the present work. At 950oC, good oxidation resistance was observed due to the formation of an integrated Al2O3 layer. At 1100oC, spallation of oxidation scale occurred, and the oxidation products contain three layers: columnar (Ni,Co)O (layer A), complex oxides and spinels include a layer rich in Al, Ni, Cr and Co (marked as B) and a layer rich in Al, Ni, Ta and Co, Cr (marked as C), and an inner layer of Al2O3.





  [1] G. Xie, L. Wang, J. Zhang, L. H. Lou Orientational dependence of recrystallization in a nickel base single crystal superalloy, Scripta Mater., 2012, 66, 378-381.

  [2] C. Liu, K. W. Li, J. Shen, J. Zhang, L. H. Lou, Improved castability of directionally solidified Ni-based superalloy by the liquid metal cooling process, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2012, 43, 405-408.

  [3] L. Wang, F. Pyczak, J. Zhang, L. H. Lou, R. F. Singer, Effect of eutectics on plastic deformation and subsequent recrystallization in the single crystal nickel base superalloy CMSX-4, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2012, 532, 487-492.

  [4] S.H. Zhang, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, Anisotropic stress rupture properties of a nickel base single crystal superalloy at high temperature, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2011, 27(2), 107-112.

  [5] G. Xie, L. Wang, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, Intermediate temperature creep of directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy containing local recrystallization, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2011, 528, 3062-3068.

  [6] J. Zhang, J. Shen, Y.Z. Lu, L.H. Lou, Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of large directionally solidified castings for industrial gas turbine applications, Acta Metall. Sinica, 2010, 46(11), 1322-1326 (in Chinese).

  [7] D. Wang, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, On the role of m phase during high temperature creep of a second generation directionally solidified superalloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2010, 527, 5161-5166.

  [8] C.B. Liu, J. Shen, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, Effect of withdrawal rates on microstructure and creep strength of a single crystal superalloy processed by LMC, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2010, 26(4), 306-310.

  [9] L. Wang, F. Pyczak, J. Zhang, R.F. Singer, On the role of eutectics during recrystallization in a single crystal nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4, Int. J. Mater. Res., 2009, 100, 1046-1051.

  [10] D. Wang, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, Formation and stability of nano-scaled M23C6 carbide in a directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy, Mater. Character., 2009, 60, 1517-1521.

  [11] T. Zhao, D. Wang, J. Zhang, G. Chen, L. Lou, Formation of Re-containing carbides in a second generation DS Ni base superalloy, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2009, 25 (3), 361-364.

  [12] G. Xie, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, Effect of heat treatment atmosphere on surface recrystallization of a directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy, Scripta Mater., 2008, 59, 858-861.

  [13] G. Xie, L. Wang, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, Influence of surface recrystallization on the high temperature properties of a directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2008, 39(1), 206-210.

  [14] B.C. Yan, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, Effect of boron additions on the microstructure and transverse properties of a directionally solidified superalloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2008, 474(1-2), 39-47.

  [15] J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, Directional solidification assisted by liquid metal cooling, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2007, 23(3), 289-300.

  [16] L. Wang, G. Xie, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, On the role of carbides during the recrystallization of a directionally solidified nickel-base superalloy, Scripta Mater., 55 (2006) 457-460.

  1) 高温度梯度液态金属冷却定向凝固技术在燃气轮机涡轮叶片研发中的应用,第十二届中国高温合金年会,成都,2011,8月3-6.

  2) 高能同步辐射光源在先进高温合金材料及叶片研发中的应用,香山科学会议406-高能同步辐射光源前沿科学和应用,北京,2011,9月15-17.

  3) Directionally solidified castings processed by LMC, 5th Forum on New Materials, CIMTEC 2010, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 13-18, 2010.

  4) Towards DS IGT blades by LMC process, ECI Superalloy conference, Awaji Inland, Japan, Sept. 12-15, 2010.

  5) Recrystallization in directionally solidified superalloys, Turbine Forum 2007, Nice, France, Apr. 18-20, 2007.



  1) 2012年中国材料大会高温合金分会共同主席

  2) 2011年中国材料研讨会耐热耐蚀合金分会共同主席



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