

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-06

1993.9-1997.6 扬州师范学院,数学与应用数学(师范),学士
1997.9-2000.6 扬州大学,基础数学, 硕士
2000.9-2003.6 中国科技大学,基础数学,博士
2006.9-2007.1, 中山大学,数学与计算科学学院,访问****
2007.8-2008.1,德国Duisberg-Essen 大学 IEM 研究所,访问****
2010.9-2010.10 西班牙University of Valencia,访问****
2011.8 , 扬州大学破格晋升为教授
2012.12, 扬州大学,博士生导师
1. “有限群与图”,国家自然科学基金中俄国际合作项目,2020.7-2022.6,项目批准号:,主持
2. “奇素因子对非可解群结构的影响及其相关应用”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.1-2022.12,项目批准号:**,主持
3. “子群的广义超中心性与拟F-群类的构造”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013.1-2016.12,项目批准号 **, 主持
4. “群的Sylow 对象与群结构的研究”,国家自然科学基金青年基金2010.1-2012.12,项目批准号**,主持
5. “有限群的准素子群”,国家自然科学基金数学天元基金. 2007.1—2007.12项目批准号**,主持
6. “奇素数对群结构的影响及其相关应用”,江苏省自然科学基金,2018.7-2021.6, 项目批准号:BK**, 主持
7. “群的Sylow对象及相关公开问题研究”,国家自然科学基金项目,2005.1-2007.12参加.
8. “发展运用局部方法研究群的结构和攻克若干难题”,国家自然科学基金项目批准号:**,项目期限:2002.1-2004.12.参加
9. “子群的局部性质与有限群的结构”, 江苏省高校自然科学基金,项目批准号:09KJB110009,2009.9月-2011.12,主持
10. “有限拟F-群类的研究”,江苏省省属高校短期外国文教专家重点研究项目,2010.12, 主持
11. “子群的广义超中心对群构造的影响”,2012年江苏省国际科技合作聘专重点项目,2013.10, 主持

1. L.Miao and W.Guo, On the influence of the indices of normalizers of Sylow subgroups on the structure of a finite p-soluble group, Siberian Mathematical Journal,43(1),2002,92-96.
2.L.Miao and W.Guo, Finite groups with some primary subgroups F-s-supplemented, Comm.Algebra, 33(8),2005,2789-2800.
3.L.Miao , On complemented subgroups of finite groups, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,56(3),2006,1019-1028.
4.L. Miao, Finite groups with some primary subgroups Q-supplemented, Comm.Algebra,35(1),2007,103-113.
5.L. Miao, W. Guo and K.P.Shum, New criteria for p-nilpotency of finite groups,Comm.Algebra,35(3),2007,965-974.
6.L.Miao, On p-nilpotency of finite groups,Bull Braz Math Soc,38(4),2007,585-594.
7.L. Miao and Y. Wang, M-supplemented subgroups and their properties, Comm.Algebra, 37(2),2009,594-603.
8. L. Miao and W. Lempken, On M-supplemented subgroups of finite groups, J.Group Theory,12(2),2009,271-287.
9. Y. Li, L. Miao and Y. Wang,On semi cover-avoiding maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups, Comm.Algebra,37(4),2009,1160-1169
10.L. Miao and G. Qian, A condition for the solvability of finite groups, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 50(4),2009,687-691.
11. L. Miao, The influence of M-supplemented subgroups on the structure of finite groups, Bull Braz Math Soc,40(4),2009, 495-509.
12. L. Miao, Finite groups with some maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups M-supplemented, Mathematical Notes,2009, 86(5), 655–664.
13.L. Miao and W.Lempken, On weakly M-supplemented primary subgroups of finite groups, Turkish Journal of Mathematics,34(4),2010,489-500.
14.L. Miao and W. Lempken, On M-permutable maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups, Comm. Algebra,38(10),2010, 3649-3659.
15.L.Miao and W.Lempken, On M-permutable Sylow subgroups of finite groups, Illinois Journal of Mathematics,53(4),2009,1095-1107.
16.L. Miao, On weakly s-permutable subgroups of finite groups, Bull Braz Math Soc,41(2),2010,223-235.
17.X. Yi, L. Miao, H. Zhang, W. Guo, Finite groups with some F-supplemented subgroups, Journal of Algebra and its application, 9(5),2010,669-685.
18L. Miao, On weakly M-supplemented subgroups of Sylow p-subgroups of finite groups, Glasgow Mathematical Journal,53,2011,401-410.
19. L.Miao* and B.Li, On F-quasinormal primary subgroups of finite groups, Comm.Alg., 39(10),2011,3515-3525.
20. L.Zhu and L.Miao*, On Fs-supplemented primary subgroup of finite groups, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 36(1),2012, 67-76.
21. J. Tang and L. Miao*, On Mp- supplemented subgroups of finite groups, Comm.Alg,41(5),2013,1913-1922.
22. Zh.Pu and L.Miao*, Q-permutable subgroups of finite groups, Ukrainian. Mathematical Journal ,63(11),2011,1745-1754.
23. H.Bao and L.Miao*, Finite groups with some M-permutable primary subgroups, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 36(4),2013, 1041-1048.
24.J. Tang and L. Miao*,On the F-hypercenter of finite groups. Canad. Math. Bull. 57(3),2014,648-657.
25. J.Guo, J. Zhang and L. Miao*, On nearly M-supplemented subgroups of finite groups, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal,66(1),2014,63-70.
26. X. Zhang,X. L and L. Miao*,Sylow normalizers and p-nilpotence of finite groups,Comm. Alg,43(3),2015,1354-1363.
27. J.Tang and L.Miao*, A note on m-embedded subgroups of finite groups, Turk J Math, 39(4),2015, 501-506.
28. B.Gao, J.Tang and L.Miao* , Mp-Supplemented Subgroups of Finite Groups, Siberian Mathematical Journal,57(1),2016,18-23.
29. J.Zhang, L.Miao* and J.Tang, M*-supplemented subgroups of finite groups, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.),126(2), 2016, 187-197.
30.J.Zhang and L. Miao*, On Mp-embedded primary subgroups of finite groups,Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 53(4), 2016, 429-439.
31.J.Tang, L. Miao*, Some conditions for cyclic chief factors of finite groups, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 68(12), 2016, 1718–1722.
32. J.Tang, L. Miao*, Nearly m-embedded subgroups and solvability of finite groups, Comm. Algebra, 45(7),2017,3017–3021.
33. L. Miao*, J. Tang, A new condition for solvable groups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 221(10),2017,,2504-2510.
34.B.Gao, L.Miao* and J.Tang, Influence ofMp-supplemented subgroups on the structure ofp-modular subgroups, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 58(4),2017, 606-610.
35.J.Zhang, B.Gao and L.Miao*,Solvability of finite groups, Front. Math. China ,12(6), 2017,1501-1514.
36.L.Miao* and J.Zhang, On a class of non-solvable groups, J.Algebra., 496, 2018,1-10.
37. X.Zhang, L.Miao* and J.Zhang, New criteria for p-nilpotency of finite groups, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin,25(4),2018,481-493.
38.J.Zhang, L.Miao* and H.Bao, On nearly M-supplemented primary subgroups of finite groups. Comm.Alg.,2019, on line.
39.J.Zhang, T.Qiu, L.Miao* and J.Tang, Notes on solvability and p-supersolvability of finite groups. Algebra Colloquium, 26(1),2019, 139-146.
40. J.Tang,J.Zhang and L. Miao*, Some results on the F phi-Hypercenter of finite groups,Mathematical Notes,106(5-6),2019,888-893.
41.S.Dong,H.Pan and L.Miao, On the p-closedness and p-nilpotency of finite groups, J.Group Theory ,22(5), 2019,927-932.
42. H.Bao,L.Miao*,H.Shi and J.Zhang, On F-hypercentral subgroups of finite groups, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 43(1),2020, 35-44.
43. J.Tang,J.Zhang and L. Miao* , New criteria for quasi-groups,Comm.Math.Stat.,2019,7(1),25-32.
2010.4, 霍英东教育基金会第十二届高等院校青年教师奖三等奖
2010.12, 扬州大学中青年学术带头人
2012.11, 江苏省数学成就奖
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