

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-03

张毅教授 性别




长期从事动力学与控制、应用数学等领域的教学和科研工作。近期主要研究领域和兴趣有:分数阶变分问题与对称性;时间尺度上变分问题与对称性;分析动力学;Birkhoff系统动力学;非完整系统动力学等。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项(批准号:**和**);目前主持国家自然科学基金项目《时间尺度上约束力学系统变分问题及其对称性研究》(在研;批准号:**)。在Nonlinear Dyn.,Int. J. Non-Linear Mech.,J. Vib. Control,Acta Mech.,J. Math. Phys.,Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat.,Int. J. Theor. Phys.,Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal.,Complexity,Acta Phys. Pol. A,Chinese J. Phys.,Acta Mech. Sin.,Chin. Phys. B,Chin. Phys. Lett.,Commun. Theor. Phys.,《中国科学》,《科学通报》,《力学学报》,《物理学报》,《兵工学报》等重要学术期刊以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文270余篇,其中120余篇论文被SCI检索,80余篇论文被EI检索。已指导博士生4人,其中2人已获博士学位,获校优秀博士学位论文1篇,2人获国家奖学金;已指导硕士生25人,其中17人已获硕士学位,获江苏省优秀硕士学位论文3篇,校优秀硕士学位论文7篇,5人获国家奖学金。被遴选为江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”首批中青年科学技术带头人、江苏省普通高校新世纪学术带头人培养人选等。
[1] Yi Zhang*. Noether’s theorem for a time-delayed Birkhoffian system of Herglotz type. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2018, 101: 36-43.
[2] Yi Zhang*, Xue-Ping Wang. Lie symmetry perturbation and adiabatic invariants for dynamical system with non-standard Lagrangians. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2018, 105: 165-172.
[3] Yi Zhang*, Xue Tian. Conservation laws for Birkhoffian systems of Herglotz type. Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27(9): 090502.
[4] Chuan-Jing Song, Yi Zhang*. Noether symmetry and conserved quantity for fractional Birkhoffian mechanics and its applications. Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis, 2018, 21(2): 509-526.
[5] Xue Tian, Yi Zhang*. Noether symmetry and conserved quantity for Hamiltonian system of Herglotz type on time scales. Acta Mechanica, 2018, 229(9): 3601-3611.
[6] Yi Zhang*. Variational problem of Herglotz type for Birkhoffian system and its Noether's theorem. Acta Mechanica, 2017, 228(4): 1481-1492.
[7] 张毅*. Caputo导数下分数阶Birkhoff系统的准对称性与分数阶Noether定理. 力学学报, 2017, 49(1): 693-702.
[8] Yi Zhang*, Xiao-San Zhou. Noether theorem and its inverse for nonlinear dynamical systems with nonstandard Lagrangians. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 84(4): 1867-1876.
[9] 张毅*. 相空间中非保守系统Herglotz广义变分原理及其Noether定理. 力学学报, 2016, 48(6): 1382-1389.
[10] Xiang-Hua Zhai, Yi Zhang*. Noether symmetries and conserved quantities for fractional Birkhoffian systems with time delay. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2016, 36: 81-97.
[11] Yi Zhang*, Xiang-Hua Zhai. Noether symmetries and conserved quantities for fractional Birkhoffian systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 81(1-2): 469-480.
[12] Yi Zhang*. Perturbation to Noether symmetries and adiabatic invariants for Birkhoffian systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Artical ID 790139.
[13] Chuan-Jing Song, Yi Zhang*. Noether theorem for Birkhoffian systems on time scales. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2015, 56(10): 102701.
[14] Zi-Xuan Long, Yi Zhang*. Fractional Noether theorem based on extended exponentially fractional integral. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2014, 53(3): 841-855.
[15] Yan Zhou, Yi Zhang*. Noether’s theorem of a fractional Birkhoffian system within Riemann-Liouville derivatives. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(12): 124502.
[16] Xiang-Hua Zhai, Yi Zhang*. Noether symmetries and conserved quantities for Birkhoffian systems with time delay. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 77(1-2): 73-86.
[17] Yi Zhang*, Yan Zhou. Symmetries and conserved quantities for fractional action-like Pfaffian variational problems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 73(1-2): 783-793.
[18] 张毅*. 非保守动力学系统Noether对称性的摄动与绝热不变量. 物理学报, 2013, 62(16): 164501.
[19] 张毅*, 金世欣. 含时滞的非保守系统动力学的Noether理论. 物理学报, 2013, 62(23): 234502.
[20] Yi Zhang*. Fractional differential equations of motion in terms of combined Riemann- Liouville derivatives. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(8): 084502.
[21] 张毅*.相空间中非完整非保守力学系统的一个动力学逆问题. 兵工学报, 2012, 33(5): 600-604.
[22] Yi Zhang*. The method of variation of parameters for solving a dynamical system of relative motion. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28(10): 104501.
[23] Yi Zhang*. The method of variation of parameters for integration of a generalized Birkhoffian system. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2011, 27(6): 1059–1064
[24] Yi Zhang*. Perturbation of symmetries and adiabatic invariants for a system of generalized classical mechanics. Chinese Journal of Physics, 2011, 49 (5): 1005-1017.
[25] 张毅*. 非完整力学系统的Hamilton对称性. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 2010, 40(9): 1130-1137.
[26] Yi Zhang*. Stability of Motion for Generalized Birkhoffian Systems. Journal of China Ordnance, 2010, 6(3): 161-165.
[27] 张毅*. 恰普雷金系统相对运动的稳定性. 兵工学报, 2010, 31(1): 58-62.
[28] Yi Zhang*. Stability of manifold of equilibrium states for nonholonomic systems in relative motion. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26 (12): 120305
[29] 张毅*. 广义Birkhoff系统的Birkhoff对称性与守恒量. 物理学报, 2009, 58(11): 7436-7439.
[30] Yi Zhang*. Conformal invariance and Noether symmetry, Lie symmetry of holonomic mechanical systems in event space. Chinese Physics B, 2009, 18(11): 4636-4642.
[31] 张毅*. Birkhoff系统约化的Routh方法. 物理学报, 2008, 57(9): 5374-5377.
[32] Yi Zhang*. Hojman conserved quantities for Birkhoffian systems in the event space. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2008, 50(1): 59-62.
[33] 张毅*. 事件空间中Birkhoff系统的参数方程及其第一积分. 物理学报, 2008, 57(5): 2649-2653.
[34] 张毅*. 事件空间中力学系统的微分变分原理. 物理学报, 2007, 56(2): 655-660.
[35] Yi Zhang*, Cun-Xin Fan. Perturbation of symmetries and Hojman adiabatic invariants for mechanical systems with unilateral holonomic constraints. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2007, 47(4): 607-610.
[36] 张毅*. Birkhoff系统的一类新型绝热不变量. 物理学报, 2006, 55(8): 3833-3837.
[37] Yi Zhang*, Feng-Xiang Mei. A geometric framework for time-dependent mechanical systems with unilateral constraints. Chinese Physics, 2006, 15(1): 13-18
[38] 张毅*. Birkhoff系统的Hojman定理的几何基础. 物理学报, 2004, 53(12): 4026-4028.
[39] Yi Zhang*. A new conservation law derived from Mei symmetry for the system of generalized classical mechanics. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2004, 42(6): 899-902.
[40] Yi Zhang*. Conservation laws for mechanical systems with unilateral holonomic constraints. Progress in Natural Science, 2004, 14(1): 55-59.
[41] 张毅*, 葛伟宽. 用积分因子方法研究非完整约束系统的守恒律. 物理学报, 2003, 52(10): 2363-2367.
[42] 张毅*. Birkhoff系统的一类Lie对称性守恒量. 物理学报, 2002, 51(3): 461-464.
[43] Yi Zhang*, Feng-Xiang Mei. A differential geometric description for time-independent Chetaev’s non-holonomic mechanical system with unilateral constraints. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2002, 15(1): 62-67.
[44] Yi Zhang*. Construction of the solution of variational equations for constrained Birkhoffian systems. Chinese Physics, 2002, 11(5): 437-440.
[45] 张毅*. Birkhoff系统的一类积分不变量的构造. 力学学报, 2001, 33(5): 669-674.
[46] Yi Zhang*, Mei Shang, Feng-Xiang Mei. Symmetries and conserved quantities for systems of generalized classical mechanics. Chinese Physics, 2000, 9(6): 401-407.
[47] Yi Zhang*, Feng-Xiang Mei. Lie symmetries of mechanical systems with unilateral holonomic constraints. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(15): 1354-1358.
[48] Yi Zhang*, Feng-Xiang Mei. Noether’s theory of mechanical systems with unilateral constraints. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2000, 21(1): 59-66.
[49] Yi Zhang*, Feng-Xiang Mei. Equations of motion for nonholonomic mechanical systems with unilateral constraints. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1999, 20(1): 59-67.

[50] Yi Zhang*, Feng-Xiang Mei. Conservation laws and symmetries of systems with unilateral constraints in phase space. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1999, 12(1): 22-30.

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