本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06
个人简介:张来,江苏徐州人,本科和硕士毕业于扬州大学数学科学学院,博士毕业于丹麦科技大学(Technical University of Denmark),获数学生态学方面的博士学位,随后在瑞典于墨奥大学(Umea university)先后做博士后,副教授,研究员(终身岗)。主要从事具尺度结构的种群模型(size-structured population model)、食物网模型(food-web model)、物种进化(evolution)、物种多样性(biodiversity)等生态学方面的理论研究。2017年9月加入扬州大学数学科学学院。在生态学国际权威期刊如Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Evolution以及生物数学权威期刊如Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Ecological Modelling, Ecological Complexity, Theoretical Ecology, Physic Review E等共发表SCI论文43篇。
2008/09-2011/11:丹麦科技大学,数学与计算机学院,丹麦海洋研究所(National Institute of Aquatic Resources),博士
2001/09-2005/06: 扬州大学,数学科学学院,本科
1.斑图模式(pattern formation)的动力学机制和在生态系统中的运用,以及从生物进化的角度来研究种群空间非齐次分布对物种多样性的影响。
2.海洋和湖泊生态系统的食物网建模(food web model),以及通过此模型研究气候变暖对水生态系统动力学的影响和评估。例如海洋水温上升、水质酸化等。
3.生物种群和群落进化的数学建模(adaptive dynamics),以及通过此类模型研究人类活动(水质的富营养化,清澈度,物种栖息地的破坏)对生物物种多样性的影响。
4.建立描述生物个体生长发育的数学模型(size-structured population model), 并在此模型的基础上研究其数值计算方法,以及运用此模型研究鱼类种群的生态以及进化的动力学行为。
3. 扬州大学优秀本科毕业论文(2015级徐诺)指导教师
2. 2018年荣获第二届江苏省工业与应用数学奖--青年奖
1. 2018年荣获扬州大学校园科技先锋奖
9. 国家重点研发计划政府间/港澳台重点专项(项目编号2018YFE**): 气候变化对生态系统斑图演化的影响研究,268万,2019/11-2022/10, 参与。
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号**):气候变暖对具尺度结构的水生态系统的影响机制研究,51万元,2019/01-2022/12,主持。
7. 国家重点研发计划项目(项目编号2018YFD**):重要人畜共患食源性病原微生物在动物养殖和屠宰过程中的风险监测和防控技术研究,1335万元,2018/01-2020/12,参与,项目骨干。
6. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号SBK**):气候变暖对湖泊生态系统的影响机制研究,10万元,2018/07-2021/06,主持。
5. 江苏省****计划:气候变暖对水生态系统功能的影响评估,100万元,2018/10-2021/09,主持。
4. 扬州市 “绿扬金凤计划”:空间模式在高维水生态系统中的应用研究,6万元,2018/01-2020/12,主持。
3. 扬州大学科研启动经费:60万元,2017/09-2021/08,主持。
2. 瑞典Wallenberg科研基金重点项目:Climate change induced regime shifts in Northern lake ecosystem,3600万瑞典克朗,2016/01-2020/12,参与, 项目骨干。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号**):种群入侵的扩张准则及边沿特征, 55万元,2016/01-2019/12,参与, 项目骨干。
发表文章(*代表通讯作者,JCR代表中科院杂志大类分区, IF代表影响因子,时间倒叙排列):
43. Canrong Tian, Qunying Zhang, Lai Zhang*, 2020. Global Stability in a networked STR epidemic model. Applied Mathematical Letters107, 106444. IF = 3.487, JCR = 1, Top 期刊.
42. Aurore Maureaud*, Ken H. Andersen, Lai Zhang, Martin Lindegren, 2020. Trait-based food-web model reveals the underlying mechanisms of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Journal of Animal EcologyIF =4.364, JCR =1.
41. Min Zhu, Zhigui Lin, Lai Zhang*, 2020 The asymptotic profile of a dengue model on a growing domain driven by climate change. Applied Mathematical Modelling83, 470-486. IF =2.841, JCR = 3.
40. Min Zhu, Zhigui Lin*, Lai Zhang, 2020 Spatial-temporal risk index and transmission of a nonlocal dengue model. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application53, 103076. IF=2.085, JCR =2.
39. Prince Harvim, Hong Zhang, Paul Georgescu, Lai Zhang*, 2019 Transmission dynamics and control mechanisms of vector borne diseases with active and passive movements between urban and satellite cities, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology81, 4518-4563. IF=1.643, JCR = 4.
38. Canrong Tian, Zhi Ling,Lai Zhang*, 2020. Delay-driven spatial patterns in a network-organized semiarid vegetation model. Applied Mathematics and Computation367, 124778. IF=3.092. JCR = 1, Top 期刊.
37. Lai Zhang*, Xavier Thibert-Plante, J?rgen Ripa, Richard Svanb?ck, ?ke Br?nnstr?m, 2019, Biodiversity loss through speciation collapse: mechanisms, warning signals, and possible rescue.Evolution73, 1504-1516. JCR = 2, IF = 4.268. 进化论国际权威期刊。
36. Magnus Lindh, Daniel S. Falster,Lai Zhang, Ulf Dieckmann, Ake Brannstrom, 2018, Latitudinal effects on crown shape evolution. Ecology and Evolution8, 8149-8158. JCR = 3, IF = 2.340.
35. Lai Zhang*, Daisuke Takahashi, Martin Hartvig, Ken Haste Andersen, 2017. Food-web dynamics under climate change.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Science,284, **.JCR = 2, IF = 4.949, Top 期刊,自然指数遴选期刊.
34. Zhi Ling, Lai Zhang, Min Zhu*, Malay Banerjee, 2017. Dynamical behavior of a generalist predator-prey model with free boundary. Boundary Value Problems.2017:139.JCR = 3, IF = 0.819.
33. Lai Zhang*,Ulf Dieckmann, ?ke Br?nnstr?m, 2017. On the performance of four methods for the numerical solutions of ecologically realistic size-structured population models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8, 948-956. JCR =1, IF = 6.363. 理论生态学国际权威杂志。
32. Canrong Tian, Ling Lin, Lai Zhang*, 2017. Additive noise induced phase transition in a plankton model. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 46,423-432,JCR = 1, IF =2.291.
31. Canrong Tian, Zhi Ling*, Lai Zhang, 2017. Nonlocal interaction driven pattern formation in a prey-predator model. Applied and Mathematical Computations. IF=1.345. JCR = 2, Top 期刊。
30. Jing Ge*, LingLin,Lai Zhang, 2017.A diffusive SIS epidemic model incorporating the media coverage impact in the heterogeneous environment. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B.22, 2763-2776. IF = 1.227, JCR = 3.
29. Lai Zhang*, Jia Liu, Malay Banerjee, 2017. Hopf and steady state bifurcation analysis in a ratio-dependent predator-preymodel. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 44, 52-73.IF=2.834, JCR =2, Top 期刊。
28. Jia Liu*, Lai Zhang, 2016. Bifurcation analysis in a pre-predator model with nonlinear predator harvesting. Journal of Franklin Institute 353, 4701-4714. IF=2.327, JCR = 2.
27. Malay Banerjee*, Lai Zhang, 2016.Stabilizing role of nonlocal interaction on spatial pattern formation. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomenon 11: 135-150. IF= 0.725, JCR = 3.
26. Malay Banerjee*, Lai Zhang, 2016. Time delay can enhance spatio-temporal chaos in a prey-predator model. Ecological Complexity27:17-18. IF= 1.797,JCR = 3.
25. Sebastien* M. Portalier, Mehdi Cherif, Lai Zhang, Gregor F. Fussmann, Michael Loreau, 2016. Size-related effects of physical factors on phytoplankton. Ecological Modeling 323, 41-50. IF= 2.275, JCR = 3.
24. Hong Zhang, Paul Georgescu*, Lai Zhang, 2016. Periodic patterns and Pareto efficiency of state dependent impulsive controls regulating interactions between wild and transgenic mosquito populations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 31, 83-107. IF=2.834. JCR =2, Top 期刊
23. Xinzhu Meng, Lai Zhang*, 2016 Evolutionary dynamics in a Lotka-Volterra competition model with impulsive periodic disturbance. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences39, 177-188. IF=1.002, JCR = 3.
22. Lai Zhang*, Michael Pedersen, Zhigui Lin, 2015. Stability patterns for a size-structured population model and its stage-structured counterpart. Mathematical Bioscience 267, 109-123. IF=1.256, JCR = 4.
21. Lai Zhang*, Ken Haste Andersen, Ulf Dieckmann, ?ke Br?nnstr?m, 2015. Four types of interference and their impacts on theecology and evolution of size-structured populations and communities. Journal of Theoretical Biology380, 280-290. IF=2.049, JCR = 3.
20. Zhanghua Cao, Shibing Zhang, Xiaodong Ji*, Lai Zhang, 2015. Secure random linear network coding on a wiretap network.International Journal of Electronics and Communications69, 467-472. IF=0.786, JCR = 4.
19. Lai Zhang, Canrong Tian*, 2014. Turing pattern dynamics in an activator-inhibitor system with superdiffusion. Physical Review E90, 062915. IF=2.252, JCR = 3.
18. Zhi Ling*, Lai Zhang, 2014. Dynamical behavior of a harvest single species model on growing habitat. Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society5, 1357-1368. IF= 0.297, JCR = 4.
17. Lai Zhang*, Uff H?gsbro Thygensen, Malay Banerjee, 2014. Size-dependent diffusion promotes the emergence of spatiotemporal patterns. Physical Review E90,012904. IF=2.252, JCR = 3.
16. Malay Banerjee, Lai Zhang*, 2014. Bifurcation analysis in a delay-diffusion in a ratio-dependent predator-prey model. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals67, 73-81. IF=1.611,JCR = 3.
15. Magnus Lindus*, Lai Zhang, Daniel Falster, Oscar Franklin, ?ke Br?nstr?mm, 2014. Plant diversity and drought: the role of deep roots. Ecological Modelling290, 85-93. IF= 2.275, JCR = 3.
14. Zhi Ling*, Lai Zhang, Zhigui Lin, 2014. Turing pattern formation in a predator-prey system with cross diffusion. Applied Mathematical Modelling38, 5022- 5032. IF= 2.291, JCR = 1, Top 期刊.
13. Lai Zhang, Martin Hartvig, Kim Knudsen, Ken Haste Andersen*, 2014. Size-based predictions of food web patterns. Theoretical Ecology7, 23-33. IF=2.085. JCR = 4.
12. Canrong Tian, Lai Zhang*, 2013. Hopf bifurcation analysis in a diffusive food-chain model with time delay. Computers and Mathematics with Applications66, 2139-2153.IF=1.398, JCR = 2.
11. Canrong Tian*, Lai Zhang, 2013. Delay-driven spatiotemporal chaos in a plankton system. Physical Review E88, 012713. IF=2.252, JCR = 3.
10. Lai Zhang*, Uff H?gsbro Thygensen, Kim Knudsen, Ken Haste Andersen, 2013. Trait diversity promotes stability of community dynamics. Theoretical Ecology6, 57-69. IF=2.085, JCR = 4.
9. Canrong Tian, Lai Zhang*, 2012. Travelling wave governs the stability of spatial patterns in amodel ofallelopathic competition interactions. Chaos22, 043136. IF=2.188, JCR = 3.
8. Lai Zhang, Zhigui Lin, Michael Pedersen*, 2012. Effects of growth curve plasticity on size-structured population dynamics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology74, 327-345. IF=1.326, JCR = 4.
7. Jia Liu*, Hua Zhou, Lai Zhang, 2012. Cross-diffusion induced Turing patterns in a sex-structured predator-prey model. International Journal of Biomathematics5, **. IF=0.938, JCR = 3.
6. Canrong Tian, Lai Zhang, Lin Zhigui*, 2011. Pattern formation for a model of plankton allelopathy with cross-diffusion. Journal of the Franklin Institute358, 1947-1964. IF=2.327, JCR = 2.
5. Qiulin Tang, Lai Zhang, Zhigui Lin*, 2011. Asymptotic profile of species migrating on a growing habitat. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae116, 227-235. IF=0.853. JCR = 3.
4. Lai Zhang, Zhigui Lin*, 2011. A Holling’s type II prey-predator model with stage structure and nonlocal delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation21, 5000-5010. IF=1.345. JCR = 2, Top 期刊.
3. Zhigui Lin*, Michael Pedersen, Lai Zhang, 2010. A predator-prey system with stage-structure for predator and nonlocal delay. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application72, 2019-2030. IF=2.238. JCR = 1, Top 期刊.
2. Kim Kwang, Zhigui Lin*, Lai Zhang, 2010. Avian-human influence epidemic model with diffusion, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application11, 313-322. IF=2.238. JCR = 1, Top 期刊.
1. Canrong Tian, Lai Zhang, Zhi Ling*, 2009. Stability of a diffusion model of plankton allelopathy with spatio- temporal delays. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application10, 2036-2046. IF=2.238. JCR = 1, Top 期刊.
联系地址:扬州市邗江区四望亭路180号,扬州大学数学科学学院,56号楼 305室
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濮安山(1964.12—),男,黑龙江安达人,扬州大学数学科学学院教授,教育学(数学)博士,课程与教学论专业(数学)硕士生导师,教育硕士专业-学科教学(数学)硕士生导师。社会兼职l全国数学教育研究会常务理事,副秘书长.l江苏省数学教育专业委员会常务理事,副秘书长.l全国初等数学研究会常务理事.l期刊 ...扬州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06扬州大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-林支桂
基本情况林支桂,男,1965年5月出生。1989年在苏州大学数学系获得理学硕士学位,师从姜礼尚教授,1998年在南京大学数学系获得理学博士学位,师从谢春红教授。1999年9月得到国家留学基金委的资助,在丹麦的科技大学留学一年。2001年在韩国的浦项科技大学作博士后研究一年。先后应邀到丹麦Techni ...扬州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06扬州大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-缪龙
姓名:缪龙研究领域:代数学教育背景:1993.9-1997.6扬州师范学院,数学与应用数学(师范),学士1997.9-2000.6扬州大学,基础数学,硕士2000.9-2003.6中国科技大学,基础数学,博士工作经历:2003.8,扬州大学,讲师2006.8,扬州大学,副教授2006.9-2007. ...扬州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06扬州大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王宏玉
王宏玉数学科学学院扬州大学江苏,中国225002Email:hywang@yzu.edu.cn1研究方向主要研究方向为微分几何,偏微分方程及低维拓扑.近年来,主要从事度量几何,辛几何和非线性发展方程的研究。2教育(1)北京大学1984-1988数学系博士生,主攻非线性分析,于1988年获博士学位。导 ...扬州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06扬州大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-魏俊潮
魏俊潮,男,1967.3生,江苏兴化人,汉族,中共党员,博士,教授,硕士生导师.1987.9-1991.6扬州师范学院数学系基础数学专业学习,获学士学位.1991.9-1994.6扬州大学数学系基础数学专业学习,获硕士学位.1994.8-1998.8扬州大学工学院基础部工作.1998年以来,扬州大学 ...扬州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06扬州大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈惠香
姓名:陈惠香研究领域:代数学教育背景:1978/03-1982/01,扬州师范学院,数学与应用数学(师范),学士1983/09-1986/07,扬州师范学院,基础数学,硕士1997/02-1999/06,复旦大学,基础数学,博士工作经历:1982/01-1995/07,扬州大学(扬州师范学院),数学 ...扬州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06扬州大学数学科学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-黄强联
姓名:黄强联研究领域:非线性分析、广义逆理论、数值分析教育背景:1993年-1997年,扬州大学,数学系,本科/学士1997年-2000年,扬州大学,理学院数学系,研究生/硕士2001年-2004年,南京大学,数学系,研究生/博士工作经历:2000年8月-现在,扬州大学,数学科学学院,教师2012年 ...扬州大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06